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Mathematical simulation for estimating

the potential of the hydrogen-terminated

diamond FET in the mm-wave range

Gennadiy Z. Garber

Journal of Computational Electronics

ISSN 1569-8025
Volume 15
Number 1

J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181-190

DOI 10.1007/s10825-015-0753-6

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Author's personal copy
J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181–190
DOI 10.1007/s10825-015-0753-6

Mathematical simulation for estimating the potential of the

hydrogen-terminated diamond FET in the mm-wave range
Gennadiy Z. Garber1

Published online: 6 October 2015

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract The estimation is based on the intrinsic transis- promising as active elements in the mm-wave range. Publica-
tor large-signal lumped-element equivalent circuit with the tions concerning experimental verification of this statement
parameters and spline characteristics calculated by means are scarce, so that mathematical simulation making it pos-
of a two-dimensional model of the transistor active region. sible to calculate the RF parameters of the transistor (more
This model includes the quasi-hydrodynamic model of hole specifically, of a power amplifier on its basis) is becoming a
transport (with very low mobility on the surface), equations key issue for this wave range.
of the electric field, and dipole model of the hydrogen- Article [1] contains enough information to simulate a
terminated diamond surface. The object of simulation is the single-crystal diamond transistor with a 100-nm-long alu-
structure of a real 100-nm-long gate single-crystal diamond minum gate, whose extrapolated value of the power-gain
transistor, which is recovered by fitting the simulated output cutoff frequency (maximum oscillation frequency) is equal
current–voltage characteristics to the experimental. Using the to f max = 120 GHz. The structure of this transistor depicted
frequency-domain simulation of a power amplifier with such in Fig. 1 includes a dipole layer associated with the C–H
a transistor, a number of RF parameters (power-added effi- surface dipole shown, for example, in Figs. 5 and 11 of [2].
ciency, output power, and others) are calculated as functions The physical parameters of the dielectric are equal to those
of the maximum available power of the RF generator at fre- of diamond. Four other parameters (in particular, the 4-nm
quencies of 30 and 60 GHz. thickness of the dielectric in Fig. 1) are taken such that the
calculated output current–voltage characteristics are close to
Keywords C–H surface dipole · Energy balance equation · the measured ones (Fig. 2); these so called fitted (extracted)
Equivalent circuit · Frequency-domain simulation · parameters of the transistor structure will be obtained below.
Hydrogen-terminated diamond · Quasi-hydrodynamic

2 Two-dimensional model of the intrinsic

1 Introduction transistor (IFET)

Figure 1 of [1] shows the output power and operating Assuming the absence of the impact ionization of semicon-
frequency required for specific devices in systems along ductor molecules by electrons and holes under the operating
with the semiconductor materials. According to this power– conditions of the transistor, we use the two-dimensional (2D)
frequency–material diagram, FETs based on diamond are quasi-hydrodynamic model of hole transport, which is simi-
lar to the model [3–5] of electron transport, in the following
extended form:
B Gennadiy Z. Garber ∂p
= −∇ j p , (1)
1 Pulsar R&D Manufacturing Company, Moscow 105187, ∂t
Russia j p = γ μ p E p − ∇(γ D p p), (2)

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182 J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181–190

Fig. 1 Section of the transistor

with the dipole layer. The lower
part of the dipole, which is
considered as a delta-doped
layer of the p-type
semiconductor, is charged
negatively; the upper part is
delta-charged positively;
ys = 50 nm and yd = 52 nm are
the coordinates of the dipole
poles, i.e., of the maximums for
Ns (y) and Nd (y) in (5),

