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Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No.

2, August 2014, pages 187 – 196

Individual investors’ behavior in decision making on securities

investment in Indonesia Stock Exchange (ISE)
Dihin Septyanto1, MF. Arrozi Adhikara2
University of Esa Unggul Jakarta, Arjuna Utara Street 9, Tol Tomang, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat 11510, DKI,


Article history: This study tests the benefits of investment in financial information, sophisticated and
Received 13 March 2014 rational attitude, and risk preferences of investors on utility maximization in invest-
Revised 4 August 2014 ment decision-making process. This study is clear causality with the survey on the
Accepted 15 August 2014 opinions, attitudes, experiences, or characteristics of the study individual subjects.
Time dimension is one shot study on 182 investors. Data analysis was done using
JEL Classification: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS program. It shows that the bene-
G11 fits of financial information does not affect the investment intentions; Subjective
norms positively affect the investment intentions; Subjective norms have positive
Key words: influence on belief revision; usefulness of accounting information has positive influ-
Information Benefits, ence on the perception of systemic risk; positive belief revision affects investment in-
Belief Revision, tentions, and systematic risk perception negatively affect the investment intentions.
Subjective Norm, They become sophisticated investors and irrational because it does not utilize the in-
Unsystematic Risk Perception, formation in the financial statements of the stock investment decisions. They risk
Intention to Invest. averter because when they have a positive attitude towards risk stocks, investors avoid
acting in investment intentions.
Tujuan penelitian ini menguji manfaat investasi dalam informasi keuangan, sikap
canggih dan rasional, dan preferensi risiko investor pada maksimisasi utilitas dalam
proses pengambilan keputusan investasi. Penelitian ini adalah kausalitas jelas dengan
survei pada pendapat, sikap, pengalaman, atau karakteristik subyek penelitian secara
individual. Dimensi waktu adalah one shot study pada 182 investors. Analisis data
menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan program AMOS. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manfaat informasi keuangan tidak berpengaruh pada
niat investasi; norma subyektif positif mempengaruhi niat investasi; norma subyektif
berpengaruh positif terhadap revisi keyakinan; kegunaan informasi akuntansi berpen-
garuh positif terhadap persepsi risiko sistematis; revisi keyakinan positif mempenga-
ruhi niat investasi, dan persepsi risiko sistematis berpengaruh negatif terhadap niat
investasi. Mereka menjadi investor canggih dan tidak rasional karena tidak meman-
faatkan informasi dalam laporan keuangan keputusan investasi saham. Mereka risk
averter karena ketika memiliki sikap positif terhadap risiko saham emiten, investor
menghindari bertindak dalam niat investasi.

1. INTRODUCTION to do investment shows an assessment of the com-

Investment on securities in the stock market is influ- pany (the value of the firm) which is reflected in the
enced by some factors such as information, risk, poli- stock price. For example, when the stock price in-
tics, security, issues, rumors, policy, global markets, creases, the issuer is deemed to have good perform-
news, as well as consideration of market belief in ance and prospects. It implies that the investors get a
doing investing or investment intention. The goal of capital gain when the shares are sold, or held for
such action is to maximize the utility. Thus, intention getting dividends, or both (Arrozi 2011).

