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Volume 00, Number 00, 2020

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/ham.2019.0101

Blood Pressure in Andean Adults Living Permanently

at Different Altitudes

Andrés Fernando Vinueza Veloz,1,2,* Aymaru Kailli Yaulema Riss,1,2,* Chris I. De Zeeuw,3,4
Tannia Valeria Carpio Arias,5 and Marı́a Fernanda Vinueza Veloz3,6
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Vinueza Veloz, Andrés Fernando, Aymaru Kailli Yaulema Riss, Chris I. De Zeeuw, Tannia Valeria Carpio
Arias, and Marı́a Fernanda Vinueza Veloz. Blood pressure in Andean adults living permanently at different
altitudes. High Alt Med Biol. 00:000–000, 2020.
Aims: To estimate the association between blood pressure (BP) and chronic exposure to altitude in non-
hypertensive Andean adults, while taking ethnicity into consideration.
Materials and Methods: Sample included 10,041 nonhypertensive adults with indigenous or mixed ethnic
background (the latter also referred to as mestizos), who permanently lived at different altitudes. BP was measured
following international recommendations. Altitude was measured in meters above the sea level (masl) using a
global positioning system. Data were analyzed through linear regression models with restricted cubic splines.
Results: A significant nonlinear relation between altitude and systolic blood pressure (SBP) as well as diastolic
blood pressure (DBP) was found (both p < 0.001). BP described a j-shaped curve, where the minimum was
observed between 750 and 1250 masl, from where both SBP and DBP rose as altitude increased. These associations
were independent from sex, age, index of economic wellbeing, body mass index, and years of education. Inter-
estingly, at all altitudes indigenous people had lower SBP and DBP in comparison to mestizos (both p < 0.001).
Conclusions: Living permanently at altitudes ‡750 masl is associated with higher SBP and DBP in Andean
dwellers and this association is modulated by their ethnic background.

Keywords: altitude; blood pressure; Ecuador; ethnic group; indigenous people; mestizos

Introduction (Bärtsch and Saltin, 2008). The initial cardiovascular re-

sponse is characterized by an increase in cardiac output,

R egulation of blood pressure (BP) depends on the

complex interactions between genetic and environ-
mental factors (Ashraf, 2015). Among environmental factors
tachycardia, and peripheral vasoconstriction, which eventu-
ally result in elevated BP levels (Kanstrup et al., 1999;
Bärtsch and Gibbs, 2007; Naeije, 2010).
are those associated with lifestyle and others such as tem- With progressive acclimatization, BP gradually reduces
perature, noise, pollution, and altitude (Brook et al., 2011; until basal levels are reached, a process that can last weeks or
Bruno et al., 2017). Altitude can affect BP due to its influence even months (Niu et al., 1995; Kanstrup et al., 1999; Bärtsch
on the availability of O2 for the organism. Acute exposure to and Gibbs, 2007). Moreover, since acclimatization results
moderate/high altitudes (‡2000 masl), as is the case for from adaptations at the genetic and the epigenetic level, it is
nonacclimated visitors of highlands, triggers activation of necessary to analyze populations with different ethnic back-
hypoxia-induced chemoreflexes that activate the sympathetic grounds (Childebayeva et al., 2019). So far, only few studies
nervous system with a subsequent release of catecholamines have investigated the effects of chronic exposure to altitude on

Chapintza Health Center, Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador, Chapintza, Ecuador.
Abteilung Gastroenterologie und Diabetologie, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe, Berlin, Germany.
Department of Neuroscience, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Research Group GIANH, School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Public Health, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo,
Riobamba, Ecuador.
School of Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador.
*These two authors contributed equally to this work.


