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Mental Mathematics (Level 3)

1. 2000 + 400 + 20 + 5 =
2. Write the numbers in words. 3459: __________________________________
3. Put =, > or < to complete the number sentence.

4. 115 x 2 = ___
5. 1 Km 240 m =___________ m.
6. Rs 5.70 + Rs 3.10 = Rs______________.
7. 573 x 4 = __________________ .
8. Rs 88.95 – Rs 60.80 = __________________.
9. 143 cm = _____________m___________cm.
10.3410 ,______________ , 3430 , 3440 ,______
1. 4000 + 200 + 20 + 6 =________________

2. Write in


3. Which number is even?

a) 36 or 41 b) 78 or 53

4. Which number is greater? 3465 or 2352 _________________

5. Rs 6.30 – Rs 4.05 = Rs _______________.

6. Write the number before 800.______________

7. 8 tens and 5 ones =_______________

8. Which number is smaller? 6247 or 6531 _________________

9. Write the number. One hundred and forty two. ________

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10.994 – 7 = ___________

11.243 + 9 = ___________

12.Choose the right numeral for fifty.

a) 15 ____ b) 50 ____

13.Rs 88.95 + Rs 60.80 =__________________

14.2 km 340 m =________________m.

15.183 cm =___________m __________cm.

16.285 × 3 =______________

17.Arrange these numbers in ascending order.

1111,4276, 4283, 4209 ,________________________________________________

18.Write the missing number: 1110, 1210, ________ ,1410 ,_______.

19.Circle the odd numbers. 47 ,76 ,105 ,25 ,64 ,31.

20.Write these numbers using Roman numerals. a) 12=_______ b) 15=_______.

21.Write these numbers using Arabic numerals. a) XIII =_______ b) XVI =_______.

22.The short way of writing centimeters is cm. Tick which line is 4 cm.

A_________________________B : ______

X_________________Y : ______

23.9999 -- ___________ = 5678.

24.How many metres in 3 km. __________________.

25.614 ÷ 3 =________________.

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26.Two straight lines that will never intersect, no matter how far they are extended are
called ______________________.

27.What does the digit 8 stand for:18427 =______________________.

28.A _______________ is a part of a line that has two end points.

29.937 ÷ 4 =_____________.

30.What comes after: a) 18 _______ b) 20 ________.

31.Arrange these numbers in descending order:

3620 ,9540 ,7620 ,4133 _______________________________________________.

32.2641 is ___________ more than 2541.

33.6300 is ___________ less than 7300.

34.Write the name of shapes: __________________.

35.Write > or < in the boxes provided. a) 2200 ____ 3300. b) 6600 ____ 6500.

36.Write in kilograms and grams. a) 1290 g. ____ kg ____ g.

37.Convert in grams. a) 9 kg 100 g. = _________g. b) 7 kg 670 g = ___________ g.

38.How many centimeters in 2 m.___________ cm

39.How many millimeters in 4 cm.___________ mm.

40.Tick mark the correct option in each questions.

TheThe Institute
Institute ofof ELC

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