* Corresponding author, email address: 1, 2

Dihin Septyanto: Individual investors’ …

Concern about the issue of investment reflects because the individual has the intention to do so,
the attention to the information in the interpretation and related to the activities carried out on their
of information for decision making. For investors, own (volitional). Volitional behavior is based on the
information that serves as a stimulus signals (Hogg assumption; first, humans do things in a way that
and Cooper 2007) affects cognitive processes because makes sense. Second, humans consider all informa-
they inform the company's financial performance, tion. Third, explicitly or implicitly take into account
prospects of the company, uncertainty, expected the implications of human actions investors. Inten-
values, and facilities management responsibilities to tion to act is a function of two basic determinants,
stakeholders (Scott 2011). Through understanding which relates to personal and other factors related
the information processing center as referred to a to social influence.
cognitive mental process, it tends to create invest- The outline of the concept of reasoned action is
ment (Arrozi and Septyanto 2012). Thus, the infor- divided into three relationships, first, the relation-
mation signal can be considered good news or bad ship with attitudes beliefs. Beliefs affect attitudes as
news. The representation of good news and the bad positive or negative effect of knowledge, attitudes
news perception is a form of expected values toward action means is formed of knowledge. The
(returns) and risk and shows attention of investors in implication is that an attitude can be positive or
the determination of investment decision. negative depending on the components that make
It has been noted that investors respond to the up the knowledge of being obedient. Secondly, it
financial statement information but have limited deals with the relationship between normative be-
cognitive ability to interpret the information that liefs and subjective norm. Normative beliefs came
investors receive. In this case, they act so naive, make someone act or behave related to his compo-
irrational, and unsophisticated (Arrozi 2009). nent of knowledge, and the views of others which
Therefore, they tend to base on rumors, issues, affect the life of someone else.
speculative, and behave mass behavior, impulsiv- Subjective norm is an action against a person's
ity, loss-control, and impatience (Arrozi 2012; Ar- decision after considering the views of others to-
rozi et al. 2014). Due to the above problem, it can wards an action. Third, it concerns the relationship
lead to consequences, namely: a) Investors make between attitude and subjective norm towards inten-
the wrong decision so that the stock in question tion to behave. In this case, intention to perform an
incorrectly assessed and market often seems to get action depends on the intention to perform an ac-
lost (fooled) by the information that must be inter- tion, and the intention is formed of attitudes toward
preted; b) The misleading investors change and an action and subjective norms against an action.
adjust to beliefs the initial values that are already Theory of intention to behave is referred to
expected to interpret information; c) Making inves- Fishbein and Ajzen (1975). It was stated that the in-
tor behavior more impulsive so that many invest- tention according to a person's behavior which is
ment decisions have high risk. This is because of influenced by two factors, namely attitude and sub-
the perception of the object that is interpreted to be jective norm behavior. Therefore, it is still widely
a misinterpretation; d) Investors behave as profit- open for the construction of behavioral develop-
taking to pay attention to capital gains. This process ment. Individual behavior is indirectly influenced by
shows that short-term investors like investment, external variables. This also interacts with environ-
speculative behavior, as well as actively pursuing a mental factors in determining behavior. The external
strategy by taking into account factors such as variables are demographics, personality characteris-
macro issues, rumors, politics, conspiracy, insider tics, beliefs about the object, the attitude toward the
trading, regulatory, market anomalies, and others. object, task characteristics, and situational.
The purpose of this study is to assess the inves- The attitudes interact with each other is related
tor's intention to invest in a sophisticated and ra- to the beliefs in certain object that is stock or shares.
tional utility maximizing. Shares are classified such as assets which are in the
risky market environment. This predicts individual
2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPO- behavior for being more complex and it also pre-
THESIS sents a great opportunity to develop a model con-
Theory of Intent to Behave (Theory of Reasoned struction in the theory of reasons. This is due to the
Action) fact that behavior has become the individual char-
Theory of Reasoned Action (Theory of Intention to acters, such as environmental factors, perception,
Behave) was formerly developed by Fishbein and information, demographics, values, beliefs consid-
Ajzen (1975) explaining that the behavior is done erations, etc. into the model of intention to behave.

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No. 2, August 2014, pages 187 – 196

