We Live The Way We Want To Live Our Life, But There Are Some Times Where We Act Differently

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Finals | Activity 1 in Reading and Writing Skills

Name: Rene Bagang

Grade and Section: STELL 11-Ephesians

Instruction: Choose two (2) from the given topics below then write a two-paragraph essay about your
chosen topics. Indicate the pattern of paragraph development to be used in each topic.


A. Do you act differently online than in real life?

B. What does it mean to be a family?
C. Do you think it is necessary to have alcohol at a party to have fun?
D. Should schools require students to wear uniforms?
E. What do you think about premarital sex?
F. Same Sex Marriage
G. Drug Addiction
H. Teens Yesterday and Today
I. Global Warming
J. Bullying

Essay A.

Topic: Do you act differently online than in real life?

Pattern: Problem-solution, Comparison and Contrast

We live the way we want to live our life, but there are some times where we act differently.
Categorically acting differently online and in real life. The first one acting differently online, here we can
hide our identity. We can act totally different because in online no one can see your true self other that
you. In real life you act as someone some people think that is who you really are. Sometimes it is vice
versa, you act as your true self online but in real life you use a mask to act according to the norms. Some
people see this as a problem cause at some point you forget who you really are.

One solution to this is to act according to your free will. Act base on how you want to live. Forget
about others opinion, live your life to the fullest. Do things that brings joy to you. Always remember that
others don’t define who you really are, you define who you are.

Essay B.
Topic: Drug Addiction

Pattern: Classification, Problem-solution

What is drug addiction? Addiction is a biopsychosocial disorder characterized by repeated use of

drugs, or repetitive engagement in a behavior, despite harm to self and others. It is a disease that
negatively affects a person’s brain and behavior. A person can become obsessed with any legal or illegal
drugs. This addiction gradually starts developing when the individual continues to consume the drug
despite the impairment it causes. Nicotine, marijuana and alcohol are commonly misused drugs in
today’s world.

You can overcome drug addiction but is not an easy journey. First, you need the will to fight the
urge of taking drugs. Keep track of your drug use, including when and how much you use. This will give
you a better sense of the role the addiction is playing in your life. List the pros and cons of quitting, as
well as the costs and benefits of continuing your drug use. Consider the things that are important to you,
such as your partner, your kids, your pets, your career, or your health. How does your drug use affect
those things? Ask someone you trust about their feelings on your drug use. Ask yourself if there’s
anything preventing you from changing. What could help you make the change? Some takes
rehabilitation centers to help them overcome their drug addiction. But to do all this you need the
eagerness to change. Remember that the change starts with you.

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