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IBIMA Publishing

Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
Vol. 2019 (2019), Article ID 121518, 14 pages, ISSN : 2169-0359
DOI: 10.5171/2019.121518

Research Article

Does Blended Learning Enhance

Student Engagement? Evidence from
Higher Education
Jolly Sahni

Department of Management, College of Business Administration,

Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Received date: 3 August 2018; Accepted date: 12 December 2018; Published date: 16 January 2019

Academic Editor: Maurice Abi Raad

Copyright © 2019. Jolly Sahni. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0

Technology advancements in the present era have tremendous impact on teaching and learning as
well. The present research aims to answer the research question; whether use of technology would
help and support autonomous learning and also enhance student engagement? To assess this, blended
learning approach was applied in a business course. “Blended learning” refers to combining face-to-
face learning with online learning experience. The detailed findings of a study conducted to assess the
impact of blended learning initiative on student’s engagement and overall learning in a business
course has been reported in the paper. In addition, it also draws student’s perspective on blended
learning approach. LMS (Learning Management System), the eLearning platform, was extensively used
for flipped classroom and other activities which were applied in Organizational Behavior course
throughout one semester (16 weeks). Multiple sources were used for data collected; focus-group
interviews; student surveys and LMS records. For comparison purpose, the course learning outcome
achievement data were collected from two sections of this course; first, the test group (Section A) and
second the control group (Section B). The results clearly show an increase in students learning in the
test group (where blended learning was applied), in terms of learning outcome achievement and
overall engagement with online activities as well as in class activities. This was depicted in their on-
line quiz results, time spent and quality of contribution on online forums, discussions and glossary.
According to student’s perspective (test group), they felt motivated as they had some control over
time, place or pace for learning. The evidence is found for the positive outcomes of blended learning
approach; leads to higher student achievement and improves student engagement. Based on the
analysis, the study contributes with its fruitful findings to the literature of Blended learning. Strong
implications can be drawn for both the Instructor and the Institutions who wish to implement blended
learning approach. Consequently, meaningful reforms in the higher education can be future direction
for the government.

Keywords: Blended learning, LMS (Learning management system), Flipped classroom, Autonomous
learning, Student engagement


Cite this Article as: Jolly Sahni (2019)," Does Blended Learning Enhance Student Engagement? Evidence
from Higher Education ", Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education, Vol. 2019 (2019), Article ID 121518,
DOI: 10.5171/2019.121518
Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education 2

Introduction engaging for both the teacher and the

Advances in the digital technology have a
tremendous impact on teaching pedagogies The choice of teaching and learning
in higher education and students learning. approach directly influences the student’s
The recent changes in education call for the learning experience, engagement and
integration of technology in higher overall achievement (Honey and Mumford,
education to be more effective and quick. 1986; Biggs and Tang, 2007). Literature
Gone are the days of conventional teaching
suggests that blended learning approach
where classrooms had teachers in the
center lecturing with slides on the can be successfully implemented in higher
projector, it is time to move ahead by education (Mitchell and Honore, 2007;
embracing this change and integrating Garrison and Vaughan, 2008 Harris et al.,
technology in teaching strategies which are 2009; Okaz, 2015; Halverson et al., 2017;
more learner centered. This can be Lopez, 2018). However, in the field of
achieved by the use of multiple modalities business education, only a few studies have
for delivering the right content in the right examined the role of blended learning.
form as single mode of delivery may not
Moreover, there is a lack of research on
provide choices, engagement, learning and
performance (Singh, 2003). Curriculum students’ interaction with blended learning
design has to encompass a variety of environment.
teaching and learning strategies to ensure Against this backdrop, the present study
successful learning at university (Bovill et aims to examine the role of blended
al., 2016). One such innovative strategy in learning approach in supporting
the context of higher education is blended autonomous learning and enhancing
learning. student engagement in a business course.
The word ‘Blended’ means mixed or The study is guided by the research
combined. It is defined by researchers as a question: “Does blended learning approach
mixed approach, integrating classroom support autonomous learning and enhance
teaching with online experience (Garrison the student engagement in a business
and Kanuka, 2004; Picciano, 2009). It course in higher education?” To capture
requires the physical presence of the the impact of blended learning approach
instructor and students in the classroom on students, data were collected through
and virtual presence on the chosen multiple sources which helped the
eLearning platform, where students have researcher reach reliable and concrete
some control over time, place or pace conclusions.
(Friesen, 2012). The benefits of this
In the context of Saudi Arabia, higher
approach include synergistic impact of the
education is now given priority in
strengths of synchronous (face-to-face) and
developing the human resources in the
asynchronous (text-based Internet)
form of productive citizens. Quality
learning activities (Garrison and Kanuka,
education matters more than ever,
2004). Blended learning is facilitated by
reflected in Saudi vision 2030: “An
technology, also referred to as hybrid
education that contributes to economic
learning or B-Learning (Shu & Gu, 2018),
growth: we will close the gap between the
which means integrating technology with
outputs of higher education and the
face to face teaching in classroom. It
requirements of the job market...we shall
basically combines delivery of traditional
help our students achieve results above
class activities with computer-mediated
international averages in global education
and online instructions (Allen et al., 2007).
indicators” (Saudi Vision 2030, P-39). It
Therefore, teachers play the role of
also aims to develop digital infrastructure
facilitators and students can participate,
by 2030. Therefore, there is a strong need
learn and question even outside the
to integrate technology with the class room
classroom which is more and more
teaching that enables the students to


