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BJ's DIRECTOR PETER DE ROME page; great gay film maker



Peter de Rome began filming short jerk-off

home films in the 60's, basically for his own
personal use, and was "discovered" by Jack
blog Deveau in the early 70's. Impressed with
what he saw, Deveau put together a collection
pornology of de Rome's work, having him film one
additional segment, Underground (shot in
New York City's subways), and released The
Erotic Films of Peter de Rome in 1973. In his
  Arthur Bressan, autobiography, The Erotic World of Peter de
Jr. Rome , published in 1984, and reprinted again
in 2000 de Rome recounts many of his early
  Arch Brown sexcapades, as well as his preference for
black men (as can be seen in the hot orgy
  Peter De Rome scene in Adam and Yves . Sad that he made
(or rather, released) so few films, but one can
  Tom DeSimone only imagine what the man must have stored
away in his home. I've seen several places
  Jack Deveau where he was planning, back in the early 80's,
to do a gay porno version of Grand Hotel - man that would've been awesome in his
  Roger Earl
  Francis Ellie
The Erotic Films of Peter de Rome (1973)
  Joe Gage His first commercial release included these 8 shorts:
Double Exposure (1969) in Fire Island; Hot Pants
  Joe Gage - 21st (1971) in New York; Second Coming (1970) in London,
century videos Paris, Malaga, and Marbella; Daydreams from a
Crosstown Bus (1972) in New York; Prometheus (1972)
  Fred Halsted in New York; Underground (1972), in New York;
Mumbo Jumbo (1972) in London and New York; and
  Wakefield Poole Green Thoughts (1971) in London.

  Steve Scott Adam and Yves

contact me An American in Paris
falls for a Frenchman,
who won't even tell
him his name!
References to Last
Tango In Paris, an
appearance by
producer Jack Deveau, and a glimpse of Greta Garbo!
The best part is probably the fantastic montage of movie
theatre marquees, mostly of "blacksploitation" films,
which leads to the all-black orgy in a movie theatre
bathroom which includes ex -boxer Geraldo (who later

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BJ's DIRECTOR PETER DE ROME page; great gay film maker

also appears in the bathroom orgy scene in A Night at

the Adonis). Soundtrack by David Earnest, which
includes "Honey Man", a song co-written by de Rome himself, which works
wonderfully with the bathroom orgy scene. Starring Michael Hardwick, Marcus
Giovanni, plus: Kirk Luna, Bill Young, Jack Deveau, Daniel Montfort, Denise Royal,
Jaap Penraat, and Charles Pooney; "in the bathroom" with: Eric Crawford, Bob Jones,
Luther LeVale, Tony Skinner, and Glenn Wilson.< This film also contains a poem by
W.H. Auden, and film inspiration from "Queen Christina".>

The Destroying Angel (1976)

Based in part on a work by Edgar Allen Poe
(there's a painting of Poe on the priest's wall),
a priest ("Caswell Campbell") on sabbatical
from his religious duties, plunges himself
into a world of gay sex and
drugs(mushrooms). Some parts seem a bit
choppy in the editing (at least the duped
version I've seen), but actually Robert
Alvarez's editing is superb, managing to
balance the great sex scenes with the
director's story of a man who has severe
doubts about his chosen profession, and does
hallucinagenic mushrooms. One scene, where
Caswell watches himself have sex with a
handsome trick, then joins in, is fantastic!
Jack Deveau's camerawork is amazing, as
well. It's quite a trip, well worth seeing if you
like freaky, trippy sex scenes, and have a
joint nearby! The pic below is a publicity
picture for the film, our hero is at the bottom of the pic, as the group of men jerk off on
him. Starring Tim Kent, Bill Young (aka Big Bill Eld), Thom Aaron, Philip Darden,

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BJ's DIRECTOR PETER DE ROME page; great gay film maker

Paul Eden, Evan DeBraye, Alain Monceau, Billy White, Rick Scott, Gian-Paolo Cotto,
and Glenn Middleton. Original music composed and performed by Joe Mann.
Private Collection (1983)
(Shorts that were filmed in the 70's by deRome, Deveau, and DeSimone, and put
together in this collection) Six short subjects; de Rome's is called Deliveries in the
Rear, and is about a man (Garry Hunt) who notices all these hot delivery men in
Manhattan, and rents an office for the sole purpose of having sex with these guys. Also
stars Paolo (aka David Gorsky), Ivan, Johnny Apollo, John Carlo, Charles Jackson,
John Devoe, and Kevin Gregory .
In Heat (1984/5)
Film consists of 5 segments, 2 directed by Jack Deveau, 2 by Robert Alvarez and 1, 3
P.M., by de Rome; all of which were shot in New York City, and all the action takes
place within 24 hours. 3 P.M. takes place during the New York City Marathon, Scorpio
is a runner, and footage of him running, the actual Marathon, and a sex scene with
Keith Anthoni (who is a die-hard fan imagining sex with Scorpio) are intercut.

(Note: I have the following 2 listed, but have no information on them, or whether they
were ever actually released commercially)

Encounter (1971)
Fire Island Kids (1971)

last updated 12/31/19 (kinda)

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