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Questionnaire for applicants of the B.Sc.

“Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence”

Dear applicant,
Please answer the following questions in order to provide us with a few more details concerning your

First name: Ajay

Kumar Last name: Ramnani

1. Please characterize the profile of the school where you obtained your higher education en-
trance qualification, i.e. the certificate, such as a high school diploma, that allows you to
study at a university. What is the orientation of the subjects mainly taught in this school?
a. mathematical and scientific 
b. economical 
c. linguistics or humanities 
d. the arts 
e. sociological 
f. _______________________ 

2. Specify the focus of the subjects you selected in your last year at school
a. mathematical and scientific 
b. economical 
c. linguistic or humanities 
d. the arts 
e. sociological 
f. _______________________ 

3. If you have earned a grade in subjects from the following areas within the last four semes-
ters, please specify the exact course title(s):
a. Mathematics _________________________
A level Mathematics
b. Physics _________________________
A level Phyiscs
c. Computer Science _________________________
A level Computer Science
d. Engineering, Technology _________________________
e. other Sciences _________________________

4. Please specify your grades:

Best grade Grade that must Date on which

that could be be obtained to you obtained this
obtained pass grade (MM/YY)
Overall grade of the
certificate through
which you acquired _ _
- -
your university en-
trance qualification
Best grade in Mathe-
matics (as indicated in E A E 11/2020

Best grade of 3.b – 3.e D A E 08/2020

Second best grade of D A E 08/2020

3.b – 3.e

Please provide verifiable information. Even if no proof is required now, you will have to present the rel-
evant documents as soon as you start your studies. If your information later turns out to be not verifia-
ble, you will be deregistered immediately.

5. Describe briefly your personal interests in Computer Science and/or Artificial Intelligence.
Also refer to extracurricular activities, if any.

6. The study program “Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence” is taught entirely in English.
Nevertheless, it is necessary for applicants whose university entrance qualification was not
acquired at a German-speaking educational institution to prove basic German language skills
(at least Goethe-Zertifikat A1 or an equivalent certificate). A proof must be submitted by the
end of the first semester at the latest. You can take the test at any language institute. The
THI Language Center also offers appropriate courses. Please check what applies.
a. You have already passed a German-A1 test (or higher) 
b. You are planning to take a German-A1 course at the THI Language Center
during your first semester in Ingolstadt 
c. You will be taking a German-A1 test elsewhere by the end of your first semester 

7. Optionally, the program can be studied as a dual study program. A contract for a dual study
program is not made with THI but directly with a company. It makes sense to do this around
6 to 9 months before starting your studies. Are you planning to conduct your studies as a
dual study program?
a. Yes. The dual partner company is: _________________________
b. Yes, but I am still looking for a partner company 
c. No 

I confirm the correctness and verifiability of all of my information in this questionnaire.

Date and Signature

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. I hope to see you in Ingolstadt in October.

Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Tiedemann

Faculty of Computer Science

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