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1. Who was the founder of Gupta dynasty?
a. Chandra gupta-1 b. Samudra gupta
c. Sri gupta d. Katotkacha gupta
Fg;j Nguuir Njhw;Wtpj;jth; ahh;?
a. Kjyhk; re;jpuFg;jh; b. rKj;jpu Fg;jh;
c. = Fg;jh; d. fNlhj;f[ Fg;jh;

2. Which among the following Gupta emperors called himself “Lichchhavi-

a. Sri gupta b. Chandra gupta-I
c. Chandra gupta-II d. Samudra gupta
gpd;tUk; Fg;j Nguurh;fspy; “ypr;rhtp njsrpj;uh” vd;W jd;idj;jhNd
mioj;Jf;nfhz;lth; ahh;?
a. = Fg;jh; b. Kjyhk; re;jpuFg;jh;
c. ,uz;lhk; re;jpuFg;jh; d. rKj;jpu Fg;jh;

3. Fahien visited India during the period of

a. Chandra gupta-I b. Samudra gupta
c. Kumara gupta d. Chandra gupta-II
ahUila fhyj;jpy; gh`pahd; ,e;jpahtpw;F tUif Ghpe;jhh;?
a. Kjyhk; re;jpuFg;jh; b. rKj;jpuFg;jh;
c. Fkhu Fg;jh; d. ,uz;lhk; re;jpuFg;jh;

4. Who was the southern Pallava king defeated by Samudra Gupta?

a. Hasti verman b. Nilaraja
c. Vishnu gopa d. Rama Gupta
ve;j njd; gy;yt murh; rKj;jpu Fg;juhy; Njhw;fbf;fg;gl;lhh;?
a. `];jp th;kd; b. epyuh[h
c. tp~;Z Nfhgh; d. uhk Fg;jh;

5. Prayog Prasasthi was composed by

a. Chanakya b. Kamandaka c. Harisena d. Kalidasa
gpuNahF gpur];jpia ,aw;wpath; ahh;?
a. rhzf;fpah; b. fkhe;jfh c. `hpNrdh; d. fhspjhrh;

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6. Which is wrongly matched?
a. Allahabad inscription - Samudra Gupta
b. Meharuli inscription - Chandra Gupta
c. Sanchi stone inscription- Kumara Gupta
d. Bhitari inscription - Skanda Gupta
jtwhd ,iziaf; fhz;f
a. myfhghj; fy;ntl;L - rKj;jpu Fg;jh;
b. nk`;Uyp fy;ntl;L - re;jpu Fg;jh;
c. rhQ;rp J}z; fy;ntl;L - Fkhu Fg;jh;
d. gpjhhp fy;ntl;L - ];fe;j Fg;jh;

7. Who was the lover of poetry music earned the title Kavi raja?
a. Sri gupta b. Skanda gupta
c. Samudra gupta d. Bala aditya
,irf; ftpijfis tpUk;gpajhy; ftpuh[h vd;w gl;lk; ngw;wth; ahh;?
a. =Fg;jh; b. ];fe;j Fg;jh;
c. rKj;jpu Fg;jh; d. ghyhjpj;ah;

8. ”Sakari” was the title given to

a. Sri gupta b. Skanda gupta
c. Samudra gupta d. Chandra gupta-II
“rf;fhhp” vd;w gl;lk; ahUf;F toq;fg;gl;lJ?
a. =Fg;jh; b. ];fe;j Fg;jh;
c. rKj;jpu Fg;jh; d. ,uz;lhk; re;jpu Fg;jh;

