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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Explain the meaning of STI, HIV, and AIDS. (Cognitive Domain)
2. Recognize the causes of Sexually Transmitted Infection. (Affective Domain)
3. Makes awareness to the community about the Sexually Transmitted Infection.
(Psychomotor Domain)
II-Subject Matter and References
Topic: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Subtopic: HIV and AIDS
References: Health 7 Learning Module

III. Materials
1. Ballpen
2. Marker
3. Manila Paper

IV. Procedures


1. Preparation The student will go to their sits.
2. Greetings. The students greet the teacher
3. Prayer. The students in prayer.
4. Clean up. The students pick up litter
5. Checking of Attendance The students report when their seatmates are
6. Recap The students tell what have they learned in the
previous lesson.

V. Motivation
1. Motive Question: The students answer the question individually.
Have you ever heard the term “HIV or AIDS”
before? Can somebody share their insights?

2. The teacher will show a table wherein the The students answer the table as a whole
students will tell whether the given statement class.
will give you HIV or not. The teacher will test
the student’s awareness of the certain causes
of HIV
Ways of Acquiring HIV Yes No

1. Breastfeeding (yes)
2. Handshaking (no)
3. Sharing the eating utensils with someone infected with HIV. (no)
4. Donating blood with Red Cross (yes)
5. Selling blood in blood banks (yes)
6. Someone who has HIV who coughs and sneezes near you (no)
7. Hugging someone with HIV (no)
8. Having unprotected intercourse with someone with HIV (yes)
9. Sharing contaminated syringes, needles or other sharp instruments with
someone infected by HIV (yes)
10. Receiving transfusion of blood infected with HIV (yes)

VI. Lesson Proper

1. The teacher will discuss the new lesson The students will listen.
about STI, HIV, and AIDS.

2. Generalization:
a. Is STI preventable? Can you share your The students answer the question individually.
insights on how can we prevent Sexually
transmitted infection?

VII. Evaluation
The teacher will provide a short true or false The student will answer on a ¼ sheet of paper.

Instructions: Write true if the statement is true, and write false if the statement is false.
1. If you are infected with HIV, you will definitely get AIDS. (FALSE)
2. HIV can be passed from one person to another by shaking hands. (FALSE)
3. If you are sexually active, it's important to know your partner's sexual history. (TRUE)

VIII. Assignment
The students will pass it tomorrow.

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