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Tenant Information Guide

What you need to do and what we need from you

On Finding a Property via Shepherds Residential Letting & Management – you will need to follow the
referencing & registration process in order to secure the tenancy by paying the fee detailed in the
charges section.
This information guide sets out the basic information needed by us and the referencing agency to get
through the initial steps when first renting.

1. If you are bankrupt or have active County Court Judgements (CCJ’s):

i. Bankruptcy – unfortunately we will not be able to offer you rented accommodation.
ii. CCJ’s – you may be able to repay these and proceed into referencing.
iii. You may also require a guarantor.
iv. If you do require a guarantor - They will need to earn approximately 30 x the rent value (for example
rent is £700 – Guarantor will need to earn £21,000.00).
v. The guarantor will also need to be fully employed on PAYE, or self-employed for more than 18 months
and have a certified accountant, or they will have to have an HMRC (Inland Revenue) certificate
confirming their earnings. IF you do not have these then unfortunately you will not be able to enter into
the referencing process.

2. All applicants will need to provide the following before referencing begins in order to proceed into
i. The fee & signed declaration form
ii. The completed information questionnaire
iii. Provide valid ID and address verification – in original format
iv. Driving licence or passport or valid recognised photo card
v. ANY working permit or VISA – ALL originals must be seen at our office and copies taken.
vi. 6 month bank statements
vii. Confirmation of employment – P60, P11D or salary slip not more than 3 months old.

3. References
i. We will instruct a third party Reference Agent to take up references on you before proceeding with the
tenancy and they will require you to supply information about yourself. This will including current &
previous address, employment details, income stream & benefits, details of any CCJ’s, Bankruptcy etc.
The referencing process comprehensively checks all of these areas, including Council Tax payments and
credit rating address verification.
ii. ALL proposed occupiers must be included on the application (children under 18 are listed for reference
only). Failure to detail ANY person over 18 would be in breach of the tenancy agreement – and would
break the tenancy.
iii. SELF EMPLOYED/ SELF CERTIFICATING – If you are self-employed – to qualify through referencing you
must be able to supply a SET of ACCOUNTS for the previous TAX year and/or have your account report on
your behalf. Alternatively you may have an Inland Revenue Self-Certification form, which is acceptable –
if you meet the affordability criteria (as detailed for guarantor)
iv. All previous Landlords will also be asked for a reference, if applicable.
v. If you have no previous fixed address (i.e: Living with friends or family – THIS
DOES NOT MEAN children leaving their family home), you will be asked for extra ID to confirm proof of
vi. The fee due to Shepherds for administration of the above referencing, contract compilation and
administration detailed below is payable at the time you submit your reference application. THIS FEE IS
NON-REFUNDABLE (see below for further details).
vii. It may be necessary for you to have to supply a Guarantor (who may also need to be referenced) if
you think this applies to you please state at the outset as there is not normally a charge for this at the
first stage of referencing. CHECK YOUR AFFORDABILITY!
viii. Please note – ANY additions or changes to the original tenancy i.e. where other tenants are added at a
later date – will incur extra administration charges and referencing fees.

Data Protection statement

Your personal information will be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Shepherds Estate Agent Limited will not
disclose such information to any unauthorised person or body but where appropriate will use such information in carrying out its various
functions and services related to you and your application to rent a property. This information & data may also be used in connection with the
prevention or detection of fraud or other crime and as per the declaration you will sign with one of our working partnerships (external
referencing agency) we will only share data with persons related to your application.

4. Multi Occupancy
v. 3 BED - FAMILY – 2 x married couples

5. Charges
i. Should you decide not to proceed with the tenancy, i.e. you have a change of mind after we have
started the referencing and administration work or your references prove to be unsatisfactory for
whatever reason and your Landlord decides/is unable to proceed, you will have to forfeit all or part of the
initial charge to cover the cost of administration and any other related charge. At no stage will you be
refunded more than 50% of the cost (if there is valid reason for a refund), unless the landlord is obliged to
reimburse the full fee due to his/her decision not to let.