Electric field intensity E(x, y, t) is calculated from the
equations of the electric field,
∇ ε E = Q, (5)
E = −∇ϕ, (6)

where ϕ(x, y, t) is the electric potential and ε(y) is the

absolute permittivity of the semiconductor or dielectric; in
our case, the relative permittivity is equal to 5.7 [1] for both
the semiconductor and dielectric. Charge density Q is equal
to q[ p(x, y, t) − Ns (y)] in the semiconductor and to q Nd (y)
in the dielectric, where Ns (y) and Nd (y) are the concen-
Fig. 2 Calculated (continuous lines) and measured (dashed lines) out- trations of “ionized acceptors” (built-in negative charges)
put current–voltage characteristics of the 100-nm gate FET [1] and built-in positive charges, respectively (see the caption
to Fig. 1).
The kinetic coefficients for holes are calculated by the
∂( pu) u − u0
= −∇ j pu + q j p E − p , (3) formulas
∂t τp
j pu = γ κ p μ p E pu − ∇ γ κ p D p pu , (4) μ p (u) = Vcc F(u) /F(u), (7)
τ p (u) = Tcc F(u) , (8)
where u(x, y, t) = 3kTh /2 is the mean kinetic energy of κ p (u) = K cc F(u) , (9)
holes; x and y are the horizontal and vertical coordinates
(Fig. 1); t is the time; k is the Boltzmann
 Th (x, y, t) where Vcc (E us ), Tcc (E us ), and K cc (E us ) are the given field
∂ ∂
is the hole gas temperature; ∇ = ∂ x , ∂ y is the gradient dependences of the drift velocity, energy relaxation time,
operator; u 0 = 3kT0 /2 is the mean kinetic energy of holes and relative Peltier coefficient of the current carriers (holes),
in thermodynamic equilibrium; T0 is the lattice temperature respectively, and E us is the intensity of the uniform stationary
(in our case, it is set equal to 300 K); p(x, y, t), γ μ p (u), electric field.
γ D p (u) = (kTh /q)γ μ p , τ p (u), and κ p (u) are the concentra- Function F(u) appearing in (7)–(9) is zero at u ≤ u 0 and
tion, mobility, diffusion coefficient, energy relaxation time, is a solution to the energy balance equation,
and relative Peltier coefficient of holes, respectively; q is the
positive elementary charge; j p (x, y, t) and j pu (x, y, t) are q F Vcc (F)Tcc (F) = u − u 0 , (10)
the hole flux density and hole energy flux density, respec-

tively; E(x, y, t) is the electric field intensity; and γ μ p E is at u > u 0 . This equation follows from (2) and (3) at ∇ =
the hole drift velocity. ∂/∂t = 0.
Coefficient γ is equal to 1 or constant γs , with γ = γs only The dependences of Vcc , Tcc , and K cc on E us are calcu-
in the expressions for j px and j pux in the delta-doped layer. lated by the method of Appendix 1 and depicted in Fig. 3.
The value of γs is defined as the ratio of the experimental With these Vcc (E us ) and Tcc (E us ), the abovementioned solu-
hole mobility on the surface [6] to the mobility away from it. tion to (10) at u > u 0 is unique.

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J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181–190 183

Fig. 3 The field dependences of Vcc (continuous line), Tcc (dashed),

and K cc (dash-dotted)

System (1)–(6) is considered in the transistor active region,

which is bounded by the vertical lines x = 0 and x = xr in
Fig. 1. The boundary conditions are the following:

• p = p0 (y) and Th = T0 at the left (x = 0) and right

(x = xr ) boundaries, respectively, where function p0 (y)
is depicted in Fig. 4a [a method for calculating function Fig. 4 a Hole concentration and b electric potential as functions of the
y coordinate for the left and right boundary conditions
p0 (y), along with ϕ0 (y) below, is considered in Appendix
• The electric potentials at the left and right boundaries are • Equations (5) and (6) by the method of matrix elimination
equal to ϕ(0, y) = ϕ0 (y) − ϕ0 (ys ) + ϕs and ϕ(xr , y) = [7] and then
ϕ0 (y) − ϕ0 (ys ) + ϕd , respectively, where ϕ0 (y) is a func- • Equations (1) and (2) and, concurrently, (3) and (4) using
tion depicted in Fig. 4b and ϕs and ϕd are constants the locally one-dimensional scheme [7] with j px , j py ,
given in calculating the characteristics and parameters j pux , and j puy expressed similarly to the hole current
of the IFET equivalent circuit (in particular, the output density in [8].
current–voltage characteristics of the active region) or are
determined by the external electrical circuit;
• The normal component of j p , j pu , and E is equal to zero Then, we calculate the source, gate, and drain currents:
at y = 0 and 0 < x < xr ;  

