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The 72 Names Of God

The 72 Keys To Transformation

72 名前の神様

Copyright information

Copyright © 2015 by Baal Kadmon

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electrical
process, or in the form of a recording. Nor may it be stored in a storage/retrieval system nor transmitted or
otherwise be copied for private or public use-other than “fair use” as quotations in articles or reviews—without
the prior written consent of the Author.

The Information in this book is solely for educational purposes and not for the treatment, diagnosis or
prescription of any diseases. This text is not meant to provide financial or health advice of any sort. The Author
and the publisher are in no way liable for any use or misuse of the material. No Guarantee of results are being
made in this text.

Kadmon, Baal

The 72 Names of God - The Kabbalistic Keys To Transformation

–1st ed

Printed in the United States of America

Cover image : #57929986 agsandrew

Book Cover Design: Baal Kadmon

At the best of our ability we have credited those who created the pictures based on the research we have
conducted. If there are images in the book that have not been given due copyright notice please contact
us at and we will remedy the situation by giving proper copyright credit or we
will remove the image/s at your request.
Translation Notes

The translator does in no way claim ownership of any images or information contained in this book. Currently there have been
attempts on contacting the author to somewhat negotiate any kind of transaction with regards to this book. However due to
being anonymous, said task had some difficulty. Nonetheless, the translator aims to aid the author by increasing the number of
readers and audience who might get interested on acquiring this book.


This book was primarily created for personal use. However, due to the rising popularity wherein this kind of branch of
knowledge is thriving, the translator decided to translate this book. The translator strongly suggests to the reader to purchase any
books of the author to support the work, it’s content and information. This is only an preemptive approach to help those people
who have a hard time reading English in their native or current dialect. Also with the intent of translating this work into other
native language like Indian, Malaysian, and other languages wherein English hasn’t been the normal way of conversation with
the citizens. Selective parts of the sentences and paragraphs have been translated to aid the reader. Minor errors and
typographical issues may arise while translation is being conducted. However, the translator to the best of his effort tried to
minimize said error. Native speakers of the said language may conduct their own translation to further minimize errors
contained in this work. I do hope that any information written in this book will be put into good use and not cause any harm to
another individual, person/s, or group. Credits and respect to the original author and the time in which he has put effort to this
work of art.

し、翻訳者は最善を尽くして、このエラーを最小限に抑えようとしました。上記の言語のネイティブ スピーカーは、
Table of Contents
Copyright information


Chapter 1: What's In A Name? 名前って何?

Chapter 2: The Power of Hebrew Letters ヘブライ文字の力

Chapter 3: The Significance Of The 72 Names Of God


Chapter 4: The Powers Of The 72 Names Of God 神の


Chapter 5: Using The 72 Names Of God 神の72の名前






Baal Kadmon

An individual’s unification with the Creator can only be achieved through the congruity of their qualities. -
Sota, Talmud

It is said that there are 4 approaches and levels to biblical understanding and study.

· The Surface and Literal meaning of the words themselves.

· Hints of a deeper meaning beyond the surface words

· A Deeper inquiry

· Secret and esoteric meaning

Each level of biblical exegesis transcends but includes the former and will never contradict the other. In this
book we will delve into the deep end of the water, the secret and esoteric meaning. We will unlock the secrets
of the Hebrew bible. More specifically, 3 verses from the book of exodus.

" 19 Then the angel of God who was going before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the
pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them, 20 coming between the host of Egypt and the
host of Israel. And there was the cloud and the darkness. And it lit up the night[a] without one coming near the
other all night.

21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea back by a strong east wind all
night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided."

Exodus 14:19-21

Within this text hides something profound and hidden. Within this text lies the keys to spiritual and material
transformation. Within this text resides the secret of secrets. Within the text hides the 72 names of God. Today,
My friend, you will learn them and you will be transformed.
Chapter 1: What's In A Name?

" And God said, let there be light and there was light" - Genesis 1:3


In all mystical traditions, a tremendous amount of respect is given to the spoken and written name. Not only the
name of God but of humans as well. Knowing the name of someone or some force can difference between
abundance and poverty. Names Are Powerful.


In the Buddhist and Hindu traditions; The names of the Gods are used extensively. In fact, they are the backbone
of meditation practices in these traditions. Names of deities are chanted thousands upon thousands of times
daily by individuals who have become intoxicated by the bliss these names can induce.


In ancient Egypt, The Goddess Isis was known to be the embodiment of magical power, she decipher the true
name of the God Ra.


In the Jewish Mystical traditions, the backbone of EVERYTHING is the Name of God. Whole books such as the
Sepher Yezirah are dedicated to the power of letters and words and how God used them to create the universe.
A select group of Mystics used Gods name and the letters of God's name to change events in time and to pierce
the very fabric of the universe.

