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Structural and Mechanical Behavior of Polypropylene/

Maleated Styrene-(ethylene-co-butylene)-styrene/Sisal
Fiber Composites Prepared by Injection Molding
X. L. XIE1,2, K. L. FUNG1, R. K. Y. LI1, S. C. TJONG1, Y.-W. MAI3,4
Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Department of Chemistry, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

Centre for Advanced Materials Technology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong,
Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Received 12 December 2001; revised 26 February 2002; accepted 14 March 2002

Published online 00 Month 2002 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/polb.10175

ABSTRACT: Hybrid composites consisting of isotactic poly(propylene) (PP), sisal fiber (SF),
and maleic anhydride grafted styrene-(ethylene-co-butylene)-styrene copolymer (MA-
SEBS) were prepared by melt compounding, followed by injection molding. The melt-
compounding torque behavior, thermal properties, morphology, crystal structure, and
mechanical behavior of the PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites were systematically investigated.
The torque test, thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetric, and scan-
ning electron microscopic results all indicated that MA-SEBS was an effective compatibi-
lizer for the PP/SF composites, and there was a synergism between MA-SEBS and PP/SF
in the thermal stability of the PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction
analysis indicated that the ␣ form and ␤ form of the PP crystals coexisted in the PP/MA-
SEBS/SF composites. With the incorporation of MA-SEBS, the relative amount of ␤-form
PP crystals decreased significantly. Mechanical tests showed that the tensile strength and
impact toughness of the PP/SF composites were generally improved by the incorporation of
MA-SEBS. The instrumented drop-weight dart-impact test was also used to examine the
impact-fracture behavior of these composites. The results revealed that the maximum
impact force (Fmax), impact-fracture energy (ET), total impact duration (tr), crack-initiation
time (tinit), and crack-propagation time (tprop) of the composites all tended to increase with
an increasing MA-SEBS content. From these results, the incorporation of MA-SEBS into
PP/SF composites can retard both the crack initiation and propagation phases of the
impact-fracture process. These prolonged the crack initiation and propagation time and
increased the energy consumption during impact fracture, thereby leading to toughening of
PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 40:
1214 –1222, 2002
Keywords: poly(propylene) (PP); sisal fibers; composites; maleic anhydride grafted
styrene-(ethylene-co-butylene)-styrene copolymer; compatibilization

INTRODUCTION cently directed toward the potential of natural

fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Comprehen-
With increasing awareness for a sustainable fu- sive reviews on cellulosic fiber-reinforced compos-
ture, significant research activities have been re- ites have been given by Bledzki and Gassan1 and
Saheb and Jog,2 whereas a dedicated review on
Correspondence to: R. K. Y. Li (E-mail: aprkyl@cityu. sisal fiber (SF) and its composites was recently
published by Li et al.3 Among the various natural
Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 40, 1214 –1222 (2002)
© 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. fibers, SF possesses moderately high specific

