Quiz Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

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Read the text below!

Europeans also point to new American visa regulations that make it more difficult for them to enter the
United States if they have traveled to Iran. Those financial and travel restrictions, they say, make it nearly
impossible to reach agreements with their Iranian counterparts.
The hurdles set up by the United States, Europeans say, are also infuriating the Iranian leadership and
undermining what they understood to be one of the main goals of the nuclear deal, which was to draw Iran
out of its international isolation.
“Europe is being taken hostage by American policy,” said Marietje Schaake, the vice president of the
European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations With the United States. “We … the nuclear deal together,
but now the U.S. is obstructing its execution.”
(taken from: http://www.nytimes.com/)

1. The best word to complete the sentence is ….

A. agreed
B. argued
C. looked
D. negotiated
E. answered

Read the text below!

Nepal rescuers find 3 bodiesnear crashed US Marine
Nepalese rescuers on Friday found three bodies near the wreckage of a U.S. Marine
helicopter that disappeared earlier this week while on a relief mission in the earthquake-hit
Himalayan nation, officials said. Nepal’s Defense Secretary Iswori Poudyal gave no details about the
nationalities of the victims. The helicopter was carrying six Marines and two Nepalese army soldiers.
The wreckage was found near Gothali village in the district of Dolakha.
The U.S. Embassy in Nepal had no immediate comment Friday. The discovery of the wreckage, first
spotted by a Nepalese army helicopter Friday, followed days of intense search involving U.S. and
Nepalese aircraft and even U.S. satellites.
The U.S. relief mission was deployed soon after a magnitude-7.8 quake hit April 25, killing
more than 8,200 people. It was followed by another magnitude-7.3 quake on Tuesday that killed 117
people and injured 2,800.
The second quake was centered between Kathmandu and Mount Everest, and hit hardest in deeply
rural parts of the Himalayan foothills, hammering many villages reached only by hiking trails and
causing road-blocking landslides.
(taken from: http://www.kuliahbahasainggris.com)

2. What is the purpose of the text?


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