• The normal component of E equals zero in the contact- ∂

i s (t) = q j px − ε E x dydz, (11)
free parts of the dielectric (to the left and right of the gate ∂t
ver tical
at y = 55 nm); sour ce

• The electric potential of the gate, ϕg , is a given constant ∂

or is determined by the external electrical circuit (along i g (t) = −ε E y d xdz, (12)
with ϕs and ϕd ). gate

i d (t) = q j px − ε E x dydz, (13)
At the semiconductor–dielectric interface, we require that the ∂t
ver tical
normal component of j p and j pu be zero at 0 < x < xr . drain
The above boundary conditions should be complemented
by initial conditions. They are either arbitrary or are deter- where j px = 0 in the dielectric and z is the third axis directed
mined by the 2D distributions of ϕ, p, and Th , which result normally to the plane of Fig. 1. In our case, the gate width
from the previous solution to (1)–(6). along the z axis is equal to 1 mm.
For solving the above initial-boundary value problem, we Also, we calculate the electrostatic induction vector flux
solve, at each time step, first to the gate (having the dimension of charge):

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184 J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181–190
qg (t) = εE y d xdz. (14)

In (11) and (13), the designations “vertical source” and

“vertical drain” mean the left and right boundaries of the
active region, respectively, or the source and drain of the
According to Section 2.4.3 of [9], the multiplication factor
of holes for the right contact-free part of the dielectric (to the
right of the gate at y = 55 nm, Fig. 1) is determined by
Mp = ,
Fig. 5 Large-signal equivalent circuit of the transistor active region:
where i ch is the channel current generator; C gs and Rgs , the input capacitance
and resistance; and C gd , the transfer (feedback) capacitance
r −x g
x ξ
Φ= α p x g + ξ exp − α p xg + ξ  is uniform in Ugs + ϕb and nonuniform in −Uds ; Ugs,i +

0 ϕb and −Uds, j are the nodal coordinates; i = 0, 1, . . . , m;
  j = 0, 1, . . . , n; and Uds,0 = 0. The values of Ugs,0 + ϕb ,
− αn x g + ξ  dξ  dξ (15)
Ugs,m + ϕb , and −Uds,n should be taken such that the grid
entirely covers the operating region of the IFET on the gate
is the ionization integral; αn (x) and α p (x) are the elec- bias – drain bias plane.
tron and hole ionization rates, which depend on the electric At each node of the grid, the initial-boundary value prob-
field intensity, E x (x); x g = 400 nm; and xr = 700 nm. lem for (1)–(6) is solved using a Visual C++ program
According to [10], αn (x) may be considered as 0, α p (x) = DIDFET (Distributions In Diamond FET), which is similar to
a p exp[−b p /|E x (x)|], where a p = 4 × 106 cm−1 and the DIHEMT program [4]. The 2D distributions of the elec-
b p = 1.1 × 107 V/cm or a p = 6 × 105 cm−1 and b p = tric potential, hole concentration, and hole gas temperature
0.8×107 V/cm. The avalanche breakdown is defined by con- at t = ∞, ϕ(x, y) = ϕ(x, y, ∞), p(x, y) = p(x, y, ∞),
dition M p = ∞ or Φ = 1. and Th (x, y) = Th (x, y, ∞), respectively, are filed. This file
Similarly, the ionization integral for the imaginary straight also contains
line between points (0, ys ) and (xr , ys ) in Fig. 1 is equal to
⎧ ξ ⎫ • The time dependences of the source, gate, and drain cur-
xr ⎨    ⎬ rents, i s (t), i g (t), and i d (t), calculated by (11)–(13);
Φs = α p (ξ ) exp − α p ξ  − αn ξ  dξ  dξ (16) • The electrostatic induction vector flux to the gate at t =
⎩ ⎭
0 0 ∞, qg (∞) = Q g , calculated by (14); and
• The values of the ionization integral at t = ∞, Φ and
and the breakdown condition is Φs = 1. In addition to i s , i g , Φs , calculated by (15) and (16).
i d , and qg , we calculate Φ and Φs by (15) and (16).
Function Id (Ugs , Uds ) depicted in Fig. 7 (by unclosed
3 Calculating characteristics and parameters of lines) is the dependence of i d (∞) = Id on Ugs and Uds .
the IFET equivalent circuit Note that Id = Is = i s (∞), since the gate current at t =
∞ is absent. Function Q g (Ugs , Uds ) depicted in Fig. 8 (by
For the frequency-domain simulation of a power amplifier unclosed lines) is the dependence of qg (∞) = Q g on Ugs
with the p-channel transistor under consideration, we use and Uds .
the HIFETA program [5] based on the IFET’s large-signal The current–voltage characteristics of the transistor
lumped-element equivalent circuit model depicted in Fig. 5. depicted in Fig. 2 by continuous lines are calculated by means
The calculation of the characteristics and parameters of the of the IFET’s current–voltage characteristics, Id (Ugs , Uds ),
equivalent circuit starts with constructing a rectangular grid and parasitic resistances Rs = Rd = 5 . Resistor Rs is
on the plane depicted in Fig. 6 with axes Ugs + ϕb = ϕg − ϕs inserted between point (0, ys ) and the horizontal source
and −Uds = −(ϕd − ϕs ), where ϕb = 0.6 V is the built- (Fig. 1), whereas Rd is inserted between point (xr , ys ) and
in potential [11] of the structure shown in Fig. 1. This grid the horizontal drain.

