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11 Cell cycle and division

11.1 Chromosomes (Book 2, p. 11-3)

(1) _______________ _______________ (細胞分裂) is a process in which a cell

((2) _______________ cell) divides to form new cells ((3) _______________ cells).
Cell division involves the passing on of (4) _______________ information from parent cells to
daughter cells. This information is important in determining the structure and functions of
the cells and is carried in (5) _______________ _______________ (DNA). Inside the nucleus,
DNA and proteins together form structures called (6) _______________ (染色體).
When a cell is not dividing, individual chromosomes are not visible. They exist as a mass of
long and thin fibres called (7) _______________ (染色質).
At the time cell division begins, the chromatin fibres coil up tightly. Each chromosome is seen
to consist of two identical (8) _______________ (染色單體).

a (9) _______________

(10) _______________ fibre

protein (11) _______________


DNA molecule

two (12) _______________ _______________

(姊妹染色單體) make up one chromosome

▲ Structure of a chromosome at the time cell division begins

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Chromosomes exist in pairs called (13) _______________ _______________ (同源染色體) in
body cells.
- One member in a homologous pair comes from the male parent and is called the
(14) _______________ _______________ (父系染色體).
- The other one comes from the female parent and is called the (15) _______________
_______________ (母系染色體).
Each body cell has (16) _______________ sets of chromosomes and is described as
(17) _______________ (二倍體) (2n).
A gamete (配子) has (18) _______________ set of chromosomes and is described as
(19) _______________ (單倍體) (n).
The (20) _______________ of chromosomes is always the same among individuals of the
same species but it varies from one species to another.

11.2 The cell cycle and mitotic cell division (Book 2, p. 11-6)

Many body cells can divide by (1) _______________ _______________ _______________

(有絲細胞分裂). The (2) _______________ _______________ (細胞週期) is the sequence of
events that takes place in a body cell from one cell division to the next.

A What are the stages of the cell cycle? (Book 2, p. 11-6)

Stage Description

(3) _______________ (間期) It is also called cell growth.

It consists of (4) _______________ division and

Mitotic cell division
(5) _______________ division.

1 Interphase (cell growth)

Many biochemical activities take place to prepare for cell division, including:
- synthesis of new (6) _______________ and proteins.
- DNA (7) _______________ (複製). Each chromosome becomes duplicated (複製) and it
consists of (8) _______________ identical DNA molecules.
- the growth of cell to its (9) _______________ size.
Chromosomes are (10) _______________ (visible / invisible) at this stage.

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2 Mitotic cell division
A body cell divides to form (11) _______________ daughter cells. The daughter cells
contain the same (12) _______________ and (13) _______________ of chromosomes as
their parent cell.

i) Nuclear division
The nuclear division of mitotic cell division is called (14) _______________ (有絲分裂).
It involves the separation of the (15) _______________ _______________ of each
chromosomes and the equal (16) _______________ of the separated chromatids between
two daughter nuclei.
Mitosis can be divided into four stages:

Stage Description

Chromosomes shorten and thicken. They

(17) _______________ become (18) _______________.
(前期) The (19) _______________
_______________ breaks down.

The chromosomes line up along the

(20) _______________ (21) _______________.
(中期) (22) ______________ ______________
(紡錘絲) attach to the chromosomes.

The spindle fibres (24) _____________.

(23) _______________ The (25) _______________
(後期) _______________ separate and move to
opposite poles of the cell.
The (26) _______________ starts to

New (28) _______________

(27) _______________ _______________ form around each
(末期) group of chromosomes.
The chromosome uncoil to become
(29) _______________ again.

