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Recognizing the Adiyogi

10 Jul 2013 30 Comments




he Adiyogi brought the possibility

T that a human being need not be
contained in the defined limitations
of our species. There is a way to be
contained in physicality but not to belong
to it. There is a way to inhabit the body
but never become the body. There is a
way to use your mind in the highest
possible way but still never know the
miseries of the mind. Whatever
dimension of existence you are in right
now, you can go beyond that – there is
another way to live. He said, “You can
evolve beyond your present limitations if
you do the necessary work upon
yourself.” And he gave methods as to
how to evolve. That is the significance of
the Adiyogi.

Before I fall dead, I want to make sure

that His contribution to humanity is
recognized across the world. We are in
various stages of doing this. One thing is
we are building Adiyogi shrines. It is a
twenty-one foot tall bronze Adiyogi with a
consecrated linga in front of Him. It is a
powerful space. The first one is coming up
in our ashram in the United States, in

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Everybody on the planet should know

that He is the one who offered this science
to the world. In the last five to six years,
four major books were published in
Europe contesting that yoga did not come
from India, but is the evolution of
European exercise systems. If they write
another ten to fifteen books like this, that
will become the truth. Whatever you read
in your textbook as history, you believe is
the truth. It is not, I am telling you, it is
just written by some vested interest
largely. So if they write twenty-five to
fifty books like this in the next ten to
fifteen years, after some time everyone
will say yoga came from United States or
from California, or that Madonna
invented yoga. It is not a laughing
matter, it can easily be done. There are
people who are willing to write anything.
Some very famous books are saying this.
Dan Brown, in his book Angels and
Demons, says yoga is an ancient Buddhist
art. Gautama is only twenty-five hundred
years, Adiyogi is fifteen thousand years.
Now you say Gautama, tomorrow you
will say Madonna. If you write a few
books that will become the truth. So I
want to make sure, before I am dead, that
everybody should know yoga came from
Him, nobody else but Him.

We need to do
this because the
ethos of India is
that of seekers.
We are not on the
believers, we are planet
seekers of should
liberation. That
is all that is
know that
holding us He is the
together. If you one who
travel one offered
people look science to
different, speak the world.
different, eat
different, dress
everything about them is different.
Though politically we were over two
hundred pieces at one time, outside people

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say this is “Hindustan” or this is
“Bharath” because the strangeness of this
existence was that they were a land of
seekers, not believers.

It does not matter what Rama said, what

Krishna said, what the Vedas say, what
the Upanishads say, it does not matter
who says what – still, every person born
in this land is supposed to seek his own
truth. You are supposed to seek your own
liberation. Because they were a land of
seekers, they were never conquerors. If
you make the whole humanity on this
planet seekers, not believers, there will be
no conquest. The basic incentive for
violence is gone. People may fight for
small things, but the big fight is over.
Because I believe one thing, you believe
another thing – there is endless fight.

If you see you do not know the nature of

the universe – as scientists are admitting
today – who are you going to fight with?
“No, my God created the universe, not
yours.” That is the problem. A seeker
means one who has realized that he does
not know. If this one thing happens to
humanity, ninety percent of the incentive
for violence will be gone.

So to bring this back, there is no better

inspiration than Adiyogi. And we want to
manifest Him in many ways.

Love & Grace,

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kskumaran • 2 years ago

Namaskaram Sadhguru.
Now the questions start how
does sadhguru knows that "It
was Adhiyogi and it was 15000
years ago", well we too dont
know, but we trust him. This
trust is not mere Egoistic or
psyhcological trust, it is some
sort of realization, that there is
something beyond physical
called metaphysical which is
possible to perceive thru yoga
and this yoga is just not the
back breaking or muscle
wringing body postures, this
was given to us by just the
very Guru. Here we say
metaphysical after realizing it
see more
19 • Reply • Share ›

Indarsan Durai
• 2 years ago
Sadhguru I felt a great pain
that you mentioned "before I
fall dead" I cannot even
imagine that. Your guidance
towards the truth is always
required for us. The knowledge
chain should not be broke.
Please make sure the

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knowledge transfer happens
throughout the existence...
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Shankar • 2 years ago

Stark truth and call for action
from the Guru.

Not to be taken with some

short lived enthusiastic nod &
getting back to usual business

Make it a point to say this to

yourself and at least one new
person everyday.
The missionaries in other
religions are called so for a
reason. They have a mission!

I wish and pray that I be a Adi

Yogi missionary and enable
others too, to be one.

It's high time the usually naked

Truth got a sparkling and
strong armor to last
generations to come!

Shambo Mahadeva!!!!
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Aditya • 2 years ago

Govt. of India Should Patent all
the Asanas... And All yoga
schools should take a
registration number from
Indian Govt. free of charge as
a recognition...
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Jube • 2 years ago

When, Sadhguru, did you stop
saying 'I don't know' and start
having the answer to almost
everything? Where is the
knowledge coming from, for
example that yoga was
created by one man 15000
years ago?
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Ceekaykay >
• 2 years ago
The "I don't know",
applies to us and not to
realised Masters like
Him who went through
this path with a certain
openness without
falling into established
dogmas or belief
systems. His
knowledge comes from
several past life times
or He is connected to

converted by
that dimension which
makes the vast library
of the universe
available to Him
whenever He requires
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Sandra Kampczyk-
Januschko • 2 years ago
What a beautiful logic that
unfolds if you read the article
to the end... yes: The
significance of Adiyogi and of
seeking for the end of violence,
for peace within and around
us... Thank you, Sadhguru,
just in time again your
message... As a European I
spread this message... Thank
you, dear people of India, for
being so beautiful truthful living
preservers of yoga... And may
you know that all my American
and European teachers
acknowledge the deep spiritual
tradition and the yogic system
of India... In my experience,
see more
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Ceekaykay • 2 years ago

" ....because they were a land
of seekers, they were never
conquerors," What a stunning
statement that reflects the true
ethos of this ancient beautiful
culture. And Sadhguru we
won't allow you to fall dead as
You have already done so
much to live for several
hundred years if not
thousands. We believe (at
least I do) that Adi Yogi has
manifested through You for our
sake. I am glad to be living in
Your age and enjoying the
fruits of Your timeless wisdom
and yogic guidance.

