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Business Plan (Project)

MG 205 Entrepreneurship (Spring 2021)

Total marks = 20
(Written report = 14 + Presentation = 6)

You are required to write business plans for your innovative ideas. It is advisable and encouraged
to come up with business plan ideas which can/will solve some kind of social problems from our
society (already discussed during previous lectures).
Our country is facing many different problems at various levels and students like you can really
make some valuable contribution towards the development of our nation by providing some unique
solutions to the existing and/or emerging problems. Hence, your role as a CS student gets more
attention due to your access to the knowledge of IT and electronics, and your ability to understand
and provide solutions.
The business plan consists of many areas (see business plan format at the end), and students will
have to write the details as per their idea. Your business plan should look like a professional
document. You can certainly go to the internet or access libraries in case you need more help in
writing your business plan.
Every business plan is different in its own way due to the nature of the business and as per the
aspirations of the owner/idea generator. You are therefore advised to write your business plan
according to your industry and your own target market. The length of the business plan also varies
according to the in-depth analysis and research.
You must follow the instructions about the format of the business plan as discussed below. You
are strongly advised to discuss your ideas with me in case you are not clear about your idea or have
some questions about your business plan.

I look forward to see your brilliant ideas as I strongly believe that you ALL can make a difference.

Few tips about how to write a business plan are;

1. Keep it concise.
2. Know your audience.
3. A well thought and written executive summary.
4. Focus and refine constantly.
5. Gather and check all of your data.
6. Be confident, but don’t go overboard.
7. Be as clear and in-depth as possible.
8. Enhance with graphics.

MG 205 Entrepreneurship – Spring 2021

DEADLINE – Sunday 13th June 2021 (SLATE), max by 5pm. You need to submit a soft copy of
project/business plan and presentation slides together. Late submissions will be accepted with
penalty of 10% of the assignment grade for each calendar day, after the due date. Even if you are
late for 5 minutes, it will be the same as one day late. It is therefore advised to start working early
and submit in good time.
Only 1 member from each group will submit the work. Please coordinate and communicate with
your group members to avoid multiple submissions. There will be negative marking for multiple
Page limit: 12 pages max; 1.5 line spacing; not including title page, reference
list, and/or appendix. Please be precise and concise.
Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 12, Headings font size: 16.
Justify the text when formatting
Your grades will largely depend upon if you follow the above mentioned guidelines or not.
Deadlines are non-negotiable so start work early. Please talk to me with questions that you want
to ask and answers that you wish to give. Also, I will give grades on the quality of all the work
you submit, not on quantity.

As a group project member, you are expected to attend meetings (online), contribute ideas, execute
plans, and write your project with your group members. It is responsibility of all students to
cooperate with each other and try to resolve any group conflicts in case they arise. Remember, it’s
a group work and you should always help and support your peers.

MG 205 Entrepreneurship – Spring 2021

Business Plan Format

1. Executive Summary
a. To be written at the end
2. Company
a. Introduction (Business Description)
b. Vision
c. Mission
d. Team
e. Competitive Advantage (Value Proposition)
3. Market Analysis
a. Problem & Solution (Gap Analysis)
b. Target Market
c. Competition (Industry Analysis)
4. Execution
a. Marketing & Sales
b. Operations
c. Location
d. Milestones
5. Financial Plan
a. Forecasts
b. Financing
c. Statements
6. Appendix
a. Profit & Loss Statement
b. Balance Sheet
c. Cash Flow Statement

MG 205 Entrepreneurship – Spring 2021

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