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Method Statement For Cleaning Flushing And Passivation Of Chilled Water Piping This statement provide a method for the cleaning. fushing and passivation forthe HVAC ehiled water system inthe she Reet to be Followed by the thir or independent port Sblectve The objective of cleaning, flushing and passivation isto remove debris auch as sit, sand. scale, ran onde deposits, weld slug and other “contaminants that are prosentin @ new pipe work system, The passivation process inhibits the system from corrosion, ‘The process of the pre-operetional fishing and eleaning becomes mare Important as if these contaminants are to romain in the system thon it directly effect the cooling system efficiency and reduces fou trough the syst These contaminants also prevant formation of formation of uniform protective passivating layers which further leads to corrsion inthe system, Based on the above its of paramount importance to ensure that the proper pre- ‘operational claaning/tushing progamme is cared out before the aystem fs put into rermal operation. (CHULED WATER TREATMENT Coiled water system fe the system having re-circulaton in closed loop and the tomporature ofthe systom generally range from 55 to 14 dog Celis, A closed re-cieutating system is fe one in which the water ls cctated in a closed loop with noglgiblo evaporation or expature to the atmosphors or othe influence that ‘would change the water composition tase eystam usually require high chemical treatment level and since water laeees are negligible those level are economical. Good qualty make-up water is generally used! for bet aystem operation Neat transter to the closed cooling water loop by typical heat exchange equipment and la removed tram the closed system laop by moans of a socond exchange of heat ftom the closed loop to a secondary cooling cycle . The secondary loop could use ether ‘evaporative or ence through water coating oF ar cling, \Volocity of water in clos systom is gonerall inthe rango of 0.8 to 15 m |= Temperature rise usually average 55 to 16 deg Coleus, though some system can exceed this substantially. Generally closed system require litle or ne make-up , Water except for pump seal leaks, expansion tank over flow and surface evaporation trom the systern vent, This periodic make-up requitesregulat analysis for contol ot carect treatment chemical residuals ‘Closed system usually contain combination of diferent metal which provide o high potential for galvanic corresion. Ine potential for lssoWved oxygen attack s quit hig in closed chilled water eystem because of the presence of desotved oxygen, Theoretically. scale should be a minor problam inthe chiled water system since the water Is not concentrated by evaporation. ‘wrth high make up rate , However, edtional scale form with each now incromant of water added so that in time . scale becormos significant In adltion there le opportunity for sludge, rust and suspended eoide to drop out at low point and bake on heat teanstar surface to form hard dopost. Therefore scale retardont and dispersant are usualy Include as a port of a closed system troatmont program where make-up rate high Because water te ireulting through @ closed system is not exposed to the atmoephere, fouling by aitborne sit and sond rate, Howover Fouling by micrabal masses may occur in closed system wnera make up rata is significant or procets leaks encourage bactei~ These are conttoles with bilogleal contrat conations found in 2 close system, ence fo any chiled water systern mainly two problem are found, + Microbiological foulng ‘CHILD WAT PPO FLUSHING PROCESS The main objective of fushing pracess Is to remove, as much dt and debris fom the pipe works system as possible, inorder to reduce the lvelood of tho systom blockage ond create the best possible ctcumstances for successful chemical clean and subsequent water ‘teatmant regime. ‘Contaminant such as mil ale. jinting compound and the bullsing debris wil inevitably be found in newly fabricated pipe work system It allowed to remain in the system in suffclent qualty . These contaminants will make system prone to blockage at strainer, contol ‘valve and small bore heat exchanger The micto-organitm may alg inllte further corrasion and may encourage the growth of micro organism. Tho fist stage forward removal of these contaminants isto thoroughly ush the systom with cloan water, However, system flushing by itself wil not removed the contaminant mainly metal axde which adhere to the internal curfaces of the pipe , When the eystem is set to ‘Work, mavement ofthe pipe works due tothe thermal expansion or