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Cascara, Jenemar P.



Pre-Test: Identify the following

1. Licentiate in Medicine a degree completed by Rizal in Madrid, which entitled him to practice
2. Academia de San Fernando the school where Rizal took lessons in painting and sculpture in
3. Lodge Solidaridad the Masonic lodge where Rizal became a Grand Mason.
4. To Miss C.O. y R a poem written by Rizal expressed his admiration of Consuelo.
5. JUAN ATAYDE the moving spirit of the Circulo Hispano-Filipino.

Activity 1

What made Rizal joined masonry in Spain?

Eventually, in 1883, Rizal joined the Masonic lodge in Madrid which was called Acacia. His central
motive in joining the society was to secure the aid of the Freemasons in his battle against the abusive
friars in the Philippines. 

Self-Evaluation: Provide your answer on the table below.

What were the major ideas of Rizal stress in the speech entitled Brindis?

 Political appeal disguised as a toast.

 Appeal for Equality and Brotherhood between Spaniards and Indio’s.
 Indio’s Filipinos
 Opened the eyes of his countrymen to the abuses of Spain.
 Acknowledge Spain.

What was the real purpose of Rizal’s voyage to Spain?

 to make a name for himself in the realm of journalism;

 to observe and study European society ;
 and to prepare himself for the task of liberating the Filipinos from Spanish tyranny.

Post-Test: With your knowledge in this chapter, answer the following questions below.

1. Explain the impact of Rizal’s political observations in Europe and how it helped to set free our
country ill-rotten system.
Rizal put the use of political ways in Europe through the novel that people may know that they
abuse on Pilipino and how they been threating the Filipino citizens. He use the ways of Europe
like their the life and culture, languages and customs, industries and commerce, and
government and laws of the European.
2. Create an essay on Rizal idea that love of country is the most heroic and sublime of all human
Love of country is the purest, most heroic and most sublime human sentiment. It is gratitude, it is
affection for everything that reminds us of something of the first days of our life; it is the land
where our ancestors are sleeping. Love of country is never effaced once it has penetrated the
heart, because it carries with it a divine stamp which renders it eternal and imperishable. Of all
loves, that of country is the greatest, the most heroic and the most disinterested. Some have
sacrificed for her their youth, their pleasures; others have dedicated to her the splendors of
their genius; others shed their blood; all have died, bequeathing to their Motherland an
immense future: liberty and glory.

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