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Winter Project

Group Members:
Mahnoor Maqsood (BITF18M001)
Momina Jannat (BITF18M008)
Eeman Ahmed (BITF18M015)
Laraib Idrees (BITF18M022)
Submitted to:
Mam Qaisera Ramzan
Object Oriented Analyze & Design

BS (IT) (Reg) 5th

Session: 2018-22

University of Sargodha
Department of Computer Science
Information Technology has been growing rapidly, with the course of time, as human
and technology converge to twilight, the need for the betterment of their own sustaining
life also increases. Technology has given many gifts to human race to lead a better life. One
of the amazing gifts was Mobile Phone invented in 1983.
As the havoc increase in the platform of the mobile phone, there must be well organized
software which makes it possible for a management of mobile shop to maintain healthy
business. Thus, getting interested we developed a software name “Mobile Shop
Management System.”

 Project Description:
The Mobile Shop Management System is developed for desktop system to
facilitate mobile shop owners’ management of customer details and inventory data,
which will include mobile phones and accessories. More it also include billing,
expense, banking, user rights, it can be used efficiently for physically separated
shops in different locations. This software will provide in a simple and easy way to
operate user interface, which can be managed by any user without having prior in
depth knowledge of computer system. One can use this software to get a sales
report. Administrators can pull data from any location from the server. This software
is a complete package for small organizations which will allow them to keep track of
their sales and inventory, and provide a computerized billing system.

 Project Objective:
 This system computerizes and stores all data of Mobile sales, Customer
details, Employee details along with salary.
 Validation at the time of entering data, so no chance of data duplication.
 Extensive Validation on input record so that no changeable record are
prone to error.
 Response time for query should be minimized.
 To keep data base up to date by regular updating.
 Reduce the cost of maintaining system.
 To provide various report facility.
 Cost effective and less manpower required.
 Advantages of Proposed System:
 The new System would easily overcome most of the short coming of current
 Owner can see fine report.
 Ensure data accuracy.
 Not much manual work is required.
 Security of data is done.
 Save a lot of time and effort.
 Optimize process timing.
 User friendly system.

Analysis of Mobile Shop Management System

As we know, Analysis emphasizes an investigation of the problem and requirements,
rather than a solution. So, in our project we will determine all those problems that raise the
need to develop an online Mobile Shop Management System.

Although Mobile Shops are in existence since decades, they why there is a need to
handle this system through a software?

In this analysis we will first recognize those problems. After visiting mobile companies
and talking to the employees, we identified that the marketing strategies of Mobile’s
accessories had caused different problems which we are going to discuss:

 Problems:
1. Employees follow a manual system for maintaining their documents that are
Employees use registers to handle and record data which is not a secure way
to keep data.
2. Security is not strong
As in manual system there is no passcode and login log out mechanism for
data retrieval. Any unknown can harm data by approaching it and this is too much
serious concern for security.
3. Document can be lost
In manual system document having sensitive information regarding sales or
purchases can be lost and there is no backup options to get that data back.
4. Previous documents are not available
On daily, monthly and yearly basis there are lot of sales and their related
data, so it is not possible to keep all previous registers and documents as time
passes. If there is a need for any necessary previous invoice, it is almost impossible
to get.
5. Lack of employee management
In manual system managing employees is not easy. There is lack of keeping
track of employee’s tasks and to assign specific tasks keeping time in mind.
6. Sometimes product delivery cannot be possible on specific time
In manual system the major cause of late product delivery is lack of time. As
most of the time is consumed in maintaining and recording data.
7. Their manual system is more time consuming
In manual system Mobile Store Management System, employees store sales
detail in files and folders. They keep record of Product sold, Customers, Suppliers in a
register. A daily register is maintained to keep track of complaints. Preparing report
is very time consuming and tiresome task. For searching of a single record, whole
register is to be searched which is very time consuming.
8. Their full business process is lengthy
As everything in manual system need to be record by hand in registers, each
step needs to be remembered including startup business, sales, purchases, supplier
and customer record, so it is lengthy throughout duration of business from
9. Take long time to make decisions
In order to engage new trustworthy suppliers and customers, previous
records need to be determined which takes a long time as well as extra effort to
check every single register and then to look at records for determining that either
new suppliers polish our business or we have to maintain for previous suppliers to
keep business on going.
10. Report generation in not easy on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis
First to keep record manually and then to update that record to make reports
is not easy on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
11. Important data is missing probability is high:

Data loss is a serious problem for business of all sizes losing files means losing
time and money to restore or recover information that is essential to your business.
You may be able to recover lost data from a hard drive damage by removing the hard
drive from the computer and connecting it to another computer to see if any files
are not damaged. You can also use data recovery software.
12. For maintaining large business more staff is required that is costly:

Large business requires more staff that is costly for every large business. It is
costly so we have to hire the worker which will perform the job better than the
worker who has very low productivity. So, the worker which are performing better
have high productivity which gives benefit to the business.
13. Their manual business process is not user friendly:

In manual business process they stored all the detail in files and folder and
then make record to see the business is going in progress or not but manual
business process is not available to the user that they can see the progress of the
business during recording.

