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Network Design and Performance (NDP) Assignment

Individual Assignment (60%)

Test Specification Table

CLO2 Propose the suitable technologies, protocols, network management strategies

and security mechanisms for a network design. (A3, PLO5)
CLO3 Interpret the result of different network performance metrics produced by
using simulation tools (A5, PLO6)
Question No Topic Question Vs Taxonomy

Affective Level
1 2 3 4 5 6
Section A Network technologies, protocols, network management strategies and
security mechanisms(A3, PLO5)
50% 5
Section B Interpret the result of different network performance metrics produced
by using simulation tools (A5, PLO6) 50% 6

Section A

� Research work (30%): A research on any aspect of network (Wired, Wireless

and MANET) communication technology in terms of Topology, Routing Protocols,
Standards and Security.

Research work:

Choose any one of the above said topics (eg: Wired/Wireless Routing Protocols,
Wired/Wireless Network Topologies, Wireless LAN Versus MANET, MANET Routing
Protocols, Wireless/Wired Network Standards and Wireless/Wired Security) and do a
research that covers the following aspects.

Section A Consists of following chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature review on (your chosen topic) and problem statement.
Chapter 3: Methodology

Note: It should contain a review of literature on at least 10 research papers from

trusted sources i.e good journals and/or high citation papers, (not older than
2015) within the same area that covers a topic or challenge in network
communications. The literature review must state the weakness of the previous
studies or research. Explore any gaps that exist in the literature to be your
problem statement. Methodology is where to present your systematic and theoretical
analysis of the methods.

Section B

Simulation (30%): Students should simulate the chosen topic by providing a case
using any network simulators (NetSim/NS2/GNS3/Cisco Packet Tracer) and measure the
performance metrics for at least �throughput� and �delay�. The simulation part is
highlighted below. The results and discussion should contain your results/findings
(such as graphs, charts, descriptive statistics), that are convincing, well
explained and analysis support.
Section B Consists of following chapters:
Chapter 4: Simulation of the network for your chosen scenario.
Chapter 5: Results and discussion
Preferred Simulator: NetSim

Overall, the assignment has five (5) chapters as follows:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature review on (your chosen topic) and problem statement.
Chapter 3: Methodology
Chapter 4: Simulation of the network for your chosen scenario.
Chapter 5: Results and discussion

You are required to provide a softcopy of the documentation.

You can make assumptions to support your solutions, but these assumptions MUST BE
STATED in the document.

Your report must be typed using Microsoft Word. Expected length is 2,500 words
plus diagrams and with all references clearly indicated and provided using Harvard
Name Convention.

Marking Scheme (based on SLT):

Section A

CLO2: Propose the suitable technologies, protocols, network management strategies

and security mechanisms for a network design. (A3, PLO5)

Marking Criteria

(Marginal Fail)
16-20 (Distinction)
Marks Awarded
Problem statement/Introduction
(30%) Introduced the topic. Fails to identify the problem. Introduced and
identified the problem with lack of discussion. Presented the topic and the
research need with substantial discussion Topic is clearly defined but the context
of research provided is limited. Topic is clearly defined and context for
research provided is excellent.
Organized progression &Coverage of Content
(30%) The research has no direction; major works omitted; field significance is not
clear; subtopics not
Connected. The research has direction but not all sections follow a logical order.
Works and field significance is highlighted a bit. Subtopics not
Connected. The research has direction with all sections follow a logical order.
Major works discussed and field significance is clear with substantial evidence.
But, subtopics not connected. The research has a good direction with all sections
follow a logical order. Major works discussed and field significance is clear
with substantial evidence. Subtopics are well connected. The research has
excellent direction that goes from general to specific transitions related to
sections. Also, all sections follow a logical order. Major works discussed and
field significance is clear with substantial evidence. Subtopics are well
Synthesis of idea &Clarity of writing
(20%) Fails to synthesize the information or discuss the topic in the context of
literature. Ideas are not clearly expressed; incorrect spellings, grammar and
punctuation. Limited analysis and synthesis of information. The topic
discussed is found in the literature. Ideas are not clearly expressed; incorrect
spellings, grammar and punctuation. Analysis and synthesize of information is
satisfactory. The topic discussed is found in the literature. Ideas are expressed;
incorrect spellings, grammar and punctuation is minimal. Good analysis and
synthesize of information. The topic discussed is found in the literature. Ideas
are expressed clearly. Writing is clear with correct spellings, grammar and
punctuation. Excellent presentation of analysis and synthesize of information.
The topic demonstrated insight into problem. Ideas are well expressed Writing is
clear and concise with correct spellings, grammar and punctuation.


Fails to present accurate information in a logical sequence. Delivery is not

poised, controlled and smooth.

