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niod lochween ear chy a ay Antinotte J mon Methun qerson ail and lect matte ou ich ie Geagned te Srther the ecucatien f Ate 1 Gage (1902) be aching Is afoem of Inteepenpnal nguaence Aimed at changing He Wehenier Polenta of ancthe: perme 0. B.0- Smith Caw) Leaching is a syst of adkene Yotentcd to enduce f learning, 3 Albert astein Line cupeme oct of teaching § fo awoken and knowledge the. “yoy 0 Chal Cxprtssion sTeacning i 2 bifola’ process Bape ond ‘TWplor Posets of Teaching [easier] <————> [Biuaurt) sTeoehing ts a tryolar poss (Grad Meaning? [eaaed) siudient s os Carrieolaw | Sodely Chora dence of leaching — Teaching 1s L interactive Process & both Gemal and \nform a Sam or craft oa well os science L pet one sided Encl on independent achvity * planned activity bdiagnestic and remedial + dominated Voy communi akon skills L good teaching fe demactahe L couses Molivation L pmRasional iA chatackr — tena Adom (Norma Bearing? Ans of seating, ctuden Ee geiig cone ookoge » exinc some \aformadion aa nem eS . vorme SAN te maiaag “the sehudents oxauit te changing the alte of the Nearness Ie poaigyieg She hoor of the chedente ve Ging some expences of WKe Funcrons of = Seaching, (onacadedsnics ) Feesonpiive sdeding agpreprioks antes them tho proper SeaNENeS: al objectives = gAediig, proper Heeling, Jecnniques « meee ——gineniegies and Seebodk canes show of Ame indwitdmad diReerce Ne studen’s. Pragneskc and organa\ig, penonior of shident jemi oF student juiat f° sn. amend, srachiona aents V8 + amen hs owt porennenls & " _ sek, esseriial cooperation pen HE yecocsion abilities “a gudens for 0 upsell Waluative sh pulated objectives eakeation of the ewaluoton demos in tne jer Scales ,wwettorie and unsicured Proyecto jn cxeraising, evaluate Lunch Ons: of she obbyech eye essen aly Rincyons of dubs, oOserwotens. “vi yerviewws , eettin g jchniques are fey she realization inthe prescniphy, oF diag reste amy mor avive iver cctera Functions of teaching Nearaing tuations: 4he child to ken lecarni n eS 1 Problems BING Ounelor moter al jain and inform ond adwinot on Rots of A Wacker The Racher at an ydwidwol geren and Heit Rechom ja the Soceny- Emekding the gradients h volutes OM Falieks (goo4) — as sodithy Wecemes wore ournyter a Veaming pluraione ,the area 8 cea ponttoW™y, Soe Seamer, become sider. Manion x0 °' = Yeaching sg moe | HON yk a dae I Gohien, Morrison on \eades Next BOR = model) Mereos, erie , O Sem \ Rout ond % commutity, 2008 ore have Dipen Takats and swil\s Oy OSes E 4 Teaches with musical tatents SNeachers wh Meh good performing arm = Teaches: S44) yiswal ats talents Stine = cree in ‘ Kw in chuigning —classrmown emarament = orapw al orgANng — claitmom activities Fhe body Fore of o Teachers Bran— Wink edicaily ond creativity e- Set Alvidu Buy F Widual needs, stnghih and nefur KR eden student wien te Students tdeos and enncorns guide Shidents afd show Me sgh die died 9 and What they Ore fas~ Woods ~ eark ee 2 chidenty regardtess of sal Mouth - speas ne ruth jdiscuss noukedge do cuderts quai ae hident y explore NE suwouesings O° ver new kMowledge: and ssPMaon suloen Gellag, Aifed OF Tracties ond sea cwrsdom Fees walk disco — path deeply and elo¥ rpessure Jose Agee niede 4 emerson socio’ spistnal