BP while taking ethnicity into consideration (Hurtado et al., target population was selected by simple random sampling
2012; Mingji et al., 2015; Aryal et al., 2016). In this way, it was (Freire et al., 2014).
found that while in Tibetans BP varies with altitude, in non-
Tibetans (including Andean dwellers) such variation of BP Sample
related to altitude is not observed (Aryal et al., 2016).
From the 92,502 people who participated in ENSANUT-
Furthermore, whereas some studies suggest that chronic
ECU, we selected all individuals that had geographic and an-
exposure to altitude is associated with an increase in BP as well
thropometric data and were 20 years old or older (n = 29,781).
as in prevalence of hypertension, others suggest the opposite
People who did not autoidentify themselves as mestizo or in-
(Hurtado et al., 2012; Mingji et al., 2015; Aryal et al., 2016). digenous people (n = 2951), who did not always live in their
The heterogeneity of these results may be linked to different
actual place of residence (n = 10,489), pregnant women
degrees of adaptation, different duration of time of residence in
(n = 586), people who were diagnosed as hypertensive or had a
moderate/high altitudes, different periods during the life cycle BP higher than 140/90 mm Hg (n = 2280) were excluded from
of exposure to hypobaric hypoxia, different lifestyle habits,
the study sample. We only included mestizos and indigenous
different sociocultural and socioeconomic factors, and/or dif-
people, because they form the most numerous ethnic groups in
ferent genetic factors (Rothhammer, 1987; Kanstrup et al.,
Ecuador. Hypertensive individuals were excluded since the
1999; Beall, 2007; Mingji et al., 2015; Aryal et al., 2016).
main question of this article is to find out to what extent BP is
Within this context Ecuador with its various geographical
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related to altitude under normal circumstances and thus con-

regions and ethnic diversity is a privileged territory for
clusions would have been confounded if these people were
studying the influence of altitude on BP. Being crossed by the included. On the other hand, because several people were
Andean Mountains at the level of the equator, Ecuador covers
living together in the same dwelling and therefore at the same
256,370 km2 in the north west region of South America and is
altitude (coinhabitants), we randomly selected one person
divided into three natural regions seated at different altitudes. from each dwelling. As a result, the final study sample in-
The country, in which nearly 16 million people reside, is
cluded 10,061 persons (Fig. 1).
populated by various ethnic groups, of which the most nu-
merous are ‘‘mestizos’’ (mix of European and Native
Americans) and ‘‘indigenous people’’ (Native Americans) Variable definition
(Knapp et al., 2018). The objective of the present study was to Altitude. Altitude of each dwelling was measured in
study the association between BP and altitude in non- meters above the sea level (masl) using a global positioning
hypertensive Andean adults, who permanently live at dif- system (Freire et al., 2014).
ferent altitudes, and find out to what extent this potential
association depends on ethnic background. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood
pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) expressed
Materials and Methods in mm Hg were measured using digital sphygmomanometers
SECA, following international recommendations (Freire
Study design and setting et al., 2014). BP was measured twice, with a period of 5
The present work is a cross-sectional analytic study. The
study sample included people who participated in the
ENSANUT-ECU study, which was carried out by the Min-
isterio de Salud Pública (MSP) and the Instituto Nacional de
Estadı́sticas y Censos (INEC) in Ecuador in 2012. The ob-
jective of ENSANUT-ECU was to assess and describe in the
Ecuadorian population health outcomes, physical activity,
nutritional status, and access to health services, focusing on
specific age-target populations. ENSANUT-ECU was carried
out countrywide, covering urban and rural areas of the 24
provinces of Ecuador following Belmont Report guidelines;
informed consent was obtained from participants (Freire
et al., 2014). Data of the study are publicly available and can
be downloaded from the INEC web page from the following

Participants of ENSANUT-ECU
Participants of ENSANUT-ECU were selected by strati-
fied multistage probabilistic sampling performed by clusters
(censal sectors). Strata refer to urban and rural areas. During
the first stage, 64 censal sectors were selected with a proba-
bility proportional to the size of urban and rural areas of each
province. During the second stage, from the censal sectors, 12
dwellings were randomly selected. During the third stage,
from the 12 selected dwellings, 1 individual from each age- FIG. 1. Study sample calculation.

