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A New Method and Apparatus for Measuring Foam Stability

NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama 35812


Chemistry Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12181
Received March 5, 1980; accepted September 24, 1980

The decay of foam with time, whether caused solely by gas diffusion through foam lamellae
without rupture, or by a combination of that effect and occasional concomitant rupture, is given,
most fundamentally, by the rate of decrease of the total area of extended liquid surface. This property
can be measured directly, by photographing sections of the foam at measured intervals of time,
but the technique and subsequent reduction of the observations to numerical values require so
much effort that the direct method is seldom used. The equation of state of foam (Ross, S.,
Ind. Eng. Chem. 61, (10), 48 (1969)), however, relates the total area of liquid surface within a foam
to the pressure of its contained gas, and so makes it possible to quantify foam decay in fundamental
terms, by determining the rate of the build-up of gas pressure at constant volume and temperature
in the head space above the foam. An apparatus is described that uses this principle. Pressure
differences of the order of a few torricelli are measured by means of a differential pressure trans-
ducer, connected to a strip-chart recorder. The total area of extended liquid surface determined
with this apparatus is in excellent agreement with results obtained simultaneously by direct photog-
raphy of the foam during its decay, thus confirming the validity of the Ross derivation. The
method of differential pressures was also used to confirm the effect, already well known, that
the stability of foam made from an aqueous solution of sodium lauryl sulfate is enhanced by the
presence of small amounts of lauryl alcohol in the solution.

INTRODUCTION ods of measurement (5). However, none of

The requirements to stabilize or, alterna- these methods is simultaneously versatile,
tively, to destroy foam are problems that easily reproducible, experimentally conveni-
occur in a number of industrial processes, ent, and fundamental. We describe in this
such as pulp and paper manufacture, froth paper a method and an instrument that satisfy
flotation, distillation towers, coating proc- the above desiderata.
esses, fire fighting, and food processing. The method is based on the equation of
Many different methods exist for the meas- state for foam, as derived by Ross (6). A
urement of foam stability, such as the Ross- foam is considered to consist of cells,
Miles method (1), Bikerman method (2), op- whether spherical or polyhedral in shape,
tical transmission methods (3), photographic each containing gas at an excess pressure
techniques (4), and various qualitative meth- corresponding to the radius of curvature of
its equivalent sphere (see Ref. (6) for the
I U.S.R.A. Visiting Scientist (1978-1979). Present concept of the equivalent sphere). The total
address: Technical Center, Owens-Coming Fiberglas area of the foam is related to pressure,
Corporation, P.O. Box 415, Granville, Ohio 43023. volume, temperature, and quantity of gas by

Copyright © 1981 by Academic Press, Inc.
lournal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 81, No. 1, May 1981 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

n f R T = PeVf + 2o'A/3, [1] The area of liquid surface in f o a m is

where nf = n u m b e r of moles of gas con- A ( t ) = Ao + A A , [7]
tained in the foam, P~ = pressure external
w h e r e A ( t ) = area at time t andA0 = initial
to the foam, Vf = volume of gas in the foam,
area of the foam. When the f o a m com-
o- = surface tension and A = area of liquid
pletely collapses,
surface in the foam. Consider a closed sys-
tem at constant volume containing a foam. 3VAP~
The total amount of gas in the s y s t e m is A(~) = 0 = A0
2or ' [8]
ne + F/f, where n~ = moles of gas external
to the foam, or and therefore
P~Ve (P~Vf + 2o-A/3) A 0 - [9]
n~ + nf - + , [2] 2~r
RT RT and
where Ve = volume external to the foam. A ( t ) = (3V/2o')(AP= - A P ( t ) ) . [10]
L e t the f o a m d e c a y at constant t e m p e r a t u r e , Interfacial area of a f o a m can be meas-
then: ured, therefore, simply by monitoring the
P'~V[ (P'~V~ + 2~rA'/3) change in pressure external to a f o a m in a
t t _
n~ + nf + [3] container of constant volume and tempera-
ture, if the total volume of the system and
where the primes indicate later values after the surface tension of the foamed liquid are
decay. Since known. The value Ap~ can be obtained by
! letting the f o a m d e c a y for a sufficiently long
ne + nf = n e + h i , time or by injecting a small quantity of anti-
(P~Vf + 2o-A/3) foam through a septum in the container.
- +
RT RT Hitherto, the only use made of Eq. [10]
to measure foam stability was by Kruglyakov
P'~V; (PeVr + 2o-A/3) and T a u b e (7). We suspect the method went
- + , [4]
RT RT unnoticed because they used a w a t e r ma-
n o m e t e r to measure the small but rapidly
or, after some rearrangement: changing pressure differences, which is a
3VAP + 2o-AA = 0, [5] tedious and inexact method at best. Also,
because of their method of f o a m generation,
whereV= Vt-Ve= V ~ + V r = V ' + V~; problems in reproducibility m a y have oc-
APe=P~-P~; and AA = A ' - A ; Vt curred. U s e of a pressure transducer and a
= total volume of the vessel; V~ = volume different method of f o a m generation gets
of solution in the vessel. around both disadvantages.
Equation [5] is the theoretical basis of our
device; it relates pressure changes external PROCEDURE
to a f o a m to changes in its internal area.
It is analogous to the constant-pressure re- The f o a m m e t e r is depicted in Fig. 1. T w o
lation derived for bubbles by Tait and gen- j a c k e t e d glass vessels of a p p r o x i m a t e l y l-
eralized by Ross for foams with polyhedral liter capacity are connected to two ends of a
or spherical cells, indifferently: differential pressure transducer (Dynisco
Model PT14-03). The pressure transducer
3PAV + 2o-AA = 0. [6]
requires dc at 6 V; its dc millivolt output
Values of absolute area of f o a m can be ob- is c o n n e c t e d directly to a strip-chart re-
tained in the following manner. corder. Differential pressures of the order
J o u r n a l o f C o l l o i d a n d I n t e r f a c e S c i e n c e , Vol. 81, N o . 1, M a y 1981


