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These manoeuvres are inspired by several RPG sources (Champions and Marvel Super-Heroes
mainly), and the comics themselves. I would like to thank the folks at the V&V Webhall Forums
for the feedback and ideas.

This allows a character to take extra time to aim at a target, thereby improving his chance to hit. A
character must aim at a specific target (either individual or object); he can't just aim until a target
presents itself. A character who chooses to aim must spend an entire Phase tracking the target (this
costs an action). On the next Phase, the character gains a +1 to hit bonus on all attacks against the
target which he is aiming at. A character who is aiming can attack on a Phase, then track his target
for several Phases, and then attack again, all without losing his Aiming bonus. However, should the
character not attack or track his target then he loses his Aiming bonus. A character can Aim and
Brace in a single Phase, thus gaining both bonuses and the drawback of being easier to hit (+2
bonus to hit the character).

This action allows a character to attempt to block incoming attacks with force. This defensive action
must be declared before the opponent rolls to attack. The defender rolls his HTH Damage and
subtracts that amount from the damage of the incoming attack (Body Armour/Invulnerability still
apply). The GM has final say on what can and cannot be blocked (i.e. a fire cannot be blocked but an
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ice pillar can).

This allows the character to Brace himself in order to steady his aim and improve his accuracy
against ranged opponents. It costs only movement to Brace oneself, thus granting the character a
+2 bonus to hit (used to offset Range Penalties only). Unfortunately, the drawback is that the
character is easier to hit since he has to stand still to steady his aim (all attacks against a Braced
character gains a +2 bonus to be hit (all attacks against a Braced character gain a +2 bonus to hit
since a Braced character is slower to evade such attacks because his attention is on his target).


This manoeuvre was inspired by John Bua. Thanks John for allowing me to use it here. This action
requires the character to make a successful Special Attack for it to come into play. If successful, the
attacker can name (""call") the target where the opponent will be knocked back to. In other words,
they can name the destination of the knockback attack. i.e. Character A wants to punch his target
upwards towards the sticky spiderwerbs (in the hope that the opponent will become entangled in
the webs). He "calls the Knockback" and succeeds. He hits his opponent upwards in the planned

This manoeuvre allows two or more characters to coordinate their attacks against a single
opponent. To coordinate attacks, the two (or more) attackers must have fought together in the
past and trained in working together. This "training" could occur in a Danger Room for superheroes,
or over the course of numerous combats for other characters.
To coordinate their attacks, the characters must attack on the same Phase. This might require
characters to delay their Phase to coincide with a slower comrade's Phase. Should two (or more) of
the coordinated attacks hit then add all of the damage done (from all of the successful hits) and
apply the following:
§ Multiply the victim's chances of unconsciousness (by HP damage) by 2.

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§ Knockback is doubled.
[OPTIONAL] The GM may require the characters to spend a Training bonus to gain the
benefits of coordinated attacks (personally, I don't think the benefits of an coordinated attack
warrant a Training bonus but that's just me). If the combat is particularly confusing or noisy, the the
GM may require Detect Hidden rolls to notice the cue to attack (I would double the normal
percentage since the character is expecting the cue).

If an HTH attack is successful, make a STR check for both combatants (roll HTH Damage, highest
roll wins). If the attacker wins the disarm roll by twice or more points, then he can make a saving
throw on percentage dice vs Agility to literally snatch the object from the opponent's hand.
Otherwise the object in question falls to the ground (roll 1d12 for direction and 1d4 for the number
of feet the object tumbles away). A ranged disarm attack works the same way but substitute the
power's damage die for the HTH Damage roll. A ranged disarm attack cannot snatch the object like
in a HTH attack with possible exception of Telekinesis or Magnetic Powers (or any other power as
determined by the GM).


This manoeuvre allows the character to get out of the way of explosions and areas based attacks
(this manoeuvre can be performed outside of a character's Action Sequence but then costs 2 PR.).
The character chooses a location to dive to and must make a successful saving throw vs Agility on
d20 (with a modifier of –1 per 1" of distance). If the roll is successful, the character will be in the
designated location when the attack goes off. If the roll is a failure, the character is considered to be
in the air at his starting location. A character can only dive for cover up to 1/3 his maximum
movement. Diving for cover can also be used to protect another character from attack. If the
character succeeds at his Agility saving throw then he takes full damage from the incoming attack
(no roll to hit is necessary). If the saving throw is failed, then the attacker rolls to hit as normal.

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This action means the character is actively dodging any incoming attacks. As long as he is Evading,
he receives a negative modifier to be hit equal to one-tenth of his current Power, round down. This
applies to all attacks during the duration which the character is aware of (the standard percentage
chance to Detect Danger applies).

This is basically an all-out punch that requires a successful Special Attack and costs an additional 2
PR (whether or not the attack is successful). A Haymaker punch does an extra half die of HTH
Damage and all damage is considered double for the purpose of determining knockback. i.e. If
someone does 1d12 damage, then when doing a haymaker, he does an additional 1d6 damage (for
a total of 1d12 + 1d6 HTH damage).

This action allows a character to attack while doing a full move. The character thrusts out an arm,
leg, tail or what-have-you and hits the target as he moves by. This type of attack does half HTH
damage plus bonus damage based on the character's velocity/2. One drawback is that without
proper protection (Body Armour, Invulnerability, etc), the attacking character will take 1/3 of the
damage himself.

This action allows the character to attack at the end of his move by literally ramming into the target.
This type of attack does HTH damage plus bonus damage based on the character's velocity. One
drawback is that without proper protection (Body Armour, Invulnerability, etc), the attacking
character will take 1/2 of the damage himself. Damage is considered doubled for knockback
purposes. If he hits but does no knockback, then the attacker takes full damage (it's like running
into a wall).

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