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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Quarter 2 – Module 4:
(Exploratory Course)

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4

Technology and
Quarter 2 – Module 4:
(Exploratory Course)
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

1 Identify Hazards and Risks

What I Need to Know

Hi! Have you seen the latest news on COVID-19? How did you feel about it?
What are the danger that the disease imposes to the public? How does it affect you
and your family?

In this module, you are going to learn the different types of hazards and risks
that can be identified in the workplace. Can you name at least one? Do you know
the effects of each type of hazard?

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 Identify hazards and risks (TLE_HECGOS7/8-0h-5)
 Determine hazards and risks indicators in the workplace;
 Determine the effects of hazards.

What I Know
Before we start our lesson, have you tried checking out your kitchen or living
room? What have you noticed? Are there things that may cause accidents?

Below are statements about hazards and risks. Let us check your knowledge
about it! Write True, if the statement is correct, and False if it is incorrect.

1. __________ Risk can be an indication of how serious the harm can be.
2. __________ Too much lifting of heavy loads result can good health.
3. __________ Psychological hazards happen when a worker’s environment
becomes stressful.
4. __________ Accidents happen because people are mindful of their
5. __________ Biological hazard is one of the most common hazards that a
caregiver faces.

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
6. __________ Observing the nursing home environment is one of the ways
in determining health problems in the workplace.
7. __________ Too much bending and reaching is an example of physical
8. _________ A stressful and demanding work environment is helpful for a
9. __________ Hazards and risks can be prevented.
10. _________ It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure a safe and
healthy work environment.

How was the activity? Are the situations familiar to you? Now, let’s move on
to the next task! Determine the type of hazard a worker is exposed to, based on the
description given in each item. Unscramble the letter by placing the correct letter
sequence in the shaded boxes to come up with the correct answer for each number.

1. twisted extension cords


2. bacteria and viruses


3. spillages of toxic materials


4. repetitive and forceful movements


5. stress from night shifts


CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
What’s In

How did you find the activity? I hope you are curious about the next activities.

Activity 1. Making Connections!

Safety is the priority of every individual in a workplace. Can you identify the
workplace of each profession? Write the correct answer on the blank provided below
each image.

1. 2. 3.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

4. 5.

___________________ ___________________

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
What’s New

How are you coping with our lesson? I bet you are now excited about the
activities we will discuss in this module. Study the situations that follow and do
the task that is being asked.

Activity 1. “Oops! Danger Ahead”

Situation 1. Andrea was employed at a fast food outlet to cook fries at a frying range.
She slipped on water leaking from a faucet pipe and automatically put
out her hand to break her fall. Unfortunately, her hand went into the
deep fat fryer containing oil at a temperature of 182°C.

1. What do you think will happen to Andrea? Encircle the words that may
possibly happen to her.

fracture burn cut bruise

2. What could have been done by the management to prevent it to happen?

Enclose with a sun the statement that could have been done.

mop up the spillage cover the wet floor with cardboard

leave spillage step on it

Situation 2. Paul is a thirty years old emergency services and health care worker in
a hospital. An emergency call was made to the hospital that a car
accident happened along the national highway. As Paul was pulling a
car crash victim, he felt a crack sound in his neck.

1. What do you think happened to Paul? Enclose with triangle the word
that may possibly happen to him.

scrape fracture slip disc sprain

2. What could have been done by Paul to prevent the incident? Enclose
with a star the statement that could have been done by him.

bend his back proper body posture

twist his hips lift above chest-level

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
What Is It

How many correct answers did you get from the given situation? Are you
excited to learn new things about the different types and effects of hazard and risk?
Read this information then find out how much you can learn.


Hazard is anything that may cause harm to an individual, such as chemicals,

electricity, open drawers, and inadequate ventilation.
Risk is the possibility that somebody could be harmed by these and other
hazards and the indication of how serious the harm can be.
This lesson will provide knowledge and skills of the different types of
hazards and risks in a workplace and the effects of each hazard.

Types of Hazards

1. Physical hazards are the most normal occurrences in workplaces. They are
usually easy to detect, however, very often are neglected because people are too
accustomed to them. Another reason may be due to lack of knowledge or people
do not see situations as hazards.

Examples of physical hazards that a caregiver may be exposed to:

• Electrical hazards: Even in day care institutions or nursing homes where

care should be of utmost concern, improper wiring and frayed cords may
still go unnoticed. Misuse of electrical equipment also happens in any
type of work environment.
• Endless loud noise: If one is going to work in a nursing home, frequent
noise from patients who are suffering from depression is definitely a
• Spills on floors or tripping hazards: There are times when even the
caregivers themselves do not mind spills on floors. This, definitely, poses
hazard to everyone.