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J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181–190 185

Fig. 6 Grid on the gate bias –

drain bias plane for the IFET. In
our case, Ugs,0 + ϕb = −1 V,
Ugs,m + ϕb = 5 V,
−Uds,n = 120 V, m = 12, and
n = 22

Fig. 7 Output current–voltage

characteristics of the IFET at
ϕb = 0.6 V (unclosed lines) and
cycles corresponding to the
maximum value of the output
RF power at frequencies of 30
GHz (continuous cycle) and 60
GHz (dashed and dash-dotted
cycles for L s = 0.06 and 0.1
nH, respectively)

The value of 5 is obtained by fitting the continuous lines 3 × 1012 cm−2 . The low-field mobility away from the sur-
in Fig. 2 to the corresponding dashed lines. Also, the fitting face, μ0 in Appendix 1, is close to 2218 cm2 /(V × s). The
procedure yielded the following values: ratio of these two mobilities equals γs = 0.05.
The simulated current–voltage characteristics (continuous
• 4 nm for the dielectric thickness (Fig. 1); lines in Fig. 2) remain practically unchanged after γs = 0.05
• 8 × 1012 cm−2 for the sheet concentration of “ionized is substituted for γs = 0. Below we use γs = 0 when
acceptors” (negative charges) at y = ys corresponding simulating the RF characteristics of the amplifier given by
to Ns (y) in (5); and Fig. 9.
• 4 × 1012 cm−2 for the sheet concentration of positive As in [5], we use the cubic spline construction to analyt-
charges at y = yd corresponding to Nd (y). ically continue the discrete dependences found by solving
(1)–(6) at the grid nodes on the gate bias – drain bias plane
shown in Fig. 6. Therefore, the dependences Id (Ugs , Uds )
The values of 5 , 4 nm, 8 × 1012 cm−2 , and 4 × 1012 cm−2 and Q g (Ugs , Uds ) are called the spline characteristics of the
are the fitted parameters of the transistor structure or, in other IFET equivalent circuit (Fig. 5).
words, are extracted from the measured DC transistor char- In addition to the spline characteristics, two parameters
acteristics [1] depicted in Fig. 2 by dashed lines. are used in the description of the IFET equivalent circuit:
We put γs = 0, where γs is the constant in the
extended quasi-hydrodynamic model [see the paragraph next
to (1)–(4)]. To understand this choice, note that, accord- • τgs = 0.1198 ps, the time constant of the resistor–
ing to Fig. 7 in [6], the hole mobility on the surface of capacitor network and
hydrogen-terminated single-crystal diamond does not exceed • τch = 0.4867 ps, the time of current carrier transit
110 cm2 /(V × s) at a sheet carrier concentration exceeding through the channel’s nonohmic part.