9. Navaratnas lived in the court of

a. Kumara Gupta b. Skanda Gupta
c. Samudra Gupta d. Chandra Gupta-II
etuj;jpdq;fs; vdg;gLNthh; ahUila mitia myq;fhpj;jdh;?
a. Fkhu Fg;jh; b. ];fe;j Fg;jh;
c. rKj;jpu Fg;jh; d. ,uz;lhk; re;jpu Fg;jh;
10. Famous Nalanda University was built by
a. Kumara Gupta b. Skanda Gupta
c. Samudra Gupta d. Chandra Gupta-II
Gfo;ngw;w ehse;jh gy;fiyfofk; ahuhy; fl;lg;gl;lJ?
a. Fkhu Fg;jh; b. ];fe;j Fg;jh;
c. rKj;jpu Fg;jh; d. ,uz;lhk; re;jpu Fg;jh;
11. Who was called as Napoleon of India?
a. Sri Gupta b. Kumara Gupta
c. Samudra Gupta d. Skanda Gupta
,e;jpahtpd; neg;Nghypad; vd miof;fg;gLgth; ahh;?
a. = Fg;jh; b. Fkhu Fg;jh;
c. rKj;jpu Fg;jh; d. ];fe;j Fg;jh;
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12. Who was the greatest person in Arithmetic, algebra, and geometry?
a.Varahamira b. Arya bhatta
c. Baskara d. Brahma Gupta
vz;fzpjk;> ,aw;fzpjk; kw;Wk; tbtpay; Nghd;wtw;wpy; rpwe;J tpsq;fpath;
a. tuhfkpfpuh; b. Mh;agl;lh;
c. gh];fuh; d. gpuhk Fg;jh;

13. Last line of imperial guptas ended by

a. Skanda Gupta b. Puru Gupta
c. Buddha Gupta d. Vishnu Gupta
Vfhjpgj;jpa Fg;jh;fspd; ahUila fhyj;jpy; KbTf;F te;jJ?
a. ];fe;j Fg;jh; b. GU Fg;jh;
c. Gj;j Fg;jh; d. tp~;Z Fg;jh;

14. During Gupta period the provincial governors are called as

a. Deshas b. Bhukthas c. Karukuns d. Uparika
Fg;jh;fs; Ml;rpf;fhyj;jpy; khfhz MSeh;fs; vt;thW miof;fg;gl;ldh;?
a. Njrh;fs; b. Gf;jh;fs; c. fUFdh;fs; d. cghpfh;fs;

15. Which book written during Gupta period explains about sources of revenue
and emphasis of royal treasury?
a. Artha sastra b. Asta adhyayi
c. Mudra rakshasha d. Niti sara
Fg;jh;fs; fhyj;jpy; vOj;jg;gl;l ve;j Gj;jfk; tUtha; Mjhuq;fs; kw;Wk;
muR fUt+yj;jpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; gw;wp tpsf;FfpwJ?
a. mh;j;jrh];jpuk; b. m];lhj;jpahap
c. Kj;uhuhf;rrk; d. epjp rhuh

16. Meharuli iron pillar was example for

a. Architecture b. Sculpture
c. Metallurgy d. Stone cutting
nk`;Uyp ,Uk;Gj;J}z; vjw;F vLj;Jf;fhl;lhf tpsq;FfpwJ?
a. fl;llf;fiy b. rpw;gf;fiy
c. cNyhftpay; d. fw;fspy; ntl;Lk; fiy

17. The political alliance of Guptas was with

a. Sakas b. Pallavas c. Parthians d. Vakatakas
Fg;jh;fs; ahUld; murpay; $l;L itj;jpUe;jdh;?
a. rhfh;fs; b. gy;yth;fs; c. ghh;j;jpah;fs; d. thfjfh;fs;

18. Who among the following performed Asva medha sacrifice?

1. Chandra Gupta 2. Samudra Gupta
3. Kumara Gupta 4. Skanda Gupta
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a. 1 and 2 only b. 2 and 3 only
c. 2 and 4 only d. 2, 3, and 4.
gpd;tUgth;fSs; m];tNkjahfk; elj;jpath;fis Fwpg;gpLf
1. re;jpuFg;jh; 2. rKj;jpuFg;jh;
3. Fkhu Fg;jh; 4. ];fe;jFg;jh;
a. 1 kw;Wk; 2 kl;Lk; b. 2 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk;
c. 2 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk; d. 2> 3 kw;Wk; 4

19. Who has performed sati after the death of Chandra Gupta-II?
1. Dhurbaswamini 2. Tivara
3. Mahisasurani 4. Kunera naga
a. 1and 2 only b. 2 and 3 only
c. 2 and 4 only d. 1 and 4 only
,uz;lhk; re;jpuFg;jhpd; kiwtpd; NghJ cld;fl;il Vwpath;fs; ahh;?
1. Jh;g];thkpdp 2. jpthuh
3. kfp];rhRuhdp 4. FNduh ehfh
a. 1 kw;Wk; 2 kl;Lk; b. 2 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk;
c. 2 kw;wk; 4 kl;Lk; d. 1 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk;