minutes between the recordings. In case the difference of the the function at defined knot points and restricted the splines to
two measurements were 5 mm Hg or more, a third mea- linear relationships at the tail ends. Knot points were located
surement was performed after another 5 minutes. For the at percentiles 5, 27.5, 50, 72.5, and 95 of altitude, as previ-
current study, values of SBP and DBP corresponded to the ously recommended to avoid forcing curvature or inflections
average of the two or three measurements taken. (Harrell, 2019). All models were adjusted by the potential
confounders listed above.
Ethnic group. Ethnic group was determined by asking the We also included interaction terms for altitude*ethnicity and
participants: how do you identify yourself according to your altitude*age in each model to determine if the effect of altitude
culture? Participants could identify themselves as ‘‘mestizo’’ on BP was different between indigenous and mestizos, and
(mixed ethnic ancestry), ‘‘indı́gena’’ (indigenous people), or between different age levels. There were no statistically sig-
another ethnic group (Freire et al., 2014). nificant interactions for altitude*ethnicity or altitude*age nor
for SBP or DBP, and so the interaction terms were dropped
from the models. Models were adjusted for sampling weights,
Index of economic wellbeing. The index of economic
which were extracted from ENSANUT-ECU. Poststratification
wellbeing (Q) was calculated with the use of principal
weighting method was applied. Goodness-of-fit plots showed
component analysis of 42 variables related to the character-
that chosen models fitted well with the data (Supplementary
istics of the dwelling and income (Freire et al., 2014). Q was
Figure S1). All statistical analyses were performed using R,
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calculated for each dwelling and was expressed in quintiles

RStudio and related packages available in R, including MASS,
from Q1 to Q5. The lower the quintile the lower the economic
sfsmisc, and rms (Venables and Ripley, 2002; Maechler, 2017;
condition of the dwelling.
R Core Team, 2018; RStudio Team, 2018; Harrell, 2019).
Statistical analyses Results
We considered two main outcome variables (SBP and Twenty persons (0.2%) were dropped from the analysis,
DBP) and two secondary parameters (pulse pressure [PP] and because of missing values in variables’ altitude (n = 3), BMI
mean arterial pressure [MAP]), all of which are continuous (n = 15), or index of economic wellbeing (n = 2). Thus, the
measures. To model the outcomes we considered one ex- analyzed sample included 10,041 people, the majority of
planatory continuous variable (altitude), one moderator var- whom reported having always lived at <1000 masl (49%) or
iable (ethnicity), and five potential confounders (sex [males at 2000–3000 masl (36%) (Table 1). Mean age was similar at
vs. female], age in years, years of education, Q, body mass different altitudes, but average years of education and BMI
index [BMI], and area of residence [urban vs. rural]). To was slightly lower at >3000 masl in comparison with the
investigate the association between SBP, DBP, PP, MAP, and other categories of altitude (Table 1). Percentage of women
altitude we implemented linear regression models with re- was higher compared with men at all altitudes, being lower at
stricted cubic splines (RCSs). <1000 masl in comparison with the other altitudes (<1000
Implemented RCS regression models determined the masl: 56%; 1000–2000 masl: 57%; 2000–3000 masl: 62%;
shape of the relationship between altitude and outcomes >3000 masl: 66%) (Table 1).
without any prior assumption. RCSs fitted a smooth contin- Percentage of indigenous people was lower compared with
uous curve of adjusted means with 95% confidence intervals mestizos at all altitudes; this percentage drastically increased
(95% CIs) across altitude levels. RCSs allowed for changes in from 8% at 2000–3000 masl to 36% at >3000 masl (Table 1).