The study by Arrozi and Septyanto (2011) on when to do something. Third, it is fighting: work
the determinants of stock investments shows that hard, work smart, and time management. Process
investors tend to rely on long-term profitability. intention to invest requires a high capability for
This factor rests on the characteristics of the securi- market participants related to the ability of indi-
ties that are risky instruments with market risk. The viduals in the cognitive, affective, and a connota-
next deciding factor is the rapid gains in the short tion referred to such as processing of financial and
term, following the advice of people / friends, as non-financial information, the application of in-
well as having the authority in possession. It is vestment knowledge of the fundamental and tech-
proved that the subjective norm that relied on a nical aspects, changes in investment preferences,
friend's suggestion indicates that no major se- perceptions of risk and return, investment and
quence in shares investment discretion. learning process (Nofsinger 2005).
The above concept is related to the investment
Intention to Invest objectives of the investment strategy selected mar-
Consumption and investment are related activities. ket participants desired to return, so the cognitive
Delayed current consumption can be interpreted as processes will vary among market participants in
an investment for future consumption and individ- determining the appropriate investment strategy.
ual consumption to get satisfaction. Investors invest This variation is caused market participants have
their money to improve its utility in the form of different preferences based on return and risk. The
financial welfare. The process shows how the inves- implication of market participants have an option
tor should make an investment in securities, the like returns in the form of dividends, capital gains,
securities selected what, how much of the invest- or both dividends and capital gains. Market par-
ment, and when the investment will be carried out ticipants will have different preferences and utili-
(Arrozi 2012). ties for the above attitude.
The investment objectives can be stated in both Intention to invest requires knowledge of spe-
the return and risk. In this condition, risk prefer- cific analyzes to be sure about the stock perform-
ences should be considered in the investment proc- ance to be selected in the overall stock investment
ess. This is due to the fact that the funds invested (Nofsinger 2005; Altman 2006). Knowledge analysis
affect the expected returns and risks covered. A for intention to invest is specifically in the analysis
model of assumptions about investor preferences phase including the following: First, fundamental
(Markowitz 1952; Scott 2011) is based solely on ex- analysis and industry. Fundamental analysis is an
pected return and risk of portfolios that assume analysis of the issuer's financial performance is
investors to have the same utility function. Another assuming the value of the firm; the value of the
model is the value of the portfolio with the smallest company is shown or reflected in the price of secu-
risk for a certain expected return. rities. Second, it concerns economic analysis and
Studies by Arrozi and Septyanto (2011) on the technical analysis.
preferences of investors indicate that preference The analysis is based on the movement of
returns desired by investors are dividends and stocks selected candidates. The purpose of the
capital gains. In such instances, return is based on analysis to get estimates of return and risk calcula-
the choice of investment securities that have supe- tion of stocks selected candidates. The result of the
rior stock category, good performance, stable prof- analysis is used to decide on the choice of candidate
itability, and high liquidity. Besides that, the in- stocks with the highest return on risk-free asset
vestment decision-making model with negative return. Third, it deals with portfolio analysis. The
framing specifically also indicates that investors in process of formation of portfolio based on investor
the Indonesia Stock Exchange tend to be risk neu- preferences are divided into categories of risk
tral preferences to maximize their utility. Evidence averter, risk seekers, as well as risk neutral. An
supports that there is a tendency of investors attitude toward preference is to determine the ease
would be indifference on an investment that is fair. of acceptance of risk in meeting the recommenda-
An attitude that belongs to one of the market tion to investors and other market participants.
participants in the capital markets is the intention Thus, the ease of acceptance of risk has implications
to invest. Intention to invest is a cognitive process for investor returns subjectively desired.
to estimate the risk and return. The form of this
attitude is supported by three factors, first, deter- Risk perception
mination: the motivation, intentions, and strong Perception is an individual view to understand the
purpose. Second, self discipline: knowing what and object or event through their senses derived from the

