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My thanks goes out to Dr. Mercury and the gang at the (now defunct) RPGHost V&V Message
Boards for the input and ideas behind this concept.

The character's Inventing Points are now known as Plot Points. It costs an action to spend a Plot
Point and only one point per phase can be spent by a single character. Once a point is spent, it is
gone. They can only be replaced by gaining new levels (a character gains Plot Points as per the
normal Inventing Points rule). A character or NPC can do one of the follow for each point spent:
Chutzpah: Double your Charisma Modifier for that turn. If the character is spending his Plot Point
on his last phase of the turn, then the effect occurs on the next turn.
Contacts: Contacts are people and groups that the character knows and are friendly with. The
contact might provide help if asked by the character. It is up to the player and the GM to set
specifics about the character's relationship with their contact. Roll the character's Inventing
Percentage to see if you can persuade your contact to help.
Example 1: The Crimson Crusader spends a Plot Point and selects the Contact
(Police) as his choice. The player and the GM agree that the Crimson Crusader has
befriended a Police Detective in the metropolitan police force who now supplies him
with information.

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Example 2: The Silverstreak spends a Plot Point and selects the Contact (Cadfael
Corporation) as her choice. It's agreed that the Silverstreak's secret identity is
actually Dr. Emily Meadows who works within one of the corporations research
labs. She has access to the corporation's mainframe computer (use the Security
Clearance formula to see the level of access that she has to the company's
Determination: Change any failed roll into a success.
Dice ex Machina: Add a +4 bonus modifier to any die roll (attack, damage, skill, etc).
Insight: Gain a clue or hint from the GM. It is up to the individual GM to determine what they
wish, or wish not, to divulge.
Inventions: Create inventions as per the normal Inventing Rules.
Lucky Break: Rescue any character from immediate death. This ability can only be used on
characters who are in danger of dieing within the user's turn, not those already dead. The rescued
character is considered unconscious with 1 HP and 4 points of Power left.
Power Stunts: A hero or villain may use their powers in ways not originally intended to carry out
a certain task. Each use of a Power Stunt costs 1 Plot Point. To make Power Stunts a permament
feature of the power, the player must spend a Training Bonus on that particular Power Stunt.
Renewed Vigour: The character can attempt to recover lost PR and HP without resting. This
represents that little shot of adrenaline that boosts the character from his fatigue (also known as
catching one's second wind). Roll the character's Inventing Percentage. The roll result, if successful,
is subtracted from 100; the result is the percentage of PR and HP recovered.

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