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General Features Secretion MOA

• Major mineralocorticoid • Intertwined with • Nonpolar

• Regulated by: - ECF [e-] - Diffuse to interior of tubular epith. cells
- 💚 Angiotensin II (RAAS) - ECF vol, blood vol, arterial P • Cytoplasmic
- 💚 Serum K+ - Renal function - Mineralocorticoid (MR) protein
• Tonic control by: ACTH • 💚 Aldo secretion - 💚 Aldo, similar cpds
- ↑ [K+] ECF - 💚Cortisol
- ↑ Ang II ECF - 💔Cortisone
• 💔 Aldo secretion - Via 11βHSD-2
- ↑ [Na+]ECF • Aldo-R complex → nucleus
- ↑ ANP - DNA → mRNA → protein
• 💜 Aldo secretion: ACTH • Proteins
- Permissive only - Enzymes
- Na/K ATPase
- Basolateral
- Membrane transporters
- Epithelial Na, K channels
- Luminal side
- Na: tubular lumen → cell
- K: cell → tubular lumen
• Hence:
- Aldo: NO major immediate effect
- Must await stuff for Na transport

Net: ↑ Na+ ECF =↑ ECF vol, ↑BP, [Na+]; ↓ K+ ECF Aldosterone Escape
• Effects: - ↑K+ secretion • ↑↑ aldo = transient Na+ retention
• Excess aldo - kidneys, colon - ↑ ECFvol x 1-2days
- ↑ Na+ ECF = ↑ECF vol, ↑BP, [Na+] • Excess Aldo - + 5-15% above normal
• Deficient aldo - ↓ K+ - ↑ arterial P
- ↓ renal Na reabs = hypoNa ECF HypoK → muscle weakness - + 15-25 mmHg
- ↓ECF vol = ↓BP = ↓CO = ↑ADH = hypoNa • Deficient Aldo - ↑ kidneys excrete B Na,H2O
- ↑ Na+ reabsorption - ↑[K+]ECF → 💔 toxicity,HF - Pressure natriuresis
- Kidneys - ↑H+ secretion - Pressure diuresis
- Principal cells of CT, DT, CD - kidneys - Na, H2O Return to normal '
- Salivary, sweat glands, colon • Excess aldo • ↓↓ aldo
• ↑ NaCl reabs ducts - ↑K+ in , H+ tapon - ↓ renal Na reabs = hypoNa
• ↑ Na abs colon - Where: intercalated cells of CCT↓[H+] - ↓ ECF vol = ↓BP = ↓CO = ↑ADH = hypoNa
• ↑ K secretion ducts - ECF = metabolic alkalosis
• Goal: conserve salt…
- Sweat gland: in hot environment
- Salivary gland: when excessive amts. of
saliva are lost
- Colon: prevent loss of Na in stools
- Otherwise: ↓ Naabs, = ↓Clabs
- ↓ anions, H2O abs
- Diarrhea = further salt loss

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