Dihin Septyanto: Individual investors’ …

experience of objects or events to infer information who invest in the Stock Exchange. As referred to
and interpret messages. Subjective perceptions and Hair et al. (2010), a large sample is 5-10 x number of
situational are possibly related to the activity of hav- variables or the maximum estimate likelihood es-
ing differences with the other individual's percep- timation (MLE) between 100 and 200. The sample
tion of the same object (Dictionary of Indonesian size was determined based on the MLE is 135 sam-
2008; Robbins 2008). Investment risk has a sense, i.e. pling technique using simple random sampling, in
the deviation from the expected profit existence un- which each individual investor has an equal prob-
certainty means investors will get a return in the ability to be selected as the sample.
future as yet unknown value (Hartono 2008).
Types of investment risks are grouped into two Technique of Analysis
major groups (Jones 2006), first, systematic risk or Data were analyzed using the Structural Equation
systematic risk or undiversified risk; Market risk Model (SEM) with the AMOS program to test hy-
cannot be eliminated through diversification of the potheses 1 through 7 of this technique is appropri-
portfolio. For example, a sharp rise in inflation, ate when used to describe the relationship analysis
recession, can raise interest rates, and economic of a series of stages through the analysis of path
cycles. Secondly, risk is not systematic or unsys- (line).
tematic risk or diversifiable risk; Specific risks for
companies that include policy and strategic deci- Operational Definition and Measurement of the
sions, operations, and finance. These risks differ Variables
between the various companies that focus on the Benefits of Accounting Information
specific impact on certain stocks or sectors. Exam- The benefit of accounting information is the degree
ple, government regulations prohibit the export or of having positive or negative effect which is de-
import of cement that affect the stock price which termined directly by the analysts’ belief. It is the
produces cement, property, or other products that effects on the quality of information that is useful in
use cement materials. decision making. This is measured by researchers
as developed from the SAK (IAI 2012), Ho and
Hypothesis Testing Wong (2005), and (Arrozi et al. 2014). The benefit of
In reference to the theoretical and empirical bases, accounting information is identified in 5 latent
the proposed hypotheses are as follows: variables and 15 measured variables, as the follow-
H1: The benefit of financial information affects the ing.
belief revision. 1. Relevance (IA1) consists of three indicators, i.e.
H2: The benefit of financial information affects the predictive, feedback, and on time.
perception of unsystematic risk. 2. Reliability (IA2) consists of three indicators,
H3: The benefit of financial information affects the which can be checked / testability, Accuracy
intention to invest. symbolization, and neutrality.
H4: Perception of unsystematic risk affects the in- 3. Quality of Secondary (IA3) consists of three
tention to invest indicators, namely Comparative, Consistency,
H5: Subjective norm affects belief revision. and easy to understand.
H6: Subjective norm affects the intention to invest. 4. Limitation (IA4) consists of two indicators,
H7: Revision beliefs to affect the investment inten- namely the costs and benefits; and Materiality.
tions. 5. Performance (IA5) consists of two indicators,
namely short-term performance, and prospects.
3. RESEARCH METHOD The Instrument of benefits of accounting in-
Design and Type of the Research formation is developed by Likert scale, measuring
This study is a causal-explanatory approach, ex- the usefulness of information as in score 1. It shows
plaining the phenomenon of investment decision, that the accounting information is not very helpful,
using primary data. The time dimension is a one as well as in score 5 which shows that the account-
shot study in which the data were collected by sur- ing information is very helpful.
vey from investors with their opinions, attitudes,
and experience in making investment decisions. Unsystematic Risk Perception
The unit of analysis is the individual investor. Unsystematic risk perception is the belief which ana-
lysts regard it as the financial statement items that
Population, Sample and Sampling Technique happen to be considered a potential loss of yield. Its
The population consists of individual investors instrument consists of 7 indicators as developed

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No. 2, August 2014, pages 187 – 196

Figure 1
Research Model




Unsys- PR6
tematic Risk
Perception PR7

Subjective H4 MI1
H2 Norms
X2 H5 MI2
H3 Intention MI3
of Accounting
to Invest
Y3 MI4
H1 H6 MI5

H7 MI6



from Koonce et al. (2004) and Arrozi (2012), namely: Subjective Norms
financial statements show the financial difficulties Subjective norm is the analyst's perception about
(RU1. This, concerns the financial condition of the the strength of the effect of opinion. It affects the
company (RU2), financial condition that cannot be people around him. They are experts in the field of
controlled (RU3), the relationship with the timing of financial investment that motivates him to decide
the financial risk (RU4), the probability of economic investment. The variable of subjective norms is
loss financial statements (RU5), loss I predicted developed from Chow and Chan (2008) with 4 in-
would happen to the company (RU6), and there is dicators, namely: Effect of observer (NS1), Effect of
company's financial risk (RU7). friend (NS2), the influence of mass media (NS3),
Unsystematic risk instrument is measured by and Influence regulator (NS4)
using a Likert scale in which that in score 1 indicat- The instrument of subjective norms is done us-
ing extremely risky, and score 5 showing very ing a Likert scale that measures the strength of
risky. normative belief to comply with the investment
decision. The answer provided was not encourag-
Belief Revision ing start from (1) up to very encouraging (5).
Belief revision is the change in the initial belief (an-
chor) into a new belief (adjustment) due to securi- Intention to Invest
ties analysts that acquires new information as good Investment intention is a desire to buy stocks di-
news or bad news. This measurement was devel- rectly determined by the belief of investors who
oped from Scott (2011) which consists of 6 indica- own the stock return estimate. The instrument used
tors: earnings brought news (RK1), the return to measure investment intentions is developed
brings information content (RK2), dividend brings from Arrozi et al (2009) which consists of 8 vari-
news (RK3), dividends carry information content ables measured (indicators), namely: the desire to
(RK4), the performance of Price Earnings Ratio con- have stocks with high returns, the blue chips have
tains positive information (RK5), and encourages a the desire, the desire for information about the
change candidate performance (RK6). The meas- stock you want, the desire own shares at any price,
urement of belief revision is done using a Likert the desire to change and revise stock performance,
scale. This scale ranges from 1 which shows very the desire to know how the new investment, the
unsure and 5 which shows very confident. desire to be responsive to changes in stock prices,