14. Their current account supervision function is complicated:

The important role of supervision is dealing with complicated, innovation and

continuous change. In a highly dynamic, changing and complex word, regulations are
permanently playing catch-up with the continuously adapting financial sector.
Supervision can complement regulation in dealing with this challenge.

 Requirements:
 Functional Requirements:
1) Make sale:
 Admin shall be able to select a mobile for sale.
 Admin shall be able to delete a selected item.
 Admin shall be able to update the quantity of selected products.
 The Admin can view detail description of particular product.
 After completing the selection of mobile Admin must enter purchaser
name and phone number.
 Software must record the information about purchaser.
 Software must record the sale.
 After payment software must update the stock.
2) Return:
 Purchaser can return all mobiles.
 Purchaser can return some products of mobiles.
 Mobile can be returned within 10 days.
 After return software must update sale record and stock record.
3) Purchase:
 Dealer must give its name phone number and address.
 Software must update stock after mobile is purchased.
 Software must maintain purchase record.
4) Manage Stock:
 Only Admin must be logged in to use this functionality.
 Software must display mobiles which quantity is less than 100.
 Software must generate daily and monthly report.
 Software must display notification when warranty of mobiles near to
 Software should allow only manager or staff to manage stock.
5) Login:
 User must have to login.
 User must have login password and change password.
 User can delete from database which he wants.

 Non-functional requirements:
1) Performance requirements:
 90% of the results shall be processed in less than one second.
 Data should be secured and backed up every quarter hour.
 Software should be operable 24 hours a day and accessible in real-
 Encryption will enable security.
2) Safety requirements:
The Database may get crashed or damaged due to some viruses or
operating system requirements. Therefore, it is mandatory to have backup
for data. UPS/Inverter facility should be there in case of power failure.
3) Security requirements:
 Software will use secure Database.
 Staff can just see the products and mark their attendance. They cannot
edit or modify anything except their personal information.
 Proper Admin Authentication will be provided.
 Other Requirements:
1) Domain Requirements:
 This software must have basic functions: Storing, tracking, updating (data
or things that we keep in store), and must be able to generate reports.
 Every operation that occurs in the software must concern of data
 Every operation that occurs in the software must be recorded, and the
Software should generate report from time to time.
 Regarding security issues, the Software must have an authorization
module to prevent unauthorized access.
 Authorized person must be able to access the software 24/7 except the
system is under maintenance.
 Back up unit is required for unexpected Software failure event.
2) System Requirements:
 Only Admin login to software by entering his user name and password. If
the user is someone else then he has not access. Only admin can access
the system.
 After logging into the software Admin can tell complete information about
customer desire product and start sale. For selection a product if product
is present in the stock, then Software will show product complete details
like quantity, price description. If product is available then he enters the
quantity customer demands. In return, system calculates total amount
and show on the screen. Admin can select the number of products which
user want and software generate the receipt. After the order is confirmed
Software updates the database. During the sale process if purchaser can
make alteration to selected products then Admin change it.
 After logging into the software Admin can add a new product or update
the details of existing product. To add a new product admin, give its
name, quantity, batch no, warranty near to end, company name, dealer-id
and store to database.
 Whenever a product is returned admin log into the software write order-
id if sale was made less than 10 days before, then product is returnable.
After that admin changes return index which shows product is returned
and Software automatically update the stock details and sale records.
 After logging into software admin can view records.

Design of Mobile Shop Management System

Use Case Diagram Description:
This Use Case Diagram is a graphical description of the interactions among the
element of Mobile Shop Management System. It represents the methodology used in
system analysis to identify, clarify and organize system requirements of Mobile Shop
Management System.
The main actors in this Use Case Diagram: Super Admin, System User, Shopkeeper,
Customer who perform the different type of use cases such as Manage Mobile, Manage
Customers, Manage Brands, Manage Sells, Manage Payments, Manage Stock, Manage
Models, Manage Users and Full Mobile Shop Management System Operations. Major
elements of the UML use case diagram of Mobile Shop Management System are shown.
The relationships between and among the actors and the use cases of Mobile Shop
Management System:

 Super Admin Entity:

Use cases of Super Admin as Manage Mobile, Manage Customers, Manage
Brands, Manage Sells, Manage Payment, Manage Stock, Manage Models, Manage
Users and Full Mobile Shop Management System Operations.
 System User Entity:
Use cases of System User are Manage Mobile, Manage Customers, Manage
Brands, Manage Sells, Manage Payment, Manage Stock, Manage Models.
 Shopkeeper Entity:
Use cases of Shopkeeper are Manage Mobiles, Add Customers, Create Bills,
Collect Payments.
 Customer Entity:
Use cases of Customer are View Mobiles, Explore Features, Add to Cart, Make

Diagram of Use Case

Sequence Diagram Description:

This is the UML sequence diagram of Mobile Shop Management System which shows
the interaction between the objects of Mobile, Stock, Brand, Sell, Payment. The instance of
class objects involved in this UML Sequence Diagram of Mobile Shop Management System
are as follows:

 Mobile Object
 Stock Object
 Brand Object
 Sell Object
 Payment Object

Sequence Diagram
Class Diagram Description:
A class diagram in the UML is a type of static structure diagram that describes the
structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations and the
relationships among objects.
There are several classes of mobile shop management system which perform
different operations and have different attributes and methods that shows the relationship
between them.

