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Building a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem

Framework through Design Science Research

Gloria E. Iyawa Marlien Herselman Adele Botha
Department of Informatics CSIR, Meraka CSIR, Meraka
Namibia University of Science and & &
Technology University of South Africa University of South Africa
Windhoek, Namibia Pretoria, South Africa Pretoria, South Africa
gloria.iyawa@gmail.comline 1

Abstract— Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem is a relatively possible for doctors to monitor patients from a distant location
new concept, with studies describing it as an ecosystem that [18-19], leading to better healthcare supervision for patients.
allows patients and other healthcare stakeholders take part in
the healthcare delivery process using digital health technologies The current healthcare infrastructure in Namibia does not
with the inclusion of innovation principles. This paper presents facilitate sharing of information among healthcare
findings of a study which aimed at developing a contextualised practitioners as well as with patients [16-17]. Furthermore,
Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem framework for the there is currently no platform in which patients can directly
Namibian context. The use of Design Science Research (DSR) in take part in the healthcare delivery process. As a result, there
developing the framework is demonstrated through a case study is a need for digital health to be established within the
of the development of a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem Namibian healthcare paradigm. The implementation of digital
framework for Namibia. The study adopted DSR in three health is not only important to healthcare practitioners, but
evaluative phases which covered the literature study, Delphi also important in the management of health and wellbeing of
method, local and global expert reviews. Through DSR, patients [5-6].
processes such as literature review, building components and
infrastructure for the Namibian context are unearthed. The Digital health has been implemented in developed
Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem framework facilitates the countries [9]. However, the discussion on digital health in
use of various existing approaches in a logical manner that developing countries is starting to take shape [20-22] [9]. The
incorporates the needs of a specific country, also taking into problem within the Namibian public healthcare sector is that,
consideration that each is country context is unique and despite the recent uptake of ICT in its processes [17], there is
different, hence, permitting flexibility. The findings of this paper still dependence on paper-based records which hampers the
provide useful insights into how a Digital Health Innovation efficient sharing of health information among practitioners
Ecosystem framework may be developed. and between health institutions. Furthermore, there is no
opportunity for patients to participate in the healthcare
Keywords—Digital health, innovation, digital ecosystems, delivery process to facilitate healthcare innovation. Kanstrup
design science research, Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems, et al. [23] reveal that patient innovation is important in the
framework. healthcare delivery process. Additionally, information sharing
I. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND among healthcare practitioners and health institutions can be
hampered by many factors such as organizational policies,
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have competition among healthcare practitioners and healthcare
been present in the delivery of healthcare services over the institutions.
past few years [1], with the use of different terms to describe
its relevance in healthcare; for example, electronic health (e- There are different platforms which have been highlighted
health) [2], mobile health (m-health) [3], telemedicine [4], and in literature to improve information sharing using digital
most recently, digital health [5-8]. Digital health has become technologies such as digital ecosystems [24] [25], also in the
a trending topic recently [5] [8-12], with different studies healthcare setting, concepts like digital health ecosystems
emphasizing the need for the implementation of digital health have been discussed [7] [26]. The concept of digital health
[9] [13] in which patients can take part in the proactive ecosystems suggests the need to share information among
management of their own health [5-6]. Lupton [6] further healthcare practitioners and health institutions to aid the
suggests that patients can facilitate the management of their delivery of healthcare services to patients in a digital platform
health with digital health technologies. [7]. The concept of Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems
promises better utilisation of digital technologies in the
This study focuses on a unique setting, Namibia. Namibia healthcare delivery process by involving patients in the
is a developing country and “classified as an upper middle- healthcare process [27]. The need for incorporating innovation
income country” [14]. Namibia is located in the Southern part within a digital health ecosystem is important as Herselman et
of Africa and became independent in 1990 [15]. In the recent al. [9] argue that it is necessary to have “innovation
literature, it is highlighted that paper-based health records are ecosystems” when incorporating digitalisation into healthcare
still in use within the healthcare sector in the management of services, hence, the concept of Digital Health Innovation
healthcare services within the Namibian context [16-17] Ecosystems. The potential of Digital Health Innovation
health information systems have also been implemented in Ecosystems to support innovation within the healthcare
public health institutions [17] and as such, the Namibian paradigm is therefore of keen interest.