Dihin Septyanto: Individual investors’ …

Table 1 asked to respond to alternative answers provided

Distribution of Questionnaire Returned and they did not start from intend (1) to very much
Description Total intent (5).
Number delivered 200 exemplars
Questionnaires returned 162 exemplars Research Model
Percentage returned 0% Research model in this study can be drawn in Fig-
Questioners used 135 exemplars ure 1.
Percentage used 83 %
Source: Processed data by researcher (2013)
Table 2 Descriptive Analysis
Demography of Research Respondents Characteristics of the Respondents
As in Table 2, the investor demography shows the
Description Total
Age of respondents
highest characteristics: age 26-30; male gender; S1;
20 – 25 years 10.7 % investing 1-5 years old; and technical categories of
26 – 30 years 40.5 % investors.
31 – 35 years 14.9 %
36 – 40 years 14.9 % Test of Reliability and Validity
41 – 45 years 8.6 % Cronbach alpha reliability test is done with a value
46 – 50 years 10.6 % between 0.718 and 0.847. It has a value above 0.60.
Total 100.0 % It implies the study variables were reliable (Hair et
al. 2010). While testing the validity using factor
Male 76.6 %
Female 23.4 % analysis with a MSA value between 0.816 and 0.882
Total 100.0 % which has a value above 0.50 thus concluded a
Formal Education valid study variable. The result of testing the reli-
D3 (3-year college study) 4.3 % ability and validity of the study variables are
S1 (undergraduate) 72.4 % shown in Table 3.
S2 (Master) 21.3 %
S3 (Doctoral) 2.1 % Test of Conformance Model (Goodness-of-fit
Total 100.0 % Test)
Period of Investment in Capital Market
The test of the model on SEM is intended to look at
1 – 5 years 65.8 %
6 – 10 years 21.5 % the suitability of the model. Test results Goodness-
11 – 15 years 2.1 % of-fit test are presented in Table 4. It is known that
16 – 20 years 10.6 % 8 criteria to assess the feasibility of a model are ful-
21 – 25 years - filled. For that reason, our model does not need to
Total 100.0 % be modified because there is a fit between the
Investor category model and the data.
Fundamental 13.0 %
Technical 81.0 %
Hypothesis Testing
Both of them 6.0 %
The SEM analysis shows the test of H1 through H9.
Total 100.0 %
Source: Processed data (2013). Hypothesis 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are all accepted because
they have significance under 0:05. Yet, hypotheses 1
Table 3 and 3 are rejected because they have significance on
Results of Variable Reliability and Validity Test the 0.05 level. All these evidences are presented in
Variables Reliabilities Validities Table 5.
Benefits of Accounting 0.847 0.832
Information Discussion
Subjective norms 0.718 0.851 For hypothesis 1, it concerns the effect of financial
Belief revision 0.828 0.882 information on the benefits of belief revision. It
Risk Perception Unsystematic 0.796 0.849 indicates that the benefits of financial information
Intent to invest 0.788 0.816
on the belief revision does not affect directly and
Source: Processed data (2013).
positively. This suggests that accounting informa-
and the desire to be responsive to changes in mar- tion is not helpful in decision making because the
ket interest rates. signal of information cannot make the investors to
Investment intentions instrument developed change the belief that have been held previously.
using a Likert scale of 1 to 5. Respondents were The previous belief was based on the financial

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No. 2, August 2014, pages 187 – 196

Table 4
Conformance Index of Structural Equation Model (SEM)
Criteria Cut of Value Calculation Results Description
Chi-Square (X2) Expected small 322.554 X2 with df = 200 is 218
Significance of Probability ≥ 0.05 0.0958 Good
RMSEA ≤ 0.08 0.029 Good
GFI ≥ 0.90 0.906 Good
AGFI ≥ 0.90 0.881 Marginal – Good
CMIN/DF ≤ 2.00 1.084 Good
TLI ≥ 0.95 0.985 Good
CFI ≥ 0.95 0.987 Good
Source: Processed data (2013).

