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A Research Project

Presented to

To the Faculty of Senior High School

Cordillera A+ Computer Technology College

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirement for Research Project in

General Academic Strand (GAS)


Irene Daliyong Pos-an

Winlen Sangngangao Cawis

Nickymark Cawis Pa-it

Adviser: Ms. Angela Andrea Orodio Garcia

December 2020

The researcher wishes to convey their heartfelt gratitude to the C/A+CT College administrator,

Mrs. Gladys Mae O. Garcia for giving us the opportunity to get involved in research and for their

continued support for the school in the realization and attainment of its goals and objectives as a

higher learning institution in the province.

They are likewise very grateful to their teacher Ms. Angela Andrea O. Garcia for encouraging

and sharing her knowledge and giving full support, her words of encouragement and direction to

realize this work. Though much pre-occupied with her works she always find time to coach,

counsel, guide, direct, and read personally the manuscript for corrections.

A word of thanks for all those who in one way or the other helped the researchers as they went

into the hard but challenging task of conducting this research.

An unfathomed thanks to our ever-dearest parents for their unconditional and favorable moral

and financial support.

Above all, our Lord Almighty who is the Providence for everything.

We dedicate this piece of work to our ever loving and supportive parents who gave their all for

us to finish our senior high school degree.

It is also dedicated to our brothers, sisters, friends and all individual who shared a helping hand

as we endeavored to conduct this work.

We too dedicate this to our alma mater for all the good things and knowledge we gained.

Title page




Background of the study

Statement of the problem

Conceptual framework

Paradigm of the research

Significance of the study


Research design


Research instrument


Data analysis/Data collection









Chapter I

This chapter represents the background of the study, statement of the problem, conceptual

framework, paradigm of the study, significance of the study.

Background of the study

Facebook has attracted considerable attention among researchers as asocial networking site,

it offers an online platform on which users check profiles, generate and share contents and

information and interact with each other known and unknown contacts. According to [ CITATION

Boy07 \l 1033 ] meeting or mingling with friends and interacting with people through the internet

is becoming an integral part of the modern life. Facebook or social media has been part of a

person life, where most of their activities, casual entertainment is being shared online. It can also

be a stress reliever and information sharing are easy to access and fast.

The use of Facebook gives case to traditional communication online; a person can share

their thoughts or ideas with people all around the world. Taking it in a very personal level, an

individual can join Facebook communities that are relevant to their interest accordingly. As

stated by Sameer A. (2018) Facebook can make new friends and share thoughts and opinions

with them via Facebook. [ CITATION Fah17 \l 1033 ] University of Dhaka, an individual can make

friends with a person from other countries with different cultures and ethnicity. A person can

also sell product through Facebook, share basic information pictures and videos of your business

for advertising Facebook can micro target the exact audiences, reach for more people than the

person ever will with posts. For businessmen, Facebook is their variety ways for marketing

purposes. First and most importantly, it affords them an avenue through which to keep in contact

with their customers, by posting status updates, photos, videos, and link they can let individuals

with an interest known what’s going on at any particular point in time, [ CITATION Pen16 \l
1033 ].For health care professionals they use Facebook to share information ,to debate health care

policy and practice issues ,to promote health behaviours, to engage with the public ,and to

educate and interact with patients ,caregivers ,students and institution, (Benhardt M,,

2014).Public medicine , health care professionals can also use Facebook ,to improve health

outcomes ,develop professional snetwork, increase personal awareness and discoveries ,motivate

patient and provide health information to the community ,[ CITATION Pub13 \l 1033 ].For

government offices they use Facebook to expand trust to people, opportunity to be more

transparent ,it enables national and local government to encourage public participation publicize

meetings and event ,inform resident safety to their respective countries and locality, [ CITATION

Sal131 \l 1033 ].For libraries they use Facebook to inform their users about the library program and

services, they can invite students to attend training sessions and post practical institution

[CITATION ADA \l 1033 ]

In the Philippines libraries can take advantage of such social media channels to invite

participation of student. [ CITATION Phi11 \l 1033 ].The 21st century teenagers are universally known

as “digital natives” or digital immigrants who exist and use a new brand of language common

only for people who are exposed to virtual communication .these young people are also noted to

be using the same platform in expressing themselves, [ CITATION Pre01 \l 1033 ].The social

networking site users look at these tools as important instrument to interact with friends, peers,

and others. (Mingle and Adams, 2015). (Padri, Et. Al, 2017) have identified several entry points

like iPod ,tablets ,desktops, laptops and smartphones, which according to them can provide an

easy access to the social networking site or social media applications .it could never be denied

that one of the social networking site which attracted millions of users all over the world.

