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Dear Ms Lan,

I’m Vu Hai Nam from class BKF2_08K12.

b, Write the sentences with contractions.
1 It is Friday. -> It’s
2 They are in school. -> They’re in school.
3 I am very well . -> I’m very well.
4 You are in my class. -> You’re in my class.
c, Write the sentances with a subject pronoun and a contraction
1 John is in room 5. -> He’s in room 5.
2 Sam and I are early. -> We’re early.
3 Julia is a teacher. -> She’s a teacher.
4 The school is in Santiago. -> It’s in Santiago.
b, Make questions and short answer.

1 / I in room 10? ⍰ Am I in room 10? ☑ Yes, I am.

2 / it Italian? ⍰ Is it Italian? ☒ No, it isn’t.

3 / they students? ⍰ Are they students? ☒ No, they aren’t.

4 / he from the US? ⍰ Is he from the US? ☑ Yes, he is.

5 / you sure? ⍰ Are you sure? ☒ No, I am not.

c, Complete the dialogue. Use contractions if possible.

A Are you Spanish, Maris?

B No. I am from Mexico.

A Are you from Mexico City?

B No, I am from Tijuana.

A Is Tijuana near Mexico City?

B No, it isn’t. It is in the north.

A Are you a student?

B No. I am a teacher.

a, Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective.

1 The student are from Italy. Their names are Susanna and Tino.

2 She’s in my class 2. Her name is Rebecca.

3 We’re in class 2. Our teacher is Richard.

4 London is famous for its parks.

5 How do you spell your last name, Anna?

6 This is my teacher. His name is Brad.

7 I’m from Boston. My address is 31 Kent Road.

8 Sit down and open your books, please.

9 Laura is in my class. Her desk is near the window.

10 We’re from Beijing. Our last name is Wong.

b, Circle the correct word.

1 She’s a new student. She / Her name’s Carla.

2 Is they / their teacher British?

3 My name’s Soraya. I’m in you / your class.

4 Where are you / your friends from?

5 We’re French. We / Our names are Marc and Jacques.

6 Is she / her Japanese?

7 Peter is a teacher. He / His is from Canada.

8 What’s he / his name?

9 I’m Karen. I / My last name is White.

10 She / Her is from Seoul.

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