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Frisco ISD Technology Action Plan – Marcy Corley

Organizational Chart for the Implementation and Integrating Technology

Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Rick Reedy

Deputy Superintendent of Executive Director of Director of Technology

Curriculum and Instruction Technology Operations
Dr. Debra Nelson Melissa Fouche John Curran

Director of Elementary Coordinator of Elementary

Instruction Instructional Technology
Nancy Lawson Cheryl McDonald

Elementary Technology
Specialist, Ogle Elementary
Director of Staff Angie Boothe
Principal, Ogle Elementary
Development Laurie Tinsley
Jacqueline Kennedy

Assistant Principal, Ogle

Phyllis Marshall-Pope

Ogle Elementary
Classroom Teachers

Elementary Technology
Facilitator, Ogle Elementary
Sharon Bauer
Roles and Responsibilities Briefly Defined:

Dr. Rick Reedy, Superintendent –The superintendent sets the tone and the direction of the school
district while being responsible for answering to the demands of the school board, administrators,
teachers, parents, and community. The superintendent, along with the Board, has a huge responsibility
for setting the vision, goals and objectives for the district, and making sure they are achieved.

Dr. Debra Nelson, Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction – The primary responsibility of
Dr. Nelson’s is to provide the leadership needed to insure that the best possible curriculum and
technology instructional practices and programs are made available to all stakeholders. Dr. Nelson
evaluates the technology instructional methods and programs and makes recommendations of changes
that need to occur or any improvements that are needed. Along with the curriculum and instruction
team, they will also coordinate annual reviews to address any updates for the curriculum, instruction,
and/or assessment components of the district strategic plan and the accountability of the technology
TEKS. These findings are brought back to the Superintendent and Board for review.

Nancy Lawson, Director of Elementary Instruction – Ms. Lawson’s primary concern is for the
improvement of the learning opportunities that occur through the delivery of the instructional
leadership. She also provides the guidance to plan for and supervise the development of curriculum and
the implementation. Ms. Lawson provides advice and counsel for teachers and principals on matter that
relate to curriculum and instruction. She also plans and implements staff development programs for
school stakeholders.

Laurie Tinsley, Principal of Ogle Elementary – Ms. Tinsley takes on the responsibility of the teaching and
the learning that occurs within the campus. She also monitors the instructional practices and provides
suggestions for changes so that teachers are constantly improving their instructional practices. She
monitors the use of 21st learning tools within the instructional process and encourages teacher to
immerse classroom with technology as much as possible. Ms. Tinsley engages all staff members within
the decision process of the implementation of technology instructional practices and allows for time for
the staff to practice these strategies and reflect upon. Her primary responsibility still remains the
management of the school, however; being a learner herself makes her a great commodity in
implementing current instructional practices. She also uses data to help drive any and all decisions that
are made for our campus and students.

Phyllis Marshall-Pope, Assistant Principal of Ogle Elementary – The Assistant Principal assists the
Principal in the overall management of the school; however, her primary responsibility is tasks such as
creating master schedules, ordering and inventory of textbooks, main discipline concerns, attendance
issues, and other support services. Ms. Pope does more than her primary responsibilities. She often
will lead committee for improvement of the curriculum and instructional practices on our campus. She
has several teachers assigned to her that she is consistently monitoring their instructional delivery and
the use of technology. She will give feedback for improvement and growth. She does work closely with
Ms. Tinsley in how programs can be improved for the benefit of our students. She also uses data to help
drive any and all decisions that are made for our campus and students.

Classroom Teachers, Ogle Elementary – Teachers are responsible for the authentic integration of
technology within the classroom. Teachers need to be able to immerse as much 21st century learning as
possible to make students competitive. Teachers are also expected to use data to drive decisions made
within the classroom and how technology can be integrated to meet the needs of students. Teachers
should request assistance and attend staff development related to technology in order to be able to
integrate in the best manner possible.

