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1. The exercise of the other habits prepares us for synergy. Synergy means the whole
is greater than the sum of its parts. The relationship which the parts have to each other is a
part in and of itself - the most empowering, unifying and exciting part. The essence of
synergy is to value differences - to respect them, to build on strengths, and to compensate
for weaknesses. The way to achieve synergy is through the creative process, which is
terrifying, because you never know where the creative process will lead you.
2. The author has made an effort to teach with power, conviction and success and Dr.
Covey deals with the fundamental principles in this book which provides a useful sequential
framework for understanding much about the process of personal developments. Dr Covey
does not have invented the seven habits but rather has discovered them and used simple
language for articulating them. In fact, he says that these basic principles of effectiveness
may be found in all world religions and it can be noted that many highly successful people
seem to have naturally develop these habits. Often a book of this caliber can wear you
down. It challenges you in emotional ways that are not common in today's society. There's
a good chance that not everyone will get this far through the book let alone complete it and
implement the strategies required for effectiveness. Who knows?
All the previous habits have come together in such a way as to prepare us for chapter 6-
Synergize. The definition of Synergy is that "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
When we look back at the "public victory" chapters we notice the step by step process
towards effective human interaction. We firstly agree and acknowledge a paradigm that is
committed to mutual benefits. Step two is to actually listen and understand the person or
people we are communicating with.
The final step held within this chapter is our ability to seek and find synergistic solutions
which will stem from mutual trust, understanding and respect. If you seriously want synergy
to work, it's about valuing differences. Regardless of perceived weaknesses it is the
differences that provide the fuel for solutions.
We have all heard of the phrase one plus one equals three haven't we? Welcome to
synergy. Two planks of wood held together will sustain considerable more weight than the
combination of two single pieces and the chapter outlines many such examples.


Synergistic Communication
3. Synergistic communication is opening your mind and heart to new possibilities. It
may seem like you are casting aside "beginning with the end in mind," but you are actually
fulfilling it by clarifying your goals and discovering better ones. Almost all creative
endeavors are somewhat unpredictable, and unless people have a high tolerance for
ambiguity and get their security from integrity and inner values, they find it unpleasant to be
involved in highly creative enterprises. By taking the time to really build a team, creating a
high emotional bank account, the group can become very closely knit. The respect among
members can become so high that if there is a disagreement, there can be a genuine effort
to understand. High trust leads to high cooperation and communication. The progression of
communication is defensive (win or lose/win), to respectful (compromise), to synergistic
(win/win). Synergistic communication must be achieved to develop creative possibilities,
including better solutions than original proposals. If synergy isn't achieved, even the effort
will usually result in a better compromise. Feelings. Both the content and methodology of
these principles form a solid foundation for effective communication.

Synergy in the Classroom

5. A synergistic class progresses from a safe environment to brainstorming. The spirit
of evaluation is subordinated to the spirit of creativity, imagining and intellectual networking.
Then the entire class is transformed with the excitement of a new direction. This is not a
flight of fancy, but of substance. Other times a class may approach synergy, but descends
into chaos. Synergy requires the right chemistry and emotional maturity in the group to

Synergy and Communication

6. The lowest level of communication coming out of low trust situations is characterized
by defensiveness, protectiveness, and legalistic language which covers all the bases and
spells out qualifiers and escape clauses in the event things go sour. The middle level of
communication is respectful communication -- where fairly mature people communicate.
The highest level of communication is synergistic (win/win) communication.


Synergy in Business
7. The author describes some very powerful moments when synergy really opened his
eyes to possibilities. This is where all egos are to be left at the door, trust, mutual respect
and openness is welcomed with open arms in an endeavor to find powerful solutions..
Fishing for the Third Alternative
8. In this the author describes how by mutually seeking to understand and be
understood, the participants pool their desires. They work together on the same side to
create a third alternative to meet everyone's needs. Instead of a transaction, this is a
transformation. Each participant gets what they really want, and they build their relationship
in the process.

Negative Synergy.
8. The usual win/lose approach results in expending negative synergy. It's like trying to
drive down the road with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. Instead of taking
their foot off the brake, most people give it more gas. They apply more pressure to
strengthen their position, creating more resistance. In contrast, a cooperative approach
enables accomplishment. The problem is that highly dependent people are trying to
succeed in an interdependent reality. They may talk win/win technique, but they want to
manipulate others. These insecure people need to mold others to their way of thinking. The
key to interpersonal synergy is intrapersonal synergy - synergy within ourselves helps us
achieve synergy with others. The heart of intrapersonal synergy is the first three habits,
which give the internal security sufficient to handle the risks of being open and therefore
vulnerable. In addition, by learning to use the left brain, logic, with the right brain, emotion,
we develop psychic synergy that is suited to reality, which is logical and emotional.