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develop the required attitude for blending conventional classroom teaching

appreciating the role of digital technology with mobile technology as a tool to
in building a constructive society. The promote collaborative learning (Heflin et
students of today are the future leaders of al., 2017). Thongmak, (2013) in his study,
Saudi Arabia. examined the use of online social networks
The paper is arranged as follows: after the as one form of teaching tools. He found that
introduction the second section presents the platform called Edmogo is effective in
review of relevant literature, in the third enhancing online communication for both
section, research methodology is students and teachers in Thailand.
discussed, fourth, results and discussion Particularly, in higher education, blended
from the study are presented and lastly, learning has gained substance in academic
conclusion with future directions are literature in the last decade (Bonk et al.,
discussed in section five. 2005; Browne, 2010; Porter et al., 2014).

Literature Review Past studies have established that if

blended learning is designed and
Blended learning has received due implemented properly, it may empower
attention as one of the effective approaches students to control their pace of learning as
to teaching and learning and it has been well as learning environment (Becker and
increasingly researched in recent decade Dwyer, 1994). According to a study by
(Garrison & Vaughan, 2008; Staker & Horn, Twigg (2003) redesigning a course with
2012; Moskal et al., 2013; Porter et al., blended learning resulted in greater
2014: Manwaring et al., 2017). Literature understanding of the concept as well as
suggests that there is a lack of consensus higher results leading to improvement in
among researchers on the definition of learning outcomes. Salamonson and Lantz
blended learning as it has different (2005) argue that blended learning results
interpretations by scholars. However, a in high student satisfaction. It has also been
common meaning can be derived; it is a considered as an innovative approach
teaching and learning approach that involving modern conceptions of learning
(Allen et al., 2007). An important point to
integrates web-based teaching and face-to-
highlight is blended learning
face classroom interactions. It is defined by
conceptualizes learning as an ongoing
researchers as integrating classroom
process than a single time event; this
teaching with online experience (Garrison motivates students to learn and be engaged
and Kanuka, 2004; Collins & Blake, 2007). even outside the classroom (Borba, 2014).
Another definition focusing on the Learners get the benefit by increased
combined approach suggests “A flexibility which allows them to access the
pedagogical approach that combines the Internet and work on the course material
effectiveness and socialization whenever and wherever they prefer
opportunities of the classroom with the (Owston et al., 2006, 2013). It helps
technologically enhanced active learning students learn in their own pace, get
possibilities of the online environment” immediate feedback as and when their
(Dziuban, et al., 2004). Moreover, Driscoll answer goes wrong, have access to lessons
(2002) argues that intermixing of any and videos from anywhere, submit
instructional form to achieve educational assignments digitally, helps them become
goals would represent blended learning. independent learners and promote
Similarly, according to Graham (2006), autonomous learning. In addition to these
blended learning can be merging any two benefits, blended learning also
mediums of instructions, merging the best accommodates the diverse needs and
interest of students (Dias & Diniz, 2014).
features of traditional face to face
instruction and online learning. In addition
to the computer platform in the form of Blended learning is accompanied with
online eLearning medium, researchers plethora of benefits, however, there are few
have also explored the effectiveness of