" I


FI6. 1. A schematic of the apparatus used. The jacketed sample vessel is graduated for rough
estimates of foam volume.

of a few torricelli are typically attained. A ber for several hours. Air displaced by 500
differential method for measuring pressure ml of water is then passed through the flit
has the advantage over absolute methods and creates the foam. This method of foam
in that casual pressure changes, due to tem- generation gives reproducible data; attempts
perature fluctuations, can be made to cancel. to generate foam with compressed gas from
To do so most effectively, a reference bottle a cylinder are not as satisfactory. Immedi-
of nearly identical internal volume is made ately after the foam is created the septum
part of the system. Both vessels are kept is attached, all valves are closed to seal the
at constant temperature by means of cir- systems, and the two chambers are sepa-
culating fluid, which in the present experi- rated. The differential pressure between
ments was held at 25.00 _+ 0.02°C. Higher them increases as the static foam decays.
or lower temperatures could be maintained After a sufficient time 10/xl of an antifoam
by the same device. is injected in order to obtain Ap~.
Foam is generated with a coarse glass frit The total volume of the sample chamber
fitted into the bottom of the sample vessel. was measured by applying the ideal gas law
The sample vessel has a narrow internal di- to changes of pressure of helium on expan-
ameter near the bottom (not shown in Fig. 1) sion out of a gas burette into the sample
so that 500 ml of foam can be created from chamber. The surface tension of the solution
100 ml of liquid while keeping the frit always was measured at 25.00 _+ 0.02°C using a
immersed in liquid. This prevents air from Wilhelmy plate attached to an electrobal-
being blown through the foam as it is being ance, with a precision of 20.1%.
The procedure for the measurement of RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS
foam stability is as follows. One hundred
milliliters of the liquid is poured into the As an indication of reproducibility, suc-
sample chamber. To reach temperature cessive measurements of foam decay are
equilibration and to provide time for residual shown in Fig. 2. Two representative curves
bubbles to disappear, the sample liquid is for foams from an aqueous solution con-
allowed to remain undisturbed in the cham- taining 0.52 wt% sodium lauryl sulfate (un-
Journal o f Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 81, No. 1, May 1981

10.0 8.0

9.0 Z,0

8.0 '~ 6.0

,- 7.O
5.0 0T-
x ~
------ SLS

'~ 5.O :3.O ~


o: °.or 1:,.o :,,"

'~ 3.0 ~" ~, 1.0 ~

2.0 0.0


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


FIG. 2. Two measurements of the stability of foam made from aqueous 0.52 wt% sodium lauryl
sulfate solution (dashed curves). Two other curves, not shown, virtually overlap the curves shown.
Also shown (solid curves) are three measurements of the decay of foam made from aqueous 0.40 wt%
CTAB solution.