Table 1. Material Composition for the Brabender Plasticorder. The extruder tempera-
PP/MA-SEBS/SF Hybrid Composites ture and screw speed were set at 175 °C and 50
rpm, respectively. The precompounded PP/MA-
Designation in PP MA-SEBS SF
SEBS blend was subsequently melt-compounded
This Work (wt %) (wt %) (wt %)
with SF and PP using the Brabender Plasticorder
PP-0 80 0 20 internal mixer attachment operated at 175 °C
PP-8 72 8 20 and 75 rpm for 10 min. The melt-mixing torques
PP-16 64 16 20 were online measured using a PC. The melt-
blended composites were injection-molded into
plaques with dimensions of 200 ⫻ 80 ⫻ 3.2 mm3
using a Chen Hsong Jetmaster 4 Mark II-C injec-
strength and stiffness and can be used to tion-molding machine. The barrel-zone tempera-
strengthen polymeric matrices to make useful tures of the injection-molding machine were set at
composite materials. 225, 230, and 230 °C. Dog-bone-shaped tensile
Although some preceding studies on SF compos- bars and notched Izod impact specimens were cut
ites have been concerned with thermosetting or rub- from the molded plaques with the long dimension
ber matrices,4 –11 recent interests are centered on of the specimens parallel to the injection flow
sisal fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites, direction.
such as polypropylene (PP)/SF composites.12–17 One The thermal-degradation characteristics of the
of the main reasons was the possibility of injection composites were carried out using a Seiko ther-
molding of these SF thermoplastic composites. mogravimetric analyzer (model SSC/5200). The
However, the poor interfacial bonding affected the weight loss against temperature was measured at
reinforcement of SF to the polymer matrices. The a heating rate of 10 °C/min⫺1 in helium atmo-
approaches used to improve the interfacial charac-
sphere from 50 to 600 °C.
teristics between SF and the matrices included
Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) mea-
chemical treatment, heat treatment, coupling
surements were conducted using a PerkinElmer
agent, and ␥ irradiation on the SF surface.4 – 8,12–14
DSC-7 instrument at a heating rate of 10 °C
In this work, we have selected maleic anhydride
min⫺1 under dry nitrogen atmosphere. Prior to
grafted styrene-(ethylene-co-butylene)-styrene co-
DSC recording, all samples were heated to 220 °C,
polymer (designated as MA-SEBS) as a compatibi-
and kept at this temperature for 3 min before
lizer to improve the interfacial bonding between PP
being quenched to ambient temperature to elim-
and SF. The microstructure and fracture behavior
of the injection-molded PP/MA-SEBS/SF hybrid inate the influence of any previous thermal histo-
composites have been systematically investigated. ries. For nonisothermal crystallization measure-
ments, the samples were heated to and kept at
220 °C for 3 min, and then cooled at a rate of 10
Fracture-surface morphologies of the hybrid
Isotactic PP, SF, and MA-SEBS were used to pre- composites were observed with a scanning elec-
pare the hybrid composites. The PP used (Pro-fax tron microscope (SEM, model JEOL JSM 820). To
6501) was supplied by Montell with a melt flow observe the MA-SEBS in the composite, the frac-
rate of 4 g/(10 min). The SFs used were obtained ture surfaces were etched in toluene at room tem-
from Guangdong Province in China. The MA- perature for 24 h, then washed by alcohol and
SEBS (Kraton F1901X) containing 1.84% of dried. All fracture surfaces were coated with a
MA18 –20 was supplied by Shell Chemical. The SF thin layer of gold prior to SEM examination.
content was fixed at 20 wt %, whereas the rubber Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) patterns
(i.e., MA-SEBS) content was varied from 0 to 16 of the composite samples were taken with a dif-
wt %. A summary of the material composition and fractometer (Philips model X’Pert). The operating
their designation used is given in Table 1. The conditions were Cu K␣ radiation with a Ni filter,
SFs were chopped to 10 mm length. Before melt voltage 40 kV, current 50 mA, divergence slit 1°,
blending, SF and MA-SEBS were dried in an oven receiving slit 0.3 mm, and scattering slit 1°. The
at 80 °C for 48 h. angular scale and recorder reading (2␪) were cal-
In the preparation of the hybrid composites, PP ibrated to an accuracy of ⫾0.01°. Scans in the
and MA-SEBS were first melt-blended using the reflection mode were performed within the 2␪
twin-screw extruder attachment connected to a range of 5– 40°.
1216 XIE ET AL.