Some of the Effects of Physical Hazards

• Fire
• Decreased efficiency
• Annoyance
• Falls

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
2. Biological hazards come from working with animals, people or infectious
materials. This is, therefore, one of the most common hazards that a
caregiver is exposed to. If one is working in a day care, hospital, hotel
laundry, nursing home, laboratories, he/she may be exposed to biological

Examples of biological hazards that a caregiver may be exposed to:

• blood or other body fluids
• fungi
• bacteria and viruses
• contaminated wastes

Some of the Effects of Biological Hazards

• infections
• skin irritations
• allergy
• Tuberculosis

3. Chemical hazards occur when a caregiver’s nature of work, body

position and working conditions put pressure on his/her body. It is
difficult to spot this type of hazard, because caregivers do not immediately
notice the effect to their bodies. At first, sore muscles may be experienced.
But long term exposure to this type of hazard can cause musculoskeletal

Examples of ergonomic hazards that a caregiver may be exposed to:

• performing tasks that require lifting heavy loads
• too much bending and reaching
• standing for long periods of time
• holding body parts for long period of time
• awkward movements, especially if they are repetitive
• repeating the same movements over and over

Some of the Effects of Ergonomic Hazards

• pain in the shoulders
• back injury
• too much impact on wrist and hands
• numbness in some parts of the body
• muscle cramps

4. Ergonomic hazards are present when a worker is exposed to any

preparation in the workplace in any form (solid, liquid or gas). There may
be chemicals which are safe, but some caregivers who are sensitive to
solutions may cause skin irritation, illness or breathing problems.

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
Examples of chemical hazards that a caregiver may be exposed to:
• liquids like cleaning products
• disinfecting solutions

Effects of Chemical Hazards

• Lung diseases
• Difficulty in breathing
• Allergy

5. Psychological Hazards take place when a caregiver’s work environment becomes

stressful or demanding.

Examples of psychological hazards that a caregiver may be exposed to:

• Burn out, fatigue and on call duty
• Unreasonable expectations from patients or clients
• Verbal abuse form dissatisfied clients
• Unreasonable expectations from supervisors and management

Some of the Effects of Psychological Hazards

• Depression
• Anxiety
• Loss of confidence
• Loss of concentration at work
• Deterioration of performance at work

Recognizing Hazards and Risks in the Workplace

Hazards and risks vary from one workplace to another. Even in day care or
nursing homes where work routines may be the same, hazards will differ depending
on the type of building the establishment is situated, and the attitudes of caregivers,
clients, or employers.

The good news is hazards and risks can be prevented! However, before
thinking about what control measures are needed, first a caregiver has to know
whether there are health and safety problems in his/her workplace. So, how can
someone identify the hazards in the workplace? The following are some ways for a
caregiver to determine health and safety problems:
1. A caregiver should observe the workplace.
2. A caregiver may examine complaints from his/her co-workers.
3. A caregiver should check accident records.
4. A caregiver should examine chart on results of inspections done by the
employers or private organizations.
5. A caregiver may use checklists and inspect the workplace.
6. A caregiver may study reports or any other vital information about the
nursing home.

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
In order to control workplace hazards and eliminate or reduce the risk, you
should take the following steps:

Identify the hazard by Determine how employees

carrying out a workplace and patients might be at
risk assessment risk

Record and review hazards

Evaluate the risks
at least annually, or earlier
if something changes

Nursing home and day care institution services are of great value to everyone.
As such, owners of these establishments are highly reliant on their staff, particularly
the caregivers, for the delivery of safe, efficient and responsive service. It is, therefore,
the responsibility of the management to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.
Every caregiver, on the other hand, should also take part in determining the hazards
and risks in the workplace in the attainment of a conducive organizational climate
within the nursing home or day care he/she is working for.

What’s More

Now, let’s see if you know the different types of hazards and risks. Listed
below are the examples of hazards in a workplace. Identify the following hazards
according to its type. Fill out the blanks provided.

Activity 1: “Watch Out”

________________________1. Standing for long periods of time

________________________2. Contaminated wastes
________________________3. Spills on floors
________________________4. Unreasonable expectations from supervisors and
________________________5. Liquid cleaning product

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
Activity 2: “It Hurts Me”
Directions: Group the following effects of hazards according to its type. Write the
words below each type of hazard in the space provided.

skin irritations loss of

Loss of confidence concentration at
fire work

pain in the
difficulty in breathing Lung disease

decrease efficiency muscle cramps infections

Physical Chemical Biological Ergonomic Psychological

Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
What I Have Learned

Activity 1. “Fit Me In”

Now, let’s find out how much you have learned. Let’s summarize our lesson from
the very start by filling in the blanks with appropriate answers. Choose your
answer from the given words inside the box.

caregiver hazard chemical biological

risk psychological ergonomic physical

1. __________________ is anything that may cause harm to an individual,

such as chemicals, electricity, open drawers, and inadequate ventilation.
2. __________________ is the possibility that somebody could be harmed by
these and other hazards.
3. ___________________ hazards are the most normal occurrences in
4. Chemical hazards are present when a worker is exposed to any
___________________ preparation in the workplace in any form (solid, liquid
or gas).
5. ___________________ hazards take place when a caregiver’s work
environment becomes stressful or demanding.

What I Can Do

Now, it’s about time for us to use our knowledge in real life situations. Let’s
answer the following questions below.