ユダヤ神秘主義の伝統では、すべてのバックボーンは神の名前です。 Sepher Yezirahのような本全体は、文字と単語の


It is said that if anyone could decipher the true name of God, they would have the power to re-set the entire
universe back to its Primordial state of being. No one knows the true name of God. However, this does not mean
we cannot decipher the other names of God through his spiritual traditions. In this book, we will harness Gods
name to produce inner and outer transformation. You will know Gods 72 names and thus be able to channel the
power of those names to change your life from the inside out. These names , as I said earlier, can be found
within the text of Exodus. The English translation is not the original language and thus cannot be used to
ascertain the 72 names. We will need to glean these names from the Hebrew original of these verses. DO NOT
FRET, you do not need to know Hebrew in order to harness the 72 names of God. All you will need is to
gaze at the holy and powerful names and that will suffice. But before we delve into the names, let us understand
why Hebrew is such an important language for tapping into the power of God.
Chapter 2: The Power of Hebrew Letters

The Hebrew alphabet , unlike most alphabets is multilayered and contains deep spiritual meanings within each
letter. In many ways it is similar to the Sanskrit in that each letter is significant and in and of itself contains power
in the simple utterance of them. Even just looking at them can convey their power. One does not need to
understand what they are looking at in order for the power to transmit. When you look at the sky or at water. Do
you truly know what they are? Do you know the exact mathematics behind how they work? Sure, you might
know that water is H20. Do you truly know how it came about exactly? Some might say they do, but most of us,
including myself have no idea how water works or how the sky doesn't just get sucked out into space. Regardless
of my ignorance of how they work, both are keeping me alive. You see what I mean? The same goes for the
letters and names you will encounter in this book.


The Hebrew Alphabet is comprised of 22 letters with 5 additional letters that are used at the end of words. In
the Ancient and mystical text called the Sefer Yezirah ( Book Of Creation), the Hebrew letters are the very
foundation of all of creation. Please reference the chart below of the Hebrew letters. The letters are read from
right to left.

ヘブライ語のアルファベットは22文字で構成され、単語の最後に5文字が追加されています。 Sefer Yezirah(Book Of

の表を参照してください。文字は右から左に読みます。 - Image is public domain

For the purposes of this book I will not go into the meanings of each letter, I am just going to give you an
overview as to why the Hebrew letters are so important. For our purposes it does not matter what each letter
means since we will be using the letters within the context of individual names. These names as a whole create
power and meaning that transcend the individual letters they are comprised of.


As I mentioned earlier, the ancient Jewish mystical text called the Sefer Yezirah presented the power of the
Hebrew letters. Not much is known about the Sefer Yezirah but it is said that it was a mystical text revealed to
the patriarch Abraham. This means that from the earliest days of humanity, someone knew the secrets to
creation. Through the years many mystics of the Jewish faith have studied it. Some have even used the letters to
create miracles.

先に述べたように、形成の書と呼ばれる古代ユダヤ神秘主義のテキストは、ヘブライ文字の力を表しています。 Sefer

The Hebrew letters come directly from God. Within them contain the secrets of all there is. If one were to
decipher their power, one could ascertain the precise roadmap God used to create the universe. In many ways,
each and every letter is infused with Gods manifestation power.

The Hebrew alphabet looks rather simple when you look at it but that is the beauty. Within the letters, the
deepest secrets of the cosmos resides.


Each and every single letter is creative in some way, shape or form. They are often expressed as residing in 3


Letters 1-9 reside in the primordial or archetypal level.


Letters 10-18 reside in the world or level of creation and manifestation.


Letters 19-22 resides in the supernal or cosmic level.


When you simply gaze at them you are activating creative worlds. It is for this reason we will be using the 72
names of God in their original Hebrew font. Since the letters together create the energy force within the name.


As you can see, this was a brief overview as to why the Hebrew letters are so powerful . I could have gone on for
several hundred pages about each one, but I figure you bought this book to transform your life NOW. If you
would like to learn more about the Hebrew letters and their significance there is a great book called "The
Wisdom In the Hebrew Alphabet".


Let us know discuss the 72 Names Of God - The 72 Keys Of Transformation.

Chapter 3: The Significance Of The 72 Names Of God

As I mentioned earlier, the 72 names of God is derived from the Exodus 14:19-21. In reality, the 72 Names of
God are essentially 1 name comprised of 216 letters. So in that sense it is a name with 72 parts. The name is
divided into triads which means that every name is comprised of 3 letters. To create the first name you combine
the first letter of Verse 14:19 the last letter of Verse 14:20 and the first letter of verse 14:21. You would continue
this until all the letters in these verses are used.


Here is what these verses look like in Hebrew.


Here is the English once again:


" 19 Then the angel of God who was going before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the
pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them, 20 coming between the host of Egypt and the
host of Israel. And there was the cloud and the darkness. And it lit up the night[a] without one coming near the
other all night.