contraction, will eause the contaminant to be release back inte the this stecm, The Fe. the objective of chemical cleaning are to looten the surtace deposi so that they can be flush away and to create stable surface layer inside the pipe which it maintained by a proper water treatment regime, wil eis futher corosion, There is potential for a chemical clean be compatiole with the system materiale. {do more harm than good if is net cared out properly. The chemical used for cleaning must In paticular the success of the chemical cleaning is dependent on tho abilty to undertaks shrough system flushing betore and ‘afterwards, to ensure removal of the ease material and the and the waste chemical. The cleaning must be cared continuous operation to void mo for further corrosion to develop. further only forword fhushing clone will not remove as rust dt ror the system as two stage forward flush / backwash alone wil nt remove as much lt fram the aystam as two stage. Farward flush Backward flush ‘operation . This fe because Is extremely dificult to meve partiele though upsweep bend or prevent them setting in unintentional tape such as valve, bodies . By lishing the system in both directions, particle. which fel to move in one direction, wil move inthe other The water velocity require for fusing mush suticlent te pick and cary the majority of the ait and debris ofthe eystem Although it is ‘ute feasible far much larger patica to find thelr way into ayetam. mast af the dati will ba below Emm in dam, Bond fram the herizontal ta vertical down & from down to herzontal ar bend inthe sare plane do not retard debris movement. The need to tush trom hetzontal to vertical upward can be avolded inthe tt instance and should caried out by back fishing ofthe system. APPUCATION OF CHEMICALS | METHOD OF OPERATION PaE-CIEANING/FLUSHING START UP CHECKS Sonsral: Belore stort up of nay pre-eleaning activity the folowing should be considered as necessary + Check the evatabilty of supply of continusstresh water ( Temporary or permanent as necessary) + Check availabilty of power and electricity (Temporary or pr + Check the availabilty of labour manpower ( 24 hours basis ) + Check the availabilty of chernical required for fushing J cleaning operation at sto + Check the instalation wore is competed. + tdentiy clear feed and drain point + Make provision for drain from lowest points + Chock avoitaiy of soety equipment at site ond ensure that + Check operation of the sy + Check an ident al ar vent present inte cite nerent as nacestary) 1 workers are trained in safety requirements 7m pumps of temporary fushing pumps as necessary + Make the complete chiled water piping ( new tine ) Into a single slope by making nacessary bypase connection tothe heat ‘exchanger AH, FCUS ate + tha bypass connaction should be sufficient cites + Check and enaure tha all olating valves enabling ercuetion inthis eeu are faly + Enaute thet all precision valves on all cooling cole ore bypassed os required + To the extent of is opplicailty on this job, safety precaution in handling of chemical should be taken on the The person handing the chemical wie ming shall wear gloves and goggles, Clean water willbe made available at the site by the Contractor. The necessary handling information fer the chemical as provided inthe MSOS sholl be put up atthe place where chemical are being dosed int the system, + Samples and Sample containers : MEP Contractor shall submit samples in clear Gotles of a type thot Is locally available ‘during various stage of the treatment (as provided in the cheeklst) These bottles wl be labelled with information of time ‘nd lcation of sample point. Preparation : Ils essential that in ofder to enable the fishing procedure to he completed suecesstull. al the Rem Hated in the pre-cleaning / ishing stort up check ist which ere described as the above are provided prior to commancoment o the process Method of statement for Chemical Cleoning / Rushing The process Involve the folowing four state + Inia eta fash with plain water + yma thing + Chemical cleaning + Final nhision and passivation + Re-instatement of plant tems and back fusing, tna State Flashing with Plan Water + Fillthe system with plain water using ether mains supply of tinkared water and temporary pumps + tor ing the systam dain the enti eystom should be cariod out twee + filthe system again + Circulate the system using the system pump for 8 hours + Duting culation, The ¥ strainer inthe pump suction has to visually checked and cleaned at ast once an hour + tar circulation open the ain valves atthe lowest point in the system. + Flushed water snoula be dlsposed out of the