purified) are shown. The agreement of four crease in pressure in the sample chamber.
successive runs is excellent; for clarity only The calculation of the area of liquid surface
two are shown. in a f o a m by observing the cross section
Reproducibility of foam d e c a y curves for against a glass wall has been shown to be
an aqueous solution containing 0.40 wt% hex- feasible (8). The area of the f o a m lamellae
adecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) was estimated at selected frames of the
is not as good, as is also shown in Fig. 2. movie in the following manner. At early
C T A B is a cationic surface-active solute that stages in the d e c a y f o a m cells are essentially
creates a nonwetting condition on the glass all spheres; the distribution of radii was
walls of the sample vessel, which in turn af- measured and the mean of the reciprocals
fects the structure of the f o a m during its of the radii calculated. This quantity, meas-
formation and decay. This circumstance is ured in a cross section, has been shown (8)
probably the cause of poorer reproducibility. to equal the reciprocal of the mean radius
The d e c a y with time of a f o a m made from in a foam, i.e.,
an aqueous solution of sodium lauryl sulfate
was recorded on movie film while simultane- 1 1
- , [11]
ously m e a s u r e m e n t s were made of the in- rs

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 81, No. 1, May 1981

where rs = radius in a cross section and ? The photographic estimates of total inter-
= mean radius in a foam. Equation [11] is facial areas are compared in Fig. 3 with the
valid only if values of the radii of bubbles are areas obtained by application of Eq. [10]
randomly distributed throughout the foam. to the pressure data as a function of time.
Assuming the foam to consist of close- Agreement is excellent, though the assump-
packed spheres of radius ?, the volume of tions underlying the photographic estimates
foam and the total number, n, of spheres led us to expect much poorer agreement than
were determined; the total area of liquid sur- these results demonstrate.
face was calculated as The stabilizing effect of lauryl alcohol on
A = 4nTr~2. [12] sodium lauryl sulfate foams is well known
(9) and is also shown in Fig. 3. The sodium
It should be noted here that in a foam lauryl sulfate was obtained commercially and
consisting of spheres surrounded by liquid
was recrystallized 3 times from water, 10
the interface associated with a sphere is
times from absolute ethanol, and extracted
given by Eq. [12]. For a single bubble, con-
with anhydrous ether for 48 hr. The surface
sisting of a double interface, the area is
tension-concentration curve was in excel-
doubled. Similarly, the trAA coefficient is
lent agreement with previous studies (10).
doubled going from the R os s - T ai t law for
The lauryl alcohol was fractionally distilled
foams (Eq. [1]) to the original law derived
for single bubbles (6). Therefore, Eq. [12] once under vacuum. Enough lauryl alcohol
is correct for calculating total area. was added to the sodium lauryl sulfate solu-
At intermediate stages in decay the area tion so that films would become slow drain-
could not be accurately determined from the ing at 25°C (11); this effect enhanced foam
photographs for two reasons. First, the vol- stability, which the foam decay curves in
ume of the foam could not be easily esti- Fig. 3 clearly reflect.
mated due to uneven breakage. Second, the A point that should be considered is the
foam appeared to be a mixture of spheres effect of adsorption in the foam and its ef-
and polyhedra so analysis for a determina- fect on surface tension. If enough surface
tion of area could not be accomplished. is created in a foam and the solution is
At late stages in the decay the cells were dilute enough, then adsorption of surface-
all polyhedra. The total interfacial area is active solute at the surface would essentially
given by denude the lamellar liquid of solute and
change its surface tension. As shown below,
A = Vft = V Ldx [13] this was not the case even for our dilute
sodium lauryl sulfate solutions.
where A = area of liquid interface per cubic The Gibbs excess, F(G), for aqueous
centimeter, V = volume of the foam, L sodium lauryl sulfate solutions is 3 x 10-1°
= total length of gas-liquid interface against mole/cm 2. The total initial area is 5 x 104
the glass per square centimeter (twice the cm 2. Therefore, the total amount adsorbed
length of liquid lamellae), and x = depth of initially is 1.5 x 10-5 mole or about 5 mg.
the foam normal to the glass. Assuming L This represents a few percent of the total
is constant in the x direction, solute available. The corresponding change
/ rl in surface tension would then be small.
ft = L I dx. [14] It would be interesting to study a foam
J0 in which decay would cause a large decrease
By Eq. [14] A is numerically equal to L and in lamellar surface tension. However, in
the total interfacial area can then be approxi- most foaming systems, which usually consist
mated as the product V L . of concentrated surfactant solutions, virtu-
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 81, No. 1, M a y 1981

\ _._ o.2 GM. s,s,,oo M,. SO,OT,O,,
/ L\ ---- 0., GM. S S,100 M,. SO,°T,ON

0 I i i a i I i,
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


FIG. 3. Comparison of the change with time of surface area of foam from aqueous solution of
0.10 wt% sodium lauryl sulfate ( T = 25.00°C) determined by the method of differential pressures ( - - - )
and by direct measurement from photographs (@). Also shown is the stability of foam made from an
aqueous solution of purified sodium lauryl sulfate solution ( - - - ) compared with that from the same
solution to which lauryl alcohol has been added (- ).

