Expand On Activities Part 2

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o Read the topic and sample notes below.

How to approach the task:

1. Read all the instructions carefully and make a note of the key words, e.g. Describe, place,
particularly liked
2. Decide which place you are going to describe
3. This task does not test your knowledge, so you must try to make up answers.
4. Make sure you mention something about each of three points on the card.
5. Instead of spending a lot time in the first three parts, you should talk about the last part
(i.e. your feelings and ideas) more than the first three ones.

Sample opening expressions for the task

Mustafa COBAN 1
Notes for the task C

Notes for the task D

Notes for the task E

Mustafa COBAN 2
Sample Task

Sample Answer

Mustafa COBAN 3

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