internal mixer. With increasing mixing time, the

torque-time curves gradually decrease and even-
tually approach their respective steady-state
torque value. Because long-time mixing may
cause thermal and oxidative degradation of PP
and SF, we only analyze the torque value at 10
min to discuss the viscosity of the composite melts
(Fig. 2). From Figure 2, the melt viscosity of PP-0
is 9.3 Nm, whereas the values of PP-8 and PP-16
are 12.6 and 13.5 Nm, respectively. Apparently,
the viscosity of the PP/SF composite increases
with an increasing content of MA-SEBS. This im-
plies that MA-SEBS enhances the intermolecular
interactions between PP and SF. This may be due
to the formation of a chemical reaction between
maleic rings in MA-SEBS and the hydroxyl
groups in SF, and the formation of entanglements
Figure 1. Torque curves of PP/MA-SEBS/SF compos-
between PP and ethylene or butylene segment
ites with different MA-SEBS contents.
chains in MA-SEBS. These results indicate that
MA-SEBS can compatibilize the blend compo-
nents of PP/SF specimens effectively.
Both the tensile and impact behaviors of the
hybrid composites were studied in this project.
The tensile behavior was determined using an Thermal Properties
Instron tensile tester (model 4206) at room tem-
perature under a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Figures 3(a,b) portray the thermogravimetric
An Izod impact test was conducted using a Ceast (TG) and differential thermogravimetric (DTG)
pendulum impact tester. Notches with a tip ra- curves, respectively, for MA-SEBS, PP-0, PP-8,
dius of 0.25 mm were introduced to each Izod and PP-16. From the figures, the 5% weight-loss
specimen. Instrumented drop-weight plate-im- temperature (T5%) and maximum weight-loss
pact tests were also conducted on injection- temperature (Tmax) were determined and are
molded plaques. A Ceast Fractovis instrumented listed in Table 2. Apparently, the thermal stabil-
drop-weight impact tester with a hemispherical ity of MA-SEBS is better than that of the PP/SF
tip (tip diameter: 20 mm) was used for the tests. composites. When adding MA-SEBS to the PP/SF
The samples were fully clamped by an annular composite, T5% of the PP/MA-SEBS/SF compos-
support ring and movable clamp mechanism. The
exposed surface for impact was circular in shape
with a diameter of 38.1 mm. The impact velocity
was 5 m/s. The experimental signals were filtered
by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to
eliminate the influence of noises from the force
oscillations.21 The results presented are the aver-
age from five tests.


Rheological Behavior of Composite Melts

It is well known that the torque of the melting
polymer is associated with the melt viscosity. Fig-
ure 1 depicts the applied torque versus time
curves for PP-0, PP-8, and PP-16 at 175 °C. These
torque curves suggest an apparent maximum
during the time required to melt the PP matrix Figure 2. Relationship between the torque value at
and homogenize the composite melts inside the 10 min and the MA-SEBS content.

Figure 3. TG (a) and DTG (b) curves for MA-SEBS

and PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites.
Figure 4. Heating (a) and cooling (b) DSC curves for
PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites.
ites is higher than that of the PP/SF composite
without MA-SEBS. There are two maximum
weight-loss temperatures designated, respec- With mixing of MA-SEBS and PP/SF composite,
tively, as Tmax1 and Tmax2. They are related to Tmax1 and Tmax2 are all higher than those of MA-
Tmax’s of the PP/SF composite and MA-SEBS. SEBS and PP/SF composite. These results indi-
cate that the incorporation of MA-SEBS improves
the thermal stability of the PP/SF composite, and
Table 2. Thermogravimetric Properties of there is a synergism between MA-SEBS and
MA-SEBS and PP/MA-SEBS/SF Composites PP/SF composite. This may be due to the interac-
tion between PP and MA-SEBS, and SF and MA-
Sample T5%(°C) Tmax1(°C) Tmax2(°C) SEBS, as discussed previously.
Figure 4 illustrates the DSC heating thermo-
PP-0 308.1 363.4 451.1 grams for PP and PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites.
PP-8 320.8 367.1 458.6 The melting and heat of fusion (⌬Hm) of these
PP-16 315.0 365.2 456.5
samples are determined from these curves. The
MA-SEBS 404.7 — 442.3
results are listed in Table 3. In our previous
1218 XIE ET AL.

