PUM SetUpandPatching

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PeopleSoft Update Manager

I ) Pre requisites...........................................................................................................................................2
II )Install & Configure PUM server..............................................................................................................3
III) Patching................................................................................................................................................10
IV) Additional Info......................................................................................................................................36

I ) Pre requisites
a) Get static IP for the VM PUM server which is the same subnet of windows Physical server
b) Install Virtual Box software in Windows Physical server(https://www.virtualbox.org/)
c) Additional port request

Source ------- destination ----------- Port

PUM server----- Db server ---------- Target Db port
PUM server ----- Linux MT---------- HTTP port of Web domain(Em agent)
PUM server ----- Linux MT/WinMT---------- 22

d) Download the PeopleSoft Image(PUM Image) from MOS to a directory, first file of zip file
contains the script to generated single VM image( out of 6 or more), following are the files
for HR 9.2 Image 6.

e) Double click on the script ova_gen.bat, this will help to create a single ova file to
import.Once the script completed a file will be created as follows in the same directory

II )Install & Configure PUM server

a) Once the image is ready as .ova file install the Oracle Virtual Box and follow the below steps to
import the PUM Image. Start virtual Box

b) During Import of Virtual Appliance, Specify the Name of the VM (PI DATABASE), location of the
disk images.
a. Put in the name you want this VM to be named. In this case PI DATABASE.

b. Specify the location of the Virtual Disk Image


Note :Change the Virtual disk image to D drive by double clicking

c. Import the appliance,Will take 20 -30 min to complete

c) Click Setting, Change as below

d) Change Shared Clipboard to “Bidirectional” under advanced tab in General Setting


e) Change Attached to “Bridge Adapter” under Adapter1 tab in Network


f) Change Base memory to which ever applicable based on server memory in motherboard tab
under system

g) Get the IP details of the PUM physical server, note Subnet mask, Gateway,DNS server, user the
“ipconfig /all”, use the highlighted info.

h) Once Imported start the appliance


i) While importing it will ask for root user password , please give appropriate password(ex:
Note : Make sure to put Hostname does not exceeds 30 characters, submit the static IP which
mentioned in the pre requisites in the above step. Make sure all services are starting without

j) Give Y after verifying the values.

k) PUM Application can be accessed via following URL once all the services comes up with out any
ex: http://pum2.oracleoutsourcing.com:8000/ps/signoj.html ( pum2.oracleoutsourcing.com is
the server name given while we are configuring VM app along with supplied static IP, make sure
to enter hosts files updated in the PUM sever.
Ex : Below

for HR instance Userid/Password would be PS/PS

Once completed the startup of VM, from windows PUM server got to

Start  Run

\\<ip address> ( this is the samba share from PUM VM)

l) As the directory says it contains Tools Client(client share, Oracle Client( Oracle-Client share)
PI_HOME( pi_home share which have the required scripts for patching and deployment)

m) Install Tools Client , Oracle client using the above shares, update tns entries for source(PUM )
and target database and check the connectivity.tns entries for the source available under
Oracle-client share

Copy the pi_share to local d:\pi_home

NOTE: It is best practice to copy the pi_home to PUM server d drive rather than using as network drive.

III) Patching

Before start patching make sure below steps executed.

i) Setting appsfilesrvr.info for identifying CA for the release versions.

1. Go to PS_APP_HOME/bin/client/wix86
2. Verify the file PS_APP_HOME/bin/client/wix86/appsfilesrvr.info
3. The content of file should be
rellabel=<Applications Name and Version>
rellabel=PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS and Campus Solutions 9.2
rellabel values
rellabel=PeopleSoft Enterprise Customer Relationship Management 9.2
rellabel=PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS and Campus Solutions 9.2
rellabel=PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials and Supply Chain Management 9.2
rellabel=PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management 9.2

ii) Apply Resolution  ( Note id : 1552245.1)

Complete the following steps to run XMLP reports from Change Assistant:
1. Download the xdo.cfg file. 
2. Navigate to $PS_HOME.
3. Add the xdo.cfg file to your PS_HOME folder.
4. Add the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable to your Windows host:
5. Navigate to Windows/Computer  Properties.
6. Click Advanced System Settings.
7. Click Environments Variables.
8. Under either "User" or "System" (depending on your machine), click New.
9. Set the Variable name to _JAVA_OPTIONS
10. Set the Variable value to -Dxdo.ConfigFile=C:\<your PS_HOME location>\xdo.cfg.
11. Click Save.