Type of presentation is appropriate for the topic and

Audience. But, failed to present an accurate information in a logical sequence.
Delivery is not poised, controlled and smooth. Presented an accurate information
in a logical sequence. But is not poised, controlled and smooth.

Good Presentation that contains accurate information in a logical sequence.

Delivery is poised, controlled and smooth. Excellent Presentation(attention-
getting, lays out the problem well, and
establishes a framework for the rest of the presentation) that contains accurate
information in a logical sequence. Delivery is poised, controlled and smooth.

Citation& Referencing
(10%) No in-text citation and very minimal references. Major issues in the
referencing format.
Referencing were done manually, without using Microsoft Word features. Minimal in-
text citation and references used. Minor issues in the referencing format.
Not able to fully utilize the referencing features in Microsoft Word. Sufficient
number of references and citation in the report. No issue in the referencing format
Able to fully utilize the referencing features in Microsoft Word. Recent
source of references used, with proper reference list. Limited in-text citation in
the report
Good utilization of the referencing features in Microsoft Word. Very good quality
of references used, with proper citation and reference list for all facts and
diagrams used
Proficient in using the referencing features in Microsoft Word, without error.
Total Marks /100

Section B

CLO3: Interpret the result of different network performance metrics produced by

using simulation tools (A5, PLO6)

Marking Criteria

(Marginal Fail)
16-20 (Distinction)
Marks Awarded
Network Design � Planning

(30%) Fails to identify/ select appropriate protocol/standards/infrastructure

connectivity/security/topology when simulating the chosen network.
Least attempt identify/ select appropriate protocol/standards/infrastructure
connectivity/security/topology/configuration/properties when simulating the chosen
Minimally engage in identifying/ selecting appropriate
connectivity/security/topology/configuration/properties when simulating the chosen
Putting good effort to identify/ select appropriate
connectivity/security/topology/configuration/properties when simulating the chosen
Highly engaged in identifying/ selecting appropriate
connectivity/security/topology/configuration/properties when simulating the chosen

A complete Network Design

(30%) Hardly able to produce network design using the simulator for the chosen

Poor network simulation design. Least effort in producing network design for
the chosen scenario.

Network simulation design is shown, but, limited to few H/W requirements.

Satisfactory effort network design for the chosen scenario.

Satisfactory network simulation design. Good effort found in network design for
the chosen scenario.

Good network simulation design. Excellent effort found in network design for
the chosen scenario.

Excellent justification of hardware and software requirements, with evidence.

Simulation Results and Discussion
(30%) Poor analysis and findings produced as hardly any discussions performed
related to network performance metrics �throughput and �delay�. Limited analysis
and findings produced related to network performance metrics �throughput and
�delay�. Satisfactory analysis and findings produced related to network
performance metrics �throughput and �delay�. Good analysis and findings produced
related to network performance metrics �throughput and �delay�.
Excellent analysis and findings produced related to network performance
metrics �throughput and �delay�.


No table of content and page numbering, font size and type are not

Not able to show digital skills in utilizing features in Microsoft Word to produce
good formatting standard.

No diagrams / screenshot to show the usage of those tools,

Ideas are not well documented in the report. Table of content exist but without
page numbers, report structure not standardized (including alignment and spacing).

Able to show some digital skills in utilizing features in Microsoft Word but has
major issues in formatting standard
Limited diagrams / screenshot to show the usage of those tools
Ideas are documented in the report. But, needs improvement.Table of content
included with proper page numbering, standardized report structure & headings
Able to show sufficient digital skills in utilizing features in Microsoft Word to
produce good formatting standard, with minor issues.
Sufficient diagrams / screenshot to show the usage of those tools.
Ideas are well documented in the report. Good structure and flow of documentation
with appropriate header & footer

Good digital skills in utilizing features in Microsoft Word to produce good

formatting standard without any issue.
Good diagrams / screenshot to show the usage of those tools.
Ideas are well documented in the report. It is clear but not concise (sentence
structure repetitive). Very good structure and flow of documentation, with very
good appearance

Very good and proficient digital skills in utilizing features in Microsoft Word to
produce outstanding formatting standard.
Detailed diagrams / screenshot to show the usage of those tools.
Ideas are well documented in the report Also, the report is clear and precise.

Total Marks /100


Individual Work

You are required to work as an individual to

1. The report should be typed and well presented. Submission of reports that are
unprofessional in its outlook will not fare well when marks are allocated.
2. The report should have a one (1�) margin all around the page as illustrated

3. Every report must have a front cover. The front cover should have the
following details:-
a) Name of Candidate.
b) Intake code.
c) Subject.
d) Project Title.
e) Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out).
f) Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in).
4. Plagiarism is a serious offence and will automatically be awarded zero (0)
5. All information, figures and diagrams obtained from external sources must be
referenced using the Harvard referencing style accordingly.

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