21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea back by a strong east wind all
night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided."


Exodus 14:19-21

For Illustrative purposes I will show you how some of the names are derived from the 3 Hebrew passages.


For the first name, I will highlight the letters in yellow, second name in red and third name is green. I will not go
through this process for every name, I just want to show you how the names were derived. All the names will be
derived for you at the end of the chapter so you do not need to do this laborious process yourself.


Name one:
Name two:

Name Three:

As you can see, it is not too difficult extracting the names from the passage. Now, before I go on and extract all
the names I would like to give a brief history as to how this name was discovered. I Suppose history is not the
right word but we can discuss where the concept came from.


According to the Jewish Mystical tradition, the discovery of the 72 names was a huge spiritual breakthrough. The
prime text in the Jewish mystical tradition (The Zohar) states that the moment Moses discovered the 72 names
and how he could use them this changed everything for the Jewish people. As they were crossing the Red Sea at
first, the water did not part. They were up to their necks in water. But when , In faith Moses used the 72 names of
God, the water parted. In was only after this event did the actual verses get put on paper. As you can see, it is not
so much history as it is a story behind the name and where it came from. This lack of historical evidence is by no
means an indication that it is not true or powerful . As I stated in the introduction, there are 4 levels of biblical
exegesis, the deriving of the 72 names is the fourth level.

One thing we do know for certain is that the names are powerful. People from all over the world and from all
walks of life have used these names to change their lives. I will now extract the names and then go on to give
you the powers that each name contains. After that, we will go through 72 meditations , one for each name and
tap into this awesome power.


The following chart below are all the names extracted from the Exodus verses. Each line is to be read from right
to left.

Chapter 4: The Powers Of The 72 Names Of God

In this chapter I will explain what each name is used for. I will separate each name so it has its own page. I am
doing this so it will be easier to reference and read. In chapter 5 we will meditate on each of the names


This name is used to get rid of regret in one's life.


This name is used to recapture a Pure spiritual state


This name is used to create miracles in all areas of life.


This name is used to get rid of negative thinking


This name is used to bring about deep inner healing


This name is used to foster protection during the Dream State and to have
prophetic dreams.


This name is used to create a bridge to reconcile the body, mind and soul.

This name is used to rid yourself and others of stress and negative energy

This name is used to help create a connection to the angelic worlds


This name is used to protect you from the negative energies of people.
Reverses the Evil Eye

This name is used to reduce the negative influences of an inflated ego.


This name is used completely transform hatred into love


This name is used to foster inner transformation and self sufficiency


This name is used to create peace and to diffuse hostile situations.


This name is used to create a state of mindfulness before you act.


This name is used to create happiness and destroy depression


This name is used to rid oneself from the Ego.


This name is used to enhance procreation in mind, body and spirit.


This name is used to help you be able to hear Gods answers to your prayers.

This name is used to foster sobriety


This name is used to create healing to rid yourself and the world of sickness

This name is used to create an atmosphere of holiness within your being.


This name is used to create an open channel of energy sharing between you
and others.

This name is used to free you from the trapping of excessive need for
material things.

This name is used to help you find your voice in all areas of life.

This name is used to create order where there is chaos


This name is used to create generosity in your life. It will help you be able to
give freely and purely.

This name is used to create Lasting relationships in your life. More

specifically to attract your soulmate.

This name is used to purify your heart from hatred and resentment.

This name is used to create bridges between you and other people. bridges
between you and spirit so you will be securely connected.

This name is used to banish procrastination


This name is used to create positive momentum in your life. If you feel stuck,
this is the name you should focus on.

This name is used to locate and remove part your dark nature or shadow
body. Once revealed, you can cleanse yourself for a higher purpose.

This name is used to foster humility in your mind and spirit.


This name is used to create sexual passion in your life. This passion can also
be focused on non-sexual as well.

This name is used to create inner courage and calm


This name is used to help you see the bigger picture when you are hit with
obstacles of misfortune.

This name is used to create a spirit of charity and sharing.


This name is used to transform your negative events in life into positive ones.

This name is used to help you be impeccable with your word.


This name is used to boost self esteem


This name is used to help you gain spiritual secrets from the divine realms.

This name is used to create faith when you feel like you have lost it. It
eradicates doubt.

This name is used to remove the judgmental side of your personality


This name is used to create prosperity and wellbeing in your life.


This name is used to create a attitude of conviction and faith. You can do

This name is used to create world peace, starting with you.


This name is used to create unity and lessen and destroy selfishness.

This name is used to help you achieve true happiness.


This name is used to help you to foster your worthiness and to reach for what
you really want.

This name is used to destroy guilt


This name is used to create passion in your life, on all levels.


This name is used to help you become more giving and helpful without
having a hidden motive.

