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Individual assignment:-Article Review

Course name:-Development Economics I—Decon 514

General instructions for article review

» Pertinent to contents in your “course outline and lecture notes provided”, select
the topic
» Review accredited and related articles, books, working papers, published and
published reports
» The review need to have at least the following major components:
i. Title page
ii. Table of content
iii. Abstract (optional)
iv. Introduction
v. Body: it may include many heading and sub-heading and detail summaries of
findings( both empirical and theoretical) related to the topic
vi. Conclusion,
vii. Recommendation( optional)
viii. References: follow appropriate referencing ( use APA) modality, both in text and
reference listing
» Page limit: 15-30.
Some Sample titles
» Evaluation of post -independence development policies by African countries.
» Relationship between economic growth, poverty and inequality: the case for
developing countries.
» Relevancy of balanced and unbalanced growth theory in context to developing
countries economy.
» Structural Adjustment program and its impacts on industrialization in sub-
Saharan African countries.
» Legacy of “Latin American Structuralist School”: Its pros and cons on developing
countries economy.

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