 Login Class:
Manage all the operations of the user. Their attributes are Username,
Password and their method is validity().
 Customer Class:
Manage all the operations of customers. Their attributes are cust-ID, cust-
Name, cust-mobile, cust-email, cust-username, cust-password and their methods
are addCustomer(), editCustomer(), deleteCustomer().
 Mobile Phone Class:
Manage all the operations of Mobile. Their attributes are mob-ID, mob-
Name, mob-Description, mob-Model and their methods are addMobile(),
editMobile(), deleteMobile().
 Bill Class:
Manage all the operations of the bills of the customers and mobiles. Their
attributes are bill-ID, bill-Date, cust-Name, mob-Name and their methods are
read(), calculateBill(), searchBill().
 Sale Reports Class:
Manage all the operations of sales of mobiles. Their attributes are bill-ID, bill-
Date, custName, mobName, paidAmt and their methods are read(), display().
 Payment Class:
Manage all the operations of payment. Their attributes are pay-ID, pay-
Amount, pay-Description, pay-cust-ID and their methods are addPayment(),
editPayment(), deletePayment().
 Permission Class:
Manage all the operations of permission. Their attributes are per-ID, per-role-
ID, per-Title, per-Module, per-Description and their methods are addPermission(),
editPermission(), deletePermission().
Class Diagram
Package Diagram Description:
Package diagram is used to simplify complex diagrams, you can group classes into
packages. A package is a collection of logically related UML elements. The diagram below is
a Mobile Shop Management System in which the classes are grouped into packages.
Packages appear as rectangles with small tabs at the top.

Package Diagram
Activity diagram Description:
This is the Activity UML diagram of our project which is Mobile Shop Management System,
shows the flows between the activity of Payment, Mobile, Brand, Models and Customer. The main
activity involved in this UML Activity Diagram of Mobile Shop Management System are given below:

 Payment Activity
 Mobile Activity
 Brand Activity
 Models Activity
 Customer Activity

Features of Activity UML Diagram of Mobile Shop Management System:

 Admin User can search Payment, view description of a selected Payment, add Payment,
update Payment and delete Payment.
 It shows the activity flow of editing, adding and updating of Mobile.
 User will be able to search and generate report of Brand, Models, Customer.
 All objects such as(Payment, Mobile, Customer) are interlinked.
 It shows the full description and flow of Payment, Models, Customer, Brand, Mobile.

Activity Diagram (a)

Login Activity Diagram of Mobile Shop Management System:
This is the Login Activity Diagram of Mobile Shop Management System, which shows the
flows of Login Activity, where admin will be able to login using their username and password. After
login, user can manage all the operations on Brand, Payment, Mobile, Customer, Models. All the
pages such as Mobile, customer, Models are secure and user can access these pages after login. The
diagram below helps demonstrate how the login page works in a Mobile Shop Management System.
The various objects in the Customer, Brand, payment, Mobile and Models page interact over the
course of the Activity, and user will not be able to access this page without verifying their identity.

Activity Diagram (b)

Collaboration Diagram Description:
Collaboration diagrams are also interaction diagrams. They convey the same
information as sequence diagrams, but they focus on object roles instead of the times that
messages are sent. As we know, each message in a collaboration diagram has a sequence
number. The top-level message is numbered 1. Collaboration of our system is divided into
two parts. In first part there is a communication between Customer and Shopkeeper. And in
the second part, there is a communication of shopkeeper and Super Admin.
So, in our system when customer enters in the system, his enquiry is done by the
shopkeeper. Shopkeeper Get Information from the customer. Then Check Details from the
system of mobile shop. Customer Place Order. Shopkeeper will Manage Mobile and then
fulfil the order of customer. At the end, Customer will pay Bill.
After this, Shopkeeper will check that how many mobiles are still available in the
shop. Admin will Update Profile and then manage all accounts. Shopkeeper creates bill by
permission of Admin and hand it over to the customer and at last, he will update records.

Collaboration Diagram
Statechart Diagram Description:
Objects have behaviours and state. The state of an object depends on its current activity or
condition. A statechart diagram shows the possible states of the object and the transitions that
cause a change in state.

In our Mobile Shop Management System. In the start, when there was no customer, system
is idle. Then login to the system and logging in consists of entering a valid social security number and
personal id number, then submitting the information for validation. When customer enters the
system and he enquires the system whether that system is reliable or not. When customer wants to
order mobile, he will check the availability of mobile if there is any mobile available in the system, he
will order the mobile otherwise processing will end.

In the case if mobile is available, then Customer will check the details and specifications of
the mobile. After this, mobile will provide to the Customer for the sake of fulfilment of the order of
customer. Customer will pay bill after receiving the mobile. And at the end receipt will be generated.

Statechart Diagram

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