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Tilak Raj Chadha Institute of Management & Technology, Yamuna Nagar

Pre-University Examination; BBA (3rd Sem)

BBA-202: Micro Business Environment

Roll No. _______________

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

1. Note: Paper is divided into 2 parts. Part A is compulsory. Part B constitutes 7 questions of 16 marks
each out of which student is required to attempt any four.
2. Please note that you will be given 3 hours in total to download, attempt and upload your answer
sheet on the shared google form link
3. Mention your name, roll number, class, subject, and date of examination on each sheet
4. Attempt paper on A4 size sheets

Q1. Explain the following: (each 2 marks-all compulsory)
a. What is ETOP?
b. “What are the various uncontrollable components of business environment?
c. Legal Forces Influencing Business
d. Types of State Intervention
e. Promotional Role of Government
f. Concept of Environmental Scanning and its Practical Utility
g. Importance of Business Ethics in Modern Business
h. Social Factor


Ques. 2 Provisions by which politically associated firms get economic favors are very common
nowadays, but little is known of the effects or form of influence in business-government affairs.
Not much is known about the firm-level political influence or its significance. Recent firm-level
analyses have examined various determinants of political influence and how these connections
influence market connections influence market valuation while some have detailed the networks
through which the benefits accrue. Much less is identified, however of how these political
connections influence decisions within firms or the strings that may come along with political

Identify the political factors that influence the business environment for a firm.

Ques. 3 Most companies have long practiced some form of corporate social and environmental
responsibility with the broad goal, simply, of contributing to the well-being of the communities
and society they affect and on which they depend. But there is increasing pressure to dress up
CSR as a business discipline and demand that every initiative deliver business results.

Define the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. Why has the concept of CSR grown
more important over the years in corporate world? Substantiate your answer with

Ques. 4 “Main economic activities of the country are concentrated in a few hands. Some big
industrial houses have become so big that they control the major economic activities of the
economy. In 1964, Government of India appointed Monopolies Inquiry Commission on the Basis
of the recommendations of this commission; Monopolicies Restrictive trade practices Act, 1969”

In light of this statement compare the main provisions of MRTP Act and Competition Act.

Ques. 5 Planning in India dates back to the 1930s. Even before independence, the colonial
government had established a planning board that lasted from 1944 to 1946. Private industrialists
and economists published three development plans in 1944. Thus, even before independence,
planning was not totally new to the economy.

Considering the prevalence of planning in the Indian economy, discuss the main objectives
and achievements of economic planning in India.

Ques. 6 Entrepreneurship is the dynamic process of creating incremental wealth and innovating
things of value that have a bearing on the welfare of an entrepreneur. The, entrepreneurs take the
economy and the society that is the whole civilization to the state of progress and prosperity.

Taking this into consideration evaluate some of the key function performed by government
in entrepreneurial role. Why such a role is getting important these days? Identify the
reasons behind the changed scenario.

.Ques. 7 Although economics is primarily concerned with the modus operandi of the market

mechanism, an overview of premarket coordinative arrangements not only is interesting in itself
but throws a useful light on the distinctive properties of market-run societies. The earliest and by
far the most historically numerous of economic systems has been that of primitive society, for
which tradition serves as the central means of bestowing order.

Compare and contrast the various economic systems

Ques. 8 Directive Principles of State Policy aim to create social and economic conditions under
which the citizens can lead a good life. They also aim to establish social and economic
democracy through a welfare state. Though the Directive Principles are non-justiciable rights of
the people but fundamental in the governance of the country, it shall be the duty of the State to
apply these principles in making laws.

State the directive principles of state policy which have impact on business functioning.
Make a critical appraisal of directive principles of state policy.

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