Parapsychology: Prepared By: Abdullah Al Baki

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Who defies the parallel psychology

• What is para-psychology?
Parapsychology refers to the experimental and quantities study of
para-normal phenomenon. Para normal means beside or beyond
normal, and is used to described phenomenon that are not explicable in
terms of our ordinary understanding or current scientific knowledge. As
its name indicates, para-psychology is sometimes considered a sub-
branch of psychology since it involves the study of apparent mental
Parapsychology has 10 branches
1. The global consciousness project
2. Auras and their reading

3. Direct mental interaction with living system

4. Apparitions

5. Reincarnation and past lives

6. Near – death experiences

7. Psychokinesis and telekinesis

8. Precognition : seeing the future

9. Telepathy and mind reading

10. Remote viewing, mind projection and clairvoyance
A brief description of five most interesting

• Ghost have being topped and recorded for a long period of time,
immortalized in cultural texts ranging from hamlet to spooky camp fire
stories. However, often this specters are proved to be false or hoaxes.
Even the BBC aired a “documentary” that convinced many viewers of
the truth of apparitions. It was in fact entirely staged. So, there is no
Documental proof that ghost actually exist.
Reincarnation and past lives

• Certain cultures and faiths have long held various beliefs in

Reincarnation and past existences, and this continue today as tenets
of contemporary Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism, and even have
some Islamic, Jewish and Christian followers. The concept of
Reincarnation was explored in the early 1900’s by psychologist
William James, Pictured, at time when such theories started to be
researched. Skeptics suggest that past lives can be attributed to false
memory syndrome or selective thinking. And the modern science is
still unable to describe this phenomenon.
Near-Death Experiences

• Those who claim to have had near-death experiences commonly

report phenomena such as seeing themselves out of their own body,
moving through what seems to be a tunnel, or heading towards a
bright light. Since those who have died cannot report back, claims like
these are naturally trickier to confirm or deny.
Psychokinesis and Telekinesis

• Simply put, this is the alleged ability of some people to move objects
with their minds. From 1892, a table was ostensibly being levitated,
while a researcher checked that there was no cheating. James Randi,
a notable skeptic and magician, is just one person who has
demonstrated the very ordinary methods by which individuals can
make objects appear to move without physical contact
Precognition: Seeing the future

• Alleged instances of precognition have been recorded throughout

history .Tales of seers, diviners and prophets who could apparently
see into the future are featured in Greek myths, the Holy Books, and
accounts of societies around the world , some scientists have tried to
deny these theory by theory of probability .
Thank you all

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