Guión - Pollo A La Brasa

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Who has not surrendered to the delicious taste of Pollo a la Brasa? This traditional
dish has become one of our iconic dishes, representative of Peruvian gastronomy.
Nowhere else but in Peru, you can enjoy such flavor, always accompanied by crispy
fries and tasty creams.


'Pollo a la Brasa' is a relatively new dish. Its creation dates back to 1950, to the district
of Chaclacayo. Roger Schuler, a Swiss immigrant living there, carefully observed his
cook's techniques, and then experimented with cooking the chicken himself.

He marinated the bird with salt only and placed it on the coals to cook. The result was a
slice of juicy, golden meat with a crispy skin that was irresistible to the beholder. When
he saw that his experiment worked, he sought to perfect his technique with the help of
Franz Ulrich, with whom years later he would open a renowned chicken restaurant that
is still going on today.

Ulrich, a specialist in mechanical metal, designed a special furnace with rotating iron
bars, where several chickens would be placed in a row. They named it 'El Rotombo' (a
variation of the spit-roast). Sometime later, other condiments were added to its
preparation, such as rosemary, salt, huacatay (Peruvian black mint), pepper, sillao, ají
panca (Peruvian red pepper), and cumin.


Ebri Peruvian jas celebreit at som point wit Pollo a la Brasa. Wi ushuali orderit bai
delivery or bai atending da nirest poultrai stor, nouwn in Peru as pollerías. Da chicken
fervor is so greit dat iven da tird Sondey of Julai is celebreit as da Dey of Pollo a la
Brasa, a deit dat brings joy to meni for varios risons: da discounts in da poultrai stors, da
oportuniti tu enjoy dis dish wit loved uons, da profaits dat da sales of chicken wil
promote, etcetera.

Ingredients to prepeir "Pollo a la Brasa":

 A midium chicken.
 Alf-past teibol espons of goul black piper
 Uan tiespon of draid rosmerai
 Alf-past teibol espons of cumin
 Alf-past teibol espons of soy sauce
 Alf-past teibol espons of sisouning
 Alf-past teibol espons of oregano pouder
 Uan teibol espons of ground garlic
 Uan tiespon of ground chili piper
 Alf-past cup of black bier
 wader, salt to teist, bader.
 wait poteitos.

Next, we will explain, step by step, how to prepare delicious rotisserie-style chicken in
your own home.

Steps to cook

 First, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and rub the mixture all over the bird. Put
it in the refrigerator and let it marinate overnight. 
 The next day, place the chicken on a tray and bake it at 350° F for 20 minutes. 
 Then, turn it over and let it cook for the same amount of time. 
 Finally, turn it over one more time and let it cook for a further 10 minutes.
 While it is cooking, you can prepare the garnish. 
 To do this you need to parboil four medium yellow potatoes, making sure they
are still slightly firm so that they can be fried later. Take them out of the water,
cut them into long sticks, and fry them in a pan with plenty of oil until they are
 Add salt, and they're ready.

For the salad:

 Put julienned lettuce, a grated carrot, two sliced tomatoes, and 3.5 ounces of
crumbled fresh cheese in a bowl. 
 Make the dressing by mixing mayonnaise and a dash of water and vinegar.
 Of course, no grilled chicken dish can be enjoyed to the full unless it is
accompanied by chili sauce. 
 For the homemade sauce, you need three peeled, unveined yellow peppers. 
 Put them in a blender and add a dash of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. Blend
the ingredients and you're ready to go!


We Peruvians are so fortunate that this popular dish is no stranger to anyone. There
are pollerías everywhere, in all the districts of Lima. They offer chicken with potatoes,
sweet potato, with salad, with soda, and at a variety of prices. Even for those who eat
less, they sell the chicken not only in quarters but even in eight pieces.

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