This name is used to create a sense of ease and to not fear evil or death. We
are spiritual beings and thus do not fear.

This name is used to enhance your commitment towards a goal.


This name is used to eliminate ego, greed , excessive anger and resentment

This name is used to establish connection to your soul so you can find out
your true purpose.

This name is used to help you let go of the past hurts and traumas.

This name is used to create spiritual illumination


This name is used to help you remove the self inflicted prisons you put
yourself in mentally.

This name is used to help you purify your body, mind and spirit as well as the

This name is used to help you lead an authentic life and teach others to as


This name is used to create gratitude in your life.


This name is used to help you put your best foot forward.

This name is used to help you become aware that you are a divine being and
that you should act accordingly.

This name is used to create accountability in your life. You are the creator of
your life. This will help you gain control.

This name is used to create strength in you so you can achieve more and
expect good things in life.

This name is used to help you contact the ones who have departed this world.

This name is used to help you find your direction in all areas of your life. This
name will also help to find lost objects.

This name is used to help you recognize the footprints of God when things
happen to you. To find the divine lining if you will. Also good to remove
financial obstacles.

This name is used to help you channel angels, spirits and achieve a state of

This name is used to help you completely cleanse your soul.

Chapter 5: Using The 72 Names Of God

In this chapter we will begin to use the power of the 72 Names Of God. On each page contains one meditation.
The Instruction are fairly simple.

Gaze At the Letters as you visualize the outcome you want. Let the letters permeate your entire vision. Let the
letters hold your thoughts as you visualize the outcome you want. By doing this you are tapping directly into the
power of the names. Once the energy feel suffused you may end the meditation.


It's as simple as that. No need to make something so powerful so complicated. Do this as often as you like. I do
have a feeling that once you do it once or twice you will FEEL that changes is coming.


Now, let's get started , lets tap into the awesome power of the 72 Names Of God.


This name is used to get rid of regret in one's life.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about some regrets you have in your life
that you want to get rid. Think about it well as you look upon the letters.

Now imagine the letters removing this regret and completely destroying it.
See the letters pulsating with energy.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.


This name is used to recapture a Pure spiritual state


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your pull to have a deeper spiritual

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and moving in and out of your body
as it brings you back to a state of complete spiritual purity.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.



This name is used to create miracles in all areas of life.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a miracles that you need in your
life. Think about it well.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and drawing that miracles to you.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.


This name is used to get rid of negative thinking


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the negative thinking that is
destroying your life and not allowing you to live your life.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and moving in and out of yourhead,
clearing away the negative thoughts.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.



This name is used to bring about deep inner healing


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about an aspect or aspects of your life
that need healing. Not just superficial healing but true and deep healing.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and moving in and out of your field
of vision. Picture the areas you need healed as the letters pulsate.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.


神の名前を見ながら、癒しが必要なあなたの人生の 1 つまたは複数の

This name is used to foster protection during the Dream State and to have
prophetic dreams.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire to feel safe in your
dream state OR to get a prophetic message via dreams

Now imagine the letters surrounding you as you sleep. See the letters pulsate
as they flow through your mind.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create a bridge to reconcile the body, mind and soul.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the various issues you have in your
life that are creating a disconnect in your being. Whether it be being
disconnected from your body or mind.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you as you sleep. See the letters pulsate
as they flow through your mind. See the letters healing the disconnect
between your Body, mind and soul.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to rid yourself and others of stress and negative energy




Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the stress you are feeling.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you with calming energy. See the letters
melting the stress away from your life.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help create a connection to the angelic worlds



Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the angelic world as how you
imagine it. Feel what it would be like to make contact with angels.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and opening a door to the angelic
worlds. Watch the angel/s come to you riding the letters of this name

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to protect you from the negative energies of people.
Reverses the Evil Eye.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the people who might be sending
negative energies your way.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and protecting you. Imagne them as
a shield as the negative energies bounce off you as the letters pulsate.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to reduce the negative influences of an inflated ego.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a time that your ego got in theway.
Think about how it prevented you from really connecting.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and pushing out your negative ego.
Imagine the letters in your mind as you see yourself as a more humble and
loving person.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used completely transform hatred into love


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about something or someone you harbor
hatred for. Or perhaps they harbor it for you.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and the object of your hatred. As
the letters surround and go in between you, imagine the letters cooling you
down and allowing you to embrace the object of your hatred.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to foster inner transformation and self sufficiency


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your need to take your life to
another level. Think about the transformation you would need to make in
order to reach that higher level.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and carrying you higher and higher
into the universe. Watch the letters wash away the old you. You are now

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create peace and to diffuse hostile situations.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a situation that is currently very
hostile in your life. It could even be the very moment you are reading this.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and removing the hositility from
the equation. Imagine a peaceful outcome as the letters swirl around you.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create a state of mindfulness before you act.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a situation where you could have
used more mindfulness. Imagine that you always think before you act.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and guiding you to take a few steps
back before you take an action. If you are currently in a situation that
requires mindfulness. Look or visualize the letters as you think about your
next move.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create happiness and destroy depression