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Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education 4

conditions associated with its success. approach support autonomous learning

First, learners and teachers must be and enhance student engagement?”
equipped and trained to use information Blended learning approach was adopted in
technology tools. Second important a business course which is taken in the
requirement is to have a devoted technical second year of graduation program. The
center which can support both the learner course Organizational behavior was taught
and the teacher in the implementation of in two different sections, for one section
blended learning. Also, the technological the course was redesigned to incorporate
requirements such as, Internet connection, blended learning approach and the second
speed and bandwidth must be considered section followed only the traditional form
of course delivery. The first section
for blended learning courses (Stewart,
incorporates the blended learning
2002). Literature suggests that learners’
approach where lectures in classroom were
readiness is equally important in terms of
complemented with many activities on the
attitude, motivation and skills for eLearning platform (activities are shown in
implementing such an approach (Baldwin- Table 3). This section will be referred to as
Evan, 2006; Mitchell and Honore 2007). In test group.
addition, a recent study by Shu & Gu (2018)
highlighted the significance of the nature
and differences of group interactions in the Data Collection
learning components which play an
important role in the success of blended Data were collected mainly from three
learning. sources; focus -group interviews; student
surveys and LMS records. The triangulation
Another important concern is the student’s research approach ensures reliability and
involvement and engagement with this validity. In addition, course learning
form of teaching approach. Student outcome achievement data were collected
engagement can be depicted in active from both sections of this course.
commitment, involvement and being
The study had two phases of data
occupied with the subject. Research
collection; the first was qualitative and
suggests that it is a psychological process
involved recording students’ focus group
of enhancing attention and interest in the
interview. Focus group interviews were
work of learning (Newmann et al, 1992,
conducted with a random sample of
Marks, 2000). Students’ engagement is
students from test group with their consent
multifaceted; it may be assessed at three
in the eleventh week of semester. All the
levels, behavioral, affective and cognitive.
interviews were recorded, transcribed and
Studies have also focused on accessing
coded afterwards to find similar themes.
students’ emotional reaction to academic
The interviews lasted from 40 to 70
work (Bodovski & Farkas, 2007). Affective
minutes. In the next phase, survey
engagement is primarily measured by
questionnaire was distributed to the test
students’ appreciation and liking of the
group (Section A) of thirty students taking
subject whereas cognitive engagement
OB course. The instrument used in the
refers to the mental effort invested in
present study has been adapted from
academic work (Fredricks et al, 2004).
studies of Manwaring et al., (2017) for
Research suggests that strategy of blended
assessing learner’s characteristics and
learning enhances student engagement
proficiency with technology and study by
through online activities and improves
Lin et al. (2018) for the set of items which
effectiveness (Whitelock & Jefts, 2003). are indicators of student engagement. The
survey questionnaire was divided in three
Methodology sections: first section gathered background
This section discusses the research information of the respondent, second
approach, data collection sources, sample section assessed the student engagement
and data analysis. Research is guided by (emotional and cognitive) and the third
the question; “Does blended learning section aimed to assess the Learner’s