Table 3. Melting Properties of PP/MA-SEBS/SF SEBS content increases. Thus, the MA-SEBS ad-
Composites dition affects the crystallinity of PP. This obser-
vation is in accordance with the crystallinity be-
Sample Tm(onset, °C) ⌬H(J/g)a Xc(%) havior of compatibilized blends.
PP-0 154.8 95.2 39.6
PP-8 152.1 90.9 37.8 Crystal Structure
PP-16 152.2 83.7 34.8
In our previous study,17 we found that the pre-
Corrected for per gram of PP in the composites. dominant crystal structure of PP under previ-
ously processing conditions is the ␣ form with a
monoclinic configuration, and the incorporation of
study,17 we found that Tm of the PP phase in the SF induces the formation of ␤-form PP crystals in
PP/SF composites increases with an increasing the PP/SF composites. The WAXD patterns of
SF content. Now, Tm of the PP phase in the PP/ PP/SF composites with and without MA-SEBS
MA-SEBS/SF composites was slightly decreased are given in Figure 5. The PP/SF composite (i.e.,
with the incorporation of MA-SEBS. From Nishi PP-0) shows strong diffraction peaks at 14.14,
and Wang’s theory,22 the following equation can 16.17, 16.92, and 18.62°. The peaks at 14.14,
be used to determine the Flory–Huggins interac- 16.92, and 18.62° correspond, respectively, to the
tion parameter, ␹12, from the melting point de- (1, 1, 0), (0, 4, 0), and (1, 3, 0) diffraction planes of
pression of PP in the PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites the ␣ form of PP crystals with a monoclinic con-
figuration.24 The peak at 16.17° is the character-

冉 冊
istic (3, 0, 0) diffraction plane of the ␤ form of PP
Tm ⫽ T m
B␾12 (1) crystals with a hexagonal configuration. This in-
⌬H2 dicates that the ␣ form and ␤ form of PP crystals
coexist in the PP/SF composite. With the incorpo-
where B (⫽ ␹12RT/V1) is the polymer–polymer ration of MA-SEBS, the two forms of crystals still
interaction energy density; T m and Tm are the exist in the PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites. The rel-
melting temperatures of pure PP and PP in the ative amount of the ␤-form PP crystals (K value)
composites, respectively; ⌬H2/V2 is the heat of is determined by the ratio between the intensity
fusion of 100% crystalline PP per unit volume; V1 I␤ of the peak for the (3, 0, 0) diffraction plane and
and ␾1 are the molar volume and volume fraction the sum of the intensity I␣1, I␣2, and I␣3 of the (1,
of MA-SEBS; and ␹12 is the Flory–Huggins inter- 1, 0), (0, 4, 0), and (1, 3, 0) diffraction planes as
action parameter.
According to eq 1, the melting point depression
of PP in the PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites means
that there are some interactions between PP and
MA-SEBS. Moreover, there are also some inter-
actions between SF and MA-SEBS. Thus, the
compatibility between PP and SF is improved
accordingly because of the incorporation of MA-
The degree of crystallinity (Xc) of the PP/MA-
SEBS/SF composites can be determined from
their heat of fusion normalized to that of the PP
homopolymer according to the following equation:

Xc ⫽ ⫻ 100% (2)

where ⌬Hm and ⌬H* are the melting heats of the

composites and PP with 100% crystallinity, re-
spectively. In the calculations, ⌬H* of 100% crys-
talline PP is estimated to be 240.5 J/g according to
the literature.23 The result is also tabulated in Figure 5. WAXD patterns of PP, SF, and PP/MA-
Table 3. Xc decreases quite noticeably as the MA- SEBS/SF composites.

