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Kenia: Oh good that we came to relax, the truth is this party is very good, all

this week was very tired so that in the end they didn't even give us work. Well,
I will tell you my experience. I was ready to have a good interview, I was
driving with classical music to relax, but I went through something that made
my tire go flat so I was late and I was 45 minutes late so they no longer
wanted to apply it to me. Well we already know that punctuality matters a
lot. And yes, that's my sad story, so long I prepared myself to finally not have
it, all for that I will have 3 beers.

Denisse: I want to tell you about my experience. Well, when I went to get a
job, I felt happy and nervous, because it was going to be my first job. When I
arrived, the school principal asked me for my work and my academic career.
I explained to him about my studies, my experience, my interests, and my
passion for teaching. I was sure that I would get the job, but I guess I was
wrong. The principal didn't give me the job because I didn't have a body and
a pretty face. I felt sad, because playing, singing, dancing with the children
and teaching them makes me really happy. I'm just really disappointed it
didn't work out, but I bet something else will come up.
What about you Denisse?
Alexis: That was something very interesting denisse since those feelings are
very common when it is our first time applying for a job, it was a lame
because you were very prepared also you enjoy work and teaching, it is a
pity that they did not value it but I know that very soon you will get your
dream job.
But now girls I'm going to tell you a very sad story about when I lost a very
good opportunity at a job. All this started when I applied for a job opportunity
in a restaurant near the southern part of Mexico City, I attended the
appointment on time and passed my psychometric exams very easily and
everything was going very well but when I left I noticed that the The papers
that I delivered were old documents since they did not have my new email
and house number, therefore I realized that despite my efforts they could not,
on top of that I left my smartphone on the secretary's table, and I thought it
all went so well, but sometimes when one believes these things life surprises us
with another and it's a real bummer, I only think that it seemed really
promising, But I guess I was wrong, for subsequent work meetings remember
that you always have to have a backup of that documents for the job
What do they think about this?

I think that kind of thing is what makes you learn and helps you not make the
same mistakes. And I hope you get the job you've always wanted.
In my case, is different,I recently went to an interview for a job that I really
wanted to get. But when I was already in the place where I had been
quoted I started to feel a lot of nerves and I felt very stressed, then, I was with
my interviewer and when he started asking me the questions my mind was
completely locked and I didn't know what to answer. I was very embarrassed
and decided to leave that place, it was very strange because normally I am
very relaxed but this time it was different. I hope the same thing never
happens to you as to me, guys.

I'm sorry they didn't get the job they wanted, but my story is truly devastating.
A few months ago they fired me from my job and I was desperate to get
money, one day when I was really bummer I saw a poster requesting a chef
for a well-known restaurant, I couldn't believe that life was giving me that
opportunity to be a chef important to the country. The next day I went to
take my papers to be hired, I really had my heart set on this, but the chef
didnt give me the opportunity to show him how good I am in the kitchen, as
soon as he saw me he rejected me, because they needed to a man, I mean,
they know how this kind of thing goes. I was just really disappointmented it
didn't work out. But the next day I got another job, one door closes and
another one opens and now I am a recognized chef all over the world.
They know that nothings ever for sure, maybe tomorrow get their dream job

go, enjoy the party guys

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