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5 Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education

characteristics variables such as Self

Efficacy, Subject Interest and Tech-efficacy  The course page on LMS was
of students. redesigned to make it more
attractive and user friendly
Data Analysis
 Each session of the class was
Data were analyzed with the help of linked to video/picture which was
statistical package for social sciences, SPSS posted on LMS one day prior to
22. Descriptive statistics were calculated
regular class
for all the variables used in the self-
 Online Forum was activated by the
administered survey. The reliability of
scale for internal consistency, Cronbach’s instructor, where students discuss
alpha coefficient is calculated to be 0.810. the topic given online. Students
Reliabilities for subscales fall between 0.69 were allowed to post text, video or
and 0.81, which is considered satisfactory audio.
(Nunnally, 1978). The descriptive statistics  To engage students more, case-lets
such as mean and standard deviation for all were uploaded on LMS to be read
variables in the study were attained. by all students for next day class
Further, interviews with focus group were activity
recorded and transcribed. With a  To recap and review the previous
continuous comparative approach and chapter, students were given on-
content analysis, patterns, themes and line quizzes
categories were identified and grouped  All assignment guidelines were
together. To triangulate, these themes were uploaded by the instructor on LMS
then compared with the result of survey and submitted by students on LMS
open ended questions.  All students were required to
submit the course Project online
Findings and Discussion through Turnitin assignment page.
 To have more interaction through
This section presents the results of blended
online medium, a special mid-
learning approach in the organizational
course feedback session was
behavior course undertaken by students of
second year of business under graduation organized on LMS, where students
program. Past studies have shown that can anonymously rate and give
eLearning platforms often give similar their opinion on course delivery.
performance as of conventional face-to face
method (Cook et. al 2008). The purpose of Profile of Participants
the present study was to assess whether a
combination of eLearning and traditional The test group (Section A) consists of thirty
face-to face method increases students’ students with diverse skills, studying the
engagement and ultimately improves the undergraduate degree in business
learning outcome. Therefore, the study education at a private women university in
examined the impact of blended learning Saudi Arabia. All students of test group
on student engagement (emotional and were informed about the project and were
cognitive), learners’ characteristics asked for consent for their data to be used
variable (self efficacy, subject interest and in a study. Table 1 depicts the brief profile
tech-efficacy), students’ time and quality of of participating students. As it is a case of
discussion on LMS and finally the women university, all participants are
perceptions of the students about the female. Approximately, 77 percent of
blended approach in their learning. For respondents were below the age of 20
section A (test group), the following years. Only three students were married
which represents 10 percent of the whole
changes were made to the tradition course
sample. Almost 76 percent of respondents
in order to incorporate blended learning:
were from the local city of Riyadh (Saudi


Jolly Sahni (2019), Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education, DOI: 10.5171/2019.121518
Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education 6

Arabia) while 23 percent were from and Sudan.

neighboring countries like Yemen, Egypt

Table 1: Profile of participants

Category Number Percentage

Female 30 100
Male 0 0
Under 16 Years 0 0
17-18Years 4 13.33
19-20 Years 19 63.33
21-21Years 6 20
22 or Older 2 6.66
Un Married 27 90
Married 3 10
Saudi 23 76.66
Non-Saudi 7 23.33

Descriptive Statistics
else?” whereas the item from cognitive
engagement called “How well were you
The evaluation of findings draws on the concentrating?” scored the highest among
data from the practical experience of all, which clearly depicts the higher level of
students on the course and real time data cognitive engagement among students.
from LMS logs. Table 2 depicts the Considering the learners’ characteristics,
description of variables used in the survey the results depict that self efficacy scored
on student engagement and learners’ 80.3%, subject interest received overall
characteristics. The survey scores suggest 83.3% and tech-efficacy also received a
that the students were highly engaged good score of 88.4%, which means on all
while they were performing activities variables of learners’ characteristics, the
online. However, the emotional scores can be considered high and that the
engagement was found to be 78.6% and the group of students were ready for the new
cognitive engagement was surprisingly approach of blended learning, especially
higher than emotional engagement, it was the teach-efficacy. Data from the survey
found to be 88% among the sample of clearly depict that the applied approach
students. The least score was received by was successful in enhancing engagement;
item under emotional engagement, “Did both affective and cognitive.
you wish you had been doing something


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Table 2 Description of variables