20. Who were the first to construct temples on tradition of rock cut shrines?
a. Aryans b. Mauryas c. Kushanas d. Guptas
Kjd; Kjypy; ghuk;ghpakpf;f Filtiuf; Nfhapy;fis fl;bath;fs; ahh;?
a. Mh;ah;fs; b. nkshpah;fs; c. F~hdh;fs; d. Fg;jh;fs;

21. A description about ‘Gravitational law” during Gupta’s period was given
a. Aryabhatta b. Amarasimha
c. Varahamira d. Brahma Gupta
Fg;jh;fs; fhyj;jpy; GtpaPh;g;G tpjp gw;wp tpsf;fk; mspj;jth; ahh;?
a. Mh;agl;lh; b. mkurpk;kh;
c. tuh`kpfpuh; d. gpuk;kFg;jh;

22. The official language during the period of Gupta was

a. Prakrit b. Pali c. Magadhi d. Sanskrit
Fg;jh; fhy mYty; nkhop ahJ?
a. gpuhfpUjk; b. ghyp c. kfjp d. rk];fpUjk;

23. Dhanvantri was famous scholar in the field of:

a. Metallury b. Surgery c. Ayurveda d. Siddha
jd;te;jphp vj;Jiwapy; gpugykhdth;?
a. cNyhftpay; b. mWit rpfpr;ir
c. MAh;Ntjk; d. rpj;j itj;jpak;

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24. Chandravyakaranam is a book of grammar written by:
a. Panini b. Patanjali
c. Chandragomia d. Chandra Gupta-II
re;jputpahfuzk; vd;w ,yf;fz E}iy vOjpath; ahh;?
a. ghdpdp b. gjQ;ryp
c. re;jpuNfhkpah d. ,uz;lhk; re;jpuFg;jh;

25. Who was the first Indian to explain the process of surgery?
a. Dhanrantri b. Charaka c. Bhaskara-II d. Sushrutha
mWit rpfpr;ir gw;wp tpsf;fk; mspj;j Kjy; ,e;jpah; ahh;?
a. jd;uhe;jphp b. ruhfh c. ,uz;lhk; gh];fuh; d. R];Ujh;

26. Pushyabhuthi dynasty had capital:

a. Kannuj b. Thaneshwar c. Pataliputra d. Avanti
G~;aGjp Nguurpd; jiyefh; __________
a. fNdh[; b. jhNd];th; c. ghlypGj;jpuk; d. mte;jp

27. Harsha met Hiuen-Tsang for first time at

a. Purushpura b. Pataliputra c. Kajangala d. Kannuj
Athd; Rthq;if `h;riu Kjd; Kjypy; vq;F re;jpj;jhh;?
a. GU~Guk; b. ghlypGj;jpuk; c. f[d;fyh d. fNdh[;

28. Harsha accepted the throne on the advice of which Bodhisatva

a. Manjusri b. Padmapani c. Avalokiteswara d. Mahendra
ve;j Nghjprj;Jthpd; MNyhridapd; Nghpy; `h;rh; mhpaiz Vwpdhh;?
a. kQ;R= b. gj;kghdp c. mt;NyhfpNj];tuh; d. kN`e;jpuh;

29. Harsha, a strong follower of Buddhism, but he also promoted

a. Jainism b. Ajivakas c. Vedic religion d. Charavakas
`h;rh; jPtpukhf Gj;j kjj;ij gpd;gw;wpdhYk;> ______ Ak; Nkk;gLj;jpdhh;
a. rkzk; b. m[ptpf;fk; c. Ntj rkak; d. ruhtfk;

30. Which is not popular work of Harsha vardhana?

a. Ratnavali b. Naganandha
c. Priyadarsika d. Harshacharita
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; vJ `h;rth;jdhpd; Gfo;ngw;w gilg;gy;y?
a. uj;jpdhtsp b. ehfee;jh c. gphpajh;rpfh d. `h;rrhpjk;

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