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your depression and how much you
want to finally be happy.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and permeate your mind. Watch the
letters infuse your spirit with light and carry away the dark cloud of

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to rid oneself from the Ego.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about how much better your life would
be if you didn't have silly unhealthy, unfounded pride.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and permeate your mind. Watch the
letters infuse your spirit with humility and watch the unhealthy pride

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to enhance procreation in mind, body and spirit.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your creativity. Do you feel stuck?
(This can be used for actual fertility issues as well, simply meditate on your
fertility and the end result of fertility)

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and permeate your mind, body and
soul. Watch the energies awaken the creative forces in you.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you be able to hear Gods answers to your prayers.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the prayers you have prayed to
God but do not think he has answered them.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and opening up your mind and soul,
clearing the pathway so you can hear the answers to your prayer. God has
answered, we just often do not hear it.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to foster sobriety


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about an addiction you might have. Do
you want to get rid of it?

Now imagine the letters surrounding you . Imagine the letters pulsating
strength into your mind, body and spirit so you can recover from your
addictions. Imagine the letters shattering the addiction once and for all.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create healing to rid yourself and the world of sickness


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about something that needs to be healed
in your life.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and healing whatever it is you want
healed. Watch as the letters heal it with their energies.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create an atmosphere of holiness within your being.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your pull towards sanctify of mind,
body and spirit.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and cleansing you of all
imperfections and impurities. Watch as you and the letters glow together in
the spirit of purity and sanctity.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create an open channel of energy sharing between you
and others.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire to create open
communications with a certain someone or group.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and the person or people you want
to have an open connection with. Imagine the letters as if they were wires
coming out of you and into the other people. Watch how the energy
exchanges between you.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to free you from the trapping of excessive need for
material things.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire to let go of your
obsession with material objects that are not making you happy.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and the material possessions you
are obsessing over. Watch the energy of the letters cut the cords so the hold
that materiality has on you will be broken. It is okay to want things but not
when it controls your life.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you find your voice in all areas of life.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a time when you felt stifled and

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Image them entering your head
and throat area and opening up that channel. Watch as the energy pulsates
courage and strength into your very being.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create order where there is chaos


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a time when you felt that things
were out of control and you couldn't see the order in it

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine them putting all the pieces
together for you. Watch as the letters pulsate energy over and around you as
things come together seamlessly.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create generosity in your life. It will help you be able to
give freely and purely.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire to be more generous
with your time, money or what have you.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine them entering your heart
and opening up that space of charity within it. Let the letters soften you and
release any fear you have of giving.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create Lasting relationships in your life. More

specifically to attract your soul mate.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire to find the love of your
life and soul mate

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters swirling around
you and your ideal mate. You may not have an exact image just yet, but just
feel the letters sending energy out into the universe. Feel the magnetic pull
of that energy as it brings you and your soul mate together.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to purify your heart from hatred and resentment.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the resentment and or hatred you
feel in your heart. Do you want to get rid of it?

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters swirling around
you and quickly entering your heart. Imagine the letters pulsating a red light
of love into you. Think of the object of your hatred and imagine that they too
have a soul. You can love them too.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create bridges between you and other people, bridges
between you and spirit so you will be securely connected.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire to open up an energy
bridge between you and a person or spirit.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters joining
together to create an actual bridge between you and the object you wish to
connect to. Imagine the bridge as secure and string. Watch the energy pulsate
with the spirit of connection.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to banish procrastination


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a time you have suffered from

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters getting larger
and larger and pulsating with a fiery energy. Imagine this energy suddenly
enters the top of your head and into your own being. FEEL THE ENERGY.
Imagine now the task being done.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create positive momentum in your life. If you feel stuck,
this is the name you should focus on.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about how stuck you are in life. If only
you could get a good kick start.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters flowing inside
of you, raising your energy level higher and higher. Watch the energy
permeate your mind so as to free it from whatever is holding it back. Feel the
letters pulsate.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to locate and remove part your dark nature or shadow
body. Once revealed, you can cleanse yourself for a higher purpose.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about aspects of your life that you
consider dark and destructive. Is it impeding you from living your life fully? Is
it causing you to hurt the people around you?

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters flowing inside
of you, raising your positive energy. Picture the dark side of you suddenly
becoming illuminated by the letters. Watch as the letters clear away the
darkness once and for all.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to foster humility in your mind and spirit.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a time you were haughty and
prideful. Did that hurt you in anyway? Have people been telling you that you
are stubborn and prideful?