According to the research of [ CITATION Ate13 \l 1033 ],they said that they were adapt at internet

searching in their free time ,activities with higher means are Facebook, YouTube ,reading books
and watching television, respondents also preferred to study and do the research on their own ,on

their computers and over the internet rather than at the library or groups. (Rodrigo M,, 2013)

.For Saint Louis Baguio students are motivated to use Facebook for seven reasons namely: To

expand their networks, pass the time and have fun, check or stalk on someone, maintain

relationship, express themselves through photos or status updates, to feel less lonely and develop

romantic relationship and reconnect with people they have lost contacted with [ CITATION AMe17 \l

1033 ].Although the use of Facebook is prevalent in the modern world, it is undeniably true that

students from the tertiary and secondary level are all its users. It was mentioned that students

who maintains an account would usually spend less than an hour each day browsing the site, than

scrolling or reading their notes at school. The same students also log into the site multiple times a

day. [ CITATION May15 \l 1033 ] stated that there are still negative comments to the usage of

Facebook especially to students, particularly tertiary to college level.(Barat et .al, 2005), there

are some students that justify the negative effect on the academic performance of students .A

study made by [ CITATION Bog06 \l 1033 ] found out that achievement implying on negative impact

of scholastic performance of the students.

Statement of the problem:

The study aims to know the effect of Facebook usage in the academic performance of

C/ACT College students. This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How much time do students spend in Facebook?

2. What are the reasons why C/ACT College students use Facebook?

3. What features of Facebook does a student use most often?

4. Is there a relationship between Facebook usage of students and their academic performance?


This research was based on the study of many previous researchers that are aiming to know

the reasons of students in using Facebook that unfortunately affect their academic performance.

On the other hand, some teachers used Facebook as a tool to teach students who are not able to

understand the topic during class hour; they take this as an advantage to help those students who

have difficult in learning. However, these are challenges that teachers should overcome. It is

because students behaviours changes over time and age. Johnson and Kardos (2005). Students

performance will become affected on these kind of learning process, many of them used this

application for some unimportant matters, instead of scrolling what the teachers gave them they

will scroll something that are not unprofessional or not educated activities.

Borrowed from psychology, Facebook implies absorption in a task or work, such as a

person is completely attracted to an artifacts and the task being performed using these tools

(Finneran and Zhang, 2003). Thus Facebook is an artifact. And the students that use this network

engage in tasks that prompt their flow in their performance at school. Novak (1998). This is

also described as a total concentration and deep involvement on the task, these activities can

result as an intrinsic enjoyment, combined with keen curiosity and pleasure that encourage

repetition in the activity, but it is also the loss of time and an inability to control usage or halt the


People by nature are curious (Hofstede, 2010) and Facebook also provides far reaching

information through one interface, namely, individual walls. The flow of information shared on

these walls increases with the size of the user’s network. Consequently, a user’s attraction to and

involvement in activities in platform likely means greater concentration and time spent following
updates and news. Shared to all areas of daily life which makes website such as Facebook a mine

of information that anyone can explore and enlarge.

Although users experience delight and enjoyment when interacting with others on this

network and appear to be in total command of these activities, they may lose control over other

task they are expected to perform. Time flies while they are absorbed in the joy or curiosity

produced by these websites and no time or efforts is left to conduct other tasks especially the

way and time that students have to review their notes and assigned works at school.

Paradigm of the research

A comparison type was being used to assess the gathered data that is used to weight the balance

of research is shown below:


Profile of the students with The purpose of the Guidelines for student’s

their gender and age. research is to analyze the usage in Facebook for

effect of Facebook usage education.

Reason for using Facebook. to the academic

performance of Cordillera

Time spent using Facebook. A+ Computer Technology

College students.

As shown above the input, the process, the output of the research is clearly stated and classified

to gather the data information that can be used for the research statement.

This study aimed to give information and awareness to the school, especially to teachers and

students about the influence and effect of Facebook usage to students’ academic performance.

This study is significant to the following people:

1. To the students: this study will enable to students of C/A+CT College to be aware of the

advantageous ways of Facebook.

2. To the teachers: this study will help them to understand the student’s ways of using Facebook

and their reasons by using the application.

3. To the parents: This study can help parents to formulate some preventive measure or ways to

help their children not to use social media much of the time.