Table 4. WAXD Data for PP and PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites

Sample Diffraction Peak 2␪ (°) d (A) ␤0 (°) I (%) Ihkl (A) K (%)

PP-0 (110)␣ 14.25 6.21 0.53 90.9 151.14 29.4

(300)␤ 16.17 5.48 0.41 98.9 195.81
(040)␣ 16.97 5.22 0.56 100 143.50
(130)␣ 18.70 4.74 1.03 46.59 78.17
PP-8 (110)␣ 14.34 6.17 0.59 76.7 135.78 25.7
(300)␤ 16.26 5.45 0.59 57.6 136.08
(040)␣ 17.07 5.19 0.56 100 143.52
(130)␣ 18.81 4.72 1.09 41.6 73.88
PP-16 (110)␣ 14.40 6.15 0.64 62.3 125.18 20.9
(300)␤ 16.28 5.44 0.41 70.8 140.79
(040)␣ 17.11 5.18 0.49 100 164.04
(130)␣ 18.79 4.72 1.17 42.6 68.82

well as I␤ of the peak for the (3, 0, 0) peak. Math- creasing MA-SEBS content, the amount of ␤-form
ematically, the K value is given by PP crystals, K, decreases significantly.
According to the Lauritzen–Hoffman theory,26
I␤ the following relation can be established between
K⫽ (3) Tm and the lamellae thickness:
共I ␣1 ⫹ I ␣2 ⫹ I ␣3 ⫹ I ␤

The interplanar spacing value (d) for the various 2␴e

Tm ⫽ T m
peaks and apparent crystal size (Lhkl) of PP in the l⌬Hf0
direction perpendicular to the (hkl) crystal plane
can be determined, respectively, from Bragg’s law where ␴e is the fold-surface free energy, ⌬H0f is
and Scherrer’s equation25 the equilibrium heat of fusion per unit volume,
and l is the lamellae thickness and is related to
␭ the apparent crystal size (Lhkl). As discussed pre-
d⫽ (4) viously, L(110)␣, L(110)␣, L(040)␣, and L(300)␤ of ␣-
2 sin ␪
and ␤-form crystals in PP/SF composites tend to
decrease considerably as SFs are introduced. It
k␭ leads to reductions in the l value, and hence de-
L hkl ⫽ (5)
共 ␤ ⫻ cos␪兲 creases in the PP melting temperature. The result
is in accordance with DSC analysis.
␤ 0 ⫽ 冑␤ 2 ⫺ b 02 (6)
where ␤0 is the half-width of the reflection cor-
rected for the instrumental broadening according Figure 6 illustrates the SEM fractograph of a
to equation (5); ␤ is the half-width of various PP-0 specimen. SF has a long pulled-out length
diffraction peaks, b0 is the instrumental broaden- from the PP matrix. The SF surface was clean and
ing factor (0.15°), ␭ is the wavelength of radiation without PP attachment. Furthermore, the inter-
used, and k is the instrument constant (0.9). face between SF and PP has been separated. All
Table 4 summarizes the structural parameters these observations indicate that the interfacial
determined from the WAXD curves. The interpla- bonding between the SF and PP homopolymer
nar spacing d for various peaks of PP in these used is weak. When adding MA-SEBS into the
composites show little change, but the apparent PP/SF composite, the interfacial adhesion be-
crystal size of several diffraction peaks varies tween SF and PP is clearly improved (Fig. 7). For
with the MA-SEBS content. L(110)␣, L (040)␣, L the systems containing MA-SEBS, the reinforcing
(130)␣, and L(300)␤ of ␣- and ␤-form crystals in PP/ SFs were fractured along the composite fracture
MA-SEBS/SF composites tend to decrease consid- plane, with the effect that the SF pull-out lengths
erably as MA-SEBS is introduced. With an in- all approach zero. In contrast with the PP-0 com-
1220 XIE ET AL.