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters entering your
heart space and with a warm green light, imagine the letters clearing away
your need to hold on to your stubbornness and pride. Watch it dissolve
before your eyes.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create sexual passion in your life. This passion can also
be focused on non-sexual as well.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your sex life. Is it as satisfying as
you want? Are you suffering from a sexual dysfunction?

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters entering your
body and surrounding your lower extremities. Let the letters vibrate all
around your lower extremities. Imagine them waking your energies up.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create inner courage and calm


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your need to become courageous.
Is there something you really want to do but do not have the courage and
strength to do it?

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters entering your
body and surrounding your upper body. Image the letters growing in intensity
as you think about the thing you need courage for . Watch your fear
transform into positive , proactive courage.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you see the bigger picture when you are hit with
obstacles of misfortune.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a situation you are in now that
doesn't make sense to you. Why is it happening?

Now imagine the letters in front of you. Looks at them as they pulsate
energy. Ask God for an answer. As for insight and then watch the letters enter
your mind. Do this a few times as it opens up your mind.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create a spirit of charity and sharing.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire to be more open and
sharing. Will being more open to sharing help your relationships?

Now imagine the letters fly right into your heart. Imagine your heart space to
be engraved with the letters of God. Let it pulsate until it completely over
takes your heart space. Imagine the person or situation you wish to be less
selfish about. Watch how your thoughts of it transforms.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to transform your negative events in life into positive ones.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the hardship you are going through
right now. Can this situation turn around and benefit you in the end?

Now imagine the letters in your hands pulsating. Look at them and inquire of
them as to what can be done to convert your negative situations into a
positive one. The name of God will literally put the solution in your hands. A
resolution is forthcoming.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you be impeccable with your word.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about keeping your word. Not only your
promises but the way you speak in general. Would your life improve if you
were to control your tongue more often? Would it help you stop lying to
others and to yourself?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine them now
entering your body through your mouth. Watch as they illuminate your
mouth and throat area, then moving down to your heart. Watch how mindful
you become of your words after this.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to boost self esteem


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your current level of self esteem or
lack of self esteem. Think about how successful and happy you would be if
you simply had higher self esteem

Now imagine the letters pulsating inside of you and outside of you. Imagine
them swirling all around you. Now think of what high self esteem looks like
and visualize the letters go right into your heart space and grow an intensity.
Do this often when you feel you need to raise your self esteem.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you gain spiritual secrets from the divine realms.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your connection to spirit. Imagine
that deep inner thirst for spiritual wisdom that you have. Nothing seems to
be able to quench it.

Now imagine the letters pulsating all around you. Imagine you are in a hall of
records. Watch as the light of the letters guides you to where you need to go.
Imagine now books of hidden wisdom right there in front of you. Watch the
letter illuminate your eyes. What do you see? What do you hear?

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create faith when you feel like you have lost it. It
eradicates doubt.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your lack of faith. Think about the
doubt that seems to control your heart. Do you doubt Gods providence?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine that these letters
are the creators of all miracles. Think back now on a time when you received
a miracles. Now let the letters pulsate with this memory. Then imagine them
entering your heart and mind.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to remove the judgmental side of your personality


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your judgmental self. Do you judge
people unfairly? Have people told you so? Is it hard to stop?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine that these letters
are softening your mind. Think back now on a time when you were overly
judgmental towards someone. Now let the letters pulsate with this memory.
Then imagine the letters entering your heart.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create prosperity and wellbeing in your life.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire for prosperity and
wellbeing. Imagine what it would be like to have what you so very much

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Image what it would like
and what you would do if you had the prosperity you desire. Now baths in
the glow of the letters of God as God makes it so.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create a attitude of conviction and faith. You can do


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your lack of conviction and faith.
Think about the doubt that seems to control you. Do you lack conviction?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine that these letters
are the creators of all miracles. Think back now on a time when you received
a miracles. Now let the letters pulsate with this memory. Then imagine them
entering your heart and mind. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create world peace, starting with you.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your lack of inner peace. Are you in
turmoil all the time?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine that these letters
are the facilitators of peace. Think back now on a time when you did feel
peaceful. Now let the letters pulsate with this memory. Then imagine them
entering your heart and mind. As you feel peace, send a pulse of peace out to
the universe as a token of thanks.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create unity and lessen and destroy selfishness.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about how you create divisiveness within
yourself or other people. Why do you think you do that?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you and all around you. Imagine
that these letters are creating a clear path of unity and reconciliation
between yourself and others or between the various aspects of yourself you
do not like. Image the letters as healers of this rift.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you achieve true happiness.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your level of happiness and
contentment. Do all the gadgets that you have and all the comforts you have
making you truly happy?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you and all around you. Imagine
that these letters are entering your mind and clearing out all the
preconceived notions of happiness you might have. Imagine yourself finally
free and happy. What does that look like? Once you have it, imagine that
image surrounded by the letters.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you to foster your worthiness and to reach for what
you really want.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your current level of self worth or
lack of self worth. Think about how successful and happy you would be if you
simply had higher self worth

Now imagine the letters pulsating inside of you and outside of you. Imagine
them swirling all around you. Now think of what high self worth looks like
and visualize the letters go right into your heart space and grow an intensity.
Do this often when you feel you need to raise your self worth

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to destroy guilt


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your level of guilt about a certain
event in your life.