pee cAnomiu seourhy, and yon Teacher ce SF A0Na af Fines = guide of yanciptes — herp pre Gesioncls + honesty Aatecyei iy Frfasonal § Gugiina ha eacher = Lisensuye Examination Sor Profxional Teacher = Tecmnical and Prfsiongl compedence =Pignity and reputation excellence in tne -peeformonce of the ‘yok Fesonat Guclther of a Teacher = proaches achions , behaviors physical appearance ond cher cove wie am vecessary in dealing wiih vos a Stakeholder, of echucction. Lrehivie ond dependable & puncrsa\ VAnous tow +e glae Larss Nike ropessanol usubmit works of ne Lresgect colleague cond —supense ny, leader anc Tomer a o Com munis! cial povocot sulgictent te relf ottet estateholces active ka E stronger licks ncretized 4he ideo, bu, efcourag!nd, hos. Strager (ink locker otedive and n Ea (lagy Idea vy encouraging Shrouge and communiny Jemented ey homie. schico im p grams developed and ftachers oloase, ergvtat ot Mier ago RA. Tei0 —Secial protection 6 ‘ond Visoriniination ac’ Dhoamer — Centere halle nae ods of Hee & Murti - grade: BA Vopta ae ler Eitehs Veiecgaie, cesnes facil oyna teacher Aifeent guide temte Challenges Tinadequate tuatning ~ social and cut = dasinich en = lac af Hee = lack of community usdertanding ~ Mral nadie of most of the mul grade sethiags 4 TOA Inkgration — use of ICI fo rntrecduce , reinforce, ,fupplemest and extend skills \ Chabkenges = eck of Support for - 4th cclucotional pernne atd \xaches. 3) Teacher Rota of By Jeachir F vahics > meral Jeacher MocteA = harden chk > sincetiy a) feacher as a \ Shares & ead can ident fy thee subj eds can cat menitcl Cat attend to an Can wm Fimence swf tach 07m 4) hearin, ve 4 educowieon — Lees ! beter changing, mas : Li Hymne > 7M a - gin oe duwep ms Pes cok the fodor % 1300 te praod Descarks - fart foundation for he nm cler feed and tatien olism, bows, “French qhiocayla, matty medizion fA. the Great — leaau of — Prusia , frend of Vertalre beter Aratsing he aches Emergence a) the Common Man 90S- jar ‘Com mon) pple Showld reciee «— xt- Heost— tome edly enter GS mean 4 beter life Fragen oF 4% Common Hind sean Jacque, Rousseau fon intellecd and writer mei cducater 6d wrote tducathion Cducatoy must not artificial, Natwal slohann = Pestalozai Swiss Educator fil Rousseau's ius of oral Educa 1 Lo and kinduss theory WN Pachce “beaming by head, hand and heat Sham Piedrtch \erlaoe Whed Unter Potalore’ Prganed cautioned pryhshoy Trg oration, Preicniotien, Astectotron gencranetion ant aw\iccchon Fricdnch witlkam Augurt “Frobe\ “Gtenan phitos phere T Phesschew\ ecucation SWomen byct suited 40 teach \oung children fvortheany ro poke Set ever Fond oxovers Carmo’ schoo\ Ty ces uae ea = sA\gDING, Por rworkers pce een — estololislairens of PEN Fehiguous scheds An dustnee F tomome duabcyme sd Mochern Palosophers and ther Ointouhon ty Educaten iliam = dames Lamencan Ph} zsyehslegst and aiiiosoqnet Lascried fo the philosophy of eae =yaue of oy ihe L radicg! -empiniasn Darras Wifes mot Vert on. estes ta reporettan of pit » of Eopansh Timeline dung He Spanish 4 y Aunag tre Philippine Frnen con duitg Th *Q) Hine the Aung ah dapone efter = educohen under Fducation Ovyectres = qo -promde —_reveresice By - af adoration Rime On ertiped fur laws, awhns 0 by orn | #0" exegracnied Danpprres Regime, ewlhen Oaupatven