storm wate dai or aisposaltonks provided at sk. + The ayatem ie the again riled and dynamic flushing stated Bynomle ush + Koop the system circulation. using the system flushing pumps + open the clean woter feed tothe system ( or temporary teed It appleable ) + Slowly open the drain valves ot the lowest point nthe whole system and adjust it to adequate makeup and drainage Note: Tho drainage ow must never be mor than the clean make up water flow as to ovoid system pressure lass and dicinoge + During dynamic tlshing Ie Important that the Velocy ofthe circulating wate is suticlent to force all dbs om the system pipe works ‘Velocity Requirement: The water velocty require for flushing must be sufclent to pick up and cary the majoty of the dit debuls in the system. Arnough it ‘auite feasible for much larger particles to find way Into the systom, most of the debris wil be below Smm in siemeter. The system pumps shal be able to match J achieve one of the following coneltian given below. + A veloc inthe aystem should be et least 10% higher than the design velocity, will achieve when all he permanent system pump aren operation + A minimum vaocty £0 08 to remove patiles up to Smm as per BSRIA AGI / 2001 please find below minimum velocity to be maintained in the systor with pipelines of etteront nominal se. Nominal pipe sie (mm ) Vetacity Cm see.) Flow Rate (1/8) 20 100 037 % 03 080 2 108 8 40 108 4 so ur 248 68 us. 425 80 ww 498 vas 128 16.4 180 26 2398 200 131 4800 280 36 raa9 300 iw 107.00 "Nota: The eystom wil have diferent pipe Bne but the above mentioned volocty shouki be achleved n the larger plpe lz ofthe system. + Flow reading must be taken at every available branch and riser measuting station to ensure the correct veloctes are being ‘chioved + Ifthe pumps cannot match / aenieved these parameters the aystern at the same time Ie will necessary te manipulate the system by closing certain section to force the pumps total low through the open section of the system thus achieving the required flow velocity. The closed section will be then be opened and then the open section vill be closed so the requied velocties wil have been achieved across the system, Nota: The epaning and closing must be cari out inthis ord to encure no prolonged Closed Head” affected an the pumps. + Carry aut fling, draining & circulating unt the watar fe visibly cleor + During the dynamic Musing ell strainer thot have flow through ther must be checked end cleaned regularly until ne more deposits are found in + Temporary fiters to be checked and cleaned regularly duting dynamic flushing. on completion of dynamic flushing all must be lolatea before chemical cleaning + the Woter treatment third party ~ ill confer acceptance of water quality , which shall be 6s per parameters mentioned botow of Is the same quay 28 the water being file into the system whichever is ofthe “Highest quay. PARAMETERS vvauwe (Pem) pn 78-85 ‘Conductivity (u siemens | em) Mex 800 Tos (ppm) Max 400 Chlorides ( ppm ) Max 200 ‘Chemical cleaning Pio to start up of chemical cleaning close al dain volves which were opened during dynamic fushing + Doce required quantities of cleaning agent ( ab suggested by chemical supplier ) using temporary tank / pump system or ‘manual dosing pot, The chemical a-12 @1-15 kg / mo aystem volume and should be cewtated 24 his and maximum of 72 hours + The pump ave switched an and will continue for a minimum periad 24 hours until the recordad dissolved ion level hove + Continue ciculation tl 2 consecutive sample taken at an interval of 2 hours give some dissolved iron value. + When dissolved ion level reaches @ constent value coor the sys m of contaminated water by canying out the filing & draining procedure stated in step 8 untl the water sample taken from a minimum of 2 separate drain point on tho system show the water per parameters 08 mention below orf the same quality os the water being filed ino the system , whichever In of the Highest“ quality + Flushed water can be disposed out to the storm water drain at the ste subject to complance with the norms set by ‘municipaliy for eisposal of water otherwise it may be token away by tankers and deposed on a suitable location ‘PARAMETERS ‘vaWwe (PPM) Pn 75-85 ‘conductivity (siemens / em) Max 800 ts (ppm) Max 400 chores ( ppm ) Max 200 al inhiition + Yihon the conoct water concition have boon achioved withthe system circulation pur, close athe dain point + Passivation end) microblocide chemical shall be added at this polnt Circulate the woter for hours. Contosion Inhiotor chemical 2810 atthe rato of 3.4 kg / ofthe eystom volume . microbiocide chemical 651 to be added @ 