healthcare sector is constantly changing. However, there are
more efforts that need to be put into consideration to ensure Iyawa et al. [27] define a Digital Health Innovation
that these systems work efficiently which a digital health Ecosystem as a “network of digital health communities
platform can provide [11]. With digital health, patients can consisting of interconnected, interrelated and interdependent
facilitate the healthcare delivery process [6], doctors can digital health species, including healthcare stakeholders,
communicate with patients at distant locations [4] and it is healthcare institutions and digital healthcare devices situated

978-1-7281-1460-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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in a digital health environment, who adopt the best- involves research which uses design as a research method or
demonstrated practices that have been proven to be successful, technique” [32]. DSR is a research procedure which facilitates
and implementation of those practices through the use of the creation of innovative constructions intended to solve
information and communication technologies to monitor and problems faced in the real world and so contribute to the
improve the wellbeing and health of patients, to empower theory of the discipline in which it is applied [33].
patients in the management of their health and that of their
families.” DSR addresses wicked problems in information systems
(IS) [34] and is often used as a “problem-solving” technique
The definition provided by Iyawa et al. [28] suggests that [30]. According to Hevner and Chatterjee [30], wicked
a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem consists of concepts of problems relate to “ill-defined environmental contexts as well
digital health, innovation and digital ecosystems. A Digital as the creativity and teamwork needed to produce effective
Health Innovation Ecosystem has the potential to enable the solutions.” “Messy” problems are also investigated using DSR
interaction, sharing of information among healthcare [30] which are often denoted by “a large degree of uncertainty
practitioners, healthcare institutions, patients and facilitate as to how the problem should be approached and how to
patient involvement in the healthcare delivery process within establish and evaluate the set of alternative solutions” [35].
the Namibian context. Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems This description is applicable to the development of the
can also enable patients participate in the management of their Namibian Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem framework,
own health as Curley and Salmelin [29] suggest that since there are many possible ways to develop such an
innovation ecosystems facilitate participants to work as ecosystem. It should thus be evaluated and validated in its
collaborators rather than competitors. Furthermore, Digital own, and global, contexts for specific purposes.
Health Innovation Ecosystems also sanction the use of
innovation principles to mitigate the challenges and The researchers acknowledge the existence of other
restrictions which may arise as a result of sharing information research methodologies such as grounded theory, action
in a digital health ecosystem. Iyawa et al. [10] also suggest research, case study research and ethnography, but posits that
that a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem has the potential DSR is the best choice of methodology for this study as it
to help developing countries meet the Millennium provides practical solutions in a complex context.
Development Goals, and as a result, important to the Design science is a strategy that “creates and evaluates IT
Namibian context. artefacts intended to solve identified organisational problems”
Implementing a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem for [36]. The artefacts are refined until the final solution is
the Namibian context represents a complex problem as the presented [37]. There are four types of artefacts identified in
concept of digital health is still emerging within the Namibian literature are: constructs, models, methods and instantiations
context. Design Science Research (DSR) is known for [38]. However, the artefact in this study is labelled as
addressing wicked problems [30] therefore, the framework. Baskerville et al. [39] explain that an artefact
implementation of a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem for contributes to knowledge when it is ‘novel or useful.’ The
the Namibian context would first require critically examining final framework consists of the relevant components that
the existing healthcare infrastructure within the Namibian make up a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem for the
context to provide a framework for establishing a Digital Namibian context, such as digital health, innovation and
Health Innovation Ecosystem in Namibia. A Digital Health digital ecosystems. The framework is useful and can be
Innovation Ecosystem is a complex and extensive ecosystem, applied within the Namibia context.
and, as a result, this paper aimed at developing a Design science has been applied in different fields
contextualised Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem including architecture [40] and Information Systems [41].
framework for the Namibian context using Design Science as Hevner [42] postulates that that which makes design science
a strategy. unique is “relevance cycle and rigor cycle” which enhances
This paper contributes to the emerging body of literature the process of creating innovative solutions. Hevner [42]
on Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems. The study further further highlights three cycles relevant to design science
contributes to how Design Science Research (DSR), as a namely: the rigour cycle (informs the research based on
alignment of the already known facts), relevance cycle (the
strategy, can be used to develop meaningful solutions to
problems by refining an artefact to meet the need of the applicability of the artefact within its desired context) and
context for which it is needed. design cycle (the process of developing and improving the
artefact). Recently, a fourth cycle was added by Drechsler and
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 discusses Hevner [43] namely the change and impact cycle (relates to
Design Science Research as a strategy and how it was applied the overall impact of the artefact on a larger context).