Now imagine the letters pulsating inside of you and outside of you. Imagine
them swirling all around you. Now think of what is causing you guilt and
what it could be like to let it go. Do this often when you feel you no longer
feel the guilt.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create passion in your life, on all levels.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your level of energy and passion in
your life. Is it lacking? Is there a feeling of boredom in your life?

Now imagine the letters pulsating inside of you and outside of you. Imagine
your life and how passionless it is. Now think about what it would be like to
have that energy and drive and passion for life. Now let the pulsating letters
flow completely inside of your body , literally energizing every cell in your
body. Imagine yourself as a glowing being, full of purpose. Do this a few
times and you should start to feel that stirring and love for life again.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you become more giving and helpful without
having a hidden motive.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire to be more

authentically caring and giving .

Now imagine the letters fly right into your heart. Imagine your heart space to
be engraved with the letters of God. Let it pulsate until it completely over
takes your heart space. Imagine what it could be like to truly give without
expectation. Watch how your thoughts transform.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create a sense of ease and to not fear evil or death. We
are spiritual beings and thus do not fear.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your fear of evil and or death.
Think about how it fills you with dread. Why do you fear?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine that these letters
are the creators of all that is and that everything it touches never truly dies
and nothing it creates is evil. Think back now on a time when you feared.
Now let the letters pulsate with this memory. Then imagine them entering
your heart and mind and eradicating your fears.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to enhance your commitment towards a goal.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your goal or goals. How badly do
you want to achieve them? Do you want them but lack that drive and

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine that these letters
are the stepping stones to achieving your goals. Think back now on goals you
have achieved, even if small ones. Now let the letters pulsate with this
memory. Then imagine them entering your heart and mind and applying to
your current goals.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to eliminate ego, greed , excessive anger and resentment


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about all your resentments and anger.
What is the source of this anger and resentment?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine that these letters
are soothing the anger you have. Think back on the event or person who is
the source of this anger and resentment. Now let the letters pulsate with this
memory. Then imagine them entering your heart and mind and sending out
calm energy throughout your being. The person you are angry at is also a
child of God. They deserve mercy as you do. These letters will help cultivate
that in you.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to establish connection to your soul so you can find out
your true purpose.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your souls purpose. Do you know
what it is? Are you feeling that you don't have a purpose? All souls have a
purpose so with this exercise we will help find it for you.

Now imagine the letters pulsating around you. Imagine that these letters are
lifting you up into the universal consciousness. Suddenly you see a mirror
with the letters reflecting off of them. In the mirror you look at yourself. Do
you see your soul. Infuse the image with these letters and ask your soul what
its purpose is. When ready, come out of the meditation and pay special
attention to your day to day. You may very well get a sign as to what your
purpose truly is.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you let go of the past hurts and traumas.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about some pain or trauma you've been
carrying around. Is this pain stopping you from living your life?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine how you would
feel if you were free of this pain. Imagine the freedom and them visualize
your entire being being coddled and cared for by God. Imagine the letters lift
you up and wipe away the pain from your life.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create spiritual illumination


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your connection to spirit. Imagine
that deep inner thirst for inner illumination that you have. Nothing seems to
be able to quench it. It is strong in you

Now imagine the letters pulsating all around you. Imagine you are a pure
being of light. Watch as the light of the letters guides you to more and more
light. Imagine now a source of hidden wisdom right there in front of you.
Watch the letter illuminate your eyes. What do you see? What do you hear?

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you remove the self inflicted prisons you put
yourself in mentally.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your limiting thoughts and how
they are holding you back.

Now imagine the letters pulsating all around you. Imagine you are in a prison
and you are now being handed the keys to free yourself. Imagine the keys are
engraved with the letters of God. Open the prison door and walk out as you
are fully illuminated in the light of this name of God.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you purify your body, mind and spirit as well as the


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your pull towards purity of mind,
body and spirit.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and cleansing you of all
imperfections and impurities. Watch as you and the letters glow together in
the spirit of purity and sanctity.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you lead an authentic life and teach others to as


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your desire to live an authentic life.
Think about your wish to lead by example.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters flowing inside
of you, raising your positive energy. Picture yourself living from your spiritual
core and watch as others learn from you. Imagine the letters lifting you
higher and higher until you are subsumed into the oneness of God.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create gratitude in your life.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about opening your heart to abundant
gratitude. After all, the more gratitude we have the more we will attract in

Now imagine the letters surrounding you. Imagine the letters flowing inside
of you, raising your gratitude levels. Think of everything you are grateful for
now and let the letters send it light. Watch as your gratitude grows.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you put your best foot forward.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about a situation in which you want to
make a good impression. It could be anything, A job interview , a date
whatever it is.