Ganmonweatth, th Ah, Fini Fatih im THe he ce ead and ain ~ parebial sehosle linked with chunbe +) dea cy Gerth Tih, 4 nabives Sete Was in athe neh ~ F8e% Monaged tye ecuocitwn Eduicodren, was nh anifom the yskes of Schoching Saar net Gere) Wiwechtcal not Srucdund , no Grade Seve. Rayor Provyere. S$ Find toda = Nok of deachers USD teaurer— mistvonanes + insud pwn half a million ah abitods) lode Of Lincs Sashucional acy. mettAios | an sunmo| aused Payal Decree J 1840 a \ 3 Grek, Langa ges (Lahn , Spanith Gramm at SG \iterorture chem Gres ela ' French and Paglish ) = History LUnasal , Spanish 5 , AK eam ey, ) flath (Artimets, Algebra y Higenomem4, Geome 4 = Phitoc phy CRhethorc, legic, Thin) Hocel = bxoglaphy ~ Pchychology Thitigicee Fevolutien sMlustrados Frpegemda Hovemerrt sqeavhvaded tte + Cumavar refems h Seclantaton ef echuceshon a Tashnadion of Spears b Grete aittnion do natural sawce ATK daiga of @ relevar) — Camculur S Smprovement of highs cenka of Heaning G- Teywormat! of educahonal system soe Bital— cntnes uneqirvw cally the fore wetheds Of WsachTon — Noli he tangen 4 %) Fivowens mo rDaprepertronae fra on religion 2D curaye He attempt of Fiiginn suclench Speak, Spanish d lock of pedagogical Sells 4. Trdwart couse 1 He wumiadee Piral (ancidevd tteee Sup(eats Tr TR Cam cular Shenoy law ~ Musto lee : gest - Stal Scenes ~thstoy “Pb ~ Pritesopiny -Religron Eitadions Leper rer Fupinee to day & RE cekncca hatin 6 recatal key youths. Fe wots American oa A hicks Be ie DEapation Prgram benevolent atimilahen mNCAN eel died, fet 400. chert, mE Gomagrd cches\ hair and emidudh~ classed Howied teachy, replaced seldien nes teaches, Brpines wemhy recieecd them Infiscad deme racy gio) Peres Laie Ply Edhoorkd + teltginns loos Education Ack of AD\— ceparatisn of Chur and 1 State In educttton Sree © — Cue eutaa mn Grammar end hon = Ove, = Feadiney » sguiing = Psion aad Saniterhon aus ate ony ~ Phystelegy thpiene “and sandain on —Snteniee deaciog of ae araghny ished WRAL Scie ool include, ~ tretieds of deaching = Pedi teaching der Aiur aches cS Psyctobogy “Nery G govern met —tnadth “todal stiences languag, — PE. sient *% callar joo bie Titigaine Commonwealth soho shoal es mero — chawouter L pesonal ctikcipline ave consents L vocctionas efficiency remake cfitihine padickotion of the citiwns RAM Goees Bf A ctemecrotiz aseciehy Faucottonl Ack of lado Emctt the inoeang demand Se Rudlc. Tnhuchow and Ob the same smy omngly o) Hy combhutionn | Mandal on quidto educchon Jaqanese G ute § (Prnaples of Jogarese Fou NEW ORDER and promie Sadly relapons wen Japan and the Pippa to tte fodtent cyte. Reg} thre pe cu Filipino cathe kasd wor do eluate IN noms of Ble, Grito) vp over emphase, of thaknallsm. smn of THe dopanae language Yn the ‘Pap Philipps. Gromahion of Vocathona erik fo Yasptee Pope uw) the plat 4o love rei bor Camastian FE Scht cnendac — peaam — lenge vacedier = ho summer AGS sire \oerease te LO Sdehle anli- catan =Venned daging smog Satetete menawy symlehs y poems G pichures Minamags — ox & rrans of inciting, ard caldivedna, tere fir Lopatese “oulhur. — Setial ghudies Year of Reign Spatich — 200 ys frencon — SD yr Jayrrese — 4 ys Afr Wold Wor D ja47 —— Eveathee Onter No.4 LDegartment of Insmcion —p Deporimerct of Pautchon THe cupentsim and regulades of qubit