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Convert each of the following fractions as percentage:

(i) 3/25 =

(iii) 4/5 =

(iii) 3/4 =

(iv) 2/3 =

(v) 1 =

2. Express each of the following fraction into a percentage:

(i) 6/5=

(ii) 42/5 =

(iii) 11/4 =

3. Express each of the following statements in the percentage form:

(i) 5 out of 20 are bad

(ii) 3 children in a class of 30 are absent.

(iii) 21 apples out of 30 are good

(iv) 47 students out of 50 are present

4. Express each of the following percentage into fraction in lowest terms:

(i) 16 % =

(ii) 48 % =

(iii) 5 % =

(iv) 25 % =

(v) 115 % =

(vi) 1 % =

5. Convert each of the following percentage as fractions in the lowest form:

(i) 24 % =

(ii) 62 % =

(iii) 30 % =

(iv) 75 % =

(v) 10 % =

6. Convert each of the decimal percentage as fractions in the lowest form:

(i) 3.5 % =

(ii) 0.5 % =

(iii) 30.2% =

(iv) 0.4 % =

(v) 0.375 % =

7. Find 40 % of 240
8. 10 % of 1 hour is equal to how many minutes?

9. Find 120 % of 25 km

10. Find 10 % of 400 kg

11. Find the number whose 8 % is 72.

12. What is the sum of the money of which 15 % of $225?

13. In a public show 75 % of the seats were filled. If there were 600 seats in
the hall, how many seats were vacant?

14. Sam scored 36 marks out of 60. Express the marks in percentage.

15. Express 80 ml as a percent of 400 ml

16. Express 1 hour 36 minutes as the percent of 2 hours 40 minutes.

17. Find the number if 12 % of it is 60.

18. What percent of $15 is 75 cents?

19. What percent of 70 kg is 2.1 kg?

20. 296 is what per cent of 3700?

21. Find 17 % of $ 1700

22. Find 10 % of 900

23. Find the number if 35 % of it is 280 km

24. What is 30 % of 80?

25. In a class of 50 students, 40 % are girls. Find the number of girls and
number of boys in the class?
26. Ron scored 344 marks out of 400 marks and his elder brother Ben scored
582 marks out of 600 marks. Who scored percentage is better?

27. In final exam of class IX there are 50 students 10 % students failed. How
many students passed to class X?

28. Victor gets 92 % marks in examinations. If these are 460 marks, find the
maximum marks.

29. Aaron had $ 2100 left after spending 30 % of the money he took for
shopping. How much money did he take along with him?

30. A shopkeeper bought 600 oranges and 400 bananas. He found 15% of
oranges and 8% of bananas were rotten. Find the percentage of fruits in
good condition.

31. In an election, candidate A got 75% of the total valid votes. If 15% of
the total votes were declared invalid and the total numbers of votes is
560000, find the number of valid vote polled in favour of candidate.

32. A team lost 25 % of the matches it played. If it won 15 matches, find the
number of matches it played.

33. In a plot of 6000 sq. m., only 4500 sq. m. is allowed for construction.
What percent of the plot is to be left without construction?

34. A girl is scored 60 out of 75 in English, 60 out of 90 in mathematics and

80 out of 100 in Science. Find girls score as percentage:

35. A number is reduced by 10 %. Its present value is 270. What was its
original value?

36. Mike needs 30% to pass. If he scored 212 marks and falls short by 13
marks, what was the maximum marks he could have got?
37. A number is increased by 40 % and then decreased by 40 %. Find the
net increase or decrease per cent.

38. Max scored 6 marks more than what he did in the previous examination
in which he scored 30. Maria scored 30 marks more than she did in the
previous examination in which she scored 60. Who showed less

39. In an exam Ashley secured 332 marks. If she secured 83 % makes, find
the maximum marks.

40. An alloy contains 26 % of copper. What quantity of alloy is required to

get 260 g of copper?

41. There are 50 students in a class. If 14% are absent on a particular day,
find the number of students present in the class.

42. In a basket of apples, 12% of them are rotten and 66 are in good
condition. Find the total number of apples in the basket.

43. In an examination, 300 students appeared. Out of these students; 28 %

got first division, 54 % got second division and the remaining just passed.
Assuming that no student failed; find the number of students who just

44. In a class 60% of the students are girls. If the total number of students
is 30, what is the number of boys?

45. Emma scores 72 marks out of 80 in her English exam. Convert her marks
into percent.

46. Mason was able to sell 35% of his vegetables before noon. If Mason had
200 kg of vegetables in the morning, how many grams of vegetables was he
able to see by noon?
47. Alexander was able to cover 25% of 150 km journey in the morning.
What percent of journey is still left to be covered?

48. A cow gives 24 l milk each day. If the milkman sells 75% of the milk,
how many liters of milk is left with him?

49. While shopping Grace spent 90% of the money she had. If she had $
4500 on shopping, what was the amount of money she spent?

50. Mother's weight is 25 % more than that of daughter. What percent is

daughter's weight less than mother's weight?

51. Kelly requires 36 % to pass. She gets 196 marks and falls short by 20
marks. Find the maximum numbers she could have got.

52. In an examination, 460 students appeared. Out of these students; 23 %

got first division, 62 % got second division and the remaining just passed.
Assuming that no student failed; find the number of students who just

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