1. Your mother just arrived home from the grocery and she has bought cleaning
detergents and disinfectants. What do you think are the possible hazards that
your family may encounter? What are the effects of this hazard?

Possible Hazards Hazards Effects

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
2. Technology is changing our ways of functioning in society and continues to
develop rapidly. We are now in a world of technology and everything can be
searched on the internet. Every individual has a Facebook or Instagram
account. Have you experienced being cyberbullied? What were the effects on
you as a person?

Effects of Cyberbully


It’s time to test what you have learned from the very start of our lesson. Now, I
want you to read carefully and answer the questions below.

A. Directions: Write True if the statement is correct, or False if it is incorrect.

__________1. Hazards and risks vary from one workplace to another.
__________2. Risk can be an indication of how safe is the workplace.
__________3. Observing the nursing home environment is one of the ways in
determining health problems in the workplace.
__________4. Understanding the risks associated with blood-borne diseases is the
disadvantage of work practice for caregivers.
__________5. Hazard is the possibility that somebody could be harmed by these and
other hazards and the indication of how serious the harm can be.
__________6. Performing repeated movements in the workplace is an example of
biological hazard.
__________7. Occupational hazards and risks can be prevented.
__________8. Every caregiver should take part in determining the hazards and risks
in the workplace.

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
B. Directions: Match the word in Column A with that of the description in Column
B. Write the letter of your choice in the space provided in each item.

Column A Column B

A. The type of hazard that is usually the

9 Biological hazard
easiest to spot.

B. It is anything that may cause harm to

10 Ergonomic Hazard
an individual.

C. It comes from working with infectious

11 Hazard

D. The indication of how serious the harm

12 Physical hazard
can be.

E. Occur when a caregiver’s body position

13 Risk
put pressure on his/her body.

C. Directions: Read carefully the questions and encircle the letter of the correct

14. A caregiver was transferring a patient from wheelchair to bed. After his shift he
experienced numbness in his right arm. The effect that the caregiver
experienced is what type of hazard?
A. Physical hazard. C. Biochemical hazard
B. Ergonomic hazard. D. Psychological hazard.

15. Which of the following is NOT an example of the effects of physical hazards?
A. fire C. annoyance
B. back pain D. falls

16. What could be the effect to a caregiver if he always experiences verbal abuse
from dissatisfied clients?
A. allergy C. back injury
B. infections D. loss of concentration at work

17. Anna was cleaning the toilet using muriatic acid. Which of the following would
Anna experience if she accidentally inhaled the fume?
A. depression C. muscle cramps
B. tuberculosis D. difficulty in breathing

18. Biological hazards is the most common hazards that a caregiver faces. Which of
the following is the effect of it?
A. AIDS C. lung disease
B. back injury D. decreased efficiency

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
19. What is a risk?
A. the management of the environment
B. the likelihood of someone being harmed or injured as a result of a hazard
C. the probability of an accident happening
D. none of the above

20. Which of the following would prevent injuries from occurring at work?
A. wearing light clothing
B. keeping the workplace tidy
C. keeping lighting to minimum
D. lifting heavy objects with a bent back

Additional Activities

Good job! You’ve come this far. I know you’ve learned a lot about the lesson.
Now for your additional activities, just answer the following question.

Activity 1. Keep out of danger!

Walk around your house and list down 10 possible hazards and risks
that you may find. Explain why these things that you have identified or listed
pose danger to the members of your family. Follow the format given.

Reasons why it poses danger to me and my

Possible hazard and risk


CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
What’s What I Have
What I Know What’s In What’s More Assessment
CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
New Learned
Pretest 1.1 Activity 1. Situation 1 Activity 1. 1. Hazard A.
1. True Making 1. burn “Watch out” 2. Risk 1.True
2. False Connections 2. mop up 1. Ergonomic 3. Physical 2. False
3. True 1. fire the spillage Hazard 4. chemical 3. True
4. False station 2. Biological 5.Psychological 4. False
5. True 2. restaurant Situation Hazard 5. True
3. school 6. False
6. True 2. 3. Physical
4.building 7. True
7. False 1. slip disc Hazard
5.hospital/ 8. True
8. False clinic 2. proper 4.
9. True body Psychological B.
10. False posture Hazard 9.C
5. Chemical 10.E
Pretest 1.2 Hazard 11.B
1. Physical 12.A
2. Biological Activity 2. 13. D
3. Chemical “It hurts me”
4. Ergonomic Physical C.
5. Hazard 14.B
Psychological 1. fire 15. B
2. decrease 16. D
efficiency 17. D
Chemical 18. A
hazard 19. C
1. difficulty in 20. B
2. lung
1. Infections
2. skin
1.Pain in
2. muscle
1. Loss of
2. Loss of
at work
Answer Key

Cruz, W., n.d. K To 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood

Education Learning Module- Caregiving Exploratory Course Grade 7 And Grade 8.
[online] Available at:
df> [Accessed 14 May 2020].

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

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Email Address: blr.lrqad@deped.gov.ph * blr.lrpd@deped.gov.ph

CO_Q2_TLE 7/8_Module 4

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