6. Non-refundable holding deposits - Where a non-refundable holding deposit has been taken, this will
not be returned under any circumstance and will be with-held along with any incurred charges at the
time of withdrawal.

7. Tenancy agreement, Inventory, Rental payments and Deposits

i. No tenancy is guaranteed or secure until all of the monies are paid and the contracts signed. Both the
landlord and tenant have equal opportunity to withdraw at any time up to and including the contract
signing. Any non-refundable holding deposit will be paid to the landlord in compensation, unless of
course the agreed details that the landlord will refund such a deposit if they decide for whatever reason,
not to proceed.
ii. To confirm in order for us to be able to proceed with the tenancy, you will have had to complete the
following check list:
iii. Been advised by Shepherds that referencing is complete and successful.
iv. You must have provided us with all of the relevant ID and AV as detailed previously and ensure it is all
with us prior to signing.
v. You must also have a confirmed mutually agreeable time from us to come in to the office and complete
the contract signing. This is your Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement.
vi. You MUST have paid the required advance rent and deposit into Shepherds Lettings bank account – by
transfer at least 24 hours before the agreed signing.
vii. HSBC Bank S.C - 40-24-21 Acc No. 71523392
viii. Ensuring you ask/request your reference is added to the payment.

ix. If you for any reason you cannot make the advance payment and need to pay in cash you must give
our office notice - a fee of £25.00 is payable for ALL cash payments made). Personal/building society
cheques will only be considered as way of payment if they are received at least 5 working days before
the date of signing contracts.

8. Have you left enough time for signing contracts?

i. Completing and signing of your tenancy agreement will take at least 30-45 minutes – Please remember
to give yourself time and BOOK an appointment first.
ii. All parties are required to attend and provide identification (passport or driving licence & a utility
bill/bank statement) will be required at the time of signing – unless these have been provided in advance.
iii. You will be given the opportunity to read and understand the tenancy agreement before signing it. If
you require time to see this in advance please ensure you ask for a draft copy to be sent to you – via
email, so that you have the opportunity to ask any questions before the day of signing. Do not turn up on
the day and expect to make amendments/changes to the contract agreement.

9. Dilapidation & security Deposit

i. Landlords/letting agents normally require a deposit from you. At Shepherds this is the equivalent to 6
weeks rent. You must be able to provide this prior to your occupation (subject to securing a property,
successful referencing and an agreement by the landlord/agent to let).
ii. The deposit / bond taken, will be held against possible breakage’s or damage caused by you during the
tenancy and for any other breaches of your tenancy terms and condition. The deposit / bond will only be
returned to you, subject to everything being left in a satisfactory condition at the property at the end of
the tenancy.

10. Rental payments

i. The Landlord or agent will set out how you are required to pay your rent. This may be by standing order
or Internet transfer. If the rental is paid monthly, the rent due date will be the same date of the tenancy
commencement date each month. If you move into a property on the 5th September you will be required
to set up your next rent payment for the 5th October, as rent is paid in advance on the due date – NOT in
ii. Rent is never collected by Direct Debit.

11. Inventory
i. Whatever type of accommodation you are moving into, it is important that you see the inventory for
the property on the day of occupation, the day you officially take keys. It will become your responsibility
to make sure it is accurate before signing and to note any alterations regarding discrepancies and
omissions from it.
ii. The inventory is a legal document and puts the responsibility on to you as the tenant to look after
the items listed on it. It should list all the items of the property left by the Landlord for your use during
the tenancy, such as furniture, fixtures and overall cleanliness and condition of the property when you
moved in.
iii. A copy of the inventory should be provided for you to keep in a safe place. Should you damage, break
or remove any item belonging to the landlord or if you accidentally or on purpose damage any fixture or
fitting or if you do not clean the property when you move out at the end of the tenancy, the Landlord can
charge you from your deposit / bond to have it put right or replaced. (Reasonable fair wear and tear can
be taken into consideration).

