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The Initiative of Humanitarian Action

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Explain the difference between acts of man and human acts. (Cognitive Domain)
2. Recognize human action as initiative when it comes from the free exercise of action
under the guidance of the mind. (Affective Domain)

II-Subject Matter and References

Topic: The Initiative of Humane Action and Factors Affecting Human Responsibility for
the Consequences of Action and Decision
Subtopic: The Initiative of Humanitarian Action
References: Gabay sa Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 10 TG p. 52-53
Modyul sa Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 10 LM p. 83

III. Materials
1. Ballpen
2. Manila Paper
3. Marker

IV. Procedures


1. Preparation The student will go to their sits.
2. Greetings. The students greet the teacher
3. Prayer. The students in prayer.
4. Clean up. The students pick up litter
5. Checking of Attendance The students report when their seatmates are
6. Recap The students tell what have they learned in
the previous lesson.

V. Motivation

1. Motive Question: The student tries to answer the question.

Do you think there is a difference between
human act and act of man? Why do you think

2. The teacher will show some scenarios and The students answer the question as a whole
the student will tell weather the following by raising their hands.
statement is an act of man or human act.
-In number one, who says the statement is
act of man or human act.
-In number two, who says the statement is
act of man or human act.
-In number three, who says the statement is
act of man or human act.
-In number four, who says the statement is
act of man or human act.
-In number five, who says the statement is
act of man or human act.

VI. Lesson Proper

1. When you hear the word human act and The student raised their hands
acts of man what comes to your mind?

- Okay, good point of view. Since some of Yes, Sir!

you have an idea of the concepts of human
act and act of man. Let us start with our
discussion. Shall we?

-The teacher will discuss the new lesson The students will listen.
through a presentation regarding the
subtopics to be discussed based on the
assigned day.

a. The teacher reads the meaning of human


- Class, in human acts, it makes the doer the The student answered a group of students
father of his acts and thus, the doer is cross the street when the traffic lights is red.
responsible for those acts. He can
acknowledge that he has done them because
he wanted to and he can explain why he
wanted to do them. Can anyone give me an
example of human act?

-Okay, correct. a group of students cross the Yes, Sir!

street when the traffic lights is red is an
example of human act since it was done
voluntarily and the doer has a reason to do it
for their safety. Do you understand the
meaning of human acts now?

b. The teacher reads the meaning of acts of The students will listen.

- Class while, in acts of man, these are The student answered sleeping.
actions done under the circumstances of
ignorance, passion, fear, violence, and
habits. Can anyone give me an example of
acts of man?
Yes, Sir!
- Okay, correct. sleeping is an example of act
of man since it is natural for a man to sleep.
Do you understand the meaning of acts of
man now?

c. The teacher reads the importance of

responsibility in an action.
Yes, Sir!
- Class we must remember that in every
action there is always a consequences
weather it is good or bad. We just need to
account if the chosen action is for the best for
ourselves and to everyone surrounds you.
Okay? The students answer the question as a
2. After the teacher discusses his lessons the
teacher will now answer the activity while ago
if the statement is a human act or act of man. The students answered acts of man
- Number one, breathing? Yes, correct. Acts
of man. The students answered human acts
- Number two, Recycling a plastic bottle?
Yes, correct. Human acts. The students answered acts of man
- Number three, eating? Yes, correct. Acts of
man. The students answered human acts
- Number four, Stopping on the red lights in
the road? Yes, correct. Human acts. The students answered acts of man
- Last number, Heart beats. Yes, correct.
Acts of man.

3. Generalization: The student answers the question.

In summary, can somebody differentiate acts
of man and human acts with examples?

VII. Evaluation

The teacher will provide a short quiz to the The student will answer on a ¼ sheet of
students paper.
Instruction: Write AOM if the statement is act of man and write HM if the statement is
human act.
1. Sleeping in class
2. Kissing your loved ones
3. Walking to the store to buy cigarette

VIII. Assignment

By investigating your actions in your daily The students will pass it tomorrow.
lives, complete the table below.
My Actions Why I’ve done it?
Act of man or human act?

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