Now imagine the letters in front of you blazing in front of you. Hold that
image for a bit and then visualize the light permeating your entire being.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you become aware that you are a divine being and
that you should act accordingly.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the fact that you are not just a
child of God but a piece of God. I know you may doubt this at times, but you
are one with God

Now imagine the letters in engraved in your heart. Feel the feeling of what it
is to be a piece of the living God. Feel it, close your eyes and let that feeling
wash over you and fill you up.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create accountability in your life. You are the creator of
your life. This will help you gain control.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your current level of

accountability. Are you accountable in your life? Do you have control over it?

Now imagine the letters in engraved in your mind. Watch as the intensity of
the light shining from the letters slowly grows over your entire head. Sit with
this for a few moments. Now visualize yourself as the creator of your life.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to create strength in you so you can achieve more and
expect good things in life.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about what you want to achieve in your
life so you can live more fulfilled. How badly do you want to achieve this?

Now imagine the letters pulsating in front of you. Imagine that these letters
are the stepping stones to achieving your lifes dream. Think back now on
goals you have achieved, even if small ones. Now let the letters pulsate with
this memory. Then imagine them entering your heart and mind and applying
to your current life aspirations.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you contact the ones who have departed this world.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the person who has departed. Feel
what it would be like to make with them

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and opening a door to the other
side. Watch the departed come to you riding the letters of this name. Now
make the connection that you need.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you find your direction in all areas of your life. This
name will also help to find lost objects.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about where you are in life. Do you lack
direction? Do you feel aimless?

Now imagine the letters pulsating inside of you and outside of you. Imagine
your life and where it is now. Now think about what it would be like to have
direction and purpose. Now let the pulsating letters flow completely inside of
your body , literally energizing every cell. Imagine yourself as a glowing
being, full of purpose. Do this a few times and you should start to feel that
stirring and nudge to move you out of your rut.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you recognize the footprints of God when things
happen to you. To find the divine-lining if you will. Also good to remove
financial obstacles.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your current financial state. Are
you looking to make financial breakthroughs?

Now imagine the letters pulsating inside of you and outside of you. Imagine
what your life would be like if you conquer your financial hardships. Imagine
now that the letters are in front of you. Gaze upon them as you imagine what
financial abundance looks like to you. Then let it go.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you channel angels, spirits and achieve a state of


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about the spirit worlds as how you
imagine it. Feel what it would be like to make contact with angels and spirits
to gain insight.

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and opening a door to the angelic
worlds. Watch the angel/s and spirits come to you riding the letters of this

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

This name is used to help you completely cleanse your soul.


Please take a moment and relax

While Looking At Gods name, think about your pull to clear your soul of all
impurities of the ego and material cravings

Now imagine the letters surrounding you and moving in and out of your body
as it brings you back to a state of complete spiritual purity.

Once you feel that it has worked. You can stop the meditation. Do this as
often as you like.

We have come to the end of this text. I know it might not seem like much, but what you have just learned here
will unlock your potential in ways that other texts cannot do. Often we are beguiled by overly complex methods
of transformation. We think " if it is elaborate and complex, it must be good." This, my friend ,is not the case.
Our connection with spirit is meant to be easy, not hard. Anyone who tells you that we must work and toil in
order to connect to God is not telling you the truth. Just on a logical basis alone it doesn't make sense to have to
toil to BE what you already ARE. All it takes is some mindfulness and knowing. I am not saying that
transformation doesn't require inner work, it does. But the methods to get there do not and are not meant to be
complicated. Less is More.

な変換方法に惑わされます。 「精巧で複雑なものなら、それは良いこ

I am confident that by simply gazing at the letters of the 72 names you will gain great benefit. They are, after all,
the 72 keys to transformation.

The Information in this book is for educational purposes only and not for treatment, diagnosis or prescription of
any diseases or life situations. All advice is for educational purposes only. The Author and the publisher of this
book are in no way liable for any misuse of the material. In addition, you agree to purchase this book as is. I
Cannot Promise you results.

EPILOGUE (by Translator)
I would like to express my greatest gratitude to the author for this kind of work which probably has inspired
many. Constant improvements and support are being done and on-going so that some readers which normally don’t
have the ability to read this kind of books could enjoy the threshold of information within. Again, I would like the
readers or audience to purchase their books given that the reader has a means to do so.
Baal Kadmon

Xvlun - Temple of Baal Shamin Palmyra Syria {{cc-by-sa-2.5}}

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