12. Once your tenancy has commenced

Tenants Content & Accidental Insurance - Many tenants do not realise when renting a
property that they WILL NOT be covered under their Landlord's content insurance for theft, fire or
damage caused to their own goods or to the LANDLORDS goods, if it is the fault of the tenant or
tenant’s guest. It is important to take adequate steps to protect your personal contents and valuables
by taking out contents insurance cover as soon as possible. It is also important to cover yourself against
accidental damage YOU may cause to the Landlord Property. If you ruin a carpet, you will have to
replace or compensate.
Details on Tenant specific Insurance can be obtained from our office – 01992 449501

13. Utilities
i. Gas, electricity, water, telephone and the Local Council Tax are the responsibility of ALL tenants. IF you
require BT lines, sky connection etc. It will at your own cost, unless the facility has been left by a previous
tenant or landlord. All services must be informed that you have taken occupation and you will be
responsible for giving over the readings from your check-in and paying all bills.
ii. Arrangements to take over these services are your responsibility.
iii. You need to remember to advise the Royal Mail to redirect your mail to your new
address as well as your bank and employers.

14. Remember to report

i. Any queries or problems you may encounter during the term of the tenancy or any repairs or
maintenance that need to be carried out should be directed to your Landlord or agent as soon as
possible, if it falls under their responsibility. Failure to do so could result in charges against you.

15. Property inspections

i. The Landlord or agent will carry out property visits on the property whilst you are a tenant every few
months or so to check on the condition of the property and how you are looking after it. This is normal
practice and forms part of your contractual obligation to allow access.
ii. A mutually convenient appointment should be made with you prior to any visits of this nature.
Company visits do not require the tenant to be present. You may at certain times be asked to allow
access to representative of the Landlord for the purpose of any property maintenance or repairs that the
property may require and is the responsibility of the Landlord.
iii. Besides these formal visits and maintenance inspections, the Landlord must not over disturb you or
breach your legal entitlement of quite enjoyment of the property during the tenancy.
16. When your tenancy expires
i. Before vacating the property you should check that any breakages or items damaged during the
tenancy are replaced or fixed by you before the final check by the Landlord and that the property is
cleaned and left tidy. Remember to clean the windows, window sills, cooker & fridge/freezers as well as
the property.
ii. On the expiry of the tenancy a final inspection will be carried out on the property by the Landlord or
Landlord's agent and the condition will be checked against the Inventory you signed when entering the
property. This is to confirm that the property has been left in a satisfactory condition as mentioned, and
that there are no breakages or damage to the property.
iii. The Landlord will be entitled to any deductions from your deposit for any breach of your tenancy
obligations or excess wear and tear and damage to the property. If there are no dilapidation's or
deductions the Landlord or agent should return your deposit / bond soon after you vacate the property.

Important Do’s
Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of your tenancy agreements.
Make sure you have checked your inventory.
Advise the relevant utilities of your move into rented accommodation.
Give up all keys that are in your possession at the end of the tenancy.
Ensure that your rent reaches the Landlord or Landlord's agent by the due date.
Advise Royal Mail, your bank and employers of your move.
Advise your Landlord or agent immediately of any maintenance problems and repairs.
Always ask if you are in doubt.
Important Don’ts
Alter the terms and conditions of your tenancy agreement.
Move out or leave the property vacant for a long period of time without advising your
Landlord or agent.
Do not think you can use your deposit, as your last month’s rent. Your deposit will be
lodged in the TDS scheme and cannot be gotten until after your tenancy finishes.
Do not take in paying ‘guests or sublet the property.
Do not re-decorate or carry out maintenance, repairs / renewals without consent from your
Do not refuse reasonable access to your Landlord or a representative and / or tradesmen.
A polite reminder that we will need the next four pages to be completed and returned along with six
months of your most recent bank statements.
We will also require a copy of an up to date Passport (photo id), latest 3 months payslips, proof of
residency for each applicant and if required a copy of a work visa.

Until we have all of the requested information and the referencing fee, we are unable to process any
offers and the property will remain on the market as fully available.

Property Address You Want to Rent_____________________________

Further to your viewing of the above property we understand that you would like to submit an application to
proceed. Please be aware, submitting forms does not guarantee that a property is assigned to you. All offers are
subject to determination of referencing and contract signing. In order to put your application forward to the
landlord we will require further information as follows:

The full names as on the passports(s) of all proposed occupants over the age of 18.