Factor Indicator Average Std. Dev

Emotional Engagement Did you enjoy the LMS activities? 3.72 .594
How well were you
Cognitive Engagement concentrating? 4.4 .744
Emotional Engagement Did you feel good about yourself? 3.96 .613
Do you like to participate in these
Emotional Engagement activities on LMS 3.88 .824
Were you learning anything or
Cognitive Engagement getting better at something? 3.96 .821
Emotional Engagement Did you experience frustration? 2.76 .986
Did you set a goal for yourself
Cognitive Engagement prior to the LMS activity? 2.72 .921
Did you feel socially connected to
anybody during this learning
Emotional Engagement activity? 3.48 .691
How challenging were the
Cognitive Engagement activities on LMS? 2.68 1.009
Cognitive Engagement Was it important to you? 3.84 .799
Did you wish you had been doing
Emotional Engagement something else? 2.52 1.042
Emotional Engagement Were these activities interesting? 3.88 .583
How important was it to your
Cognitive Engagement future goals? 3.36 .788
Were you able to relate it to what
Cognitive Engagement you already know? 4.24 .761
I think we can learn more by
being active on LMS and
Emotional Engagement participating in the activities 3.71 .961
I would like to have similar
Emotional Engagement activities in the next term also 3.67 .824

Learners Characteristic Variables

I believe I will receive an
excellent grade in this class.
Self-efficacy 4.04 .921
I am confident I can understand
the most complex material in this
Self-efficacy course. 4.63 .680
I am confident I can do an
excellent job on the assignments
Self-efficacy and tests in this course. 4.33 .716
Considering the difficulty of this
course, the teacher, and my skills,
Self-efficacy I think I can do well in this class. 4.38 .788
I like the subject matter of this
Subject interest course. 4.17 .734
I am very interested in the
Subject interest content area of this course. 4.17 .921


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Journal of e-Learning
Learning and Higher Education 8

Understanding the subject matter

of this course is very important
Subject interest to me. 4.21 .711
I am capable of solving or getting
help to solve my computer-
Tech self-efficacy related problems. 4.46 16.6
I am very comfortable doing class
Tech self-efficacy work that is online. 4.29 16.0
I am capable of using the Internet
Tech self-efficacy to find information I need. 4.54 16.9
Tech self-efficacy I am comfortable with LMS 4.43 16.9

LMS Data and Findings

with eachh other online rather than only
accessing handouts and power point slides.
The activities on LMS ranged from forum Table 3 depicts the range of activities on
discussions, online quizzes, chat rooms, LMS. Students’ frequency of use of Moodle,
online assignment submission, glossary, learning management system (LMS) was
flipped class sessions, videos etc. The examined by page hits and individual
activities actually provoked their attention activity hits per student
dent in this course.
and engagement as students could interact

Table 3:
3 Range of activities on LMS

Further, LMS records, in particular, were assessment especially online assessment

useful in assessing each student’s quality of activities and the pattern of usage on LMS.
engagement and time spent on each As per the assessment results and students’
activity. These data were compared and feedback, the two activities which were
analyzed for sixteen weeks. Table 4 shows most effective inn learning and reviewing
the assessment components of the course, the concept were flipped class session and
their timing in 16 weeks. There is seen a online quizzes (eQuiz).
direct association between the timings of


Jolly Sahni (2019), Journal of e-Learning

Learning and Higher Education, DOI: 10.5171/2019.121518
9 Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education

Table 4: Assessment components (16 weeks)

Week Due
Assessment Assessment Task

1 Quiz (In-class) Week 2

2 Major Exam (In- Week 6
3 LMS Assignments Week 2 & 8
Week 3, 4,
4 Online Quiz (4)
10, 12
5 Flipped class session Week 7
6 Glossary Week 10
7 Online Project Week 12
Total Assessment