Table 1. Characteristics of the Population at Different Altitudes

<1000 masl 1000–2000 masl 2000–3000 masl >3000 masl
(n = 4880, 49%) (n = 708, 7%) (n = 3614, 36%) (n = 839, 8%)
n (%) M SD n (%) M SD n (%) M SD n (%) M SD
Age, years 32.36 9.02 33.43 9.34 33.24 9.19 33.89 9.53
Education, years 9.99 3.96 9.21 3.89 9.90 4.34 7.31 4.21
BMI, kg/m2 26.39 4.62 26.64 4.14 26.42 4.13 25.77 3.92
Male 2153 (44) 303 (43) 1376 (38) 287 (34)
Female 2727 (56) 405 (57) 2238 (62) 552 (66)
Mestizo 4268 (87) 633 (89) 3326 (92) 521 (62)
Indigenous 612 (13) 75 (11) 288 (8) 318 (38)
Q1 1249 (26) 252 (35) 624 (17) 414 (49)
Q2 1176 (24) 174 (25) 682 (19) 175 (21)
Q3 1031 (21) 132 (19) 650 (18) 118 (14)
Q4 875 (18) 99 (14) 728 (20) 67 (8)
Q5 549 (11) 51 (7) 930 (26) 65 (8)
In total 10,061 people were included in the study from whom 20 presented missing values: 15 regarding BMI, 2 regarding index of
economic wellbeing and 3 regarding altitude. The final sample included 10,041 people.
BMI, body mass index; M, mean; masl, meters above the sea level; n, number; Q, index of economic wellbeing; SD, standard deviation.

The distribution of mestizos and indigenous people living at

different altitudes can be observed in Table 2, which also

shows that in comparison to mestizos, a higher percentage of

indigenous people reported having always lived >3000 masl

Table 2. Mean Values of Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure, Pulse Pressure, and Mean Arterial Pressure at Different Altitudes
(6% of mestizos vs. 25% of indigenous). Additionally, dis-
tribution among Q showed that, at different altitudes (except

2000–3000 masl), most people were living in poverty (Q1

and Q2) (Table 2).

Mean SBP of the whole sample was 114.60 mm Hg

(SD = 10.22), and mean DBP was 71.45 mm Hg (SD = 7.85).

Indigenous (n = 1297)
Mean PP and MAP for the whole sample was 43.1
(SD = 7.67) and 85.8 (SD = 7.92), respectively. In general,

mean SBP, DBP, PP, and MAP were lower among indige-
nous people in comparison to mestizos, and these values in-

creased with altitude (Table 2). To study the association of

BP, PP, MAP, and altitude we implemented RCSs regression
models adjusted by sex, age in years, years of education, Q,
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and BMI (see Materials and Methods section).

BP and altitude

Figure 2 shows multivariate adjusted predicted mean and

95% CIs for regression models with RCSs for SBP, DBP, PP,
and MAP. Corresponding predicted mean values and 95%
CIs of SBP, DBP, PP, and PAM for percentiles 5 (12 masl),


25 (259 masl), 50 (1068 masl), 75 (2657 masl), and 95 (3142

n (%)
masl) of altitude are shown in Supplementary Table S1.

DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PP, pulse pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
A significant nonlinear relation between altitude and SBP
was found [F(3) = 11.00, p < 0.001]. SBP in relation to alti- by the Ethnic Group

tude showed a j-shaped curve. In fact, it was higher at 0 masl

than at 750 masl, where the minimum of SBP was observed
(Fig. 2a). After 750 masl, SBP was higher as altitude in-

creased. When analysis was restricted to compare SBP be-
tween the minimum point of the curve at 750 masl and M
percentile 95 of altitude (3142.15 masl), an increase of

Table also shows distribution of mestizos and indigenous people at different altitudes.
2.46 mmHg (95% CI 1.66–3.27) was observed (Fig. 2a).
A significant nonlinear relation between altitude and DBP

was also found [F(3) = 3.01, p = 0.029]. DBP also described a


j-shaped curve in relation to altitude, although it was less

pronounced. In fact, it was higher at 0 masl than at 1250 masl,
Mestizo (n = 8761)

where the minimum of DBP was observed (Fig. 2b). After


1250 masl, DBP was higher as altitude increased. When


analysis was restricted to compare DBP between the minimum

Three missing values are observed in the variable altitude.

point of the curve at 1250 masl and percentile 95 of altitude


(3142.15 masl), a nonstatistically significant increase of

0.54 mmHg (95% CI -0.23 to 1.30) was observed (Fig. 2b).