4. To research community: This study will help the researcher community to receive research

ideas and information. And also, the result of this study can be beneficial for them as they go on

with their research.

Chapter II


This presents the research design, participants, research instrument, procedure, data analysis/data


Research Design

A causal comparative design was used to study the effect of Facebook usage to the

academic performance of C/A+ CT College students and those teachers who are striving to teach

them daily. The purpose of a causal comparative study is to establish cause and effect

relationship among variables. An independent variable is identified but not manipulated by the

researcher; effect of the independent variable to dependent variable is measured.


The target population for this study is composing of students enrolled in the second

semester level of Cordillera A+ Computer Technology College. From the total population of

more than 200 students of C/A+CT College from different courses, an estimated sample of 5

students per course was participated in the study.

Research Instrument

The study used a survey questionnaire developed by the researcher. The questionnaire

comprises of three parts. The first part of the instrument profiled the respondent according to

their demographic information (e.g. gender, age, course and year level). The second part

specified the relationship of Facebook usage and their academic performance. For the third
section of the questionnaire the respondents ranked on their current average for 2 nd semester S.Y.


Below are the questionnaires that the researchers produced.


Full name_________________ Course____________ Age_____



I spend time on Facebook for less than 30 minutes.

I spend time on Facebook for more than 30 minutes to 5 hours

I spend time on Facebook for 6 hours or more

I use Facebook for marketing my products online

I use Facebook for educational purposes, such as retrieving

modules from group chat, submitting requirements, and viewing

resources uploaded by my teacher.

I use Facebook for entertainment purposes, such as watching

drama’s, action and comedies, online games, chat with friends

I use Facebook for personal communications, such as chatting

and video calling with friends and relatives local and abroad.

I use Facebook for leisure, such as accessing links to e-books and

entertaining videos.

I use Facebook for collaborating educational products such.

Collaboration usually done via messenger applications and /or

Facebook private groups.

I use Facebook for helping political parties through campaigning

and making advocacies for the politicians.

I use Facebook to learn something new that contributes to

improving of my skills, and social skills.

The features I mostly like on Facebook is “STATUS UPDATE”

where I post personally uploaded photos, videos on my walls.

Sharing videos and photos of other pages/celebrities/strangers

online is one feature that I usually do.

Keeping in touch with my friends and acquaintance by viewing

their timeline and reacting with their posts are few of the things I

do in Facebook



I prefer watching educational videos than reading books

I prefer reading my previous outlines than searching for the

same output online

I prefer speaking verbally than writing my opinion

I prefer listening explanation than doing output made by my


I usually organized my assignments and appointment in a

separate piece of paper to avoid redundant words on my

literature topic

I usually review my studies in school, so that the expectations

of my teachers and my parents will not be wasted

I usually do my homework’s and do advance reading at the

school library. I find the ambiance peaceful and helpful for my


I do my homework at home; the ambiance is more comfortable

when studying at home

Studying outside the house and school makes me more focused

on my homework. I prefer studying at coffee shop/restaurants

since I am more productive in a noisy place

Creating a study plan to allow me to prepare for the whole

semester lesson

I usually practice cramming at night before my homework’s

due date or an hour before the class

I usually think positively and focus before heading to some

important matters like exam and interview

I usually join/create study groups in our class to help me and

my classmates with everyone’s activities

I sometimes practice active listening to my instructors when

the class is going on because I am easily distracted by other


As a student, I usually think of some positive and strategic

ways before taking an exam

I usually make an outline of those possible exam questions and

read them carefully before taking an exam

I usually take some advantage to learn more knowledge for my

study so that I can use it in the future


The questionnaires were administered to the respondents after seeking permission for the

study. The questionnaires were done during the class hours of the students. The respondents took

15 to 20 minutes to complete the Questionnaire.

Data Analysis/Data Collection

Sample Problem:

This study aims to identify the number of C/A+ CT College students who find Facebook

affect their current academic performance. According to the current records of the school, as of

in 2nd semester S.Y 2019- 2020 there are 234 students enrolled. With a 5% margin of error, thus

having a computed sample size of =148 . This implies that the ideal number of respondents for

the survey is students of C/A+CT College.

To determine the effect of Facebook usage to the academic performance of the students

in C/A+CT College the formula that was used is probability.

Probability is:

N= n√ 1+ Ne ²


n = number of students

Ne²= 5% of total population

Chapter III
Discussion and Result

Academic performance

These table 1 items implies that student from C/A+CT College are involve to academic

performance for gaining knowledge such as speaking verbally, listening and thinking strategic

and positive outlook of life.