Table 5
Parameter of Structural Model Estimation
Variables Estimate S.E. C.R. Prob. Hypotheses Description
Benefit of Information Æ Belief revision 0.364 0.059 1.183 0.295 H1 Not sig.
Benefit of Information Æ Risk Perception 0.233 0.056 4.190 0.000 H2 Sig.
Benefit of Information Æ Intent to Invest 0.261 0.089 0.942 0.136 H3 Not sig.
Risk perception Æ Intent to invest -0.442 0.131 -3.389 0.001 H4 Sig.
Subjective norms Æ Intent to invest 0.767 0.384 1.999 0.046 H5 Sig.
Subjective Norms Æ Belief Revision 0.740 0.330 2.245 0.025 H6 Sig.
Belief Revision Æ Intent to invest 0.217 0.106 2.046 0.041 H7 Sig.
Source: Processed data (2013).

information about the issuer of shares available in tion has no effect on the investment intentions. This
the market. At the time of publication of the finan- means that the financial statements are not useful
cial statements, investors do not read, examine, in determining the stock investment decisions. In-
analyze, and interpret financial statements if the vestment influenced investment strategy because it
signal has good news or bad news. These results do shows the return desired by the perpetrator and the
not provide change prior belief that the financial perpetrator varies between one to the other actors
statements do not provide benefits. From this evi- in determining the right type of investment strat-
dence, hypothesis 1 is not accepted. egy.
For the test of Hypothesis 2, it deals with the The above variation is due to subjectivity of re-
effect of financial information on the benefits of risk turn preferences. Thus, there are players who pre-
perception. It indicates that the benefit of financial fer dividends, or capital gains, or the emphasis on
information has a positive influence on risk percep- both dividends and capital gains, as well as please
tion. It implies that accounting information is use- the authority ownership. This preference can be
ful in providing information signal good news or changed because of their belief, views of others,
bad news about the financial condition of the com- personal attitude, and various considerations. One
pany if the signal good news shows that financial of the considerations is the information with its
conditions are not at risk (good) and signal bad benefit of financial statement information as pri-
news about the financial condition is very risky. marily benefits. The degree of the returns promised
It provides a view that fundamentally share and future prospects of the issuer can occur. Actors
price in the stock market can also provide unique who have subjectivity dividend return on the of-
information towards the risk of the issuer's shares. fender can receive the benefit of the results of per-
Therefore, investors can provide an increase (rat- formance stock trading transactions. Yet, investors
ing) of the stock and this makes them able to diver- prefer capital gains, the capital gains will be real-
sify stock. The results of the analysis of the financial ized when the stock trades by comparing the pur-
statements provide information about the financial chase price to the sale price. Information gives a
risk signals in the form of bad news. Due to this small portion of information content and informa-
fact, hypothesis 2 is accepted. tion does not provide financial benefits to profit
The test of Hypothesis 3 is the effect of finan- based on subjectivity.
cial information on the benefits of investment inten- The next is the test of Hypothesis 4, the effect of
tions. It shows that the benefit of financial informa- perceived risk on the investment intentions. It shows