Start the CA from PUM server


Make sure the agent running from Linux and Win MT( Target hosts)

Test it by browsing

http://<Linux MT>:<port>/PSEMHUB/hub

Click ping as well as View and make sure Environment Management Hub showing information

Click on Create packages(Tools in CA)


Select the radio button- Target database( Here it is VTOOL J)


Fill the details of target db


NOTE : Please make sure to copy PS_APP_HOME /PS_CUST_HOME sqrs to your local machine

Click Finish


When enter Db name it automatically goes to next screen

Make sure to update the tnsnames entry update from the share drive, uses sysadm password as capital

It will upload the target env details to PUM


NOTE: Here I used all updates Not Yet Installed. However Updates By Criteria would be the best
approach according to customer , How to select included In “ Package Creation By criteria”

Go back to change Assistant screen, You will be able to select the created the package as below

It will take few min to create package, choose Initial pass when the package is creating first time,

NOTE : Move to production can be use only when the same package for the second or more instances
to apply

IV) Additional Info

a) Network connectivity – Do not use DHCP
b) Hostname for the VM – choose name max of 30 characters
c) Database Name for the Instance
d) Once the above details are provided the VM configures the Database,
Appserver, Web server & process scheduler.
e) Application Server , Web Server and Process Scheduler are started with psadm2
user and it has read only access to PS_HOME,PS_APP_HOME
f) PS_HOME is owned by psadm1
g) Login to the PIA
h) Once logged in navigate to Main Menu  PeopleTools  Lifecycle Tools 
Update Manager Define Change Package. You will see a message a follows
since we have not uploaded any environment. Previously the environment was
uploaded to Peoplesoft Update gateway. Now we have to use the CA – “Update
Manager” to upload it to the PI Database of the instance we want to apply the

2) While trying to do HR 9.2 base image patching using PUM image 5, Generate  GPCE  <Country>
Non rule compare report failing (app engine failure)with following error

NOTE: This is applicable when  CA invoked from PUM windows server where PSFT client only installed


rocess 1807 resumed after step GP_NRCMP_RPT.MAIN.[start] (108,538)

Message Set Number: 108
Message Number: 538
Message Reason: Process 1807 resumed after step GP_NRCMP_RPT.MAIN.[start] (108,538)
ERROR: Can't read system properties from xdo.cfg file, check log file for details (235,3262)
PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER.ReportDefn.OnExecute  Name:SetSystemProperties  PCPC:1352  Statement:34
Called from:PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER.ReportDefn.OnExecute  Name:ReportDefn  Statement:9
Called from:GP_NRCMP_RPT.MAIN.GBL.default.1900-01-01.GENERATE.OnExecute  Statement:3
Message Set Number: 235
Message Number: 3262
Message Reason: ERROR: Can't read system properties from xdo.cfg file, check log file for details (235,3262)

Process 1807 ABENDED at Step GP_NRCMP_RPT.MAIN.GENERATE (PeopleCode) -- RC = 24 (108,524)

Message Set Number: 108

Message Number: 524

Message Reason: Process 1807 ABENDED at Step GP_NRCMP_RPT.MAIN.GENERATE (PeopleCode) -- RC = 24
Process %s ABENDED at Step %s.%s.%s (Action %s) -- RC = %s


Resolution  ( Note id : 1552245.1)

Complete the following steps to run XMLP reports from Change Assistant:

1. Download the xdo.cfg file. 

2. Navigate to $PS_HOME.

3. Add the xdo.cfg file to your PS_HOME folder.

4. Add the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable to your Windows host:

a. Navigate to Windows/Computer  Properties.

b. Click Advanced System Settings.

c. Click Environments Variables.

d. Under either "User" or "System" (depending on your machine), click New.

e. Set the Variable name to _JAVA_OPTIONS

f. Set the Variable value to -Dxdo.ConfigFile=C:\<your PS_HOME location>\xdo.cfg.

g. Click Save.

3 ) Package Creation By criteria


If we select Product Family below output will ,you can choose accordingly

For Installed Products , it will show all the Product, we need to choose the correct products as per the

For Upgrades (RFU) – Standard Search criteria

For tax updates – Advanced search criteria

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