The fundamental qualities and skills is the following description that describe a student academic


Academic performance of C/A+CT College students

1. Preferring to watch educational videos than reading books. 7
2. I prefer reading my previous outlines than searching for the same output online. 8
3. I prefer speaking verbally than writing my opinion. 4
4. I prefer listening explanations than doing output made by the teacher. 14
5. I usually organized my assignments and appointments in a separate piece of paper to 11

avoid redundant words on my literature topic.

6. I usually review my studies in school, so that the expectation of my teachers and 12

parents will not be wasted.

7. I usually do my homework and do advance reading at the school library. I find the 3

ambiance peaceful and helpful for my learning.

8. I do my homework at home; the ambiance is more comfortable when studying at home. 14
9. Studying outside the house and school makes me more focused on my homework. I 3

prefer studying at coffee shop/restaurants since I am more productive in a noisy place.

10. Creating study plan to allow me to prepare for the whole semesters lesson 4
11. I usually practice cramming the night before my homework due date or an hour before 9

the class
12. I usually think positively and focus before heading to some important matters like 17

exam and interviews.

13. I usually join or create study groups in our class to help me and my classmates with 2

everyone’s activities.
14. I sometimes practice active listening to my instructors when the class is going on 8
because I am easily distracted by other classmates.
15. As a student I usually think of some positive and strategic ways before taking an exam. 24
16. I usually make an outline of those possible exam questions and read them carefully 26

before taking the exam.

17. I usually take an advantage to learn more new knowledge for my study so that I can use 11

it in the future.

From the table 1 items implies that students from C/A+CT College are involved to academic for

interest such as speaking and listening explanation, making outlines, thinking strategic and

positively. Among the top 3 results on academic performances item number 16 reveals to be the

highest. It is the highest because it was an average of 26 out of 58 respondents. The following

respondents answers the use of Facebook in academic performance as part of their learning

educational. It implies that the students are already engaged to the academic performances, or

they considered academic as a vital tool for gaining more knowledge intellectually.

The table 1 shows the top 3 highest result in the academic performance of students. The

number 16 have the academic performance of students. The number 16 have the raw score of 26

mark followed by number 15 and 12 which indicates that the identified problem as a whole to be

moderately serious. From among the seventeen identified difficulties, “making outlines and

reading them carefully before taking the exam” obtained the highest score which tells us that this

is the academic performance encountered by the student.

Focusing on a positive mindset and strategic relaxation is the way in order to optimize brain

power for all the seasonal interrogation being encountered by many students. The respondents

all in all opinions in the following query tell us that they are more focused, serious and confident

in making an outline and reading it before taking an exam. In spite of the fact that the top 3

lowest result for the students reaction are the particular situation which deals with joining study
groups, doing homework and advance reading, studying outside, speaking verbally and creating

study plan. It inform us that the students in C/A+CT College is not aware in the importance of

the following queries mentioned above. With this in mind it is understandable that the

respondents would perceive their problem in the academic performance to be a moderately

serious difficulty in dealing with Facebook obstacles in learning.

The students in C/A+CT College use Facebook for academic purposes as a tool such as

making a possible outline for upcoming exams and thinking positive strategic way before taking

it. And they don’t use Facebook as a tool to join and create study group at school. It implies us

that the students are not active in academic and doesn’t want to involve in some issues at school.


These table 2 items imply that students from C/A+CT College are involved to Facebook for

interest such as personal communication and educated. The items talk about the number of

Facebook Usage.

1. I spend time on Facebook for less than 30 minutes. 8
2. I spend time on Facebook for more than 30 minutes to 5 hours. 8
3. I spend time on Facebook for 6 hours or more. 2
4. I use Facebook for marketing my products online. 2
5. I use Facebook for sale transaction such as communicating with the 2

buyers, and confirming payment and delivery services.

6. I use Facebook for educational purposes, such as retrieving modules 14

from group chats, submitting requirements, and viewing resources uploaded by

my teachers.
7. I use Facebook for entertainment purposes, such as watching drama’s, 19
action, and comedies, online games, chat with friends.
8. I use Facebook for personal communications such as, chatting and video 26

calling with friends and relatives local and abroad.

9. I use Facebook for leisure such as accessing links to e-book and 7

entertaining videos.
10. I use Facebook for collaborating educational projects such. 12

Collaboration is usually done via Messenger application and/or Facebook

private groups.
11. I use Facebook for helping political parties through campaigning and 0

making advocacies for the politicians.

