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We are what we eat, so we don't have to be fast, cheap,

light or fake. Although we have a very busy schedule, we

must try to eat properly and be careful what and where
we eat.
While it may be true that a busy schedule affects our diet
and lifestyle, we can also say that the lack of food
education and high prices for healthy food makes us opt
for fast food or unhealthy food.
We can certainly say that a busy lifestyle affects what we
eat, because most of the time, in a hurry and being
hungry we tend to eat on the hoof or to eat different
kind of ready meals. Although there are people who have
a busy lifestyle and still eat properly, their percentage is
much lower than others. Do you agree with me?
Another fact that we should take into consideration is
locally produced food. On the one hand, people are
reluctant to buy this kind of product, believing that
imported ones are better, and also because local
products are more expensive, on the other hand, local
products are better, as they are brought directly from
seller, are not transported for weeks by refrigerators and
also people should be encouraged to buy local products,
because in this way we also support the state economy
and we have the opportunity to see more in depth how
they are produced or grown. Thus we realize that most
domestic producers sell organic products, while in trade
we mostly find genetically modified products.
Furthermore, we must support not only local producers,
but also try to support different chefs who open their
own business.
The reason I consider this is that chefs are the basis of a
restaurant. We all realize that they have to be smart,
passionate about what they do, take care of their
hygiene, also a good memory, but also the courage and
imagination to create new dishes, new food
In addition, the chef cooks mass production, maybe not
as much as the food in the shops, however he has to be
careful that they are all the same, because the difference
between the products in shops and restaurants is that
some are produced by machines, while the others of
If we talk about machines, it is clear that in the future,
our eating habits will change even more. We already
have support for this, because we have food processors
that do 80% of the work when we cook something. Thus,
surely in a few years everything will be technological, and
we will only end up dictating on the phone what to do
with the devices. Also, traditional food and freshly
cooked meals will be replaced with ready meals, and sit-
down meals will also be replaced with eating on the hoof
or wherever we can eat, as it already happens. How do
you feel about the power of the future, do you think it
will change significantly, or will it remain the same ?!

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