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Answer Sheet: Splunk Fields and SPL Lab R

Total Points: 45 pts

Task Pt Questions
Task 1 20 When you complete all the modules, take a screenshot of the course
overview that reflects your completion and paste it in the answer sheet.
Module 4: 4 pts
Module 6: 6 pts
Module 7: 4 pts
Module 8: 6 pts

3 Q1: What is the difference between the search “status != 200” and “NOT
status = 200”
status != 200 returns events where status field exists and value in field doesn't
equal to 200. Whereas NOT status = 200 returns events where status field
exists and value in field doesn't equal 200 and all events where status field
doesn't exist.

3 Q2: Why it is better to place “dedup” (the command used for removing
duplicates) as early as possible in a search?
Dedup or data deduplication is a process that eliminates excessive copies of
data and significantly decreases storage capacity requirements so that you can
do efficient field search.

Task 2 2 Step 1: (1) What does “a” in mean?

a means string value.

3 (2) Take a screenshot of your current search box and paste it in the
answer sheet.

3 Step 2:
(3) Add a table command to your search, and take a screenshot of your
search and paste it to answer sheet.
3 (4) Add a rename command to your search, and take a screenshot of
your search and paste it to answer sheet.
Post- 5 Q1: Recall what you learned in Splunk training Module 7, answer the
Lab following questions:
Questio In one paragraph, summarize the best practice of running Splunk Search.
ns (You can also refer to this webpage:

Splunk Search best practice is the filtering, it filters as early as possible

and greatly speed up the search. As soon as the filters and other fields are
added, it makes the search running faster.
Splunk has a robust search functionality that enables to search the all the
data sets, which is the best practice of this search.

3 Q2: In one paragraph, explain why Splunk search can be useful during IR
Splunk will be very beneficial during IR investigation. The reason is
Splunk is able to check all the details of the data through their log for any
possible of malicious activity. Also Splunk search can be useful during IR
investigation because Splunk search has the ability to use time to limit the
events returned. Also, Splunk search can run search in real time and real
time searches allow investigator to monitor what happening in the data
during IR investigation in real time stream of information

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