Valuing the Differences.

9. The essence of synergy is to value the mental, emotional, and psychological
differences between people. The key to valuing these differences is to realize that all
people see the world, not as it is, but as they are.
The person who is truly effective has the humility and reverence to recognize his own
perceptual limitations and to appreciate the rich resources available through interaction with
the hearts and minds of other human beings.

That two people can disagree and both be right is not logical, it's psychological. And it's
very real. We see the same thing, but interpret it differently because of our conditioning.
Unless we value the differences in our perceptions and understand that life is not always a
dichotomous either/or, that there are almost always third alternatives, we will never be able
to transcend the limits of our conditioning.
If two people have the same opinion, one is unnecessary. So when I become aware of the
difference in our perceptions, I say "Good! Help me see what you see." By doing that, I not
only increase my awareness, but I also affirm you. I give you psychological air. I create an
environment for synergy.

Force Field Analysis

10. According to Kurt Lewin, a sociologist, the current level of performance or being is a
state of equilibrium between the driving forces encouraging upward movement and
restraining forces discouraging it.
Driving forces are positive, personable, and conscious. Restraining forces are negative,
emotional, unconscious, and social/psychological. Both forces must be considered in
dealing with change.
Increasing driving forces may bring temporary results. Eventually, restraining forces act like
a spring to throw the level back down. To produce synergy, the concepts of win/win, mutual
understanding and seeking synergy are used to work directly on the restraining forces.
Involving people in the problem, so they understand it, makes it their problem. They tend to
become an important part of the solution. As a result, shared goals are created, enabling
the whole enterprise to move upward.
The legal process should be a last, not first, resort because it polarizes the parties, making
synergy practically impossible.

All Nature is Synergistic.

11. Ecology, the interrelationship of things, describes the synergism in nature. The
relationship creative powers are maximized. The Seven Habits are also interrelated and are
most powerful when used together. Synergy is the crowning achievement of the previous
habits. It is effectiveness in an interdependent reality. A lot of synergy is in your circle of
influence. You can value both your own analytical and creative sides. You can sidestep
negative energy and look for the good in others. You can courageously express your ideas

in interdependent situations. You can value the differences in others when you see only two
alternatives, yours and the "wrong" one. You can seek a synergistic third alternative.

Celebrate the differences

12. There’s something you have to do to get the most out of this habit, it’s
acknowledging that there are differences between people, and that these differences are
there to celebrate! The paradigm shift in this habit focuses around differences, they’re not
annoying, and they’re very precious. The moment you realize this is wonderful, and you
recognize the hidden value in it. It makes you wonder why you burnt all that energy on
fighting differences, when there’s so much to gain from acknowledging them.

13. The under review was a deliberate effort to discuss the ever golden basic principles
of effective people. The author has very inquisitively developed the contents of the book.
The book may be analyzed as follows:-
a. It is a comprehensive study of human psychology and importance of
b. The author has broad vision relating to leading rules of successful man in all
walks of life.
c. The book has been elegantly written, giving understanding of deep concern
and useful for our personal as well as professional lives.
d. Practical examples keep the interest of the reader in the book. Each time a
reader reads a section again gets new insights and a better understanding.
e. The simple English language and grammar is the exceptional qualities of the
9. This book captures beautifully the philosophy of principles of highly effective people.
These principles are universal and can be applied to every aspect of life. This book
provides an opportunity to explore our selves and our impact on others. Following are the
recommendations for the readers regarding the book:-

a. It is recommended for those readers who want to change the social impact of their
life on themselves and people around them.

b. It is recommended for all Army officers as it provides a lead to bring a change in
one’s personality, public image, attitude and behavior that lubricate the human
c. It is also recommended for those readers who have interest in philosophy of life as it
provides basis of human feelings, behavior etc.
d This book be made available for all the station libraries.


10. This book is not a reading stuff but provides a recipe for self motivation and goal
setting. It also advocates that we need to work with others, respect others, show tolerance
and value the rights of others. Dr. Covey is neither an optimist nor a pessimist but a
possibilist who believes that we and we alone can open the door to change within
ourselves. This can make a real difference in our lives.


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