Shambo Mahadeva
Pranams Sadhguru
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Ceekaykay • 2 years ago

Seekers not believers that we
Seeking neither heaven or
avoiding hell
But ways to go beyond this arc
And freedom from this karmic

That someday we dissolve

and merge
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and merge
Into the vast cosmos -a grand
When the divinity in us flowers
to surge
Toward ultimate Mukthi's
eternal shine

Pranams Sadhguru
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• 2 years ago
reminded of the books -
Speaking Tree by Richard
Lannoy, Wonder that was India
by A L Basham.
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• 2 years ago
Pranams Sadhguru
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indirapriya • 2 years ago

Manifesting Adhiyogi, a great
messenger/ Messiah you are!
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Sandra Kampczyk-
Januschko • 2 years ago
eft helps me to keep up my
Inner engineering practice and
Isha kriya practice and the
other way round... two tools to
arrive at nature, inner peace
and serving in love
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• 2 years ago
Namaskaram Sadguruji
Sadguruji had explained us
about " seeking" in various
ways. Concern now is the pain
that He expressed about some
vested interests conciously
writing nonsense that Yoga did
not come from our land.
Sadguruji, as always has
vision and this one is true and I
touch the feet of Sadguruji and
express my gratitudes for his
candid warning about the
vested interests propogating
wrong things. I pray Adiyogi
Himself to give strength and
Blessings to our Sadgurji to be
succesful in His endeavor to
preserve and educate the truth
to the world that it was Adiyogi,
who taught this science of
Yoga and none should distirt
the truth.
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Shive • 2 years ago
Lets make its happen :-).
Bless us all Adiyogi
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Jaya • 6 months ago


"Whatever you read in your

textbook as history, you
believe is the truth. It is not, I
am telling you, it is just written
by some vested interest
largely. So if they write twenty-
five to fifty books like this in the
next ten to fifteen years, after
some time everyone will say
yoga came from United States
or from California, or that
Madonna invented yoga. It is
not a laughing matter, it can
easily be done. There are
see more
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gururaja • a year ago

May Sadhguru bless us all with
the wisdom of knowing.
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Mobi • a year ago

People reading worldwide,
please match my donation to
Adiyogi Temple in USA today,
if you can afford to do so,
please- in whatever amount
you can. Let's get the ball
rolling..Thanks! Sadhguru
together we shall make this
happen! The results shall be
priceless to humanity, no
question....: ) smiles and joy,
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alex • a year ago

With you all the Way! Thank
The First Yogi
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Ceekaykay • 2 years ago

Bharat - the land of seekers
and not of believers
The land of welcoming hosts
and not of conquerors
The land where He chose to
come and dwell
1500 years ago as our dear
Sadguru tells
Planting seeds of liberation

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Planting seeds of liberation
For all to seek, find and
eventually share
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Niklas Kristian
• 2 years ago
Is there anyway to get
contacted with Sadhguru?
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subhash • 2 years ago

The distinction of 'seekers' and
'believers' appears to be no
more true if we look at the
present day population of
'Bharat'. People here are
equally 'believers' as people in
any part of the world. I feel,
instead of lauding Adiyogy as
the original proponent of yoga,
not Madona, and creating his
bronze statues every where,
we must first work to make our
people 'seekers' again as
perhaps Osho did in the recent
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Vivek Mani >

• 2 years ago
subash, Addressing
the source is very
important Or else yoga
will remain as esoteric
as ever. The need to
understand where what
came from is a
necessity because the
very idea that
something existed for
ever will not comply
with the humane
intellect and when this
happens then start to
emerge belief systems
which as sadguru says
in the reason for all that
is wrong with humanity
right knowledge is
necessary to maintain
integrity and
furthermore subsist as
an intellectual race
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> Vivek
• 2 years
Vivek Mani,
apart, no
practitioner of
converted by
practitioner of
yoga ever feels
the need to
know where the
science came
from; ever
thought to
discover the
mango tree that
gave you the
fruit you were
eating. Even if
one wanted to
trace origins,
where are the
proofs; can you
recall elders in
your family two
before you?
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• 2
that very
you are
left with
is not
but a
form of
see more

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Makesh >
• 2 years ago
Subash, Sadhguru is
doing his utmost best
to make our people
seekers. Last 30+ yrs
he has spend in that
direction and results
are just phenomenon.
Introducing the source
Adijogi is also needed
to offer the gratitude
and put to rest the
misleading books.
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• 2 years ago
Pranams Sadhguru :
Your words uttered sometime
back to the effect that we are
not straight with ourselves and
hate to admit " What I Know , I
know, what I don't know, I don't
know. It is a wonderful way to
exist" and that "When we see
that I do not know, knowing is
not far off" which still rings in
my ears. You have give us
tools to seek. Let Shiva and
your grace guide us in our
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Elangovan Angannan
• 2 years ago
Way to go, Sadhguru.
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veera • 2 years ago

Sadguru always interested in
actions , sadguru picks up the
guys and installed the shrines ,
he knows who should be
benefited as well
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