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Cascara, Jenemar P.

VI. Pre-Test: Answer the following questions below
1. What do you think is the greatest contribution of Rizal’s annotation to Morga’s book to
Philippine history?
The Morga annotations provided the seeds of the idea of how the Filipinos should
view themselves amidst a growing nationalism that eventually led to the formation of a
The purposes for Rizal’s annotation of the Sucesos (Guerrero, 1998) are to awaken the
consciousness of the Filipinos of their glorious or dignified ways of the past, To correct what
has been distorted and falsified about the Philippines prior to Spanish conquest, and to prove
that the Filipinos were civilized, even before the coming of the Spaniards.
Activity 1
(Provide your answer on the given box)
If you were present at the time of Rizal and tend to read the book of Dr. Morga, how would it
impact your understanding about your identity as Filipino at the same time valuing your dignity
as person?
If I were present during at the time of Rizal and tend to read the book of Dr. Morga the
understanding that can impact to me would be much love for my country. The book presented
that Filipinos before the coming of Spanish has its culture as well as civilization and it will also
help to better understand and appreciate the country Philippines in it old times as well as it
precious history.
VIII. Self-Evaluation: Provide your answer on the following table below.
1. How was he able to have access to the historical materials and documents at the British
Rizal was able to have access to the historical materials and documents at the British
museum by reading painstakingly the historical accounts about the Philippines as written by
Pigafetta, Chirino and other spanish chroniclers and historians. He even went to the entent of
searching for historical materials at the Bibliotheque National in Paris.
2. What insights about Spain and Philippines were drawn by Ferdinand Blumentritt from
Rizal’s new edition of Sucesos?
There were Blumentritt had five insight about the Spain and the Philippines. First, that
the Spaniards have to correct their erroneous conception of the Filipinos as children of limited
intelligence. Second, that Rizal is comments on Spanish government were unique they were
given from the point of view of the victims of colonialism. Third, that there existed three kinds
of Spanish delusions about the Philippines, (a) that the Filipinos were an inferior race, (b) that
the Filipinos were not ready for parliamentary representation and other reforms, (c) that denial of
equal rights can be compensated by strict dispensation of justice. Fourth, that Spain had to learn
Philippine realities from Rizal's new edition of Morga's Sucesos. And lastly, that if Spaniards
authorities will not listen to the Filipinos, the Philippines will be lost through their own fault.
X. Post-Test: With your knowledge in this chapter, answer question below.
1. How did Dr. Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas influence Rizal’s mission in uplifting
Filipinos and breaking from the oppression of Spanish government?
Dr. Morgan's Sucesos de las islas Filipinos influence Rizal's mission in uplifting Filipinos
by wanting to prove that Filipinos are civilized even before the coming of the Spaniards. Awaken
the consciousness of the Filipinos regarding their glorious ways of the past and to correct what
has been distorted about the Philippines due to Spanish conquest.

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