WHAT Is Your Thesis About? (Or What Would You Like Your Thesis To Be About?)

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FULL NAME: Anton Mihaela Codrina

THESIS ADVISOR: Publicistica lui Alexandru Macedonski

WHAT is your thesis about? (Or what would you like your thesis to be about?)
Provide a brief (max 150 words) description of what you focus on/intend to focus on in your

My time has come. My moment of glory is closer and closer. Now, all I have to do is to start and

hopefully to finish my thesis. What about the topic? I chose to do some research on the work of

the writer Alexandru Macedonski. Regarding to the structure, I am going to focus on some very

important aspects of his work. Firstly, my aim it to write about his conception about art,

how he saw art, what were the beliefs he was guided by when he called a certain thing ‘‘art”.

Then, I’m going to make some research about the aspect of literature, what he thought about

literature. Also, I intend to include a part of his political ideas, and to the end, I’m going to write

about his papers in French.

WHY have you chosen this topic?

What makes it a relevant one?

The reason that I’ve chose to do my thesis on this topic is because of the historical context of the

writer. I know that is a challenge to write about such a figure but it was very interesting for me

the fact that he was a controversial writer especially because of some controversies with other

important figures of that time. Also, the fact that he was the only writer of our literature that

explored all the literary movements not only symbolism.


HOW have you approached/ are planning to approach your topic?

‘‘The attack plan” of my most important moment from my life (at this moment) is the following:

I’m going to read all the ‘‘materiale” that I will find. Then I will choose only that resources that

correspond to my aims. After that I will write a structure with the main ideas that I want to write

about. And, hopefully, the miracle will happen. My thesis will be finished (not by itself) using all

these ‘‘materiale”, ideas and plans.

What are 2 challenges you have encountered/ you imagine you will encounter in your thesis

I have to say that this is the hardest question, because I’m going to share with you the cruel

truth. Like the all earthlings, the problem is that I don’t know how to start. What is the first thing

that I have to do? How many books do I have to buy? The libraries are now closed, or the books

that I need are missing, and here we are, I don’t know what I have to do. Another problem is the

communication at this time with our advisor. The fact that we are not allowed to meet

psychically it makes our interaction poorly. We can’t take some advice, we don’t know if our

work is well done and our meetings via internet are not the best way to speak about a thesis,

that’s what I think.

List 3 sources that you used/plan on using in your thesis work.


These can be books, articles, web sites, videos, blog entries, etc.

I’ve already bought a very important ‘‘material” for my work. My advisor told me that it is a

verry important source. That book contains all the work of this writer. Mircea Colosencu,

2007 ,Macedonski. Opere. III. Publicistică Literatorul, Editura Fundatia Nationala pentru

Stiinte si Arte, București. The next book that I’m going to use is Alexandu Mitru, 1976, Acasa

la Macedonski, Editura Sport-Turism, Bucuresti. The third source is also a book, Adrian Marino,

1967, Opera lui Alexandru Macedonki , Editura Pentru Literatură.

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