BP and ethnicity and other covariates


SBP was significantly associated with ethnicity [SBP:


F(1) = 13.34, p < 0.001]. SBP was 1.54 mm Hg (95% CI


--2.37 to -0.72) lower in indigenous in comparison to

mestizos (Fig. 3a). SBP was also significantly associated with
sex [F(1) = 1739.36, p < 0.001], age [F(3) = 11.16, p < 0.001],



Q [F(1) = 9.31, p = 0.002], BMI [F(3) = 40.26, p < 0.001], and

n (%)a

area of residence [F(1) = 7.65, p = 0.006], but not with years



of education [F(3) = 2.09, p = 0.099]. In this way, SBP was

higher in men in comparison to women (Fig. 3b), increased
with age, and BMI (Fig. 3c, e) decreased with Q (Fig. 3d), and
Altitude (masl)

was higher at rural in comparison to urban areas (Fig. 3f).


DBP was significantly associated with ethnicity [SBP:

F(1) = 9.17, p = 0.003]. DBP was 1.00 mm Hg (95% CI -1.65 to

-0.35) lower in indigenous in comparison to mestizos (Fig. 4a).


DBP was also significantly associated with sex [F(1) = 1026.11,

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FIG. 2. Multivariate adjusted predicted mean for the regression models with RCSs for (a) SBP, (b) DBP, (c) PP, and (d)
MAP. DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PP, pulse pressure; RCS, restricted cubic spline; SBP,
systolic blood pressure.

p < 0.001], age [F(3) = 17.192, p < 0.001], Q [F(1) = 12.05, a j-shaped curve. In fact, it was higher at 0 masl than at 500 masl,
p = 0.001], and BMI [F(3) = 27.19, p < 0.001], but not with years where the minimum of PP was observed (Fig. 2c). After 500
of education (F(3) = 0.66, p = 0.578) or area of residence masl, PP was higher as altitude increased. When analysis was
[F(1) = 0.07, p = 0.791]. In this way, DBP was higher in men in restricted to compare PP between the minimum point of the
comparison to women (Fig. 4b), increased with age and BMI curve at 500 masl and percentile 95 of altitude (3142.15 masl), an
(Fig. 4c, e), and decreased with Q (Fig. 4d). increase of 2.18 mmHg (95% CI 1.46–2.90) was observed
(Fig. 2c). PP was significantly associated with sex [F(1) = 403.99,
p < 0.001], age [F(3) = 59.99, p < 0.001], BMI [F(3) = 8.03,
PP and MAP
p < 0.001], and area of residence [F(1) = 13.01, p < 0.001], but not
A significant nonlinear relation between altitude and PP was with ethnicity [F(1) = 2.40, p = 0.121], years of education
found [F(3) = 5.90, p = 0.001]. PP in relation to altitude showed [F(3) = 0.99, p = 0.396], or with Q [F(1) = 0.16, p = 0.692].
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FIG. 3. Multivariate adjusted predicted means for DBP are shown by (a) ethnicity, (b) sex, (c) age groups, (d) Q, (e) BMI
groups, and (f) area. BMI, body mass index.
A significant nonlinear relation between altitude and MAP [F(1) = 1585.38, p < 0.001], age [F(3) = 4.60, p = 0.003], BMI
was found [F(3) = 6.76, p = 0.001]. MAP in relation to altitude [F(3) = 39.41, p < 0.001], and Q [F(1) = 13.53, p < 0.001], but
showed a j-shaped curve. In fact, it was higher at 0 masl than at not with years of education [F(3) = 1.38, p = 0.247] or with area
750 masl, where the minimum of MAP was observed (Fig. 2c). of residence [F(1) = 1.03, p = 0.309].
After 750 masl MAP was higher as altitude increased. When
analysis was restricted to compare MAP between the mini-
mum point of the curve at 750 masl and percentile 95 of
altitude (3142.15 masl), an increase of 1.07 mm Hg (95% The present study investigated the association between BP
CI 0.45–1.69) was observed (Fig. 2d). MAP was signifi- and altitude in nonhypertensive Andean adults belonging to
cantly associated with ethnicity [F(1) = 13.24, p < 0.001], sex two of the major ethnic groups in Ecuador, indigenous people
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FIG. 4. Multivariate adjusted predicted means for DBP are shown by (a) ethnicity, (b) sex, (c) age groups, (d) Q, (e) BMI
groups, and (f) area.