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186 J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181–190

Fig. 8 Charge–voltage
characteristics of the IFET at
ϕb = 0.6 V (unclosed lines) and
cycles corresponding to the
maximum value of the output
RF power at frequencies of 30
GHz (continuous cycle) and 60
GHz (dashed and dash-dotted
cycles for L s = 0.06 and 0.1
nH, respectively)

Fig. 9 AC electrical circuit of

the model amplifier: Rg , Rs , L s ,
and Rd are the parasitic
elements of the transistor and
L 1 , C1 , L 2 , and C2 are the
elements of the T-equivalent
circuit of the matching networks

We calculated these values for the grid node with coor- 4 Calculations for estimation of the transistor’s
dinates Ugs + ϕb = 1.5 V and −Uds = 50 V by the potential
method [5].
We also analyzed the filed values of the ionization integral, In the electrical circuit of the model amplifier shown in Fig. 9,
Φ and Φs , at all nodes of the grid on the gate bias – drain bias Rs = Rd = 5 ; this value is one of the results of the fitting
plane. Because these values are less than 1, the transistor is procedure considered above. According to [12], Rg = 0.3
operational and our assumption of the absence of the impact and L s = 0.06 nH are used (at a gate width of 1 mm). We will
ionization is acceptable. also use the value of L s = 0.1 nH, which was obtained by

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J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181–190 187

Table 1 Stability factor and

Frequency f (GHz) L s (nH) Stability factor L 1 (nH) C1 (pF) L 2 (nH) C2 (pF)
matching inductances and
capacitances 30 0.06 1.009 0.2233 0.2282 0.4928 0.02159
60 0.06 1.115 0.0496 0.1059 0.2931 0.01438
0.1 1.066 0.0245 0.0849 0.3434 0.01348

Fig. 10 a Power-added efficiency, b transducer power gain, c output RF power, and d input voltage standing wave ratio as functions of the maximum
available power of the RF generator at frequencies of 30 GHz (continuous lines) and 60 GHz (dashed and dash-dotted lines for L s = 0.06 and 0.1
nH, respectively)

fitting the simulated frequency dependence for the operating As in [12], we use the values of L 1 , C1 , L 2 , and C2 in
power gain of the transistor under consideration, U ( f ), to the Fig. 9, which give the maximum of the output RF power of the
experimental data of Fig. 4 in [1] (whose extrapolation gave amplifier at MAP = 100 mW (abbreviation MAP stands for
the abovementioned value of 120 GHz for the power-gain maximum available power of the RF generator). These values
cutoff frequency, f max ). The question of calculating U ( f ) of L 1 , C1 , L 2 , and C2 collected in Table 1 are calculated
will be considered below. statistically according to Section 6.8 of [13].
To get the small-signal operating point of the IFET close to For calculating the output power and other RF parameters
the grid node, for which τgs = 0.1198 ps and τch = 0.4867 of the amplifier, we simulate the circuit depicted in Fig. 9
ps were obtained, we apply biases of UG S = −0.2 V and by the HIFETA program [5] in the frequency domain. This
−U DS = 50 V to points G and D in Fig. 9, respectively. program implementing the harmonic balance method (in our
Table 1 contains the values of the stability factor of the case, for five harmonics of the input RF generator frequency)
transistor for the resulting small-signal operating point with uses the following characteristics and parameters of the IFET
coordinates Ugs + ϕb = 1.49 V and −Uds = 47.83 V. equivalent circuit:

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188 J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181–190

• The maximum value of the transducer power gain equals

14.58 and 8.62 dB;
• The maximum value of the output RF power equals 4201
and 3831 mW; and
• The input voltage standing wave ratio does not exceed
1.8 and 1.4.