ae ‘ ‘ Fi Be solie pnw cchoals Pdonged 4K Bureou oS and Rivage Screa\s. Education oper ao hyechives = Uategratcd, nationalistic ang dewoomay “Wnsgired Educairena system” Anew <> Maca mora and spintwal values ‘nupirech by an obtding fath wm God an enlightin, “pameht, useful and Upright No democtae oc thy 3° Grsenohyn of te nathonal —ceseut © a Pepeuohim of sur desrable voliis E-Dromote the scieat, ath and fees Be Ff vennaculor in dh fst the qed Change TR Pwipprre —-Fducodvin Pslonyray Stha\ and Come aniey Bliatar abn L— Jace V. Aguilar jdudional Mcterict's thot an Prilippin’ Owned Hemarardum No- 30, \Ael — yrendy 19 & bots —Dook wv User _ Cat bunt? ChotaatA €d° Merve rend of ~ freed of Echyecttton Cateure vq 2 atten and Cue ‘in oe) TAucatin ,Cature ond Spots FAuccdion Act of 1922) Bilingual Legatlishe fangy age JG8u +e th Preent reiterated =m FAB Consianen of the PAGES Piliagua\ EYCoM — Compress Pepuldte Act T1122 and RA T14L areaing Commis (e Technical Educahn and 200\— Dep ta (renamed) Fre - Coomal “Rood Prippre — Retey HD) Neots —.caity sctties Ieo0 = Bc \nhdoitonk of Pilippire orchipela 202s hewelope oh e 5 es MBA by tu. Atha 2) Sfeclin a} Ate Malaya \anqnany> + Wench of astronasian lan quoaf> wy and 40 & ct % Grow aimmunthy by S°— t, 15 om cheble, based on Herre [suc of ung L seas tare) Lanies Canimrshe ) Lemptes — four head Visayen, head — putea, - : — ‘yaceet (Movrs —gild yovelny Abugda— re- Colonial ap) yoauind yay maNiduals due 12 Wethod of Yond wating, Fipnos tives in Barargry> ~ Und Sf gorernment — 30 —\ob families ata— weas ~\ndepen chen’: falas als — 4, Arkas- smatiect p> or —PMaithve [colonial communism + itt economies + hunter —godinaree oh at Educator During te Mudra Penod OSNESM— special fom of relighevs —communthy We, Hons — men Nune— women q Aims * ¥) Spittal 2) thera! 3) Spinal (rowleage —weditahon 4) Vietue aceon. 0 aucokorn chooks Kthonasteies and — meonash¢ Camaium - Grammar — Onithmetic = Dialect Es © Swetre ~ Ashomomy, = G5eomom PMerat and eligtove trening @ Uttar tu cacti 2 Mariel — Sram 09 Pethade of Anchuchoe 4 @Hechetil Method 2-Dicdahon > Menonzabel 4 languege -Disapwe a Pee inden Joontempob™ | rey bach & t Tuco Agenac o) Pym Schoo) a Monashe and wy Falact scoed pm Univewi \ Ginavel Schoo Manashearm— 3 Fupes of Etucohen We ef Wateaton Deputed — Ghestton Digpcked Gash an Tres + 2 Simmere ip) Scholes cen L bebe on Gods cxskence through logtee! Method Of Aves on Aims ir) Initlectual = Dascipiine 2) Faith by Reason Pethods of Indruchens t) Argumartate Methad | Dispur Method 2) leche, reperho, dwpiahion, anc >) Acrotelina legte 4) Prvlen Mettod ) Chiwabay TTeudaism was a syed of tend dehure on Ale g Tare oy te othe na bieman oy lanctleol Aime 1) Morainy 4) Gallary >) Respoesrbiity ©) Retigresity >) Homemanshio Groves Agni of Ecucation FD Home a) Gut +) Caste the Fonnamet Sido, and the Teds Botres 4) Trubadoud, mimesinges , and Miasteels Coben Shdied ¥ riigton , dancing nd dyumomens 4% Noe Wing watfare. hung a 3 tae & Phytcal edu cation A reading, wating , Weratire 10 vemoculat GMO # etiquette & housenola Methods of Dactuctions and — “Prachtee f) Gbsevatrn, Imitahor 2) Aipprenticeship ‘ >) Wotvahen Peunchatio s of Fancodion Wh SPS Kenaiscance Pevies began in Sraly (800. Eagiand , Geemany , 54°, Inthe tok 00S