in this study, Section 3 presents the results and discussion of
the findings. Section 4 presents the contextualised Digital B. DSR methodology guidelines
Health Innovation Ecosystem framework for the Namibian Phase 1 focused on the literature study which led to the
context. Section 5 concludes the study. development of the initial framework. Phase 2 focused on the
development and evaluation of the initial framework by
II. RESEARCH METHOD Digital Health, Innovation and Digital Ecosystems local
experts within the Namibian context and the development of
A. Design Science Research (DSR)
the intermediate framework. Phase 3 focused on the
The research design and methodology adopted for this development and validation of the intermediate framework by
paper is DSR, which focuses on the creation of new global experts and the development of the final framework.
knowledge, as the purpose of design science is “to change
existing situations into preferred ones” [31]. Design Research The guidelines for carrying out design science research are
is research “into or about design, whereas DSR mainly explained in the next section. Hevner et al. [36] provide

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guidelines for carrying out DSR. Table 1. lists each guideline, method and descriptive statistics) data collection techniques
its description and how it was applied in the study. were applied. Different authors have identified the different
data collection techniques that can be applied in research [45]
Guideline Description Application to this III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Guideline Design-science research The study identified the
A. Phase 1 (Literature study and initial framework)
1: must result in the creation components that The literature study was an important part of this study as
Design as of a practical artefact in the constitute Digital Health it provided an insight on existing research in the area of Digital
an Artefact form of constructs, models, Innovation Ecosystems Health Innovation Ecosystem. The first phase of the study
methods or instantiations. which led to the
development of the entailed a literature study, towards identifying the components
contextualised Digital of the concepts: Digital Health, Innovation and Digital
Health Innovation Ecosystems through a systematic literature search [27], Iyawa
Ecosystem framework et al. [28] and a scoping review of Digital Health Innovation
Guideline Design science research The problem identified in Ecosystems in developed and developing countries [10]. The
2: aims at building up this study refers to the
Problem technology-based solutions
components of Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems were
lack of information
Relevance to inherent and relevant compiled to present the initial Namibian Digital Health
sharing among healthcare
business problems. practitioners, healthcare Innovation Ecosystems framework as presented by Iyawa et
institutions and patients al. [27]. The literature review is an important part of the
in the Namibian context application of DSR as it helped identify what is necessary for
because of organisational a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem to be developed. Two
policies and competitions different types of literature reviews were conducted, namely,
among healthcare systematic literature review and scoping literature review.
practitioners and health This provided an in-depth analysis of what is already covered
institutions in Namibia. in the literature in terms of Digital Health Innovation
Guideline The design artefact must be The framework was
3: thoroughly evaluated refined in three different
Ecosystems. This set the path for establishing what is required
Design through well-executed phases. in the development of a Namibian Digital Health Ecosystem.
Evaluation methods to yield utility, The initial framework developed in phase 1 was evaluated in
quality and usefulness. phase 2.
Guideline Design science research The framework is
4: needs to offer new and expected to provide B. Phase 2 (Intermediate framework)
Research acceptable contributions in useful insights for the The components, identified in phase 1, were evaluated by
Contributio the fields of design artefact, implementation of a
ns design foundations and/or Digital Health Innovation 22 local experts in Namibia, as presented by Iyawa et al. [11].
design methodologies Ecosystem within the The method of evaluation, employed by local experts in
Namibian context. Namibia, involved ranking the different components of
Guideline Design science research To maintain rigour, Digital Health, Innovation and Digital Ecosystems through the
5: employs rigorous methods different approaches application of the quantitative Delphi method [11]. The results
Research in the construction and were applied in the study.