Jacqueline Kennedy, Director of Staff Development – Ms. Kennedy sets out to develop staff
development session that will improve student learning by improving teacher learning. The professional
development department improves teacher learning that will require an unwavering commitment to
purposeful professional development. Ms. Kennedy uses the NSDC's Standards for Professional Learning
which recognizes that sustained, intellectually rigorous professional development is essential for
everyone who affects students learning; teachers, principals, district administrators and support staff.

Melissa Fouche, Executive Director of Technology – Ms. Fouche is responsible for taking the districts
vision and ideals related to the integration of technology and assist in the implementation. She defines
the necessary resources and materials that are needed to implement any and all action plans created.

Cheryl McDonald, Coordinator of Elementary Instructional Technology - Ms. McDonald is responsible

for the integration and implementation of technology TEKS on all of the elementary campuses in the
district. There are many elementary technology facilitators that report to her and discuss the
implementation of the technology that occurs within the campuses. The technology facilitators will also
let Ms. McDonald aware of superior technology projects that are occurring on the campuses. Ms.
McDonald takes this information back to the executive director and the board.

Angie Boothe, Elementary Technology Specialist at Ogle Elementary - Each school has a Technology
Integration Facilitator, a certified teacher, who provides campus staff development, helps write technology
integration curriculum, and assists with technical support. She meets with grade levels monthly to
address needs and ways that she can assist with the implementation of technology.

Sharon Bauer, Elementary Technology Facilitator at Ogle Elementary - The Technology Integration
Specialist assists in the planning and integration of technology and serves as the first level of technical

John Curran, Director of Technology Operations – Mr. Curran is the keeper of all the technology in the
district. He monitors the network, servers, firewall capability, and the everyday usage of the technology
within the district.

Professional Development Planning

Teaching and Learning

Students are becoming increasing diverse in their background. Therefore it is now more important as
ever to become diverse in the manner which we teach and the resources we use. Technology is a
perfect solution for this with being able to find specialized software that will address students’ different
needs. Technology helps to level the playing field with all students and allow them to have the same
access while at school. In order to do this we must be able to provide quality training and meaningful
professional development that will allow teachers to be exposed to the technology that is needed to
enhance the instructional process within the classroom. During this course the main theme that
continues to show its presence is the need to immerse your classroom with technology and not just do it
piece by piece. We also need to provide risk free environments for our teachers to practice these skills.
By giving the teachers the needed training and also providing time to reflect and be coached if needed
would be the most beneficial. My suggestion would to have more job embedded professional
development that would allow on job practice and coaching with 21st learning tools. Integrating
technology in the daily instructional process can help the teaching process and allow students to be
engaged in the learning process. This also allows learning to be relevant and meaningful to students.

Educator Preparation and Development

Students come to us with a vast knowledge of technology so as teachers we need to continue to foster
this knowledge not stifle it during our instruction. By teachers continuing to pursue ongoing education in
the areas of technology, we as teachers can be better prepared to integrate technology within our
classroom as much as students need us to. Educators should be rich in their knowledge of technology
and how to adapt curriculum to fit in more technology.

How we are going to get there:

1. Continue to increase the number of videoconferencing experiences for all students by providing
teachers with information & training and an avenue to access distance learning.
2. Providing timely staff training and tech support to increase the computer competency of all
staff. Provide training for minimum competency expectations and offer more advanced staff
3. Focus on projects that can be utilized with other grade levels & between subjects and provide
easy access via the WAN and facilitate communication among teachers.
4. Continue to support the increase in lessons and activities available for all courses, units, &
standards while working together with the FISD Curriculum Department to facilitate the
database entry of K-12 curriculum lessons into Forethought.
5. Facilitate collaborative projects between schools and the global community and use our video
conference capabilities and the wiki server to facilitate/provide avenues for collaboration
among learning communities.
6. Continue to strive to improve communication with the latest emerging technologies and use
email as a major tool for ease of parent communication, as well as, moving the student
registration process online.
7. The Technology Plan will continue to evolve as implementation occurs, and procedures will be
conducted to determine if goals are appropriate and are being fulfilled. An evaluation tool will
be available to all FISD employees yearly, allowing for consistent, timely feedback.

Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support

Leadership must gain an understanding of the importance of technology within the instructional
classroom and serve as a model to help teachers see the importance. By integrate technology in with
staff development, communication with staff, and other forms will allow staff to see the effectiveness.
Administrator also can help staff embrace technology by utilizing data regularly to drive decisions.
Campuses should have technology committees to assist in ongoing implementation and assistance for
teachers. Leaders must also help in creating innovative surroundings to help teacher integrate
technology to the fullest that they can. The goal of administration is to increase the administrative use
of technology to improve accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency of administrative functions within the
district, enabling data-driven decisions. Administrators should also research, purchase, and implement
the best administrative software and technology communication resources available.

In order for Texas to be able to provide the technology as a major educational resource it must plan for
21st century learning to include a high performance infrastructure. This infrastructure includes: access
to all e-learning technologies, technical assistance for support, measureable data, and standards to
support accessibility. With this infrastructure, classrooms will be able to provide a high quality
education for all. Through the technology assessable students will be able to get customized education
that will fit their needs. This customized learning is exactly what student need to be successful in today’s
competitive workplace.

Evaluation Planning for Action Plan

An ongoing assessment of the integration of technology is a must in knowing if the implementation is

truly authentic for our teachers and our students. One way to monitor this is to look at the STaR chart
data annually. Last year the results from the STaR chart showed the greatest strength for Ogle
Elementary is Key Area IV: Infrastructure for Technology. I agree with these findings of the STaR chart
results. It seems that Frisco is on the right path when it comes to technology as far as internet,
document cameras, and numbers of computers in each classroom. Frisco is also fortunate to have a
technology facilitator and a specialist on each campus. They are there to lend support to teachers as
they integrate technology into their classrooms. The STaR chart showed that area II: Educator
Preparation and Development is the greatest area of weakness for Ogle Elementary. Our district offers
numerous trainings but they fill up fast and there are not enough courses to accommodate everyone.
Frisco also does not offer online courses or podcast courses yet either. Offering these types of courses
would allow for more people to access this type of technology offering. Administrators at the campus
expect to see the use of technology in the classrooms but are often unable to see that use in action,
most likely due to time constraints. I think that if we continue to monitor these areas, specifically the
weakness we should see growth if the professional development is there to benefit all stakeholders.

Another way to evaluation the action plan would to take the STaR chart data and campus goals and
place them into the Campus Improvement Plan. If the campus takes the data and set reachable and
measureable goals, this would make the vision clear to all and growth should occur in the area of
technology. The other individuals that need to be involved in the evaluation process are the
administrators, teachers, students, and parents. The administration needs to model the use of
technology and assist with looking for technology to exist within the teacher’s classroom upon
walkthroughs and formally evaluations. The teachers need to evaluation and reflect upon how they
integrate technology and how improvements can be made. Students can also be a part of the
evaluation process by asking them to tell the teachers what technology they would like to see and
evaluate the current technology being used. I think that the students are the most important evaluators
because they are the ones that are using so much technology at home and could probably bring some
into the classroom that the teacher might not be aware of. And lastly, the parents need to have input in
how the technology has benefited their student and how the communication via technology has
benefited them in knowing what their student is doing. Surveys are a great way to great honest
feedback if done anonymously.
Works Cited

Texas Education Agency. (2009). Texas Campus STaR Chart. Austin: TEA.

Tinsley, L. (2011). Interview with Principal of Ogle Elementary. Frisco ISD

Evans, K. (2011). Interview with Technology Specialist, Frisco ISD

Lamar Master's Program. (2011). Technology Round Table. Instructional Leadership. Beaumont:
Academic Partnership.

Frisco Independent School District. (2010). District Improvement Plan 2010-11. Frisco, TX.

Frisco Independent School District. (2010). Student Handbook. Frisco, TX.

Frisco Independent School District. (2011). Parent Summary Report. Frisco, TX.

Frisco Independent School District. (2011). Student Summary Report. Frisco, TX.

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