When the parasitic source inductance, L s , increases from

0.06 to 0.1 nH, the following changes are observed at a fre-
quency of 60 GHz:

Fig. 11 Operating power gain of the transistor under consideration

as functions of the frequency at L s = 0.06 nH (continuous line) and • The maximum value of the power-added efficiency
L s = 0.1 nH (dash-dotted line) decreases to 21.36 %;
• The maximum value of the transducer power gain
decreases to 7.24 dB;
• Id (Ugs , Uds ) and Q g (Ugs , Uds ) shown in Figs. 7 and 8,
• The maximum value of the output RF power decreases
respectively, and
to 3167 mW.
• τgs = 0.1198 ps and τch = 0.4867 ps.

In addition to R (resistor), L (inductor), and C (capacitor), Thus, despite the imperfection of the basic technologies
the HIFETA library includes the linear multiport given by [1], a hydrogen-terminated diamond FET is a promising
Y-parameters (in the Touchstone format), the small-signal active element for frequencies of up to 60 GHz. We did not
equivalent circuit of the IFET (corresponding to Fig. 5), and consider the upper frequencies because of inaccuracy of the
other linear elements. IFET equivalent circuit [5]. With the technique developed in
Figure 10a–d show the RF parameters of the model this work, one can trace the variations of the RF characteris-
amplifier as functions of MAP, which are calculated at the tics when the lattice temperature grows and/or the transistor
corresponding values of L 1 , C1 , L 2 , and C2 . In Figs. 7 and 8, structure changes.
closed lines show the cycles corresponding to the maximum The main computer time was spent on calculating depen-
value of the output RF power. dencies Id (Ugs , Uds ) and Q g (Ugs , Uds ), more specifically,
To get the abovementioned frequency dependence for the on solving the initial-boundary value problem for (1)–(6) at
operating power gain, U ( f ), the developed technique for cal- 13 × 23 grid nodes (Fig. 6). It took about 17 hours of the
culating the RF parameters was applied to the small-signal 3-GHz quad-core processor, Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9650.
operating point of the IFET with coordinates Ugs + ϕb =
1.47 V and −Uds = 17.26 V corresponding to the point
with coordinates UG S = 0.5 V and −U DS = 18 V of [1]. Appendix 1: method for calculating kinetic
The proximity of the dash-dotted line in Fig. 11 to the cor- characteristics of holes in diamond
responding data of Fig. 4 in [1] allowed to use L s = 0.1 nH
in the above simulation. According to [3,14], the quasi-hydrodynamic model of hole
transport (1)–(4) at γ = 1, whose kinetic coefficients (as
functions of uniform stationary electric field) are determined
5 Conclusion below, is derived from the Boltzmann equation for a parabolic
energy band at the following two assumptions. The so called
The calculated results are based on the verified assumption diffusion assumption is used, according to which the hole
that the impact ionization of diamond molecules by electrons distribution function contains only the zero- and first-order
and holes is absent under the operating conditions of the tran- spherical harmonics of the momentum. The second assump-
sistor. According to these results generalized in Fig. 10a–d, tion, which refers to “quasi” in the model’s name, postulates
the model amplifier based on the single-crystal diamond that the characteristic time of changes in the electric field
transistor [1] with the 100-nm-long and 1-mm-width gate (equal to a half of the period 1/ f ) is much greater than the
demonstrates the following RF parameters at frequencies of momentum relaxation time (about 0.1 ps in the collision term
30 and 60 GHz for L s = 0.06 nH: of the Boltzmann equation).
Quantities Vcc (E us ), Tcc (E us ), and K cc (E us ) determined
• The maximum value of the power-added efficiency below are the drift velocity of current carriers (holes), energy
equals 37.56 and 28.06 %, respectively; relaxation time, and relative Peltier coefficient, respectively,