Rigor evaluation of the design From the literature [10]
are presented through using descriptive statistics and
artefact to ensure coherence [27], the components of interviews, also conducted with local stakeholders in
and consistency. Digital Health, Namibia. These adopted a qualitative approach towards
Innovation and Digital investigating: the perceived value of Digital Health,
Ecosystems which were Innovation and Digital Ecosystems for the Namibian context,
validated in different the potential stakeholders of Digital Health Innovation
phases by both local [11]
and global [12] experts. Ecosystems within the Namibian context and strategies
Guideline The creation of an effective Literature reviews were needed for the establishment of Digital Health within the
6: artefact requires used to identify relevant Namibian context [47]. The components of Digital Health
Design as a consideration of the components of Digital Innovation Ecosystems were compiled to present the
Search problem environment and Health, Innovation and intermediate Namibian Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems
Process mechanisms that can find Digital Ecosystems.
an effective solution.
Framework [11]. The evaluation of the framework by local
Guideline Design-science research Some of the findings of stakeholders was necessary to understand from a local
7: must be communicated the study have been perspective, what is required in a Namibian Digital Health
Communic effectively, both to published in the form of Innovation Ecosystem. The intermediate framework
ation of technology-oriented as well conference paper [10], developed in phase 2 was evaluated in phase 3.
Research as management-oriented book chapter [28] and
audiences. journal articles [27] [11] C. Phase 3 (Final framework)
[12] [47].
Phase 3 presents expert reviews used to gather data from
C. Qualitative and quantitative data ollection techniques global experts. In order to validate the feedback provided by
Qualitative research is used to explore and understand a local experts, the intermediate framework was presented to
social, or human, problem from the individual’s perspective. global experts which included experts in digital health,
The research process includes: the combining of processes and innovation and digital ecosystems from developed and
questions, inductive analysis, building from facts to more developing countries (Portugal, Germany, Finland, Ireland,
general themes and interpreting of data [44]. Nigeria, Italy, Taiwan, Australia and the United Kingdom).
The questionnaires, administered to the global experts,
In this study both qualitative (semi-structured interviews, contained open-ended questions which sought to investigate:
expert reviews, literature reviews) and quantitative (Delphi the perceived value of Digital Health, Innovation, and Digital

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Ecosystems for the Namibian context, the potential Innovation Ecosystem. However, stakeholders will not work
stakeholders of Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems within alone but collaborate with international experts and/or
the Namibian context and strategies needed for Digital Health stakeholders.
to be established within the Namibian context [47]. The
questionnaire issued to global experts adopted a qualitative There is a network of global health experts which can
approach. assist local professionals within the Namibian context, as
indicated by the innovation expert. This assistance could
The final framework, incorporating the findings from the include interaction in response to specific needs, thus
global experts, is presented in Figure. 1. improving the quality of care provided to patients within the
Namibian context. However, collaborations between local and
Evaluation is an integral part of the Design Science international stakeholders, as well as the network of global
Research Process model [37]. It should “observe and measure health experts, will be guided by context specific policies on
how well an artefact supports a solution to the problem and innovation relevant to their own countries (based on the
involves comparing the solution to actual observed results innovation components described in [27] [28]). The ideas and
from use of the artefact in the demonstration” [37]. However, knowledge shared by stakeholders, and global health experts
it has been stated that little guidance exists in the literature in the Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem, will be guided by
with respect to the evaluation of artefacts [48] [49], and that
intellectual property rights and thus influence the free flow of
methods and objectives of evaluation are fragmented and information among stakeholders. The parties concerned, both
unclear [49]. Authors such as Prat et al. [49] and Venable et locally and internationally, will be motivated to work as
al. [50] have proposed evaluation design frameworks to collaborators, rather than competitors.
address this gap in the DSR literature.
The final Namibian Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem
In general, a method of evaluation needs to suit the nature Framework is presented in Figure 1 after the intermediate
of the item that is being evaluated. Furthermore, it needs to framework was evaluated by global experts.
“provide feedback for further development, and… [assure] the
rigour of the research” [50]. The why, as well as the how, what
and when to evaluate become central to the evaluation method
[49] [50].
For the purpose of this research, both of the frameworks
of Prat et al. [49] and Venable et al. [50] were applied to
describe the nature of the artefact’s (a Namibian Digital
Health Innovation Ecosystem) evaluation: FEDS (a
Framework for Evaluation in Design Science) was used to
determine the functional purpose of the artefact (to inform the
Namibian health department to consider implementing it in
Namibia) and to evaluate the artefact by both experts from
Namibia, as well as from a global perspective. This addressed
the relevance and utility of the artefact.