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ii) Cytoplasmic division
Cytoplasmic division is also called (30) ______________ (胞質分裂). The (31) _____________
of the parent cell divides into two equal halves, forming two daughter cells.
In animal cells, the cell membrane around the centre of the cell (32) _______________
inwards until the cell separates into two.
cell membrane
constricts inward

▲ Cytoplasmic division in animal cells

In plant cells, a (33) _______________ _______________ (細胞板) is formed between

the two daughter nuclei. It grows outwards from the centre of the cell, dividing the
(34) _______________ into two halves.
cell plate
grows outwards

▲ Cytoplasmic division in plant cells

B What is the importance of mitotic cell division? (Book 2, p. 11-11)

Mitotic cell division produces daughter cells that are genetically (35) _______________
_______________ (identical to / different from) their parent cell.
Mitotic cell division is important for growth, repair and (36) _______________ reproduction

Go to
Practical 11.1 Examination of different stages of the cell cycle
(Book 2 p. 11-10; Practical Workbook for SBA 2, p. 11-1)

Practical 11.2 Investigation of the relative time spent in each stage of the cell cycle
(Book 2 p. 11-10; Practical Workbook for SBA 2, p. 11-5)

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11.3 Meiotic cell division (Book 2, p. 11-13)

(1) _______________ _______________ _______________ (減數細胞分裂) occurs only in

gamete-producing cells and results in the formation of (2) _______________.
Meiotic cell division reduces the chromosome number by (3) _______________.
It gives rise to (4) _______________ haploid daughter cells which are genetically
(5) _______________ _______________ (identical to / different from) the parent cell and
among themselves.

A How does meiotic cell division occur? (Book 2, p. 11-13)

Meiotic cell division occurs after (6) _______________. It consists of first meiotic division
and second meiotic division. Each of them starts with nuclear division ((7) _______________
(減數分裂)), followed by cytoplasmic division.
First meiotic division involves the pairing and separation of (8) _______________
_______________. Second meiotic division involves the separation of the
(9) _______________ _______________ of each chromosome.
Stages of first meiotic division:

Stage Description

Chromosomes shorten, thicken and become visible.

Prophase I
Members of each pair of (10) _______________
_______________ pair up.
The nuclear membrane breaks down.

Homologous pairs line up along the

Metaphase I
(11) _______________.
Spindle fibres attach to the chromosomes.

The spindle fibres contract. The two members of

Anaphase I
each homologous pair separate and move to
(12) _______________ poles of the cell.
The (13) _______________ starts to divide.

New (14) ______________ _______________ form

Telophase I
around each group of chromosomes.

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Stages of second meiotic division:

Stage Description

The (15) _______________

Prophase II
_______________ breaks down again.

Chromosomes line up along the equator.

Metaphase II
New (16) _____________ _____________
attach to the chromosomes.

The spindle fibres contract. The

Anaphase II
(17) _______________ _______________
separate and move to opposite poles of the
The cytoplasm starts to divide.

New nuclear membranes form around each

Telophase II
group of chromosomes.
The chromosomes uncoil to become
(18) _______________ again.

Go to
Practical 11.3 Examination of meiotic cell division in a testis squash
(Book 2 p. 11-16; Practical Workbook for SBA 2, p. 11-11)

Practical 11.4 Examination of meiotic cell division in an anther squash

(Book 2 p. 11-16; Practical Workbook for SBA 2, p. 11-15)

B What is the importance of meiotic cell division? (Book 2, p. 11-17)

1 Producing haploid gametes

Meiotic cell division produces haploid gametes for (19) _______________ reproduction
(有性生殖). When the male gamete and the female gamete fuse at fertilization (受精) to form a
zygote (合子), the (20) _______________ number of chromosome can be restored.

