The Philippines A Century Hence

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Collaboration with Ms. Shanise Geri Villanueva

Edited by: Maria Bernadette Red

One of the greatest things that Dr. Jose Rizal ever wrote was his essay, ‘The Philippines a
Century Hence’. He made a lasting impression on the Philippines, on how our country was at the
time he wrote it, and how he sees it will become in the future. Well, the future is now, and some
of his predictions actually came true.

On one of his lines from the essay, Rizal stated:

“Perhaps the country will revive the maritime and mercantile life for which the
islanders are fitted by their nature, ability and instincts, and once more free, like
the bird that leaves its cage like the flower that unfolds to the air, will recover the
pristine virtues that are gradually dying out and will again become addicted to
peace -- cheerful, happy, joyous, hospitable and daring.”

For us, what Rizal meant in his statement is that the country will once again engage in
trade and relations with other countries in a peaceful manner, and that this will pave the way for
a free and well-governed Philippines. The country and her citizens will feel even freer since they
have significant relations with different races without the aspect of fear, as that imposed by the
Spanish in the Spanish rule.

We think that his prediction came true through the recent APEC Summit in the
Philippines. Through the APEC Summit, our country was able to meet other ambassadors from
Asia Pacific and they were able to discuss issues and problems and what they can do about it to
strengthen the countries’ bond as well as their global relationships. It paved a good way for us to
realize that we are in control of our own country, and at the same time, we are also in a healthy
relationship with not only the other Asian countries, but also the world. Even though that not all
countries are at peace, it is a good start in promoting world peace. It is an honor that our country,
the Philippines, is part of this movement.
Secondly, Rizal also stated:

“A numerous enlightened class now exists within and without the Islands, a class
created and continually augmented by the stupidity of certain governing
powers, which forces the inhabitants to leave the country, to secure education
abroad, and it is maintained and struggles thanks to the provocations and the
system of espionage in vogue. This class, whose number is cumulatively
increasing, is in constant communication with the rest of the Islands, and if today
it constitutes only the brain of the country in a few years it will form the whole
nervous system and manifest its existence in all its acts.”

This is not something not oblivious for a country who had suffered more than enough for
being distinctively indifferent among others. Being a third-world country, that –may be okay.
But what we do here is consciously famished for everything that would take us to the top while
unconsciously feeding on helpless and humble people who cannot discover that they are able of
also doing such things to be equally judged same as the ‘enlightened class’. The enlightened
class, the breeding of these people gets the first class of their wants and needs. From basic food,
water, shelter, clothing and literacies. Yes it is an instinct to desire for a high quality life that
would surely secure our bloodlines’ future. Modern example are when parents leave their
children, go abroad and find a decent job; leave the country and go schooling on universities that
will surely work every folds of your brain. Teens would entertain products of foreign brands just
to get in trends and be recognized by the society for being leveled with people their age on
successful (first-world) countries. People outside the enlightened are like outsiders continuously
being thrown outside their country and continuously homebound-foreign withdrawing what
should have theirs a long time ago. People inside are much benefited each mutually by having
the control of ‘powers’. Like time, it is dynamic but is constant and maintained by the same
people who we treat as our own.

Rizal’s predictions were made in the late nineteenth century. Now as we became
millennial beings, the world steadies to progress and new developments. The Philippines, a
hundred years from now, would be very different. For us, there are two possibilities that may
happen in the future.

First is poverty, like an application in phones and computers, it will definitely update
itself; may improve, change or be stagnant but still exist. The basis? The unproductive and
immatureness of the Filipinos through change and the ignorance in the possibilities of corruption.
Beggars are everywhere. Both pity and guilt are the things you feel when you encounter them
everywhere with their hands hold up; pleading for food and money. But the fact that we should
not tolerate them for they will tolerate and accept themselves as poor for life. They should look
for jobs, even simpler ones but legal; start from zero (make an effort) to make a decent living.
For those children, they should not be allowed roaming and begging because we are actually
teaching them to be dependent and demanding on charity. Public schools should be accessible to
all, and therefore, the government should allocate a budget in improving this. Not only the
schools but also for the homeless. Every Filipino has a right to live in a home and be educated. It
is human right—it is being human.

Another is a manifestation of poverty, our second prediction is that the Philippines will
be more exposed to pollution. Devastating but a fact. Pollution is a major problem in the
Philippines (and for almost all countries in the world). With such ascending of buildings,
electronics, cars, weaponry, factories and the descending of literate people still living in poverty,
it is inevitable that pollution will exist.

Third, idealistic but there is a possibility that the Philippines will create an isolation from
other countries. In the introduction of ‘The Philippines a Century hence’ there was a statement:
“Then began a new era for the Filipinos. They gradually lost their ancient traditions, their
recollections – they forgot their writings, their songs, their poetry, their laws, in order to learn by
heart other doctrines, which they did not understand, other ethics, other tastes, different from
those inspired in their race by their climate and their way of thinking”. We have lost everything
that was ours. We lost our identity that simply defines our uniqueness from others. We are
victims of theft every day that made us feel inferior. Consciousness grows and definitely
Filipinos will realize how superior our country is. The Philippines will still be interested to
foreignness but at the same time will create a barrier. We will create a stronger and better society
by losing nonnative cultivation but still respecting them. We will have stronger forces: land, air,
water and to other universe. The Philippines will live for herself but will value others despite
what was done to her. She will be like a flower that when open, blooms brighter shades of color
but will close gently as to protect itself from the conquering darkness; and with that flower it will
grow and breed. Imagine a utopia, finite enough, dedicated to every Filipinos existing or not.

Positively, there might be a possibility that electromagnetic cars that could fly are already
invented. Gadgets with high technology and more advanced than now can also be of existence,
such as hologram calls on cellphones, virtual hugs, wireless and portable technology and many
more. Less traffic and a cleaner atmosphere (because sources we use are now organic and solar-
powered). There will be no more poor homeless, starving and begging. Filipinos can enjoy the
privilege of being and learning in school of their choice, and they will enjoy their choice of
career. They can pursue their dreams without difficulty. This kind of future is possible if our
government will cooperate with the locals. Everyone will lose the idea of corruption. The
government will address and resolve the issues of the country effectively with the aid of
everyone, then no Filipino will ever have to suffer ever again.

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