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J Comput Electron (2016) 15:181–190 189

in undoped diamond subjected to uniform stationary electric Using the carrier mobility,
field E us .  
According to [14] for a bulk semiconductor, we have the Mcc = Vcc E us /E us , (20)
following quadratic equation relative to the mean kinetic
energy of the current carriers, Ucc : we have the following chain of equalities for the relative
Peltier coefficient [4]:

Ucc Ucc 3π μ0 E us  
− − = 0, 2 5 d(Mcc ) Ucc
u0 u0 32 C ph K cc = + ·
3 2 d(Ucc ) Mcc
where μ0 is the low-field carrier mobility and C ph is the 2 5 d(Mcc ) Ucc d(Ucc )
= + · / . (21)
effective phonon velocity. It gives the field dependence of 3 2 d(E us ) Mcc d(E us )
the mean kinetic energy [9]:
If μ0 E us << C ph , (17) can be simplified [14]:
⎡  ⎤

  u0 3π μ0 E us μ0 E us
Ucc E us = ⎣1 + 1+ ⎦. (17) Ucc (E us ) ≈ u 0 1+

. (22)
2 8 C ph 32 C ph

First, we will calculate the values of two constants, μ0 and Formulas (18) and (20)–(22) give
C ph .

If the electric field is low, μ0 E us << C ph , then [14] 4 3π μ0 E us 2

K cc (E us ) ≈ − , (23)
3 64 C ph


3π μ0 E us  3π μ0 2
Vcc (E us ) ≈ μ0 E us 1− . (18) K cc (E us ) ≈ − E us . (24)
64 C ph 32 C ph

According to the experimental dependence Vcc (E us ) for If E us ≤ E 1 = 103 V/cm, we use (23) for calculating
holes at 300 K (depicted, for example, in Fig. 6.6 of [15]), we K cc (E us ). For E us > E 1 ,
have the following: Vcc = 2.12 × 106 and 3.65 × 106 cm/s  
at E us = 103 and 2 × 103 V/cm, respectively. These val-
  ξ1 · E us − E 1
K cc E us =   + ξ1 , (25)
ues and (18) give a system of two algebraic equations ξ1 · E us −E 1
with two unknowns, whose numerical solution is μ0 = 1−ξ1

2218.33 cm2 /(V × s) and C ph = 4043295 cm/s.

where ξ1 = K cc (E 1 ) and ξ1 = K cc
 (E ) are constants deter-
The field dependence of the drift velocity depicted in Fig. 3
mined by (23) and (24). Formula (25) gives the analytical
by continuous line is calculated by (18) if E us ≤ E 2 =
approximation of the result of numerical calculation by (21).
2 × 103 V/cm and by
The K cc (E us ) dependence determined by (23) if E us ≤ E 1
  and by (25) if E us > E 1 is shown in Fig. 3 by dash-dotted
  μ2 × E us − E 2
=  line.
Vcc E us    α + v2 (19)
α μ2 × E us −E 2
1+ vs −v2
Appendix 2: method for calculating functions
if E us > E 2 . Here, vs = 10.5 × 106 cm/s is the sat- p0 ( y) and ϕ0 ( y)
uration velocity [15]; v2 = 3.65 × 106 cm/s; μ2 =
1038.34 cm2 /(V × s); and α = 1.3. Dependence (19) is To formulate conditions at the left and right boundaries of
close to the abovementioned experimental Vcc (E us ). the active region (x = 0 and x = xr in Fig. 1), consider
The field dependence of the energy relaxation time is the model stated by (1)–(6) in the one-dimensional approx-
depicted in Fig. 3 by dashed line. According to (10), it has imation under thermodynamic equilibrium [4,16]: ∂/∂ x =
the following form: ∂/∂t = 0, Th = T0 , and j py = j puy = 0. Equation (2) gives

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  Ucc E us − u 0 μ0 p0 (y) = μ0 E y (y) p0 (y),
Tcc E us =  , q dy
q E us Vcc E us
where μ0 is the low-field hole mobility and p0 (y) is the hole
where Ucc (E us ) and Vcc (E us ) are determined by (17)–(19). concentration (subscript 0 stands for thermodynamic equi-

Author's personal copy
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