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2 Producing genetic variations in gametes
(21) _______________ _______________ (遺傳變異) within a species increase the chance for
the species to survive when environmental conditions change.
Genetic variations in gametes are produced by (22) _______________ _______________
(獨立分配) of chromosomes and (23) _______________ _______________ (互換).

i) Independent assortment of chromosomes

In meiosis, pairs of homologous chromosomes line up (24) ______________ along the equator
of the cell. The members of each homologous pair then separate independently of the other
pairs of chromosomes. This is known as independent assortment or (25) _______________
_______________ (隨機分離) of chromosomes.

parent cell with two

pairs of chromosomes

Arrangement 1 Arrangement 2

two possible arrangements of

chromosomes at
(26) _______________ _______

metaphase II

gametes with four

possible genetic

combination 1 combination 2 combination 3 combination 4

▲ Independent assortment of chromosomes in meiotic cell division

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ii) Crossing over
Crossing over is an exchange of the corresponding segments of (27) _______________-
_______________ _______________ (非姊妹染色單體) in a pair of homologous chromosomes.
The process of crossing over:

paternal maternal
chromosome chromosome
1 During (28) _______________ _______,
homologous chromosomes pair up.

non-sister chromatids

2 Non-sister chromatids wrap around each other,

forming a (29) _______________ (交叉).


3 At the chiasma, the (30) _______________

break, exchange and rejoin.

segments of chromatids

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11.4 Comparison between mitotic and meiotic cell
divisions (Book 2, p. 11-21)
- (1) _______________ has replicated before the beginning of both processes.
- Both involve nuclear division and (2) _______________ division.
- Both involve the movement of chromosomes and the distribution of chromosomes among
daughter cells.
Differences: Mitotic cell division Meiotic cell division

Place of occurrence (3) _______________ (4) _______________ -

cells producing cells

Process Number of cell

(5) _______________ (6) _______________

Pairing of
(7) _______________ (8) _______________
(Occurs / Does not occur) (Occurs / Does not occur)

Separation of
homologous (9) _______________ (10) _______________
chromosomes into (Occurs / Does not occur) (Occurs / Does not occur)
daughter nuclei

Crossing over Does not occur May occur

Daughter Number produced (11) _______________ (12) _______________

Chromosome Same as parent cell Half of parent cell
number (diploid / 2n) (haploid / n)

Genetic make-up Same as parent cell and Different from parent cell
among daughter cells and among daughter cells

Cell type Body cells (13) _______________

Importance Forms genetically Forms haploid gametes for

identical cells for growth, sexual reproduction
repair and asexual Produces genetic variations
reproduction that enhance the survival of
the species

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Ch 11 Cell cycle and division


1 Cell division 2 parent 3 daughter 4 genetic 5 deoxyribonucleic acid

6 chromosomes 7 chromatin 8 chromatids 9 chromatid 10 chromatin
11 centromere 12 sister chromatids 13 homologous chromosomes 14 paternal chromosome
15 maternal chromosome 16 two 17 diploid 18 one
19 haploid 20 number


1 mitotic cell division 2 cell cycle 3 Interphase 4 nuclear / cytoplasmic

5 cytoplasmic / nuclear 6 organelles 7 replication 8 two
9 maximum 10 invisible 11 two 12 number / kinds 13 kinds / number
14 mitosis 15 sister chromatids 16 distribution 17 Prophase 18 visible
19 nuclear membrane 20 Metaphase 21 equator 22 Spindle fibres 23 Anaphase
24 contract 25 sister chromatids 26 cytoplasm 27 Telophase 28 nuclear membranes
29 chromatin 30 cytokinesis 31 cytoplasm 32 constricts 33 cell plate
34 cytoplasm 35 identical to 36 asexual


1 Meiotic cell division 2 gametes 3 half 4 four

5 different from 6 interphase 7 meiosis 8 homologous chromosomes
9 sister chromatids 10 homologous chromosomes 11 equator 12 opposite
13 cytoplasm 14 nuclear membranes 15 nuclear membrane 16 spindle fibres 17 sister chromatids
18 chromatin 19 sexual 20 diploid 21 Genetic variations
22 independent assortment 23 crossing over 24 randomly 25 random segregation
26 metaphase I 27 non-sister chromatids 28 prophase I 29 chiasma
30 chromatids


1 DNA 2 cytoplasmic 3 Body 4 Gamete 5 One

6 Two 7 Does not occur 8 Occurs 9 Does not occur 10 Occurs
11 Two 12 Four 13 Gametes

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