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2019/2020 Sessional Examinations


Time allowed: 3 Hours


1. This examination paper consists of SEVEN (7) questions.

2. Attempt any Five (5) questions.

3. Each question carries 20 marks.

Do not turn over the page until you are told to do so.

Copyright © The Copperbelt University 2019/2020 Turn Over

Answer ANY FIVE (5) Questions

Question 1

a) Define a cryogenic liquid


b) Briefly describe the production of oxygen by cryogenic air separation process


c) What are the advantages of ethanolamine process in the recovery of carbon dioxide from
burning coke?

d) Discuss the importance of catalyst structural promotion in the manufacture of ammonia


Question 2

a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of diaphragm cells in the Chlor-Alkali production

b) The contact process depends on oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide under the
accelerating influence of a catalyst. What are the basic steps in the contact process?

c) What is the importance of removing heat and raising system pressure in a catalytic convertor
for the production of sulfuric acid?

d) Discuss the environmental issues associated with sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide

Copyright © The Copperbelt University 2019/2020 Turn Over

Question 3

a) Briefly explain the following characteristics of explosives:

i. Chemical stability
ii. Sensitivity to ignition
iii. Sensitivity to detonation
iv. Velocity of detonation
v. Explosive strength

b) Briefly describe any two methods of coal washing process.


Question 4

a) Define municipal solid waste

b) Provide a brief discussion of the following management approaches to waste management:

i. Landfilling
ii. Incineration
iii. Recycling

Question 5

Write brief explanatory notes on the following (ANY 4)

a) Kraft pulping process

b) Saponification of neutral oils
c) Factors affecting fermentation process

Copyright © The Copperbelt University 2019/2020 Turn Over

d) Solvent extraction
e) Sugar juice extraction process
f) The four basic constituents of paint

Question 6

a) Briefly describe the domestic water treatment process with respect to the following units

highlighting the goal of each unit.

i. Pre-treatment
ii. Sedimentation
iii. Filtration
iv. Chlorination

b) Briefly explain the purification process that occurs in oxidation ponds and underscore its

importance in wastewater treatment process.


Question 7

a) Mineral processing, also known as ore dressing, mineral beneficiation, or mineral engineering,
is defined as the science and art of separating valuable metallic and nonmetallic minerals from
unusable gangues. Define the following terms in relation to the foregoing:
i. Comminution
ii. Sizing
iii. Floatation

Copyright © The Copperbelt University 2019/2020 Turn Over

b) Write short notes on the basic principle of solid – liquid leaching process and explain any two
factors affecting its efficiency.

c) Briefly describe with the help of a sketch the electrowinning process of copper.

d) With the help of a blast furnace sketch, briefly explain the smelting of iron ore.

End of Exam!!!

Copyright © The Copperbelt University 2019/2020 Turn Over

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