Dihin Septyanto: Individual investors’ …

that the perception of risk negatively affects the in- subjective norm as expected has no effect in the
vestment intentions. This means that the higher the form of interest behave as more individuals to
risk perception of investors towards stocks, the adopt by imitating (mimetic).
lower the investment intentions of investors to make The test of Hypothesis 6 is dealt with the effect
a specialization of the stock. Thus, investors have the of subjective norm on belief revision.
intention to reposition the stock and make the selec- It shows that subjective norms positively affect
tion according to the preference shares. the belief revision. It means that investors' percep-
The above behavior indicates that the stock is a tion of personal information from the external
financial asset at risk and how to minimize risk in originally can change the belief about stock invest-
the stock investment through portfolio diversifica- ment. Investors previously had an initial belief
tion and shaping it in an optimal portfolio. The about the performance of securities of return and
relationship between the 2 variables is that the in- risk that have been held and managed in a portfolio
vestor behavior in decision-making is influenced by of securities. Such a belief is based on the available
the perception of risk regarding the potential nega- information in the market. However, their beliefs
tive items contained in the financial statements. are not the same anyway.
As due to the market efficiency, the risk infor- The phenomenon above is due to their differ-
mation is reflected in the stock price changes. The ent ways in getting information and their ability to
implication would affect cognitive investors in interpret the information. Because getting informa-
making investment decisions stock. Share decision tion from friends, colleagues, and observers as well
making depends on acceptance of risk and risk as issues and rumors. They will be more informed
preferences. Investors who have a preference risk about the performance behavior of the stock. For
seekers tend to accept substantial risk in decision- the investors, such information is a signal that
making but should be balanced with the expecta- serves as a stimulus that affects cognitive processes
tions of a large return. This happens because inves- in problem recognition in which it also depends on
tors as a proxy for investor wanting a great com- the belief formed by investors. The belief can de-
pensation when they will suffer losses in the future. termine behavior in decision-making for investors
This is true for investors who have the opposite to interpret and analyze the information signal fur-
preference and risk neutral risk averter is taking ther information to determine when this is a signal
option with a low risk or high certainty of outcome. that is valid and reliable. Therefore, investors are
The influence of risk perception on investment in- irrational and unsophisticated.
tentions in this study proved to be significant. The test of Hypothesis 7 is related to the effect
The test of Hypothesis 5 concerns the effect of of belief revision to investment intentions. It shows
subjective norms on investment intentions. that the belief revision positively affects the in-
It indicates that subjective norms positively af- vestment intentions. This shows investors' percep-
fect the investment intentions. Attitudes toward tion of financial and non-financial information that
securities investment decision can be positive be- is motivated to change the initial belief about the
cause it is formed from the experience and knowl- repositioning of stock selection. Investors had pre-
edge of the investor as well as the experiences of viously had initial beliefs about the performance of
others who can change direction due to the influ- securities of return and risk that have been held
ence of people such as friends, observers, and regu- and managed in a portfolio of securities.
lators. If the attitude of investors toward is in a That belief is based on information available in
positive decision (in the sense of investors support- the market but each investor's beliefs are not the
ing securities investments) while their friends do same. This is due to different investors in getting
not support his position, then the investor inten- information and the ability to interpret the informa-
tions can change contradictory. tion. After the publication of information as well as
The above finding is not consistent with the financial statements and financial performance in-
study of Tan and Teo (2000) who there is no effect formation contained in the financial statements,
between subjective norms on intention. This is due investors will become more informed with the fi-
to the relationship seen only from the influence of nancial performance figures. For investors, finan-
any personal (friends, colleagues, and family) and cial and non-financial information is a signal that
do not see from external influences. A Study by serves as a stimulus that affects cognitive processes
Hsu and Chiu (2004) shows the external govern- in problem recognition through financial state-
ment has no influence on the intention to charge ments as well as depending on beliefs formed by
taxes electronically (e-filing). The reason is that investors.

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 17, No. 2, August 2014, pages 187 – 196

Their belief determines behavior of decision- the behavior of investors in Indonesia is more like
making for investors to interpret and analyze the encouragement from the people around him to
information signal further information to determine invest and imitate the behavior of others to get n
if this is a signal that is valid and reliable. There- approval. It also develops the theory of reasoned
fore, investors should use the critical analyzes of action to perform variable decomposition of the
the financial and non-financial information to make unsystematic risk perception attitude and belief
investment decisions based on information share. revision. For that reason, the general theory can be
The implication, investors will revise their initial made specifically with intention to investment the-
belief for each issuer. ory.
The indirect effect occurs between the latent The finding also indicates that investors are
exogenous variables, namely the benefits of ac- unsophisticated and irrational because they do not
counting information and subjective norm with use financial information in making investment
belief revision intervening endogenous variables decisions in stock. The stock investment is invest-
and risk perception. The indirect effect of endoge- ment in the prospect that these prospects will be
nous latent variables exogenous on the endogenous read on the financial performance of a company's
variables is through intervening. This variable has financial statements. In addition, investors are also
the ability to change the course of the coefficient risk averter because when they have a positive atti-
and the significance level of the effect or relation- tude towards risk of the issuer's shares, they tend to
ship when there are one or more variables included avoid investment.
in the model. Indirect effect of accounting informa- It can be recommended that behavioral re-
tion on the benefits of investment intentions search on the stock market require market timing,
through the mediation of belief revision is equal to momentum, and market conditions of being both
0.151. bullish and bearish. Therefore, it is necessary to get
On the contrary, the indirect effect of account- information and a better explanation of the behav-
ing information on the benefits of investment inten- ior of the users. In addition, for the development of
tions through the mediation of the perception of the concept, it requires additional variables such as
risk is equal to 0.151. The effect of mediation on the investment motives, type of decision, interest in
two variables above is positive. Thus, the mediating investment, investment planning and control, risk
variable of risk perception and belief revision has a control, in the fear attitude, and attitude in being
function as a variable that heightens the direct ef- greedy.
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