Applicant 1

Title …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date of Birth...........................................................................................................................
Email Address........................................................................................................................
Telephone Number(s)......................................................../ …...............................................
Proportion of rent to be paid by this applicant........................% or £........................

Immigration Status: .................…………………………………………………………………….

(Shepherds estate agents must see and retain a copy of any required residence, work or other visa, in its original
form. It is an applicant’s obligation to provide the documents where necessary)

Employment details:
Company Name & Address....................................................................................................
Work Telephone Number…………………………………………………………………………..
Is this position permanent?………………………………………………………………………….

Residential status:
Current residential status…………………………………………………………………………..
If tenant, please supply landlord details:
Telephone Number……………………………………………………………………………………

Applicant 2

Title …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date of Birth...........................................................................................................................
Email Address........................................................................................................................
Telephone Number(s)......................................................../ …...............................................
Proportion of rent to be paid by this applicant........................% or £........................

Immigration Status: .................…………………………………………………………………….


(Shepherds estate agents must see and retain a copy of any required residence, work or other visa, in its original
form. It is an applicant’s obligation to provide the documents where necessary)

Employment details:
Company Name & Address....................................................................................................
Work Telephone Number…………………………………………………………………………..
Is this position permanent?………………………………………………………………………….

Residential status:
Current residential status…………………………………………………………………………..
If tenant, please supply landlord details:
Telephone Number……………………………………………………………………………………
(If other applicants over 18 we will need the above information on a separate sheet)

Names and Ages of any Children/ Dependant that will be living/staying at the property.

Name ....................................................................... Date Of Birth...../..../......

Name ....................................................................... Date Of Birth...../..../......
Name ....................................................................... Date Of Birth...../..../......

Do Any of You Smoke?...............................................................................................

Do you have any pets/ If yes, please list .....................................................................

What benefits do you receive from the Council.............................................................


Do you have any CCJ's or are you a registered bankrupt............................................

Are any of you self-employed .....................................................................................
(If Yes (to above) How long For? .............Do you have an accountant.....................

Next of Kin Contact Details.

Telephone Number………………………………………………………………………………
Relationship To You…………………………………………………………………………….

Length Of Contract Required 6 Months/ 1 year / Longer (this is a request and is subject to the landlord agreeing to
the same terms) …………………..............................

Proposed Start of tenancy Date (ideal date only) .................................................................

Your Bank Details Bank.......................................................................................................

Account Number..................................................................................................................
Sort Code.............................................................................................................................

Unauthorised occupants: The applicant agrees not to assign sublet, part with or share the property with any
persons other than the persons named on the application form.
NEXT STEP - Once your offer/s and details have been reviewed and if it is accepted and you have paid the relevant
fee, you will receive the application forms via an emailed link by an independent tenant assessment company. We
will notify you when your application has been successful so that we can agree moving in dates and the transfer of
your six weeks Landlord deposit and your first month rent.

Details of charges and holding deposit

If you apply to rent a property via Shepherds, you will be required to pay the administration charge, which covers all
of the admin work carried out by Shepherds, the Reference & Searches and the Contract compilation. In addition to
this, you will have to pay, the advance rent of 1 month and the holding & dilapidation deposit equal to a minimum
of 1.5 times the rental value, unless otherwise stated by the landlord or in the event special conditions apply, all of
which are payable in advance of the tenancy. We DO NOT accept CASH.

Our charging structure is as follows.

Step 1. Comprehensive search, administration and contract preparation fees:

An initial fee consummate to the number of people renting is payable to cover referencing, administration,
appointments, and all necessary work in the preparation of the property and in the supply of contracts. This is non-
refundable* as work will start immediately you complete and submit your application form/s.
If for any reason your application is stopped or turned down by the landlord then you may be refunded part or in
some circumstances, all of the initial fee. This is payable by the landlord not the agent. In this instance Shepherds
will assist in the recovery of the fee.