12. I use Facebook to learn something new that contributes to improving of 10

my skills such as on sports, communication, interpersonal skills, and social

13. Keeping in touch with my friends and acquaintances by viewing their 14

timelines and reacting on their posts are few of the things I do in Facebook.
14. The feature I mostly use in Facebook is “STATUS UPDATE” where I 4

post personally uploaded photos, videos on my wall.

15. Sharing videos and photos of other pages/celebrities/strangers online is 7

one feature that I usually do.

From the table 2 the items imply that students from C/A+CT College are involved to

Facebook for interest such as personal communication, entertainment, and educational purposes.

Among the three (3) top results on Facebook usage item number 8 reveals to be the highest

because it contains a higher score among the others. This is the highest because it was an average

score of 26 out of 58 respondents. There are 26 respondents that answer the use of Facebook as

part of personal education.

It implies that C/A+CT College students are already engaged in the Facebook community or

they considered Facebook as an essential tool. It implies the essential of Facebook Usage as a

vital tool for personal communication.

The table also shows item three with a higher degree of importance. The highest item is the

number 8 problem which is “using Facebook for personal communication such as chatting and

video call”. The respondents are using Facebook to communicate with friends and relatives local

and overseas. It tells us that without Facebook we cannot conduct a personal conversation with

the people around us. The next in rank is entertainment purposes, the students use Facebook for

watching comedies, action, and any amusing movies, novels and magazine. They also use the

app for educational purposes and updates from friends. Searching and making descriptions for all

the given question by all instructors are being quest out in Facebook app.

The items with the lowest extent of importance in the Facebook usage are the items eleven,

three, four, five and fourteen. These things talk about helping political parties by uploading their

positive characteristics and proficiency, using the app for at least six hours a day, using

Facebook to promote their products or marketing purposes, selling transaction such as

communicating with the buyer, and confirming payments and delivery services. And the least is

featuring status update like personally uploaded photos and videos on each of their wall.

Students in C/A+CT College used Facebook as a tool for personal communication,

educational aim, status updates and not using Facebook as a tool to help political parties in

Tabuk City. It implies that the students in C/A+CT College are not politically active and does not

want to involved themselves in political parties because they are reluctant in dealing with the

issues about politics.


This chapter represent the conclusion, recommendation, attachment/appendices questionnaire


This section of the study presents the conclusion and recommendations:

Facebook is the mostly used application in today society, most of the users are students. As

stated by the respondents they use Facebook for academic purposes such as searching

educational videos and reading homework, activities presented on Facebook. They also use it for

updating their status and connecting with friends local and abroad.

Although the topic which brings together all the papers examined the impact of Facebook

on academic results and/or its potential to improve the academic work environment, other topics

of great interest emerge in the papers under study. Some of these topics are positive towards the

utilization of Facebook as a teaching instrument. Another positive effect would be many students

gain more new knowledge and strategic way in academic performances. the increased motivation

on the part of students which results from working with a well-known and user- friendly tool, the

engagement or dedication focused on studying that is likely to grow and the possibility to

maintain friendship which contribute to improve the study or work environment. However,

negative aspect arises too, such as the proneness to multitasking which results in distractions and

lack of focus on the subject matter, the time which Facebook can take away instead of studying

each of their assigned task. This is the most important contribution made by the present study
and, although almost half of the papers analyzed are ambiguous about this issue, among those

which do obtain a conclusion, most of them stated that Facebook impact doesn’t have any

negative result on their academic performance, in fact it helps them to achieve expected


The study reveals that the respondents are much benefited on the academic performances

at school. It also determined that there are significant differences perceptions of respondents on

the extent by which Facebook affect the academic performance. On other hand students of

Cordillera A+ Computer Technology College are not having any difficulties by using Facebook

app in dealing with their academic performances. Therefore, the respondents are using the app

only for school purposes such as gaining more knowledge, thinking positive and making

strategic way, in creating a study plan for upcoming examination, and many educational outputs

Facebook is a tool which will make the life of many students’ easier and simple in

communication and scholarly purposes.


This research gives the suggestion that students are properly informed about the

Facebook learning tools; students needing proper guidelines for their academic performance.

Future research should investigate the relationships between Facebook as a learning tools,

Facebook use for academic performance. This study will be beneficial for future scholars,

students and policy makers.


DIRECTION: below are legends, these will act as guide for all the tables provided in the


1- Always 2- often 3- sometimes 4- seldom 5- never




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