ally no change in surface tension would are inert to most vapors. Foam decay can
result with a 10,000-fold increase in area. also be measured at constant pressure, in-
The present method of measuring foam stead of at constant volume. A slug of liquid
decay can readily be adapted to different in a capillary replaces the pressure trans-
conditions. The jacketed vessels need not ducer: its position as a function of time gives
be transparent and can be made out of any the volume change vs time. Analysis then
material suited to the conditions of meas- depends on Eq. [61 rather than Eq. [5].
urement. Extreme pressures and tempera- The curves shown in Figs. 2 and 3 repre-
tures, or corrosive liquids, pose no special sent the decline of liquid interface in the
difficulties. With the advent of sturdy dif- foam, which is both a more fundamental
ferential pressure transducers these condi- and a more sensitive index of foam decay
tions can be handled. An improvement in than either the rate of liquid draining out of
accuracy would be obtained by using capaci- the foam or the rate of final escape of gas
tance manometer devices, available com- from the foam, which have previously been
mercially under the trade n a m e " Baratrons." suggested for that purpose (8). As a unit of
These devices are more sensitive and re- foam stability, therefore, we propose L, the
sponsive and, in their recent development, average lifetime of unit area of liquid surface
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 81, No. 1, May 1981

in the foam, which can be evaluated, by smaller (higher pressure) bubbles to larger
means of the expression (lower pressure) bubbles. Observations of
slow-draining foams can be matched against
Ls - 1
Ao i0 Adt , [15] the computed change of total surface area
with time, to evaluate the original distribu-
tion of bubble sizes and the diffusion con-
by integrating curves of surface area (cm 2)
versus time (minutes). stant of the gas through the liquid lamellae
Equation [15] shows that absolute values of the foam.
of the liquid surface in the foam cancel out
in the determination of Ls; therefore, meth-
ods that yield only relative values of A can The authors are grateful for the work of Ms. C.
equally well be used to determine Ls. One Woodcock, Mr. G. Crochiere, and Mr. K. Hrebenar
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Ms. B.
such is the optical transmission method. The
Facemire at NASA for their assistance in the con-
relative intensity of the light transmitted struction and modifications of this device.
through a foam increases directly as the de-
cline of the area of liquid surface in the path REFERENCES
of the light beam; therefore, 1. "1975 Annual Book of ASTM Standards," Dl173-
53, Part 30, p. 180.
Ls - - - 1 l~ (I~ - I)dt, [16] 2. Bikerman, J. J., Trans. Faraday Soc. 34, 634
I~ I0 0 (1938).
3. Ross, S., and Cutillas, M. J., J. Phys. Chem. 59,
whereI0 = initial intensity of the transmitted 863 (1955).
light (t = 0) andI~ = final intensity (t = ~). 4. Savitskaya, E. M., Kolloidn. Zh. 13, 309 (1951).
The shape of the curves of A vs t in the 5. Bikerman, J. J., "Foams." Springer-Verlag, New
present work closely resembles that of (I~ York, 1973.
6. Ross, S., Ind. Eng. Chem. 61, (10), 48 (1969).
- I) vs t obtained by light transmission (3). 7. Kruglyakov, P. M., and Taube, P. R., J. Appl.
More detailed comparisons of results ob- Chem. USSR 38, 2211 (1965).
tained by the two techniques are reserved 8. de Vries, A. J., "Adsorptive Bubble Separation
for presentation elsewhere. Techniques" (R. Lemlich, Ed.), pp. 7-31.
As well as providing a more fundamental Academic Press, New York, 1972.
9. Shah, D. O., Djabbarah, N. F., and Wasan, D. T.,
way for characterizing and measuring foam Colloid Polym. Sci. 256, 1002 (1978).
stability the present technique is suited for 10. Elworthy, P. H., and Mysels, K. J., J. Colloid
an experimental confirmation of computed Interface Sci. 21,331 (1966).
models of the kinetics of foam decay, which 11. Epstein, M. B., Wilson, A., Jakob, C. W., and
have recently been developed by Lemlich Ross, J., J. Phys. Chem. 58, 860 (1954).
12. Lemlich, R., Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. 17, 89
(12) and Ranadive and Lemlich (13) based on (1978).
the change of the initial distribution of bub- 13. Ranadive, A. Y., and Lemlich, R.,J. Colloidlnter-
ble sizes as the contained gas diffuses from face Sci. 70, 392 (1979).

Journal o f Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 81, No. I, May 1981

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