0.05 kg J mr? cf system volume + Water sample has to be collected at the end at the end ofthis stage and it found with dissolved ion level higher than the provious value (analysis tobe done by the “approved water trectment speciafet ) flushing has to be cariod out to make the water clean, + Ke9p the systom in ciculation including al the equipment’ forthe minimum period of 24 hours + Water comples have to be collected from the designated areas and the "Water treatment "Third Party conti the corosion Inhibitor evel (nitte ~ minimum 700 ppm ) + final water analysis indicating all the required parameters sholl be submitted by theater treatment "Third Party PARAMETERS awe (PPM) Pn 90-105 Ceondtvty (sy Slomens em sox 2000 108 (ppm) sox 2000 Orssoled on (ppm as Fo) ox 05 teri (ppm) ox 200 tote (ppm chem, 2810 ox 700 200 [Note : After alton of het trectment chemical, the system must be let fll and compltelyetculated without any stagnaney Bloloical contro! chilled water system ie an deal breeding ground of Bacterial and other micra-organism and its necessary to contal biological growth in the system, Suppl recommendation ental shock dossing of blocide cherical chem. 681 @ ©.05 kgs per cu mtr, The pradut I Closod into the system using the manual dosing pot and fs closed once every three months in order to control the growth of micro ‘organism therefore it ia very important that residual level are constantly manitored and maintained enstatement of lant kemns & Back Bushing: + When the coneet water conditions have been achieved with the inhibition reinstatement and back fushing ofa plant ters ( Coils, Heat ex-changer etc.) can begin + Ensure constant make up is supplied + Close the by pass + pen the flow isolation valve ensuring the return ORV is sil fully closed + Stomty open the drain cock and lat water flow into the dain or container unt ee wily clear, + Close the dain cock + Clove the flaw isolation valve + Open the return ORV + Slomly open the dain cock and + Clove the cain cock + Clove oll the volve serving the plant tems, Remove the stroiner (Where applicable ) clean ond replaced + pen both the flow and retun valve ensuring the flushing by-poss I fully closed Continue these step wth every previously Isolated plant tem an the system ‘water low inte the drain or container unt itis visibWy clear Nota: after ro-instatemant of al plant tems the level inhibkors must be re-checked and re dosed a necessary. [BRIE DESCRPTION OF FLUSHING PROCEDURE ater Bing Potable water wil be filed trom @ high polnt in the chited water tine preferably In the AH room ar downstream of the drain point. The fing point poston ie eiical ond core must be taken $0 98 to ensure that trash water make Up Water isnot drained immediately te filing. Source of Water {esting potable water supply availabe in the station wll be used . Otherwise water will be suppliod from tankers. And fe woUIS be ‘compensated against the total ystems volume ‘culation Water ‘ter wil be eculated wth the help ofthe system pumps, During ctculetlon care should be taken that water temperate does not rise ‘ unsate mit for pump. In such case, ether the circulation should be temporary stopped otherwise water should be parol drained ‘and refiled wit rashwater Drnage ot Water ‘Water wl be drained from the low point inthe system, The water can be drained into the floor drain tne, ean be also collected in @ small tank and pump out to soak away ground outside tho building. Third party ( specialist in water troatmont ) will guide whether the ‘quality of water fs suitabl for drainage into sewer aystem / storm water system for land pump system. drainage If is nat possiol to ‘tein into these system, Then the aeained wate wil be collocted in a tank and will have to be taken out of station promises fr gposal by tankers to comply with the local drainage practices, ‘ShemicaL ting The chemical wil be filed inte the system through the manual desing pot installed in the Heat Exchanger raom af temporary tank / ‘Bypass the Vital Equipment {ypass line is provided for every AHUs and FCU. The main inlet and outlet valves of coating coll wil be closed . Bypass vate will bo ‘opened . wherever bypass ine ls not provided , The supply an return water pipeline will be dlzcannected fram the unt and connected to oach ther with a tomporary hose oF pip. Avent The air vont are provided at selected high point and willbe used for air entry and ent during drainage ana tiling operations ‘Water wil not be circulated through the Costing coll and plate heat exchangers unt the pps are clean and the qualty of water is reasonably good

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