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SEMESTER 2, 2020-21

Please refer to the instruction and Rubric before commencing writing the group

N Item Instructions
1 Evaluation Form 1.1 Please attach the Evaluation Form .
Cover page 1.2 . Please ensure:
1.2.1 the document is saved under the name of your company
1.2.2 that you STATE THE name of your company on the
cover page
1.2.3 each member of the group must ensure that the name and
matric numbers are correct.
1.3 Please attach the cover page as per Template (which will be
issued later)
1.3.1 do not number your cover page.
1.4 If you did not adhere to the above instructions, your answers
will not be assessed.

2 Format 2.1 Please comply to the format stated in the

Forms/Regulations/Companies Act 2016, if any..
2.2 If no format is stated in the Forms/Regulations/Companies
Act 2016, please use Times New Roman (TNR), font 11, 1.5

5 Submission 5.1 Submission via Smartv3 on 10 April 2021.

5.3 Late Submission:
5.3.1 If an answer is submitted late, a penalty in the form of
the deduction of 1 mark (out of your total marks
obtained for this group essay) available for every day or
part thereof that it remains not submitted.

6 Miscellaneous 6.1 Please read the instructions.

6.2 Please use your respective Channel in the MS Teams
6.3 Please proofread your answer. The usage of Grammarly is of
great assistance to you.
6.4 This is a GROUP essay hence ALL of you are expected to
6.4.1 Please give your fullest cooperation to ensure the
successful completion of this group essay.
6.4.2 I do not tolerate free rider/freeloader whatever name
you may call.
6.4.3 You are to report to me (anonymously) if any of your
group members do not participate.
6.4.3 The whistle-blower’s identity will not be disclosed.

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