Figure 6. SEM fractograph of PP-0 composite. Figure 8. SEM fractograph of PP-16 composite after
being etched by toluene.

posite (see Fig. 6), the SFs are now well adhered
to the PP matrix for the PP-8 and PP-16 systems, the composites are displayed in Figures 9 and 10,
as shown in Figure 7. Also, in Figure 7 the MA- respectively. Apparently, the Young’s modulus of
SEBS rubber particles are well dispersed in the the PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites was reduced
PP matrix. After the fracture surface of the PP/ slightly with an increasing MA-SEBS content
MA-SEBS/SF composite was etched by toluene, (Fig. 9). This is due to the reduction in the matrix
the MA-SEBS particles originally dispersed in the modulus with an increasing MA-SEBS rubber
PP matrix were removed from the fracture sur- content. However, the tensile strength of the PP/
face (Fig. 8). The originally well-bonded SF/PP MA-SEBS/SF composites (i.e., PP-8 and PP-16) is
interface (see Fig. 7) was now well separated from higher than that of the PP/SF (i.e., PP-0) compos-
the PP matrix (see Fig. 8). It indicates that the ite (Fig. 10). This is because MA-SEBS improves
SFs were covered by MA-SEBS in the PP/MA- the interfacial bonding between the SF and PP
SEBS/SF composites. As this MA-SEBS interface matrix as previously discussed, thereby enhanc-
layer was extracted by toluene, a gap was formed ing the reinforcement of SF to the MA-SEBS rub-
between the SF and PP matrix in Figure 8. ber-modified PP matrix.
Figure 11 shows that the Izod specific impact
Mechanical Properties energy increases significantly with the rubber

The variations of Young’s modulus and tensile

strength with an increasing MA-SEBS content for

Figure 9. Young’s modulus versus MA-SEBS content

Figure 7. SEM fractograph of PP-16 composite. for PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites.

Figure 10. Tensile strength versus MA-SEBS con- Figure 12. Impact force-time curves for PP/MA-
tent for PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites. SEBS/SF composites.

Instrumented drop-weight plate-impact tests

content for the PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites. In were also conducted on these composite systems.
the PP-0 system, which has poor fiber/matrix in- Figure 12 demonstrates typical force-time curves
terfacial bonding (refer to Fig. 6) and hence long for PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites with and without
SF pull-out length, the major impact-fracture en- MA-SEBS. From the figure, five parameters can
ergy absorption mechanisms are PP matrix frac- be easily identified. They include maximum force
ture, fiber/matrix debonding, and fiber pull-out. Fmax, total fracture energy ET, total fracture time
For the MA-SEBS modified composites, fiber/ma- tr, crack-initiation time tinit from zero to peak
trix debonding and fiber pull-out are suppressed force position, and crack-propagation time tprop,
as a result of the compatibilization effect of the which is from peak force to final fracture. These
MA-SEBS rubber. The main energy absorption parameters for PP and PP/SF composites are
mechanisms are expected to derive from the de- summarized in Table 5. It is apparent that Fmax
formation of the MA-SEBS rubber particles and and ET increase with an increasing MA-SEBS
MA-SEBS interface between PP and SF as well as content. This is in accordance with the notched
the breakage of the SFs. Izod impact-testing results. Moreover, tr, tinit, and
tprop of the PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites increase
with an increasing MA-SEBS content. These re-
sults indicate that the MA-SEBS existed at the
interface of the composite retards the crack initi-
ation and propagation at the same time, thereby
prolonging the crack-initiation and propagation
time as a result of the good interfacial bonding
between the SF and PP matrix improved by MA-
SEBS. It is known that the ␤-form PP crystals are
beneficial to toughening the PP matrix.27 As dis-

Table 5. Impact Fracture Behavior of

PP/MA-SEBS/SF Composites

Sample Fmax (N) ET (J) tr (mS) tinit (mS) tprop (mS)

PP-0 880.6 6.37 3.04 0.61 2.43

PP-8 1068.0 8.23 3.56 0.77 2.79
Figure 11. Izod specific impact energy versus MA-
PP-16 1473.9 12.6 5.00 1.58 3.42
SEBS content for PP/MA-SEBS/SF composites.
1222 XIE ET AL.

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