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market introduction

The cryptocurrency market is considered a digital asset created to work as an

exchange, using cryptography to secure money transactions, or to check control the
creation of additional units and to verify transfers of assets with each other.
Cryptocurrencies are considered a subset of digital currencies.
Currently there are popular virtual currencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple, IOTA,
Ethereum, ...
Pi network is a virtual currency that is mined directly and for free (today) on
smartphones. It is not like other virtual currencies that have to use supercomputers
to mine. This application when running does not consume as much resources of the
machine as other free virtual money mining apps. Other mining apps like ETN will
use the CPU to decode the algorithm (ETN uses the cryptonight algorithm). As for
Pi network, when mining, your phone doesn't feel hot. You can also turn off the
app, turn off the network also can be mined. Just after every 24 hours on the app
and press the thunder sign set (power) to continue earning Pi only.
Pi Network is an attempt by a group of former Stanford University alumni to
spread cryptocurrencies to more people. Pi Network's core team is led by two
Stanford PhDs and a Stanford MBA, all of which help build the blockchain
community at Stanford. There is no guarantee that the project will be successful.
However, Pi Network will work hard to make the shared dream come true, while
maintaining the highest standards of transparency. So, I can say that, Pi network is
not a scam.
2. benefit and drawback
The benefit of Pi-mining is that you can predict the value of the Pi as soon as it's
worthless and mine it with ease. Another utility that makes many people rush to
"dig Pi" is that you do not need to hang up, you just need to click on mining after
24 hours of countdown, it is like a form of attendance every day. In this regard, it
can be seen that, the founder of Pi Network is surveying users to see who is a
serious member, who is a junk member to determine the amount of Pi that exists
after entering the Mainnet phase.
The risk when mining Pi is your personal information, you must declare and verify
your phone number and, moreover, your passport if you KYC is successful.
However, this can be a small problem because the information is not so important
as bank credit or sharing data, pictures.
When joining Pi Network, users must provide access to contacts as well as verify
identity by showing Pi Network the Facebook profile or phone number. Although
this is just basic information, it can bring enormous risks to users if the Pi Network
founders use them for inappropriate purposes.
Forms of trading virtual money are not allowed to operate in Vietnam. That makes
Pi network considered a multi-level trade
III. Compare Pi Network and Bitcoin

1. how to exploit

When you want to mine Bitcoin, you have to invest in a machine with a dedicated
mining chip, which consumes money and electricity to decode the algorithm and
receive block rewards.

Pi Network is a cryptocurrency that can only be mined or mined on a phone, but

does not use device resources like other free mining apps.

2. Inflation adjustment mechanism

The Pi is not forever minable, it will approach zero when the user limit is reached.
With a start of 3.14 Pi / h and halving after the number of users increased by 10
times. Currently the Pi's base mining speed of 0.4Pi / h applies to solo players
when enough security circles are activated. This rate will be halved when the
number of Pioneers reaches 10 million.

Comparing Pi Network with Bitcoin, Pi has a superior inflation regulator, which

Bitcoin is facing.

3. Fair distribution:
With Pi, everyone's base speed is the same, ensuring fairness. Everyone works and
gets their reward after each mining session. Those who invest the effort and time to
develop the network will receive more rewards based on the strength of their
contributions and their team members.

With Bitcoin, you can earn block rewards worth 50 Bitcoins in 2009 with just a
laptop. But for now, that's not possible.

4.Blockchain, algorithm, and consensus:

Bitcoin uses a Proof of Wood (POW) consensus algorithm that requires a

dedicated computer to mine and consumes a lot of energy.

Unlike Bitcoin, Pi uses a different type of consensus algorithm and is based on the
Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and an algorithm called the Federated Byzantine
Agreement (FBA).

4. price
The current Pi Network price is nothing. Developers are planning to build block
chain and infrastructure. The final stage will be the commencement of trading.
Only after these events will the actual price happen. Although there is no definite
prediction about the price of Pi Network on the Network, we expect the PI to be
priced at $ 0.16 by the beginning of 2020, its price remains at the same level. The
app is in beta, so the price of the coin is likely to remain unchanged over the
coming months. However, according to recent updated information, there are some
cases of using Pi Network to buy digital products such as IPhone or supercar with
the price of Pi after exchanging of 10 $. A lot will depend on the number of users
and exchanges accepting or rejecting the PI coin. In the best case, the PI price
prediction by the end of 2020 is $ 1 - The value of the Pi Network's cryptocurrency
will increase to facilitate healthy growth.
 Characteristic
Describe how to exploit Pi
Pi Network doesn't call you to invest or do anything. Your job is very simple, you
just have a phone, download the Pi Network app and create an account, press the
Start button every day and the PI mining process will take place even if your
computer is not connected to the internet. .
You also don't need to open the app to work. The Pi does not affect your phone
performance, does not drain your battery or use your network data.
What is Pi Network's security circle?
The security circle is a group of 3-5 trustworthy people built by each Pi member to
prevent fraudulent transactions.
While cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin secure their ledgers by forcing miners to burn
energy (proof of work), Pi still secures its ledgers when network members
demonstrate trust with each other. Pi contributors secure each other by building
security groups of 3-5 members they consider to be trustworthy. The security circle
should include people you trust who do not engage in fraudulent transactions. The
network security circles form a global trust graph that identifies who can trust
transactions on the Pi ledger.

4. conclusion
In conclusion, Pi Network seems to be trying to build a thriving community and
hopefully one day the Pi coin is recognized and of course it has value in itself. But
all are still predictions!

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