The final Namibian Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem
Framework consists of the components Digital Health, Fig. 1. Final Namibian Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem framework
Innovation and Digital Ecosystems which have been
evaluated by local experts and validated by global experts in The final framework is a visual representation of the
Digital Health, Innovation and Digital Ecosystems. The concepts, their components and their interrelated links, as
framework not only contains components of Digital Health, explored in this study.
Innovation and Digital Ecosystems relevant to the Namibian
context, but it also provides useful insights to be taken into Sharing of information between stakeholders in a Digital
consideration for the implementation of Digital Health in Health Innovation Ecosystem can be facilitated when cloud
Namibia. computing is deployed. As indicated by a Namibian
innovation local expert, research and development is relevant
Ecosystem-oriented architecture was identified by both to a Namibian Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem as it
Namibian and global contexts as an architecture which should facilitates innovation and development. Research and
be deployed in a Namibian digital health innovation development can be a collaborative activity between local and
ecosystem. As described by Ion et al. [51] this architecture global professionals.
supports the interoperability and the integration of the
different processes that characterize a digital ecosystem. The As indicated in the framework, informed by both
final Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem should thus adopt Namibian local experts and global experts, the infrastructural
an ecosystem-oriented architecture which suits both the support (both physical and technical) needed to create and
Namibian and global context. The stakeholders (biological sustain the Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem, will be
and economic species) in the final Digital Health Innovation provided by Namibian stakeholders and external sources.
Ecosystem framework consist of different health, and non- As indicated by both Namibian local experts and global
health professionals, as well as health institutions. experts, implementing a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem
Stakeholders were identified by both local experts, and global in a developing country, like Namibia, will be challenging.
experts, as an important component in a Digital Health However, relevant policies and adequate planning should go a

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long way in addressing potential challenges in a timeous framework, known as Digital Health, Innovation and Digital
manner. Global stakeholders can assist Namibian role-players Ecosystems, contribute both theoretically and practically
with human and/or capital resources as well as infrastructural through their exploration, evaluation and validation within the
and/or knowledge-based support. Namibian context.
Privacy and security are components which both The final framework will provide decision makers in the
Namibian local experts, and global experts, deem important to Namibian healthcare sector with useful information regarding
the Namibian Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem. Privacy which important components to consider when implementing
and security concerns affect both the Namibian and global a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem. The findings of the
health experts participating in activities within the Digital study also provide valuable insights into strategies needed for
Health Innovation Ecosystem. Information shared and Digital Health to be established within the Namibian context.
applications deployed in the Digital Health Innovation The guidelines, with approaches for implementing a Digital
Ecosystem need to be protected. If not properly addressed, Health Innovation Ecosystem as provided in the study, can be
privacy and security issues may deter stakeholders, and global adopted by other countries with a similar context.
health experts, from freely taking part in the Digital Health
Innovation Ecosystem. Policies regarding the enforcing of This study is limited to identifying the components of
Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems relevant to only the
security measures within the Digital Health Innovation
Ecosystem should be put into place and strictly implemented. Namibian context. Although guidelines with approaches for
Such policies include the incorporation of the Health implementing a Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem in
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) developing countries and for the Namibian context
security rule to protect patient health information [52] specifically were proposed [10], the guidelines for
implementing the individual components of the final Digital
As indicated, by both Namibian local experts and global Health Innovation Ecosystem in Namibia was not provided.
experts, a strategy for training patients regarding the use of
digital health technologies is paramount. Possible future research could include how best to
implement the Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem
Technologies, which will be used by medical practitioners framework within the Namibian context and the provision of
and patients, form a relevant part of the expert evaluated guidelines on how individual components of the Digital
Digital Health Innovation Ecosystem. These systems need to Health Innovation Ecosystem Framework could be
be managed by IT professionals. The digital health implemented.
technologies, as used in the Digital Health Innovation
Ecosystem, can also be used by global health practitioners to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
provide support to the Namibian medical practitioners. The authors acknowledge that this paper is based on
Technological support can also be provided by global research conducted at the University of South Africa for a PhD
professionals. Within the Namibian context, healthcare (Information Systems) degree [53].
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