and mestizos, who permanently live at different altitudes. in human communities permanently living in geographical
Our main finding was that there is a significant association regions located at moderate/high altitudes (‡1500 masl), in-
between altitude and BP; this increment was independent of cluding people from Tibet and Ethiopia. Such studies have
sex, age, years of education, Q, BMI, and area of residence. shown that in Tibetan and Ethiopian dwellers, BP rises as
Furthermore, a close examination of both ethnic groups al- altitude increases (Clegg et al., 1976; Aryal et al., 2016).
lowed us to identify an interesting difference: SBP and DBP Furthermore, two systematic reviews have reported that in
of indigenous people were lower than those of mestizos. dwellers of Tibet the prevalence of hypertension increases
Other studies have also reported a positive effect of chronic with altitude (Mingji et al., 2015; Aryal et al., 2016). Even so,
exposure to altitude on BP. Most of them have been performed the effect of altitude on BP is modified by genetic, cultural, and

lifestyle factors, among others (Baker, 1969; Makela et al., Implications for public health
1978), which may well explain why debates about the relation While the prevalence and absolute burden of hypertension
between altitude and BP in Andean indigenous communities is increasing globally, the awareness of hypertension and the
are still ongoing (Baker, 1969; Makela et al., 1978; Lindgärde relevance of its treatment and control are unacceptably low
et al., 2004; Aryal et al., 2016). Furthermore, such factors may (Mills and Stefanescu, 2020). This may be particularly rel-
also explain the j-shaped curve described by BP in relation to evant for countries with low and medium income, such as
the increase of altitude. Ecuador, where the increase in the prevalence of this disease
is even greater with respect to high-income countries (Mills
and Stefanescu, 2020). Therefore, our findings suggest that
Why is the response of BP to the increase of altitude
health policies in countries like Ecuador should be applied
different between indigenous people and mestizos?
with great attention and even be reformulated to be sensitive
Our findings showed differences between indigenous to ethnic variations.
people and mestizos regarding the effect of altitude on BP.
For example, BP of indigenous people was lower compared Limitations and methodological considerations
with mestizos. To our knowledge, this is the first study that
reports such differences in BP between nonhypertensive There may be several aspects that could interfere with our
findings, such as health status and salt consumption of in-
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mestizos and indigenous people in Ecuador. A possible ex-