Please make cheques/payments payable to: Shepherds Lettings Ltd. Our bank is HSBC in Hoddesdon Sort code 40 -
24- 21 and the account number is 71523392. As a reminder, we do NOT accept and card or cash payments.

Charge VAT Total

Single Occupancy: £125.00 25.00 £150.00
Two Occupants: £208.34 41.66 £250.00
Any extra Applicant/ Guarantor
+ £100.00 20.00 +£120.00
Room-only Ref: £100.00 20.00 £120.00

Step 2. Advance Rent & Dilapidation Deposit - This money has to be transferred into our bank at least 24 hours prior to
your move in date.

1st rent – Cheque payments have to be paid 5 working days in advance of the move-in date.
Internet payments need to be received 1 day in advance of the move-in date. Cash payments incur a £25.00 charge.

Dilapidation & Holding Deposit – Also has to be paid in advance of the move in date as detailed above. The deposit
is always a minimum of 1.5 ((1 ½) x the rent or 2 x the monthly rental charge on properties over £1500 (per
month). An additinal charge of £100 Per pet will be levied if the landlord will give permission.

** Please note ALL deposits will be paid in the form of Internet transfer or cheque at the end of the tenancy and
only once the final inspection has been carried out and agreed by landlord and tenant. Funds can lawfully be
retained by the agents for 30 days in event of a dispute at which time it would be held for a further term if agreed
and approved by the Tenant Dispute Service. We will not return deposits in cash.

Step 3. Extended and Tenancy Contract renewals – After the initial period

When you extend your tenancy for a further term we will write to you and the landlord in ample time to requesting
a decision on whether the tenancy will be renewed. New contracts will be issues in triplicate and will be signed and
witnessed in the same way as your original contract.

Where Shepherds is Managing Agent and are holding the deposit we will complete the paperwork and send all
parties a fully signed copy of the renewal.

When the Landlord is managing the tenancy they will be sent the contracts for signing as we do not sign on their
behalf in these instances.

Contract renewal – Fixed Term £90.00 including VAT

Contract renewal – Periodic Term £60.00 including VAT
** Please note that the landlord also has to be in agreement with any renewal agreement and it is not down to the tenant to automatically
assume this will be granted.


Step 4. Check in & out – (full charging details in Contract – start @ £75inc VAT in and out). These amounts will be
paid before entering the property.
When you are leaving the property we will send you a detailed checkout letter informing you of the process to
follow in order to give back the property in the condition it was handed to you. Using the Inventory, you will be able
to go through the property and do any necessary cleaning etc.

The checkout FEE is detailed in your contract (and is consummate to the size and content of the property). The
charge will be deducted from your deposit at the end of the tenancy. This is charged when tenants fail to carry out
the works as per their obligation and the agents have to arrange for post-tenancy callouts, work or visits.

At the checkout appointment you will be given the opportunity to see what work/cleaning or alterations, if any, will
need doing to get the property back to what it was before.

Utilities –
Tenants are responsible, and agree to pay for ALL bills relating to WATER, ELECTRICITY, GAS, and COUNCIL TAX
(rates) – and should ensure they register at the time they take occupation of a property. As per the contract – any
administration invoices, utility bills or late rent can be deducted from your deposit.

Application and Charges Declaration

By signing this document you agree to the charging structure and details outlined within this document. You further
acknowledge that from time to time it may be necessary to revise the fees and prices as quoted and will invariably be
subject to change. Any changes will be detailed in the newsletters and or information bulletins mailed to tenants.

Signed Applicant 1__________________________________Applicant 2 ________________________

NAME_Applicant 1__________________________________Applicant 2_________________________

Dated_Applicant 1__________________________________Applicant 2_________________________

Data Protection statement

Your personal information will be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Shepherds Estate Agent Limited will not disclose such
information to any unauthorised person or body but where appropriate will use such information in carrying out its various functions and services related
to you and your application to rent a property. This information & data may also be used in connection with the prevention or detection of fraud or other
crime and as per the declaration you will sign with one of our working partnerships (external referencing agency) we will only share data with persons
related to your application.

Shepherds Estate Agents 37 High Street, Hoddesdon EN11 8TA. Rentals 01992 449501

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