chaxlands Latin’ word Rencycot — reat Perorscance— erivos | of Horntag, — belige of dignity Hrewed spit vethenaliorn Inorea: of rad ann country omoraton = stheathe ach — we Wrens — painted orks Humanism — re mosh signftant \welcome mprement mud wv = woy of Atougie and Ge maweotén of the fue Wwman rotor tn, Stavidos of cue — genera «se oy taco Ws Chueh noua the aroud of achel S . | f 4 £ humanis dug, Pumanist — ple [preponen”> of penaasanct —belord Mor hunt O Homa —cntok dronged woke Aim “Sweat Iecial seg, tafe | \eairwvement of ase Fagen of human selationing ® io Ms amcties \gnwrance af commen ie Grad ond hyptoway of the won\ beadus rae Yaa conen Pe be an \mpetant tadee ln tHe qrewareren & We My main goal Late more Sh Me ok tee ibn ond help th, community to cwok o usieudot man Ukese geson — doniVareed 40] Sitesi ond. Plysico eyewear , and & comabhe of Funchonieg, Nemorathy 11 ony Sint ob om Humonism and = Education Finddscl chevlogrent of tolents and thal ules S‘ekal Inelvwnert — cana Partin on =f advalhohon ~ond — Sel ident ~ hum “(akc ana indiwduc\ Janovethve teaching method's Wdeen deat = readily oh ont coi, ond E AL cffectmely, vw) OSNAS — pia qusen 49 quer hn? De Pang maten Ms great Wigins Meremerd Re the refewiodon SS buh lectins and vwttulin of th, Chevtinn Crnureln en SP of Geman miling prnco, ond repreentobie me cha Bad ‘ined ane reatchan Ionics, Ogpins th, Acbten, a th \Mpenial Arbratding, ony Awiter emonion ne, reform frvtetante— bet veps Gwstianiny— oxcumed to dhe nae Probesanism Yodia Luther —Ariatast repmen In fray, couhio, Suqgokss Charges ond four gomionests wing > Support hem. ; Igether thu Aeored I thovementcalhed Foredars Refsemakion AM = tigias moraltsm [hing a worthy fe wih quararise a gens We oser ~ — aA nth ci i) pagem wf OF E ffatant “phics Jnciry, nghy » careful As marcrial ings te ANAUNING 4 ae odequar 4 is, . uc youd, odeq net [oie Pormohior education i ye no wee Yn ty duties of IN “hore, and store Method r)Femding tae eee gerte penritae Bo wows, arg Aten af anwouy to oration Siem + chymns and protme 2°) Format ~ — he ee Silay. pkecore= seen 2) buttnas or Sueh religious mei) wire wigid, eapline wow harvh, notices becang ter chef method D tN Cottsic Counter Reds oe, = rns UGomected the, oloues 4 tk earch Lured educator 4) yin wack duesenivs” Lagrord Morin ther Am = Pema Cata\w Wucahon —— religins meralrsm - dwelop an unquerhining Yoedionce- 4 He auttanhy 4a church. Methods Designated fe hon Radars = Yeug nated to kouh thi Pool —Dexyaated fer anal galvabor ectuscnb a ie agih, enitical thinkang, , hues ace- anc deooh ie knesledge anc undentardrg Waiudual the anitiontmerd ~ educeh on y Rhoud dh. i Rabelar = posnaihy, Haming wos the datoyment of the whole man Inoldtatal truthe dd of dachtng all) Lanting + be tearing fouilitaked sunk wus for made gieavort Higugh nabwal odiuikes rele leanteg ur by majors bake ce Mikton— ctycoten way te aepar §* oduay org foua Wwsts — mumbo dy anstoctawy te Olwech fet cAucation inc wuld wh @entemen ond ach an © fe ul poe and Dex vy Aired contac “1 Pp tran boos dewto? ducohay ould Meh ow er glonaign— pedal rediyk —> qrjoxd Hiak vould male @ yout tan — Travel = Pavoly Tutonat system % Santing, SHoO\Ss GNC Ree Reali Ble woken in cae ee Oh cat Ms SNe conten ao be who duord Mod wig © Cot nay * Beenie Fur Wikers Merch TNS ae CNEEA eat oe and Hon abibtnes s cides Honegity ufc d motes Us “Nesting, purges Petey = Bia tae Method of teaming ee Nt ee method 6S Sadnag ~ TOK epetitnen ses, thin =*Plotahon. oo Aes OO TR nea ie Gein gaan ae ea) — krovn fp unknown As —cdwe sods “ytyan for + cbt, oF Whe r. Discipline a ae he gat halt of ae ie cab Low rac uF formal disapline . aoe i Legnenh of oartotmay of reas deve Gemahen «fhe, TArugh disciplin, An od Nani, \ mem icing ang owed Method — cath Inclivicheal dh consctenee cing! Mathes Feeder e@uld conbol all sdugpress paasiens, * Fe Wee in @ highly method SH MEM dren, ~ Pease, Teen E16 Merganieamen of mc chy “istanding eM, v Hf A Gennes Teformer ~~ MQ.ugUrethes of dh Prestiand Fefprmavh an — lasted on Hobe- Funded CAMPLEY cduccron fot bath ceves qr Yo dlementony eal” — compelled FPorerh $0 send Har chidren ds school ~most Impotent \afienes of regemadon Me ad Penoassance De &liry— Taught m cout schools af 3 b ambing oh tet Hows i tenia 2h uly ® 2 Scheo Thetis PERNT oe mgs pire iceta: WF WA heh cou ad ¢ PAWL on, Od thie Parner a, 4 Whe ey Preeduns of practical tducatron, OOK — Mohini, Ploscthen © Meth Wie ot te (git Conhucy ~ Preteate cr Sati a. Wm devotes i Shudy ond Creel, broader Ord Tammended oo eR ery Phased Veinieg, Shongiy, CAwmcoses Aisaplinay thes Of eau coon, eLoprend of Modern Whores in poten “ Rosceau — Taduratish o 74 —Natun as the bess educational Vase gQurde to the Psy cholOG%¢ Education 4— alm to FSU ASS L manual Henach Vestalor {intel cual , and Mo “Physio, mora os tort lay ee him we ws on Helping ~ empnas ‘ io shot °Y ce ond eusevanen hae. and memenzanoh yeroa ey ima ha x cae Un "So oar: aC Mind through Ie rade, ot for oo cts shh ances eae in tie rence, > aroue y * intewsy build 5, ~ °F Pails Ne BES SiN Bere wean shachure, ANA Wiedllechic, Frodo _ nee OF Balak c ecine Free, wile childs nehie 18 a. Bork ; tracker — Linchog +4 By Oo Fromage tay apo uth of ld as o@ hunah Prank in TN Alrechion of He oon inner \aur of wh growth, crave uve foprent ane gyorrarvas aos Q ts ~ Educarion of ‘ Wd Gow lapm ent Yn. Into —Privntophyy om a ~ Fedagagice a5 the KindergoAe — educa OV) Nnord WO aay > By ray. iain wv np : GMs SP*SNN pecking ay & Nirah Reatody in Baste Us, ~ Fas Publ Kindergarden vas gered bY uan Bloo wa @-Louls U8t») NOY OF kn cial Rincon of Asoo. The Bhool & go gorohon fir We, # oe Wife and +he Shook cannes be @ Pepa roc ut &r schoo | Socio) We except oy Th Oy ii tie Seal conditions of Hye Aypica cadens, J criaticg MIEN medi befor bien 5, chi NOR on Horumon ENE 5 Uischom tra dine One » maditvons BMenohien 4, and enter Be) ai Wastiena\ Avaining Robos\ an 4 ~ OOM eh Seek, : ooking | SPE of he esd ge aha, yn — NG euiten of Edvcatten Yn SNE Phulipoins Beppe, on al¥oided Na compleh — Indufence in las \) § Gountely seduce System wos Fotterned on HAL ' ain ond US val’ Cumeuluimn Grails x Aihor) ~4o Mru ae cats : and vowos tales (I) \ a SAS =O PedTONe tual ee, 6 — tucahog Cisee TE Boomcch Ferrad Je Wags mdeweni 9 or orn ater ONS Gon drcancnen aa en! ond mamas of Se aie Pre, to a umaer Moding ame GNA tucson cu thre og Tae eae, religion Neate NIN edu cation den oldest Gniy | Bek ce ea oe ME chtoded. PRPlo eeitcotion cduc Was chy 9 NTN

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