In addition, LMS logs were accessed to engaged in the array of activities posted on
check the details of student participation LMS. Moreover, the quality of contribution
in activities which were posted online in discussion forum was also found to be of
during the month of February, March and a good standard.
April. During the month of February
students were informed about the blended In addition to students’ activities and hits
learning and activities online, they were in on LMS, the academic learning
a transition mode and therefore few achievement was assessed through the
activities were uploaded on LMS. It was final grades in OB course. The results
found that the highest participation was clearly show an increase in students’
noted in the first week of March, this is learning in terms of learning outcome
when flipped classroom was implemented achievement and final grades when
in this course (week 7). Student compared to the section which did not
participation has clearly increased when implement blended learning. The
compared to the section which did not achievement of the overall course learning
implement blended learning. This was outcomes for the control section was 67
depicted in their on-line quiz results, time percent (Section B) whereas when
spent and quality of contribution on online measured for the test section it was not
forums, discussions and glossary. The data very high, however, it scored more than the
from LMS clearly show that students control group, 71 percent (Section A).
engage more with creative activities, Examining the final grades, it was found
however, the importance of face-to-face that all students passed the course and 35
instructions and lecture remains. As percent students scored an ‘A+’ and ‘A’
highlighted in focus group interviews, grade. When compared with the control
where students raised their concern about section, only 28 percent students scored
not replacing traditional classroom A+’ and ‘A’ grade and two students failed
teaching with online teaching, rather, they the course. The finding suggests that the
prefer both to complement each other. students’ engagement in the test group of
Specifically, the results suggest that course ‘organizational behavior’ has
blended learning, in addition to having a improved with the application of blended
great potential to increase students’ learning approach. The results imply that
engagement and learning, was preferred students were motivated; they enjoyed a
over traditional methods of teaching and higher level of flexibility and had a sense of
learning. The log results extracted from belongingness throughout the course
LMS show that out of 30 students enrolled learning.
in Section A (test group), 28 were actively


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Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education 10

Based on the results from the survey, focus

group interview and LMS records, it is
Students’ Perspective established that blended learning approach
Students were highly satisfied with the was successful in engaging students inside
blended learning approach and activities and outside the classrooms. The findings of
on LMS as they mentioned in the focus this study are consistent with previous
research which proved the strong
group interview that the strength of this
relationship of blended learning with
approach according to their perspective
increased learner engagement and
include the convenience of it, it is
participation (Graham, 2007; Alebaikan &
accessible anywhere, at any time with
Troudi, 2010; Napier et al., 2011; Vaughan
instant feedback. Some themes identified in
2014; Manwaring et al., 2017).
the focus group interview representing the
students’ perception are as follows: Challenges in Implementing B-Learning
Diversity and flexibility - “what I like about
Like any other innovative approach, the
this course is the multiple activities on LMS
implementation of blended learning in
and they were not the same topic, we had
higher education would face some
to think about diverse areas in the field of
challenges. The concerns can be
OB” categorized into three levels; first at
On-line Support - “All the activities were Instructor level, second student level and
third the technical support. The instructor
related and supportive to what we took in
must adopt the new tools with a new
the class, when we are involved in doing mindset and positive attitude as more time
practical activities, practice I think this is and commitment is required from the
going to stay with us longer it is a life long Instructors in preparing everything in
learning for us” advance and giving continuous feedback on
eLearning platform. For students, they
Active engagement and learning “This need to be motivated to adapt new
course gave us a chance to contribute and technology and feel comfortable as well as
participate more and learn more, the have good time management skills.
activities were fair for all and the Another crucial aspect is the technical
transparency of feedback was there”. support in the classrooms; the variation in
Another student believed, “The activities the speed of Internet connection in the
actually engage us more, they are fun, they classroom may hamper the effectiveness of
increase the diversity in the course, its not the whole program. Therefore, a dedicated
just that we go to the classroom and we support from the technical center must be
take a lecture, its actually much more than available in order to implement this
that. I would like other courses to be like effectively.
this one, with interesting and interactive
activities on LMS, very informative and
engaging course activities.” Conclusion

The above comments suggest that students Given the importance of technology and
perceived high value in this course delivery technology driven classrooms in this age of
method. In addition, the researcher dynamic development, there is a great need
realized that the current generation is for understanding and promoting blended
techy-savvy and likes to use advanced learning approach in higher education. In
technology, therefore, if we channelize conclusion, this research study has helped
their energy in a right direction through us understand the impact of blended
the use of blended learning (using learning approach and clearly suggested
advanced technology), they can really the effectiveness of integrating technology
produce great results. in the classroom to promote autonomous


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11 Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education

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