planation is that indigenous people have indeed developed terviewed people. For instance, our models were adjusted by
specific physiological adaptations in response to hypoxia that sex, age in years, years of education, index of economic
are likely inherited from generation to generation. Such wellbeing and BMI, but not by biochemical indicators of
specific physiological adaptations probably depend on ge- cardiovascular risk or salt consumption. We did not include
netic variations, the identification and nature of which have such variables, because information on this regard was
recently begun to be investigated. For example, Hyndman available only for half of the sample. Another limitation of
et al. (2002) and Kumar et al. (2015) reported that a point the present study concerns the method that was used to cat-
genetic variation (Thymine 786—Cytosine) in the En- egorize people as mestizo or indigenous in the ENSANUT-
dothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase 3 gene (eNOS3) is associated ECU study. Belonging to a particular ethnic group was
with a higher SBP, but not DBP (Hyndman et al., 2002; determined by asking each individual how he/she identifies
Kumar et al., 2015). eNOS3 is involved in the synthesis and his/herself according to his/her culture and not by performing
release of nitric oxide (NO) from the vascular endothelium, a genetic analysis. So our study could suffer from information
where it plays an important role in regulating the vascular bias. People may autoidentify themselves as mestizo instead
tone and thereby BP. This genetic variation has recently been of indigenous to prevent ‘‘social stigma.’’
identified in Tibetans and could explain why their BP in-
creases as altitude increases. However, it is not known Further research and recommendations
whether similar genetic variations are also present in Andean More studies should be performed to help to better under-
dwellers, and it will have to be investigated to what extent stand our findings. Further research should focus on investi-
such potential variations may also contribute to the difference gating the influence of genetic, physiological, environmental,
in the BP among indigenous people and mestizos. and lifestyle factors on BP and cardiovascular susceptibility
taking ethnicity into consideration.
Clinical implications
Genetic variations such as those involved in O2 regulation,
Our main finding was that SBP, DBP, PP, and MAP in-
erythropoietic response, or NO production and their subse-
creased with altitude in Andean dwellers in a nonlinear
quent effects on BP, could endow indigenous people with
fashion, and that such increment was independent from from
flexible physiological mechanisms to adapt to altitude
sex, age, years of education, Q, BMI, and area of residence.
(Winslow et al., 1989; Bigham et al., 2009; Yi et al., 2010;
Furthermore, a close examination of ethnic groups allowed us
Moore, 2017). Although hypoxic and hypobaric conditions
to identify one interesting difference: SBP and DBP of in-
are known to lead to functional adaptations of the organism
digenous people were lower than those of mestizos.
that optimize O2 transport with a secondary effect on BP,
their specific implications for susceptibility to suffer from
Author Contributions
cardiovascular diseases are still debated.
For example, whereas some studies suggest that hypoxia The main author of this work declares that all authors
may directly reduce the prevalence of hypertension in An- have contributed and work on the development of it as
deans, others indicate the opposite (Ruiz and Peñaloza, follows: Andrés Fernando Vinueza Veloz, MD: Conception
1977; Baker, 1969; Mingji et al., 2015; Aryal et al., 2016). and design, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting of
Culturally driven dietary or lifestyle habits plus genetic the article, and final approval of the version to be published.
susceptibility may be the main reason behind this contro- Dr. Aymaru Kailli Yaulema Riss: Conception and design,
versy. Such factors may also explain why the prevalence of analysis and interpretation of data, drafting of the article,
hypertension is lower in Tibetan monks, who generally have and final approval of the version to be published. Prof. Dr.
a healthy lifestyle (Li et al., 2015). Thus, habits related to Chris I. de Zeeuw: Critical revision for important intellec-
education, healthy diet, and lifestyle, may all contribute to tual content, and writing and final approval of the version to
BP and interact with factors that are triggered by changes in be published. Dr. Tannia Valeria Carpio Arias: Critical re-
altitude. vision for important intellectual content, and final approval

of the version to be published. Marı́a Fernanda Vinueza Bruno RM, Di Pilla M, Ancona C, Sorensen M, Gesi M, Taddei
Veloz: Conception and design, analysis and interpretation S, Munzel T, and Virdis A. (2017). Environmental factors and
of data, drafting of the article, critical revision for important hypertension. Curr Pharm Des 23:3239–3246.
intellectual content, and final approval of the version to be Childebayeva A, Harman T, Weinstein J, Goodrich JM, Doli-
published. noy DC, Day TA, Bigham AW, and Brutsaert TD. (2019).
DNA methylation changes are associated with an incremental
ascent to high altitude. Front Genet 10:1062.
Clegg EJ, Jeffries DJ, and Harrison GA. (1976). Determinants
The authors would like to thank the School of Medicine of blood pressure at high and low altitudes in Ethiopia. Proc R
and the Faculty of Public Health of the Escuela Superior Soc London Ser B Biol Sci 194:63–82.
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