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1.One of the important of management is management establishes equilibrium.

It was enables the

organization to survive in changing environment. It keeps also in touch with the changing
environment.With the change is external environment, the initial co-ordination of organization
must be changed.So it adapts organization to changing demand of market or changing needs of
societies. It is responsible for growth and survival of organization.Next, management is essential
for prosperity of society.Efficient management leads to better economical production which
helps in turn to increase the welfare of people.Good management makes a difficult task easier by
avoiding wastage of scarce resource. It improves standard of living. It increases the profit which
is beneficial to business and society will get maximum output at minimum cost by creating
employment opportunities which generate income in hands.Organization comes with new
products and researches beneficial for society.Besides that,management efficiently utilizes
resources. Management utilizes all the physical and human resources productively.This leads to
efficacy in management. Management provides maximum utilization of scarce resources by
selecting its best possible alternate use in industry from out of various uses. It makes use of
experts, professional and these services leads to use of their skills, knowledge, and proper
utilization and avoids wastage.If employees and machines are producing its maximum there is no
under employment of any resources.Lastly,management achieves organizational goals.First of all
organization set the goals of organization set the goals of organization.These goals must be
planned for beforehand,and it is up to a good management structure to come up with proposals
and plans of how to achieve them.Proper planning ensures that the organization follows a
mapped course towards its vision and mission.
2.One of the benefits of goals is Goals can increase motivation.Goals give you hope and
something to aspire too.In itself,having a meaningful goal to think about and envision reaching
can be very motivating.As you start towards your long-term goals,you are able to accomplish
some short-term goals.With those accomplishments,your long term goal becomes more
realistic.The more short-term goals you are able to accomplish the more you believe you will
reach your ultimate goal.That feeling of accomplishment fuels your desire and continues to
motivate you to achieve even more.Next,goals can increase performance.Prioritising
your goals also encourages forward planning and a focus on thinking ahead in your work. With
this focus will also come less stress as you are better prepared and clear on what work you
need to complete and by when. By having concrete goals in place they serve as a guide in the
decision making process.Besides that,goals help to clarify expectation. Just as there are
expectations for employee behavior, workers should expect certain behaviors and opportunities
from their employers.We said that the following expectations are not only essential for
employees to have for their management, but also required by law.It was proper training,support
and leadership.Lastly,Goals facilitate the controlling function. Organizational control is
an important function because it helps identify errors and deviation from standards so that
corrective actions can be taken to achieve goals. The purpose of organizational control is to
ensure that a specific function is performed according to established standards.
3. Choose ONE (1) organization; draw their functional departmentalization and product
departmentalization. (10 marks)

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